Fix json no-implicit-copy warnings
This commit is contained in:
@ -400,25 +400,25 @@ fn parse_source(name: str, j: json::json) -> source {
json::dict(j) {
let mut url = alt j.find("url") {
some(json::string(u)) {
_ { fail "needed 'url' field in source"; }
let method = alt j.find("method") {
some(json::string(u)) {
_ { assume_source_method(url) }
let key = alt j.find("key") {
some(json::string(u)) {
_ { none }
let keyfp = alt j.find("keyfp") {
some(json::string(u)) {
_ { none }
@ -455,13 +455,13 @@ fn try_parse_sources(filename: str, sources: map::hashmap<str, source>) {
fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let name = alt p.find("name") {
some(json::string(n)) {
if !valid_pkg_name(n) {
warn("malformed source json: " + + ", '" + n + "'"+
if !valid_pkg_name(*n) {
warn("malformed source json: " + + ", '" + *n + "'"+
" is an invalid name (alphanumeric, underscores and" +
" dashes only)");
_ {
warn("malformed source json: " + + " (missing name)");
@ -471,12 +471,12 @@ fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let uuid = alt p.find("uuid") {
some(json::string(n)) {
if !is_uuid(n) {
warn("malformed source json: " + + ", '" + n + "'"+
if !is_uuid(*n) {
warn("malformed source json: " + + ", '" + *n + "'"+
" is an invalid uuid");
_ {
warn("malformed source json: " + + " (missing uuid)");
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let url = alt p.find("url") {
some(json::string(n)) { n }
some(json::string(n)) { *n }
_ {
warn("malformed source json: " + + " (missing url)");
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let method = alt p.find("method") {
some(json::string(n)) { n }
some(json::string(n)) { *n }
_ {
warn("malformed source json: " + + " (missing method)");
@ -501,16 +501,16 @@ fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let ref = alt p.find("ref") {
some(json::string(n)) { some(n) }
some(json::string(n)) { some(*n) }
_ { none }
let mut tags = [];
alt p.find("tags") {
some(json::list(js)) {
for js.each {|j|
for (*js).each {|j|
alt j {
json::string(j) { vec::grow(tags, 1u, j); }
json::string(j) { vec::grow(tags, 1u, *j); }
_ { }
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ fn load_one_source_package(src: source, p: map::hashmap<str, json::json>) {
let description = alt p.find("description") {
some(json::string(n)) { n }
some(json::string(n)) { *n }
_ {
warn("malformed source json: " +
+ " (missing description)");
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ fn load_source_packages(c: cargo, src: source) {
let pkgstr = io::read_whole_file_str(pkgfile);
alt json::from_str(result::get(pkgstr)) {
ok(json::list(js)) {
for js.each {|j|
for (*js).each {|j|
alt j {
json::dict(p) {
load_one_source_package(src, p);
@ -1576,18 +1576,18 @@ fn dump_sources(c: cargo) {
let chash = map::str_hash();
let child = json::dict(chash);
chash.insert("url", json::string(v.url));
chash.insert("method", json::string(v.method));
chash.insert("url", json::string(@v.url));
chash.insert("method", json::string(@v.method));
alt copy v.key {
some(key) {
chash.insert("key", json::string(key));
chash.insert("key", json::string(@key));
_ {}
alt copy v.keyfp {
some(keyfp) {
chash.insert("keyfp", json::string(keyfp));
chash.insert("keyfp", json::string(@keyfp));
_ {}
@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ export null;
#[doc = "Represents a json value"]
enum json {
dict(map::hashmap<str, json>),
type error = {
line: uint,
col: uint,
msg: str,
msg: @str,
#[doc = "Serializes a json value into a io::writer"]
@ -46,22 +46,7 @@ fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
alt j {
num(n) { wr.write_str(float::to_str(n, 6u)); }
string(s) {
let mut escaped = "";
str::chars_iter(s) { |c|
alt c {
'"' { escaped += "\\\""; }
'\\' { escaped += "\\\\"; }
'\x08' { escaped += "\\b"; }
'\x0c' { escaped += "\\f"; }
'\n' { escaped += "\\n"; }
'\r' { escaped += "\\r"; }
'\t' { escaped += "\\t"; }
_ { escaped += str::from_char(c); }
boolean(b) {
wr.write_str(if b { "true" } else { "false" });
@ -69,7 +54,7 @@ fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
list(v) {
let mut first = true;
vec::iter(v) { |item|
for (*v).each { |item|
if !first {
wr.write_str(", ");
@ -91,7 +76,7 @@ fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
wr.write_str(", ");
first = false;
to_writer(wr, string(key));
wr.write_str(": ");
to_writer(wr, value);
@ -103,6 +88,26 @@ fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
fn escape_str(s: str) -> str {
let mut escaped = "\"";
str::chars_iter(s) { |c|
alt c {
'"' { escaped += "\\\""; }
'\\' { escaped += "\\\\"; }
'\x08' { escaped += "\\b"; }
'\x0c' { escaped += "\\f"; }
'\n' { escaped += "\\n"; }
'\r' { escaped += "\\r"; }
'\t' { escaped += "\\t"; }
_ { escaped += str::from_char(c); }
escaped += "\"";
#[doc = "Serializes a json value into a string"]
fn to_str(j: json) -> str {
io::with_str_writer { |wr| to_writer(wr, j) }
@ -134,8 +139,8 @@ impl parser for parser {
fn error<T>(msg: str) -> result<T, error> {
err({ line: self.line, col: self.col, msg: msg })
fn error<T>(+msg: str) -> result<T, error> {
err({ line: self.line, col: self.col, msg: @msg })
fn parse() -> result<json, error> {
@ -318,7 +323,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
fn parse_str() -> result<str, error> {
fn parse_str() -> result<@str, error> {
let mut escape = false;
let mut res = "";
@ -365,7 +370,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
} else {
if == '"' {
ret ok(res);
ret ok(@res);
@ -382,7 +387,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
if == ']' {
ret ok(list(values));
ret ok(list(@values));
loop {
@ -398,7 +403,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
alt {
',' { self.bump(); }
']' { self.bump(); ret ok(list(values)); }
']' { self.bump(); ret ok(list(@values)); }
_ { ret self.error("expecting ',' or ']'"); }
@ -436,7 +441,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
alt self.parse_value() {
ok(value) { values.insert(key, value); }
ok(value) { values.insert(copy *key, value); }
e { ret e; }
@ -478,7 +483,7 @@ fn eq(value0: json, value1: json) -> bool {
(num(f0), num(f1)) { f0 == f1 }
(string(s0), string(s1)) { s0 == s1 }
(boolean(b0), boolean(b1)) { b0 == b1 }
(list(l0), list(l1)) { vec::all2(l0, l1, eq) }
(list(l0), list(l1)) { vec::all2(*l0, *l1, eq) }
(dict(d0), dict(d1)) {
if d0.size() == d1.size() {
let mut equal = true;
@ -558,13 +563,17 @@ impl of to_json for bool {
impl of to_json for str {
fn to_json() -> json { string(@copy self) }
impl of to_json for @str {
fn to_json() -> json { string(self) }
impl <A: to_json copy, B: to_json copy> of to_json for (A, B) {
fn to_json() -> json {
let (a, b) = self;
list([a.to_json(), b.to_json()])
list(@[a.to_json(), b.to_json()])
@ -572,19 +581,19 @@ impl <A: to_json copy, B: to_json copy, C: to_json copy>
of to_json for (A, B, C) {
fn to_json() -> json {
let (a, b, c) = self;
list([a.to_json(), b.to_json(), c.to_json()])
list(@[a.to_json(), b.to_json(), c.to_json()])
impl <A: to_json> of to_json for [A] {
fn to_json() -> json { list( { |elt| elt.to_json() }) }
fn to_json() -> json { list( { |elt| elt.to_json() }) }
impl <A: to_json copy> of to_json for hashmap<str, A> {
fn to_json() -> json {
let d = map::str_hash();
for self.each() { |key, value|
d.insert(key, value.to_json());
d.insert(copy key, value.to_json());
@ -605,7 +614,7 @@ impl of to_str::to_str for json {
impl of to_str::to_str for error {
fn to_str() -> str {
#fmt("%u:%u: %s", self.line, self.col, self.msg)
#fmt("%u:%u: %s", self.line, self.col, *self.msg)
@ -615,7 +624,7 @@ mod tests {
let d = map::str_hash();
vec::iter(items) { |item|
let (key, value) = item;
let (key, value) = copy item;
d.insert(key, value);
@ -637,8 +646,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_write_str() {
assert to_str(string("")) == "\"\"";
assert to_str(string("foo")) == "\"foo\"";
assert to_str(string(@"")) == "\"\"";
assert to_str(string(@"foo")) == "\"foo\"";
@ -649,12 +658,12 @@ mod tests {
fn test_write_list() {
assert to_str(list([])) == "[]";
assert to_str(list([boolean(true)])) == "[true]";
assert to_str(list([
assert to_str(list(@[])) == "[]";
assert to_str(list(@[boolean(true)])) == "[true]";
assert to_str(list(@[
list([string("foo\nbar"), num(3.5f)])
list(@[string(@"foo\nbar"), num(3.5f)])
])) == "[false, null, [\"foo\\nbar\", 3.5]]";
@ -664,9 +673,9 @@ mod tests {
assert to_str(mk_dict([("a", boolean(true))])) == "{ \"a\": true }";
assert to_str(mk_dict([
("a", boolean(true)),
("b", list([
mk_dict([("c", string("\x0c\r"))]),
mk_dict([("d", string(""))])
("b", list(@[
mk_dict([("c", string(@"\x0c\r"))]),
mk_dict([("d", string(@""))])
])) ==
"{ " +
@ -681,35 +690,35 @@ mod tests {
fn test_trailing_characters() {
assert from_str("nulla") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
assert from_str("truea") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
assert from_str("falsea") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
assert from_str("1a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
assert from_str("[]a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
assert from_str("{}a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
fn test_read_identifiers() {
assert from_str("n") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("nul") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("t") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("truz") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("f") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("faz") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("null") == ok(null);
assert from_str("true") == ok(boolean(true));
@ -722,20 +731,20 @@ mod tests {
fn test_read_num() {
assert from_str("+") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str(".") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("-") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"});
assert from_str("00") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"});
assert from_str("1.") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"});
assert from_str("1e") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"});
assert from_str("1e+") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid number"});
assert from_str("3") == ok(num(3f));
assert from_str("3.1") == ok(num(3.1f));
@ -750,82 +759,86 @@ mod tests {
fn test_read_str() {
assert from_str("\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "EOF while parsing string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"});
assert from_str("\"lol") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: "EOF while parsing string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"});
assert from_str("\"\"") == ok(string(""));
assert from_str("\"foo\"") == ok(string("foo"));
assert from_str("\"\\\"\"") == ok(string("\""));
assert from_str("\"\\b\"") == ok(string("\x08"));
assert from_str("\"\\n\"") == ok(string("\n"));
assert from_str("\"\\r\"") == ok(string("\r"));
assert from_str("\"\\t\"") == ok(string("\t"));
assert from_str(" \"foo\" ") == ok(string("foo"));
assert from_str("\"\"") == ok(string(@""));
assert from_str("\"foo\"") == ok(string(@"foo"));
assert from_str("\"\\\"\"") == ok(string(@"\""));
assert from_str("\"\\b\"") == ok(string(@"\x08"));
assert from_str("\"\\n\"") == ok(string(@"\n"));
assert from_str("\"\\r\"") == ok(string(@"\r"));
assert from_str("\"\\t\"") == ok(string(@"\t"));
assert from_str(" \"foo\" ") == ok(string(@"foo"));
fn test_read_list() {
assert from_str("[") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
assert from_str("[1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "EOF while parsing list"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing list"});
assert from_str("[1,") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
assert from_str("[1,]") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
assert from_str("[6 7]") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: "expecting ',' or ']'"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"expecting ',' or ']'"});
assert from_str("[]") == ok(list([]));
assert from_str("[ ]") == ok(list([]));
assert from_str("[true]") == ok(list([boolean(true)]));
assert from_str("[ false ]") == ok(list([boolean(false)]));
assert from_str("[null]") == ok(list([null]));
assert from_str("[3, 1]") == ok(list([num(3f), num(1f)]));
assert from_str("\n[3, 2]\n") == ok(list([num(3f), num(2f)]));
assert from_str("[]") == ok(list(@[]));
assert from_str("[ ]") == ok(list(@[]));
assert from_str("[true]") == ok(list(@[boolean(true)]));
assert from_str("[ false ]") == ok(list(@[boolean(false)]));
assert from_str("[null]") == ok(list(@[null]));
assert from_str("[3, 1]") == ok(list(@[num(3f), num(1f)]));
assert from_str("\n[3, 2]\n") == ok(list(@[num(3f), num(2f)]));
assert from_str("[2, [4, 1]]") ==
ok(list([num(2f), list([num(4f), num(1f)])]));
ok(list(@[num(2f), list(@[num(4f), num(1f)])]));
fn test_read_dict() {
assert from_str("{") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{ ") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: "key must be a string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"key must be a string"});
assert from_str("{ \"a\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{\"a\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{\"a\" ") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{\"a\" 1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: "expecting ':'"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"expecting ':'"});
assert from_str("{\"a\":") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: "EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 7u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 7u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1 1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: "expecting ',' or '}'"});
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"expecting ',' or '}'"});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1,") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{}")), mk_dict([]));
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{\"a\": 3}")),
mk_dict([("a", num(3.0f))]));
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }")),
mk_dict([("a", null), ("b", boolean(true))]));
("a", null),
("b", boolean(true))]));
assert eq(result::get(from_str("\n{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }\n")),
mk_dict([("a", null), ("b", boolean(true))]));
("a", null),
("b", boolean(true))]));
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}")),
("a", num(1.0)),
("b", list([boolean(true)]))
("b", list(@[boolean(true)]))
assert eq(result::get(from_str(
"{" +
@ -838,9 +851,9 @@ mod tests {
("a", num(1.0f)),
("b", list([
("b", list(@[
("c", mk_dict([("d", null)]))
@ -851,6 +864,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_multiline_errors() {
assert from_str("{\n \"foo\":\n \"bar\"") ==
err({line: 3u, col: 8u, msg: "EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 3u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
Reference in New Issue
Block a user