auto merge of #9015 : MicahChalmer/rust/emacs-fixes-round-2, r=nikomatsakis
Here are fixes for more problems mentioned in #8787. I think I've addressed everything mentioned there except for @nikomatsakis's comment about match/patterns now. (This also fixes the bug in struct alignment that @pnkfelix mentioned from my earlier pull request #8872.) The biggest change here is to make fill-paragraph (M-q) and auto-fill-mode work inside different variations of multi-line and doc comments. Because of the way emacs paragraph fills work (callbacks interacting with global regexp variables that are used in odd ways) there were quite a few edge cases that I had to work around. The only way I was able to keep it all straight was to create some regression tests. They use the emacs lisp regression testing tool ERT, and are included as the last commit here. I added a few tests for indentation as well. I have not attempted to integrate the tests into the overall rust compiler build process, since I can't imagine anyone would want the compiler build to have a dependency on emacs. Maybe at some point tools like this get their own repositories? Just a thought. One other thought related to the tests: should there be a place to put these types of style samples that isn't specific to one text editor? Maybe as part of an official rust style guide, but in a form that would allow tools like this to pull out the samples and use them for tests?
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ marking, press x, and ELPA will install the packages for you (under
* or using <kbd>M-x package-install rust-mode
### Tests via ERT
The file `rust-mode-tests.el` contains tests that can be run via ERT. You can
use `` to run them in batch mode, if emacs is somewhere
in your `$PATH`.
### Known bugs
* Combining `global-whitespace-mode` and `rust-mode` is generally glitchy.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# This runs the test for emacs rust-mode.
# It must be possible to find emacs via PATH.
emacs -batch -l rust-mode.el -l rust-mode-tests.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
;;; rust-mode-tests.el --- ERT tests for rust-mode.el
(require 'rust-mode)
(require 'ert)
(require 'cl)
(setq rust-test-fill-column 32)
(defun rust-compare-code-after-manip (original point-pos manip-func expected got)
(equal expected got))
(defun rust-test-explain-bad-manip (original point-pos manip-func expected got)
(if (equal expected got)
;; The (goto-char) and (insert) business here is just for
;; convenience--after an error, you can copy-paste that into emacs eval to
;; insert the bare strings into a buffer
"Rust code was manipulated wrong after:"
`(insert ,original)
`(goto-char ,point-pos)
'expected `(insert ,expected)
'got `(insert ,got)
(loop for i from 0 to (max (length original) (length expected))
for oi = (if (< i (length got)) (elt got i))
for ei = (if (< i (length expected)) (elt expected i))
while (equal oi ei)
finally return `(first-difference-at
(goto-char ,(+ 1 i))
expected ,(char-to-string ei)
got ,(char-to-string oi))))))
(put 'rust-compare-code-after-manip 'ert-explainer
(defun rust-test-manip-code (original point-pos manip-func expected)
(insert original)
(goto-char point-pos)
(funcall manip-func)
(should (rust-compare-code-after-manip
original point-pos manip-func expected (buffer-string)))))
(defun test-fill-paragraph (unfilled expected &optional start-pos end-pos)
"We're going to run through many scenarios here--the point should be able to be anywhere from the start-pos (defaults to 1) through end-pos (defaults to the length of what was passed in) and (fill-paragraph) should return the same result.
Also, the result should be the same regardless of whether the code is at the beginning or end of the file. (If you're not careful, that can make a difference.) So we test each position given above with the passed code at the beginning, the end, neither and both. So we do this a total of (end-pos - start-pos)*4 times. Oy."
(let* ((start-pos (or start-pos 1))
(end-pos (or end-pos (length unfilled)))
(padding "\n \n")
(padding-len (length padding)))
for pad-at-beginning from 0 to 1
do (loop for pad-at-end from 0 to 1
with padding-beginning = (if (= 0 pad-at-beginning) "" padding)
with padding-end = (if (= 0 pad-at-end) "" padding)
with padding-adjust = (* padding-len pad-at-beginning)
with padding-beginning = (if (= 0 pad-at-beginning) "" padding)
with padding-end = (if (= 0 pad-at-end) "" padding)
;; If we're adding space to the beginning, and our start position
;; is at the very beginning, we want to test within the added space.
;; Otherwise adjust the start and end for the beginning padding.
with start-pos = (if (= 1 start-pos) 1 (+ padding-adjust start-pos))
with end-pos = (+ end-pos padding-adjust)
do (loop for pos from start-pos to end-pos
do (rust-test-manip-code
(concat padding-beginning unfilled padding-end)
(lambda ()
(let ((fill-column rust-test-fill-column))
(concat padding-beginning expected padding-end)))))))
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-top-level-multi-line-style-doc-comment-second-line ()
* This is a very very very very very very very long string
* This is a very very very very
* very very very long string
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-top-level-multi-line-style-doc-comment-first-line ()
"/** This is a very very very very very very very long string
"/** This is a very very very
* very very very very long
* string
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-multi-paragraph-multi-line-style-doc-comment ()
* This is the first really really really really really really really long paragraph
* This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph
* This is the first really
* really really really really
* really really long paragraph
* This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph
1 89)
* This is the first really really really really really really really long paragraph
* This is the second really
* really really really really
* really long paragraph
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-multi-paragraph-single-line-style-doc-comment ()
"/// This is the first really really really really really really really long paragraph
/// This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph"))
"/// This is the first really
/// really really really really
/// really really long paragraph
/// This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph"
1 86)
"/// This is the first really really really really really really really long paragraph
/// This is the second really
/// really really really really
/// really long paragraph"
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-multi-paragraph-single-line-style-indented ()
" // This is the first really really really really really really really long paragraph
// This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph"
" // This is the first really
// really really really
// really really really
// long paragraph
// This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph" 1 89))
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-multi-line-style-inner-doc-comment ()
"/*! This is a very very very very very very very long string
"/*! This is a very very very
* very very very very long
* string
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-single-line-style-inner-doc-comment ()
"//! This is a very very very very very very very long string"
"//! This is a very very very
//! very very very very long
//! string"))
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-prefixless-multi-line-doc-comment ()
This is my summary. Blah blah blah blah blah. Dilly dally dilly dally dilly dally doo.
This is some more text. Fee fie fo fum. Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.
This is my summary. Blah blah
blah blah blah. Dilly dally
dilly dally dilly dally doo.
This is some more text. Fee fie fo fum. Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.
*/" 4 90))
(ert-deftest fill-paragraph-with-no-space-after-star-prefix ()
*This is a very very very very very very very long string
*This is a very very very very
*very very very long string
(defun test-auto-fill (initial position inserted expected)
(lambda ()
(let ((fill-column rust-test-fill-column))
(goto-char position)
(insert inserted)
(syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1)
(funcall auto-fill-function)))
(auto-fill-mode t)))
(ert-deftest auto-fill-multi-line-doc-comment ()
"This is a very very very very very very very long string"
* This is a very very very very
* very very very long string
(ert-deftest auto-fill-single-line-doc-comment ()
"/// This is the first really
/// really really really really
/// really really long paragraph
/// "
"This is the second really really really really really really long paragraph"
"/// This is the first really
/// really really really really
/// really really long paragraph
/// This is the second really
/// really really really really
/// really long paragraph"
(ert-deftest auto-fill-multi-line-prefixless ()
"This is a very very very very very very very long string"
This is a very very very very
very very very long string
(defun test-indent (indented)
(let ((deindented (replace-regexp-in-string "^[[:blank:]]*" " " indented)))
(lambda () (indent-region 1 (buffer-size)))
(ert-deftest indent-struct-fields-aligned ()
struct Foo { bar: int,
baz: int }
struct Blah {x:int,
(ert-deftest indent-doc-comments ()
* This is a doc comment
/// So is this
fn foo() {
* this is a nested doc comment
//! And so is this
(ert-deftest indent-inside-braces ()
// struct fields out one level:
struct foo {
// comments too
fn bar(x:~int) { // comment here should not affect the next indent
(ert-deftest indent-top-level ()
// Everything here is at the top level and should not be indented
mod foo;
pub static bar = Quux{a: b()}
use foo::bar::baz;
fn foo() { }
(ert-deftest indent-params-no-align ()
// Indent out one level because no params appear on the first line
fn xyzzy(
b:char) { }
fn abcdef(
-> char
{ }"))
(ert-deftest indent-params-align ()
// Align the second line of params to the first
fn foo(a:int,
b:char) { }
fn bar( a:int,
-> int
{ }
fn baz( a:int, // shoudl work with a comment here
-> int
{ }
(ert-deftest indent-square-bracket-alignment ()
fn args_on_the_next_line( // with a comment
b:~str) {
let aaaaaa = [
let bbbbbbb = [1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6];
let ccc = [ 10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5];
(ert-deftest indent-nested-fns ()
fn nexted_fns(a: fn(b:int,
-> int,
d: int)
-> uint
(ert-deftest indent-multi-line-expr ()
fn foo()
let a =
@ -30,8 +30,11 @@
(defgroup rust-mode nil "Support for Rust code.")
(defcustom rust-indent-offset 4
"*Indent Rust code by this number of spaces.")
"*Indent Rust code by this number of spaces."
:group 'rust-mode)
(defun rust-paren-level () (nth 0 (syntax-ppss)))
(defun rust-in-str-or-cmnt () (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
@ -45,6 +48,15 @@
(if (/= starting (point))
(defun rust-align-to-expr-after-brace ()
;; We don't want to indent out to the open bracket if the
;; open bracket ends the line
(when (not (looking-at "[[:blank:]]*\\(?://.*\\)?$"))
(when (looking-at "[[:space:]]") (forward-to-word 1))
(defun rust-mode-indent-line ()
(let ((indent
@ -52,13 +64,17 @@
(let ((level (rust-paren-level)))
;; A function return type is 1 level indented
((looking-at "->") (* rust-indent-offset (+ level 1)))
;; A function return type is indented to the corresponding function arguments
((looking-at "->")
(or (rust-align-to-expr-after-brace)
(* rust-indent-offset (+ 1 level)))))
;; A closing brace is 1 level unindended
((looking-at "}") (* rust-indent-offset (- level 1)))
; Doc comments in /** style with leading * indent to line up the *s
;; Doc comments in /** style with leading * indent to line up the *s
((and (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)) (looking-at "*"))
(+ 1 (* rust-indent-offset level)))
@ -75,37 +91,25 @@
(let ((pt (point)))
(looking-at "[[(]")
; We don't want to indent out to the open bracket if the
; open bracket ends the line
(not (looking-at "[[:space:]]*\\(?://.*\\)?$"))))
(+ 1 (current-column)))
;; Check for fields on the same line as the open curly brace:
((looking-at "{[[:blank:]]*[^}\n]*,[[:space:]]*$")
(forward-to-word 1)
(t (progn
(goto-char pt)
(if (looking-at "\\<else\\>")
(* rust-indent-offset (+ 1 level))
(goto-char pt)
(if (looking-back "[,;{}(][[:space:]]*\\(?://.*\\)?")
(* rust-indent-offset level)
(if (looking-at "#")
(or (and (looking-at "[[({]")
(goto-char pt)
(if (looking-at "\\<else\\>")
(* rust-indent-offset (+ 1 level))
(goto-char pt)
(if (looking-back
(* rust-indent-offset level)
(* rust-indent-offset (+ 1 level)))))))))))
(if (looking-at "#")
(* rust-indent-offset level)
(* rust-indent-offset (+ 1 level))))))))))
;; Otherwise we're in a column-zero definition
(t 0))))))
@ -206,6 +210,114 @@
collect `(,(rust-re-item-def item) 1 ,face))))
(defun rust-fill-prefix-for-comment-start (line-start)
"Determine what to use for `fill-prefix' based on what is at the beginning of a line."
(let ((result
;; Replace /* with same number of spaces
(lambda (s)
;; We want the * to line up with the first * of the comment start
(concat (make-string (- (length s) 2) ?\x20) "*"))
;; Make sure we've got at least one space at the end
(if (not (= (aref result (- (length result) 1)) ?\x20))
(setq result (concat result " ")))
(defun rust-in-comment-paragraph (body)
;; We might move the point to fill the next comment, but we don't want it
;; seeming to jump around on the user
;; If we're outside of a comment, with only whitespace and then a comment
;; in front, jump to the comment and prepare to fill it.
(when (not (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)))
(when (looking-at (concat "[[:space:]\n]*" comment-start-skip))
(goto-char (match-end 0))))
;; We need this when we're moving the point around and then checking syntax
;; while doing paragraph fills, because the cache it uses isn't always
;; invalidated during this.
(syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1)
;; If we're at the beginning of a comment paragraph with nothing but
;; whitespace til the next line, jump to the next line so that we use the
;; existing prefix to figure out what the new prefix should be, rather than
;; inferring it from the comment start.
(let ((next-bol (line-beginning-position 2)))
(while (save-excursion
(syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1)
(and (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
(looking-at paragraph-start))
(looking-at "[[:space:]]*$")
(nth 4 (syntax-ppss next-bol))))
(goto-char next-bol)))
(syntax-ppss-flush-cache 1)
;; If we're on the last line of a multiline-style comment that started
;; above, back up one line so we don't mistake the * of the */ that ends
;; the comment for a prefix.
(when (save-excursion
(and (nth 4 (syntax-ppss (line-beginning-position 1)))
(looking-at "[[:space:]]*\\*/")))
(goto-char (line-end-position 0)))
(funcall body)))
(defun rust-with-comment-fill-prefix (body)
((line-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
(when (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
;; If we're inside the comment and see a * prefix, use it
((string-match "^\\([[:space:]]*\\*+[[:space:]]*\\)"
(match-string 1 line-string))
;; If we're at the start of a comment, figure out what prefix
;; to use for the subsequent lines after it
((string-match (concat "[[:space:]]*" comment-start-skip) line-string)
(match-string 0 line-string))))))
(or line-comment-start
(funcall body)))
(defun rust-find-fill-prefix ()
(rust-with-comment-fill-prefix (lambda () fill-prefix)))
(defun rust-fill-paragraph (&rest args)
"Special wrapping for `fill-paragraph' to handle multi-line comments with a * prefix on each line."
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(if (not (eq fill-paragraph-function 'rust-fill-paragraph))
(apply 'fill-paragraph args)
(defun rust-do-auto-fill (&rest args)
"Special wrapping for `do-auto-fill' to handle multi-line comments with a * prefix on each line."
(lambda ()
(apply 'do-auto-fill args)
(defun rust-fill-forward-paragraph (arg)
;; This is to work around some funny behavior when a paragraph separator is
;; at the very top of the file and there is a fill prefix.
(let ((fill-prefix nil)) (forward-paragraph arg)))
(defun rust-comment-indent-new-line (&optional arg)
(lambda () (comment-indent-new-line arg))))
;; For compatibility with Emacs < 24, derive conditionally
(defalias 'rust-parent-mode
@ -215,6 +327,7 @@
(define-derived-mode rust-mode rust-parent-mode "Rust"
"Major mode for Rust code."
:group 'rust-mode
;; Basic syntax
(set-syntax-table rust-mode-syntax-table)
@ -230,7 +343,21 @@
;; Misc
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "// ")
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) nil))
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) nil)
;; Allow paragraph fills for comments
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
(concat "[[:space:]]*\\(?:" comment-start-skip "\\|\\*/?[[:space:]]*\\|\\)$"))
(set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) paragraph-start)
(set (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) 'rust-do-auto-fill)
(set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'rust-fill-paragraph)
(set (make-local-variable 'fill-forward-paragraph-function) 'rust-fill-forward-paragraph)
(set (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-function) 'rust-find-fill-prefix)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) t)
(set (make-local-variable 'comment-line-break-function) 'rust-comment-indent-new-line)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user