implement deserialization, rename mk_mem_buffer() to mem_buffer()
This commit is contained in:
@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ fn under(n: uint, it: fn(uint)) {
while i < n { it(i); i += 1u; }
fn devnull() -> io::writer { io::mem_buffer_writer(io::mk_mem_buffer()) }
fn devnull() -> io::writer { io::mem_buffer_writer(io::mem_buffer()) }
fn as_str(f: fn@(io::writer)) -> str {
let buf = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = io::mem_buffer();
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export uint, u8, u16, u32, u64;
export float, f32, f64;
export box, char, str, ptr, vec, bool;
export either, option, result, iter;
export libc, os, ctypes, io, run, rand, sys, unsafe, logging, serialization;
export libc, os, io, run, rand, sys, unsafe, logging, serialization;
export comm, task, future;
export extfmt;
export tuple;
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ impl of writer for mem_buffer {
fn flush() -> int { 0 }
fn mk_mem_buffer() -> mem_buffer {
fn mem_buffer() -> mem_buffer {
@{mutable buf: [mutable], mutable pos: 0u}
fn mem_buffer_writer(b: mem_buffer) -> writer { b as writer }
@ -554,14 +554,14 @@ fn mem_buffer_str(b: mem_buffer) -> str {
fn with_str_writer(f: fn(writer)) -> str {
let buf = mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = mem_buffer();
let wr = mem_buffer_writer(buf);
fn with_buf_writer(f: fn(writer)) -> [u8] {
let buf = mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = mem_buffer();
let wr = mem_buffer_writer(buf);
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ fn emit_from_vec<S: serializer, T>(s: S, v: [T], f: fn(T)) {
fn read_to_vec<D: deserializer, T>(d: D, f: fn() -> T) -> [T] {
d.read_vec {|len|
vec::init_fn(len) {|i|
vec::from_fn(len) {|i|
d.read_vec_elt(i) {|| f() }
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ export grow_fn;
export grow_set;
export map;
export map2;
export flat_map;
export filter_map;
export filter;
export concat;
@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ Deprecated in favor of core::serialization."];
use core;
import list::list;
import ebml::writer;
import core::serialization::{serializer,deserializer};
export serializer;
export deserializer;
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ fn print_failures(st: console_test_state) {
fn should_sort_failures_before_printing_them() {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let writer = io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer);
let test_a = {
@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ fn mk_ctxt() -> fake_ext_ctxt {
fn roundtrip(in_item: @ast::item) {
#debug["in_item = %s", pprust::item_to_str(in_item)];
let mbuf = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let mbuf = io::mem_buffer();
let ebml_w = ebml::writer(io::mem_buffer_writer(mbuf));
encode_item_ast(ebml_w, in_item);
let ebml_doc = ebml::new_doc(@io::mem_buffer_buf(mbuf));
@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ fn encode_metadata(cx: crate_ctxt, crate: @crate) -> [u8] {
type_abbrevs: abbrevs,
reachable: reachable};
let buf = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = io::mem_buffer();
let buf_w = io::mem_buffer_writer(buf);
let ebml_w = ebml::writer(buf_w);
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ fn encode_metadata(cx: crate_ctxt, crate: @crate) -> [u8] {
// Get the encoded string for a type
fn encoded_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, t: ty::t) -> str {
let cx = @{ds: def_to_str, tcx: tcx, abbrevs: tyencode::ac_no_abbrevs};
let buf = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = io::mem_buffer();
tyencode::enc_ty(io::mem_buffer_writer(buf), cx, t);
ret io::mem_buffer_str(buf);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fn enc_ty(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, t: ty::t) {
let result_str = alt cx.tcx.short_names_cache.find(t) {
some(s) { *s }
none {
let buf = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = io::mem_buffer();
enc_sty(io::mem_buffer_writer(buf), cx, ty::get(t).struct);
cx.tcx.short_names_cache.insert(t, @io::mem_buffer_str(buf));
@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ import front::attr;
export expand;
enum ser_cx = @{
ext_cx: ext_ctxt,
tps: map::hashmap<str, fn@(@ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt]>
type ser_tps_map = map::hashmap<str, fn@(@ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt]>;
type deser_tps_map = map::hashmap<str, fn@() -> @ast::expr>;
fn expand(cx: ext_ctxt,
span: span,
@ -136,20 +134,10 @@ impl helpers for ext_ctxt {
fn ty_path(span: span, strs: [str]) -> @ast::ty {
@{node: ast::ty_path(self.path(span, strs), self.next_id()),
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_path(self.path(span, strs), self.next_id()),
span: span}
impl helpers for ser_cx {
fn session() -> session { self.ext_cx.session() }
fn next_id() -> ast::node_id { self.ext_cx.next_id() }
fn path(span: span, strs: [str]) -> @ast::path {
self.ext_cx.path(span, strs)
fn ty_path(span: span, strs: [str]) -> @ast::ty {
self.ext_cx.ty_path(span, strs)
fn ty_fn(span: span,
-input_tys: [@ast::ty],
@ -161,7 +149,8 @@ impl helpers for ser_cx {
id: self.next_id()}
@{node: ast::ty_fn(ast::proto_any, {inputs: args,
@{id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_fn(ast::proto_any, {inputs: args,
output: output,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
@ -170,7 +159,7 @@ impl helpers for ser_cx {
fn ty_nil(span: span) -> @ast::ty {
@{node: ast::ty_nil, span: span}
@{id: self.next_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: span}
fn expr(span: span, node: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr {
@ -190,6 +179,15 @@ impl helpers for ser_cx {
span: span}
fn expr_blk(expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk {
{node: {view_items: [],
stmts: [],
expr: some(expr),
id: self.next_id(),
rules: ast::default_blk},
span: expr.span}
fn binder_pat(span: span, nm: str) -> @ast::pat {
let path = @{node: {global: false,
idents: [nm],
@ -231,30 +229,28 @@ impl helpers for ser_cx {
fn lambda(blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = self;
let blk_e = self.expr(blk.span, ast::expr_block(blk));
#ast(expr){{|| $(blk_e) }}
#ast{ {|| $(blk_e) } }
fn clone_folder() -> fold::ast_fold {
new_id: {|_id| self.next_id()}
with *fold::default_ast_fold()
fn clone(v: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
let fld = fold::make_fold({
new_id: {|_id| self.next_id()}
with *fold::default_ast_fold()
let fld = self.clone_folder();
fn clone_ty(v: @ast::ty) -> @ast::ty {
let fld = fold::make_fold({
new_id: {|_id| self.next_id()}
with *fold::default_ast_fold()
let fld = self.clone_folder();
fn clone_ty_param(v: ast::ty_param) -> ast::ty_param {
let fld = fold::make_fold({
new_id: {|_id| self.next_id()}
with *fold::default_ast_fold()
let fld = self.clone_folder();
fold::fold_ty_param(v, fld)
@ -276,10 +272,10 @@ impl helpers for ser_cx {
fn serialize_path(cx: ser_cx, path: @ast::path,
fn ser_path(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: ser_tps_map, path: @ast::path,
-s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
-> [@ast::stmt] {
let ext_cx = cx.ext_cx;
let ext_cx = cx; // required for #ast{}
// We want to take a path like a::b::c<...> and generate a call
// like a::b::c::serialize(s, ...), as described above.
@ -291,11 +287,10 @@ fn serialize_path(cx: ser_cx, path: @ast::path,
cx.path(path.span, path.node.idents + ["serialize"])));
let ty_args = vec::map(path.node.types) {|ty|
let sv_stmts = serialize_ty(cx, ty, cx.clone(s), #ast(expr){__v});
let sv_stmts = ser_ty(cx, tps, ty, cx.clone(s), #ast{ __v });
let sv = cx.expr(path.span,
||||, #ast(expr){{|__v| $(sv)}})
ast::expr_block(cx.blk(path.span, sv_stmts)));
||||, #ast{ {|__v| $(sv)} })
@ -304,25 +299,26 @@ fn serialize_path(cx: ser_cx, path: @ast::path,
ast::expr_call(callee, [s, v] + ty_args, false)))]
fn serialize_variant(cx: ser_cx,
tys: [@ast::ty],
span: span,
-s: @ast::expr,
pfn: fn([@ast::pat]) -> ast::pat_,
bodyfn: fn(-@ast::expr, ast::blk) -> @ast::expr,
argfn: fn(-@ast::expr, uint, ast::blk) -> @ast::expr)
fn ser_variant(cx: ext_ctxt,
tps: ser_tps_map,
tys: [@ast::ty],
span: span,
-s: @ast::expr,
pfn: fn([@ast::pat]) -> ast::pat_,
bodyfn: fn(-@ast::expr, ast::blk) -> @ast::expr,
argfn: fn(-@ast::expr, uint, ast::blk) -> @ast::expr)
-> ast::arm {
let vnames = vec::init_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i| #fmt["__v%u", i]};
let pats = vec::init_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
let vnames = vec::from_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i| #fmt["__v%u", i]};
let pats = vec::from_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
cx.binder_pat(tys[i].span, vnames[i])
let pat: @ast::pat = @{id: cx.next_id(), node: pfn(pats), span: span};
let stmts = vec::init_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
let stmts = vec::from_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
let v = cx.var_ref(span, vnames[i]);
let arg_blk =
serialize_ty(cx, tys[i], cx.clone(s), v));
ser_ty(cx, tps, tys[i], cx.clone(s), v));
cx.stmt(argfn(cx.clone(s), i, arg_blk))
@ -332,29 +328,35 @@ fn serialize_variant(cx: ser_cx,
{pats: [pat], guard: none, body: body}
fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
fn ser_lambda(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: ser_tps_map, ty: @ast::ty,
-s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
cx.lambda(cx.blk(ty.span, ser_ty(cx, tps, ty, s, v)))
fn ser_ty(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: ser_tps_map,
ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
-> [@ast::stmt] {
fn ty_lambda(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
-> @ast::expr {
cx.lambda(cx.blk(ty.span, serialize_ty(cx, ty, s, v)))
let ext_cx = cx.ext_cx;
let ext_cx = cx; // required for #ast{}
alt ty.node {
ast::ty_nil | ast::ty_bot {
ast::ty_nil {
ast::ty_bot {
ty.span, #fmt["Cannot serialize bottom type"]);
ast::ty_box(mt) {
let l = ty_lambda(cx, mt.ty, cx.clone(s), #ast(expr){*$(v)});
let l = ser_lambda(cx, tps, mt.ty, cx.clone(s), #ast{ *$(v) });
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
let l = ty_lambda(cx, mt.ty, cx.clone(s), #ast(expr){*$(v)});
let l = ser_lambda(cx, tps, mt.ty, cx.clone(s), #ast{ *$(v) });
@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
ast::ty_rec(flds) {
let fld_stmts = vec::init_fn(vec::len(flds)) {|fidx|
let fld_stmts = vec::from_fn(vec::len(flds)) {|fidx|
let fld = flds[fidx];
let vf = cx.expr(fld.span,
@ -374,7 +376,7 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
let s = cx.clone(s);
let f = cx.lit_str(fld.span, fld.node.ident);
let i = cx.lit_uint(fld.span, fidx);
let l = ty_lambda(cx,, cx.clone(s), vf);
let l = ser_lambda(cx, tps,, cx.clone(s), vf);
#ast(stmt){$(s).emit_rec_field($(f), $(i), $(l));}
let fld_lambda = cx.lambda(cx.blk(ty.span, fld_stmts));
@ -397,9 +399,9 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
// };
let arms = [
cx, tys, ty.span, s,
cx, tps, tys, ty.span, s,
// Generate pattern (v1, v2, v3)
{|pats| ast::pat_tup(pats)},
@ -408,18 +410,14 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
{|-s, blk|
let sz = cx.lit_uint(ty.span, vec::len(tys));
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_tup($(sz), $(body))
#ast{ $(s).emit_tup($(sz), $(body)) }
// Generate s.emit_tup_elt(i, {|| blk })
{|-s, i, blk|
let idx = cx.lit_uint(ty.span, i);
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_tup_elt($(idx), $(body))
#ast{ $(s).emit_tup_elt($(idx), $(body)) }
[cx.alt_stmt(arms, ty.span, v)]
@ -430,17 +428,17 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
vec::is_empty(path.node.types) {
let ident = path.node.idents[0];
alt cx.tps.find(ident) {
alt tps.find(ident) {
some(f) { f(v) }
none { serialize_path(cx, path, s, v) }
none { ser_path(cx, tps, path, s, v) }
} else {
serialize_path(cx, path, s, v)
ser_path(cx, tps, path, s, v)
ast::ty_constr(ty, _) {
serialize_ty(cx, ty, s, v)
ser_ty(cx, tps, ty, s, v)
ast::ty_mac(_) {
@ -462,12 +460,10 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
cx, mt.ty,
cx, tps, mt.ty,
||||, #ast{ __e })))));
core::serialization::emit_from_vec($(s), $(v), {|__e| $(ser_e) })
@ -476,12 +472,12 @@ fn serialize_ty(cx: ser_cx, ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr)
fn mk_ser_fn(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
v_ty: @ast::ty, tps: [ast::ty_param],
f: fn(ser_cx, @ast::ty, -@ast::expr, -@ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt])
fn mk_ser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
-v_ty: @ast::ty, tps: [ast::ty_param],
f: fn(ext_ctxt, ser_tps_map, @ast::ty,
-@ast::expr, -@ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt])
-> @ast::item {
let cx = ser_cx(@{ext_cx: ext_cx, tps: map::new_str_hash()});
let ext_cx = cx; // required for #ast
let tp_inputs =
vec::map(tps, {|tp|
@ -500,14 +496,15 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
ident: "__s",
id: cx.next_id()},
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: cx.clone_ty(v_ty),
ty: v_ty,
ident: "__v",
id: cx.next_id()}]
+ tp_inputs;
let tps_map = map::new_str_hash();
vec::iter2(tps, tp_inputs) {|tp, arg|
let arg_ident = arg.ident;
fn@(v: @ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt] {
let f = cx.var_ref(span, arg_ident);
@ -526,11 +523,12 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
bounds: ser_bnds}] +
vec::map(tps) {|tp| cx.clone_ty_param(tp) };
let ser_output: @ast::ty = @{node: ast::ty_nil,
let ser_output: @ast::ty = @{id: cx.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_nil,
span: span};
let ser_blk = cx.blk(span,
f(cx, v_ty, #ast(expr){__s}, #ast(expr){__v}));
f(cx, tps_map, v_ty, #ast{ __s }, #ast{ __v }));
@{ident: "serialize",
attrs: [],
@ -545,77 +543,314 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
span: span}
fn ty_module(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, name: str, ty: @ast::ty, tps: [ast::ty_param])
// ______________________________________________________________________
fn deser_path(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: deser_tps_map, path: @ast::path,
-d: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
// We want to take a path like a::b::c<...> and generate a call
// like a::b::c::deserialize(d, ...), as described above.
let callee =
cx.path(path.span, path.node.idents + ["deserialize"])));
let ty_args = vec::map(path.node.types) {|ty|
let dv_expr = deser_ty(cx, tps, ty, cx.clone(d));
cx.expr(path.span, ast::expr_call(callee, [d] + ty_args, false))
fn deser_lambda(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: deser_tps_map, ty: @ast::ty,
-d: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
cx.lambda(cx.expr_blk(deser_ty(cx, tps, ty, d)))
fn deser_ty(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: deser_tps_map,
ty: @ast::ty, -d: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = cx; // required for #ast{}
alt ty.node {
ast::ty_nil {
#ast{ $(d).read_nil() }
ast::ty_bot {
#ast{ fail }
ast::ty_box(mt) {
let l = deser_lambda(cx, tps, mt.ty, cx.clone(d));
#ast{ @$(d).read_box($(l)) }
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
let l = deser_lambda(cx, tps, mt.ty, cx.clone(d));
#ast{ ~$(d).read_uniq($(l)) }
ast::ty_ptr(_) | ast::ty_rptr(_, _) {
#ast{ fail }
ast::ty_rec(flds) {
let fields = vec::from_fn(vec::len(flds)) {|fidx|
let fld = flds[fidx];
let d = cx.clone(d);
let f = cx.lit_str(fld.span, fld.node.ident);
let i = cx.lit_uint(fld.span, fidx);
let l = deser_lambda(cx, tps,, cx.clone(d));
{node: {mutbl:,
ident: fld.node.ident,
expr: #ast{ $(d).read_rec_field($(f), $(i), $(l))} },
span: fld.span}
let fld_expr = cx.expr(ty.span, ast::expr_rec(fields, none));
let fld_lambda = cx.lambda(cx.expr_blk(fld_expr));
#ast{ $(d).read_rec($(fld_lambda)) }
ast::ty_fn(_, _) {
#ast{ fail }
ast::ty_tup(tys) {
// Generate code like
// d.read_tup(3u) {||
// (d.read_tup_elt(0u, {||...}),
// d.read_tup_elt(1u, {||...}),
// d.read_tup_elt(2u, {||...}))
// }
let arg_exprs = vec::from_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
let idx = cx.lit_uint(ty.span, i);
let body = deser_lambda(cx, tps, tys[i], cx.clone(d));
#ast{ $(d).read_tup_elt($(idx), $(body)) }
let body =
cx.expr(ty.span, ast::expr_tup(arg_exprs))));
let sz = cx.lit_uint(ty.span, vec::len(tys));
#ast{ $(d).read_tup($(sz), $(body)) }
ast::ty_path(path, _) {
if vec::len(path.node.idents) == 1u &&
vec::is_empty(path.node.types) {
let ident = path.node.idents[0];
alt tps.find(ident) {
some(f) { f() }
none { deser_path(cx, tps, path, d) }
} else {
deser_path(cx, tps, path, d)
ast::ty_constr(ty, constrs) {
deser_ty(cx, tps, ty, d)
ast::ty_mac(_) {
#ast{ fail }
ast::ty_infer {
#ast{ fail }
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
let l = deser_lambda(cx, tps, mt.ty, cx.clone(d));
#ast{ core::serialization::read_to_vec($(d), $(l)) }
fn mk_deser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
-v_ty: @ast::ty, tps: [ast::ty_param],
f: fn(ext_ctxt, deser_tps_map,
@ast::ty, -@ast::expr) -> @ast::expr)
-> @ast::item {
let ext_cx = cx; // required for #ast
let tp_inputs =
vec::map(tps, {|tp|
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: cx.ty_fn(span,
cx.ty_path(span, [tp.ident])),
ident: "__d" + tp.ident,
id: cx.next_id()}});
#debug["tp_inputs = %?", tp_inputs];
let deser_inputs: [ast::arg] =
[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: cx.ty_path(span, ["__D"]),
ident: "__d",
id: cx.next_id()}]
+ tp_inputs;
let tps_map = map::new_str_hash();
vec::iter2(tps, tp_inputs) {|tp, arg|
let arg_ident = arg.ident;
fn@() -> @ast::expr {
let f = cx.var_ref(span, arg_ident);
#ast{ $(f)() }
let deser_bnds = @[ast::bound_iface(cx.ty_path(span,
let deser_tps: [ast::ty_param] =
[{ident: "__D",
id: cx.next_id(),
bounds: deser_bnds}] +
vec::map(tps) {|tp| cx.clone_ty_param(tp) };
let deser_blk = cx.expr_blk(f(cx, tps_map, v_ty, #ast(expr){__d}));
@{ident: "deserialize",
attrs: [],
id: cx.next_id(),
node: ast::item_fn({inputs: deser_inputs,
output: v_ty,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: []},
span: span}
fn ty_module(cx: ext_ctxt, name: str, ty: @ast::ty, tps: [ast::ty_param])
-> @ast::item {
let span = ty.span;
let ser_fn = mk_ser_fn(ext_cx, span, ty, tps, serialize_ty);
let ser_fn = mk_ser_fn(cx, span, cx.clone_ty(ty), tps, ser_ty);
let deser_fn = mk_deser_fn(cx, span, cx.clone_ty(ty), tps, deser_ty);
// Return a module containing the serialization and deserialization
// functions:
@{ident: name,
attrs: [],
id: ext_cx.session().next_node_id(),
id: cx.next_id(),
node: ast::item_mod({view_items: [],
items: [ser_fn]}),
items: [ser_fn, deser_fn]}),
span: span}
fn enum_module(ext_cx: ext_ctxt, name: str, span: span,
variants: [ast::variant], tps: [ast::ty_param])
-> @ast::item {
fn ser_enum(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: ser_tps_map, e_name: str,
e_span: span, variants: [ast::variant],
_ty: @ast::ty, -s: @ast::expr, -v: @ast::expr) -> [@ast::stmt] {
let ext_cx = cx;
let arms = vec::from_fn(vec::len(variants)) {|vidx|
let variant = variants[vidx];
let v_span = variant.span;
let v_name =;
let variant_tys = vec::map(variant.node.args) {|a| a.ty };
let ty = ext_cx.ty_path(span, [name]);
let ser_fn = mk_ser_fn(ext_cx, span, ty, tps) {|cx, _ty, s, v|
let arms = vec::init_fn(
fn&(vidx: uint) -> ast::arm {
let variant = variants[vidx];
let span = variant.span;
let name =;
let variant_tys = vec::map(variant.node.args) {|a| a.ty };
cx, tps, variant_tys, v_span, cx.clone(s),
cx, variant_tys, span, cx.clone(s),
// Generate pattern var(v1, v2, v3)
if vec::is_empty(pats) {
ast::pat_ident(cx.path(v_span, [v_name]), none)
} else {
ast::pat_enum(cx.path(v_span, [v_name]), pats)
// Generate pattern var(v1, v2, v3)
if vec::is_empty(pats) {
ast::pat_ident(cx.path(span, [name]), none)
} else {
ast::pat_enum(cx.path(span, [name]), pats)
// Generate body s.emit_enum_variant("foo", 0u,
// 3u, {|| blk })
{|-s, blk|
let v_name = cx.lit_str(v_span, v_name);
let v_id = cx.lit_uint(v_span, vidx);
let sz = cx.lit_uint(v_span, vec::len(variant_tys));
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_enum_variant($(v_name), $(v_id),
$(sz), $(body))
// Generate body s.emit_enum_variant("foo", 0u,
// 3u, {|| blk })
{|-s, blk|
let v_name = cx.lit_str(span, name);
let v_id = cx.lit_uint(span, vidx);
let sz = cx.lit_uint(span, vec::len(variant_tys));
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_enum_variant($(v_name), $(v_id),
$(sz), $(body))
// Generate s.emit_enum_variant_arg(i, {|| blk })
{|-s, i, blk|
let idx = cx.lit_uint(v_span, i);
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_enum_variant_arg($(idx), $(body))
let lam = cx.lambda(cx.blk(e_span, [cx.alt_stmt(arms, e_span, v)]));
let e_name = cx.lit_str(e_span, e_name);
[#ast(stmt){ $(s).emit_enum($(e_name), $(lam)) }]
// Generate s.emit_enum_variant_arg(i, {|| blk })
{|-s, i, blk|
let idx = cx.lit_uint(span, i);
let body = cx.lambda(blk);
$(s).emit_enum_variant_arg($(idx), $(body))
[cx.alt_stmt(arms, span, v)]
fn deser_enum(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: deser_tps_map, e_name: str,
e_span: span, variants: [ast::variant],
_ty: @ast::ty, -d: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = cx;
let arms: [ast::arm] = vec::from_fn(vec::len(variants)) {|vidx|
let variant = variants[vidx];
let v_span = variant.span;
let v_name =;
let tys = vec::map(variant.node.args) {|a| a.ty };
let arg_exprs = vec::from_fn(vec::len(tys)) {|i|
let idx = cx.lit_uint(v_span, i);
let body = deser_lambda(cx, tps, tys[i], cx.clone(d));
#ast{ $(d).read_enum_variant_arg($(idx), $(body)) }
let body =
cx.expr(v_span, ast::expr_call(
cx.var_ref(v_span, v_name), arg_exprs, false));
{pats: [@{id: cx.next_id(),
node: ast::pat_lit(cx.lit_uint(v_span, vidx)),
span: v_span}],
guard: none,
body: cx.expr_blk(body)}
@{ident: name,
attrs: [],
id: ext_cx.session().next_node_id(),
node: ast::item_mod({view_items: [],
items: [ser_fn]}),
span: span}
// Generate code like:
let e_name = cx.lit_str(e_span, e_name);
let alt_expr = cx.expr(e_span,
ast::expr_alt(#ast{__i}, arms, ast::alt_check));
let var_lambda = #ast{ {|__i| $(alt_expr)} };
let read_var = #ast{ $(cx.clone(d)).read_enum_variant($(var_lambda)) };
let read_lambda = cx.lambda(cx.expr_blk(read_var));
#ast{ $(d).read_enum($(e_name), $(read_lambda)) }
fn enum_module(cx: ext_ctxt, e_name: str, e_span: span,
variants: [ast::variant], tps: [ast::ty_param])
-> @ast::item {
let ty = cx.ty_path(e_span, [e_name]);
let ser_fn =
mk_ser_fn(cx, e_span, cx.clone_ty(ty), tps,
ser_enum(_, _, e_name, e_span, variants, _, _, _));
let deser_fn =
mk_deser_fn(cx, e_span, ty, tps,
deser_enum(_, _, e_name, e_span, variants, _, _));
@{ident: e_name,
attrs: [],
id: cx.next_id(),
node: ast::item_mod({view_items: [],
items: [ser_fn, deser_fn]}),
span: e_span}
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fn path_to_str(&&p: @ast::path) -> str {
fn fun_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
params: [ast::ty_param]) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
print_fn(s, decl, name, params);
end(s); // Close the head box
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fn test_fun_to_str() {
fn res_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, name: ast::ident,
params: [ast::ty_param]) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
print_res(s, decl, name, params);
end(s); // Close the head box
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ fn test_res_to_str() {
fn block_to_str(blk: ast::blk) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
// containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
cbox(s, indent_unit);
@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ fn escape_str(st: str, to_escape: char) -> str {
fn to_str<T>(t: T, f: fn@(ps, T)) -> str {
let buffer = io::mk_mem_buffer();
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let s = rust_printer(io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer));
f(s, t);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#[link(name="auto_serialize_lib", vers="0.0")];
use std;
import std::ebml;
import io::writer;
fn test_ser_and_deser<A>(a1: A,
expected: str,
ebml_ser_fn: fn(ebml::writer, A),
ebml_deser_fn: fn(ebml::ebml_deserializer) -> A,
io_ser_fn: fn(io::writer, A)) {
// check the pretty printer:
io_ser_fn(io::stdout(), a1);
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| io_ser_fn(w, a1) };
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == expected;
// check the EBML serializer:
let buf = io::mem_buffer();
let w = ebml::writer(buf as io::writer);
ebml_ser_fn(w, a1);
let d = ebml::new_doc(@io::mem_buffer_buf(buf));
let a2 = ebml_deser_fn(ebml::ebml_deserializer(d));
io::print("\na1 = ");
io_ser_fn(io::stdout(), a1);
io::print("\na2 = ");
io_ser_fn(io::stdout(), a2);
assert a1 == a2;
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#[link(name="cci_impl_lib", vers="0.0")];
impl helpers for uint {
fn to(v: uint, f: fn(uint)) {
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#[link(name="cci_iter_lib", vers="0.0")];
fn iter<T>(v: [T], f: fn(T)) {
let i = 0u;
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#[link(name="cci_no_inline_lib", vers="0.0")];
// same as cci_iter_lib, more-or-less, but not marked inline
fn iter(v: [uint], f: fn(uint)) {
let i = 0u;
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#[link(name="native_lib", vers="0.0")];
native mod rustrt {
fn last_os_error() -> str;
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
// xfail-fast:aux-build currently incompatible
use std;
use auto_serialize_lib;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::io;
import std::ebml::serializer;
import std::ebml::deserializer;
import auto_serialize_lib::*;
enum expr {
@ -10,10 +16,11 @@ enum expr {
fn main() {
let ex = @plus(@minus(@val(3u), @val(10u)),
@plus(@val(22u), @val(5u)));
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| expr::serialize(w, *ex)};
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == "plus(@minus(@val(3u), @val(10u)), \
@plus(@val(22u), @val(5u)))";
test_ser_and_deser(plus(@minus(@val(3u), @val(10u)),
@plus(@val(22u), @val(5u))),
"plus(@minus(@val(3u), @val(10u)), \
@plus(@val(22u), @val(5u)))",
expr::serialize(_, _),
expr::serialize(_, _));
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
// xfail-fast:aux-build currently incompatible
use std;
use auto_serialize_lib;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::io;
import std::ebml::serializer;
import std::ebml::deserializer;
import auto_serialize_lib::*;
// Test where we link various types used by name.
@ -11,9 +17,9 @@ type spanned<T> = {lo: uint, hi: uint, node: T};
type spanned_uint = spanned<uint>;
fn main() {
let x: spanned_uint = {lo: 0u, hi: 5u, node: 22u};
spanned_uint::serialize(io::stdout(), x);
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| spanned_uint::serialize(w, x)};
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == "{lo: 0u, hi: 5u, node: 22u}";
test_ser_and_deser({lo: 0u, hi: 5u, node: 22u},
"{lo: 0u, hi: 5u, node: 22u}",
spanned_uint::serialize(_, _),
spanned_uint::serialize(_, _));
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
// xfail-fast:aux-build currently incompatible
use std;
use auto_serialize_lib;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::io;
import std::ebml::serializer;
import std::ebml::deserializer;
import auto_serialize_lib::*;
// Test where we link various types used by name.
@ -14,9 +20,9 @@ type some_rec = {v: uint_vec};
enum an_enum = some_rec;
fn main() {
let x = an_enum({v: [1u, 2u, 3u]});
an_enum::serialize(io::stdout(), x);
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| an_enum::serialize(w, x)};
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == "an_enum({v: [1u, 2u, 3u]})";
test_ser_and_deser(an_enum({v: [1u, 2u, 3u]}),
"an_enum({v: [1u, 2u, 3u]})",
an_enum::serialize(_, _),
an_enum::serialize(_, _));
@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
// xfail-fast:aux-build currently incompatible
use std;
use auto_serialize_lib;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::io;
import std::ebml::serializer;
import std::ebml::deserializer;
import auto_serialize_lib::*;
type point = {x: uint, y: uint};
fn main() {
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| point::serialize(w, {x: 3u, y: 5u}) };
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == "{x: 3u, y: 5u}";
test_ser_and_deser({x: 3u, y: 5u},
"{x: 3u, y: 5u}",
point::serialize(_, _),
point::serialize(_, _));
@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
// xfail-fast:aux-build currently incompatible
use std;
use auto_serialize_lib;
import std::prettyprint::serializer;
import std::io;
import std::ebml::serializer;
import std::ebml::deserializer;
import auto_serialize_lib::*;
type uint_vec = [uint];
fn main() {
let ex = [1u, 2u, 3u];
let s = io::with_str_writer {|w| uint_vec::serialize(w, ex)};
#debug["s == %?", s];
assert s == "[1u, 2u, 3u]";
test_ser_and_deser([1u, 2u, 3u],
"[1u, 2u, 3u]",
uint_vec::serialize(_, _),
uint_vec::serialize(_, _));
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ fn main() {
fn check_pp<T>(expr: T, f: fn(pprust::ps, T), expect: str) {
let buf = mk_mem_buffer();
let buf = mem_buffer();
let pp = pprust::rust_printer(buf as io::writer);
f(pp, expr);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user