Added AST pretty printing for communication alt statement, closes issue 19.
This commit is contained in:
@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ and stmt_alt_type =
and stmt_alt_port =
(* else lval is a timeout value. *)
alt_port_arms: (lval * lval) array;
alt_port_else: (lval * block) option;
alt_port_arms: port_arm array;
alt_port_else: (atom * block) option;
and block' = stmt array
@ -325,6 +325,13 @@ and tag_arm = tag_arm' identified
and type_arm' = ident * slot * block
and type_arm = type_arm' identified
and port_arm' = port_case * block
and port_arm = port_arm' identified
and port_case =
PORT_CASE_send of (lval * lval)
| PORT_CASE_recv of (lval * lval)
and atom =
ATOM_literal of (lit identified)
| ATOM_lval of lval
@ -495,7 +502,6 @@ let sane_name (n:name) : bool =
(* FIXME (issue #19): finish all parts with ?foo? as their output. *)
let fmt_ident (ff:Format.formatter) (i:ident) : unit =
fmt ff "%s" i
@ -1246,7 +1252,25 @@ and fmt_stmt_body (ff:Format.formatter) (s:stmt) : unit =
fmt_cbb ff;
fmt_cbb ff;
| STMT_alt_port _ -> fmt ff "?stmt_alt_port?"
| STMT_alt_port at ->
fmt_obox ff;
fmt ff "alt ";
fmt_obr ff;
Array.iter (fmt_port_arm ff) at.alt_port_arms;
match at.alt_port_else with
None -> ()
| Some (timeout, block) ->
fmt ff "@\n";
fmt_obox ff;
fmt ff "case (_) ";
fmt_atom ff timeout;
fmt ff " ";
fmt_obr ff;
fmt_stmts ff block.node;
fmt_cbb ff;
fmt_cbb ff;
| STMT_note at ->
fmt ff "note ";
@ -1284,6 +1308,16 @@ and fmt_type_arm (ff:Format.formatter) (type_arm:type_arm) : unit =
let (_, slot, block) = type_arm.node in
fmt_arm ff (fun ff -> fmt_slot ff slot) block;
and fmt_port_arm (ff:Format.formatter) (port_arm:port_arm) : unit =
let (port_case, block) = port_arm.node in
fmt_arm ff (fun ff -> fmt_port_case ff port_case) block;
and fmt_port_case (ff:Format.formatter) (port_case:port_case) : unit =
let stmt' = match port_case with
PORT_CASE_send params -> STMT_send params
| PORT_CASE_recv params -> STMT_recv params in
fmt_stmt ff {node = stmt'; id = Node 0};
and fmt_pat (ff:Format.formatter) (pat:pat) : unit =
match pat with
Reference in New Issue
Block a user