Handle circularity in glob imports in a more elegant fashion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ tag scope {
tag import_state {
todo(@ast::view_item, list[scope]);
todo(@ast::view_item, list[scope]); // only used for explicit imports
resolved(option::t[def] /* value */,
option::t[def] /* type */,
@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ tag mod_index_entry {
type mod_index = hashmap[ident,list[mod_index_entry]];
type indexed_mod = rec(option::t[ast::_mod] m,
mod_index index, vec[def] glob_imports);
mod_index index, vec[def] glob_imports,
hashmap[str,import_state] glob_imported_names);
/* native modules can't contain tags, and we don't store their ASTs because we
only need to look at them to determine exports, which they can't control.*/
// It should be safe to use index to memoize lookups of globbed names.
@ -141,7 +142,9 @@ fn map_crate(&@env e, &ast::crate c) {
// Register the top-level mod
e.mod_map.insert(-1, @rec(m=some(c.node.module),
walk::walk_crate(index_names, c);
fn index_vi(@env e, @mutable list[scope] sc, &@ast::view_item i) {
@ -158,14 +161,18 @@ fn map_crate(&@env e, &ast::crate c) {
case (ast::item_mod(_, ?md, ?defid)) {
@rec(m=some(md), index=index_mod(md),
e.ast_map.insert(defid, i);
case (ast::item_native_mod(_, ?nmd, ?defid)) {
e.ast_map.insert(defid, i);
case (ast::item_const(_, _, _, ?defid, _)) {
@ -542,12 +549,11 @@ fn lookup_in_scope(&env e, list[scope] sc, &span sp, &ident id, namespace ns)
fn in_scope(&env e, &span sp, &ident id, &scope s, namespace ns)
-> option::t[def] {
//not recursing through globs
let list[def] no_m = nil[def];
alt (s) {
case (scope_crate(?c)) {
auto defid = tup(ast::local_crate, -1);
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, no_m, sp, id, ns, inside);
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns, inside);
case (scope_item(?it)) {
alt (it.node) {
@ -563,12 +569,10 @@ fn lookup_in_scope(&env e, list[scope] sc, &span sp, &ident id, namespace ns)
case (ast::item_mod(_, _, ?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, no_m, sp,
id, ns, inside);
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns, inside);
case (ast::item_native_mod(_, ?m, ?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e, defid, no_m,
sp, id, ns);
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns);
case (ast::item_ty(_, _, ?ty_params, _, _)) {
if (ns == ns_type) {
@ -796,44 +800,27 @@ fn lookup_in_mod_strict(&env e, def m, &span sp, &ident id,
fn lookup_in_mod(&env e, def m, &span sp, &ident id, namespace ns, dir dr)
-> option::t[def] {
be lookup_in_mod_recursively(e, cons[def](m, @nil[def]), sp, id, ns, dr);
// this list is simply the stack of glob imports we have passed through
// (preventing cyclic glob imports from diverging)
fn lookup_in_mod_recursively(&env e, list[def] m, &span sp, &ident id,
namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
alt (m) {
case (cons[def](?mod_def, ?tl)) {
if (list::has(*tl, mod_def)) {
ret none[def]; // import glob cycle detected; we're done
auto defid = ast::def_id_of_def(mod_def);
if (defid._0 != ast::local_crate) {
// examining a module in an external crate
auto cached = e.ext_cache.find(tup(defid,id,ns));
if (!option::is_none(cached)) { ret cached; }
auto path = [id];
if (defid._1 != -1) {
path = e.ext_map.get(defid) + path;
auto fnd = lookup_external(e, defid._0, path, ns);
if (!option::is_none(fnd)) {
e.ext_cache.insert(tup(defid,id,ns), option::get(fnd));
ret fnd;
alt (mod_def) {
case (ast::def_mod(?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, m, sp, id, ns, dr);
case (ast::def_native_mod(?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e, defid, m, sp, id, ns);
auto defid = ast::def_id_of_def(m);
if (defid._0 != ast::local_crate) {
// examining a module in an external crate
auto cached = e.ext_cache.find(tup(defid,id,ns));
if (!option::is_none(cached)) { ret cached; }
auto path = [id];
if (defid._1 != -1) {
path = e.ext_map.get(defid) + path;
case (_) {
e.sess.bug("lookup_in_mod_recursively needs a module"); fail;
auto fnd = lookup_external(e, defid._0, path, ns);
if (!option::is_none(fnd)) {
e.ext_cache.insert(tup(defid,id,ns), option::get(fnd));
ret fnd;
alt (m) {
case (ast::def_mod(?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns, dr);
case (ast::def_native_mod(?defid)) {
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns);
@ -872,18 +859,18 @@ fn lookup_import(&env e, def_id defid, namespace ns) -> option::t[def] {
fn lookup_in_local_native_mod(&env e, def_id defid, list[def] m, &span sp,
fn lookup_in_local_native_mod(&env e, def_id defid, &span sp,
&ident id, namespace ns) -> option::t[def] {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, m, sp, id, ns, inside);
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid, sp, id, ns, inside);
fn lookup_in_local_mod(&env e, def_id defid, list[def] m, &span sp,
fn lookup_in_local_mod(&env e, def_id defid, &span sp,
&ident id, namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
auto info = e.mod_map.get(defid._1);
if (dr == outside && !ast::is_exported(id, option::get(info.m))) {
// if we're in a native mod, then dr==inside, so info.m is some _mod
ret none[def]; // name is not visible
if (dr == outside && !ast::is_exported(id, option::get(info.m))) {
// if we're in a native mod, then dr==inside, so info.m is some _mod
ret none[def]; // name is not visible
alt(info.index.find(id)) {
case (none[list[mod_index_entry]]) { }
case (some[list[mod_index_entry]](?lst)) {
@ -900,31 +887,56 @@ fn lookup_in_local_mod(&env e, def_id defid, list[def] m, &span sp,
// not local or explicitly imported; try globs:
ret lookup_glob_in_mod(e, info, m, sp, id, ns, dr);
ret lookup_glob_in_mod(e, info, sp, id, ns, dr);
fn lookup_glob_in_mod(&env e, @indexed_mod info, list[def] m, &span sp,
&ident id, namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
fn l_i_m_r(&env e, list[def] prev_ms, &def m, &span sp, &ident id,
namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
be lookup_in_mod_recursively(e, cons[def](m, @prev_ms),
sp, id, ns, dr);
auto matches = vec::filter_map[def, def]
(bind l_i_m_r(e, m, _, sp, id, ns, dr),
if (vec::len(matches) == 0u) {
ret none[def];
} else if (vec::len(matches) == 1u){
ret some[def](matches.(0));
} else {
for (def match in matches) {
"'" + id + "' is defined here.");
fn lookup_glob_in_mod(&env e, @indexed_mod info, &span sp,
&ident id, namespace wanted_ns, dir dr)
-> option::t[def] {
fn per_ns(&env e, @indexed_mod info, &span sp, &ident id,
namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
fn l_i_m_r(&env e, &def m, &span sp, &ident id,
namespace ns, dir dr) -> option::t[def] {
be lookup_in_mod(e, m, sp, id, ns, dr);
auto matches = vec::filter_map[def, def]
(bind l_i_m_r(e, _, sp, id, ns, dr),
if (vec::len(matches) == 0u) {
ret none[def];
} else if (vec::len(matches) == 1u){
ret some[def](matches.(0));
} else {
for (def match in matches) {
"'" + id + "' is defined here.");
e.sess.span_err(sp, "'" + id + "' is glob-imported from" +
" multiple different modules.");
// since we don't know what names we have in advance,
// absence takes the place of todo()
if(!info.glob_imported_names.contains_key(id)) {
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, resolving(sp));
auto val = per_ns(e, info, sp, id, ns_value, dr);
auto typ = per_ns(e, info, sp, id, ns_type, dr);
auto md = per_ns(e, info, sp, id, ns_module, dr);
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, resolved(val, typ, md));
alt (info.glob_imported_names.get(id)) {
case (todo(_,_)) { e.sess.bug("Shouldn't've put a todo in."); }
case (resolving(?sp)) {
ret none[def]; //circularity is okay in import globs
case (resolved(?val, ?typ, ?md)) {
ret alt (wanted_ns) { case (ns_value) { val }
case (ns_type) { typ }
case (ns_module) { md } };
e.sess.span_err(sp, "'" + id + "' is glob-imported from" +
" multiple different modules.");
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// error-pattern: common2
// error-pattern:common2
import mod1::*;
import mod2::*;
@ -3,39 +3,47 @@ import test2::*;
mod circ1 {
import circ1::*;
fn f1() {
log "f1";
fn common() -> uint {
ret 0u;
mod circ2 {
import circ2::*;
fn f2() {
log "f2";
fn f1() -> uint {
ret 1u
fn common() -> uint {
ret 1u;
mod circ2 {
import circ2::*;
fn f2() -> uint {
ret 2u;
fn common() -> uint {
ret 2u;
mod test1 {
import circ1::*;
fn test1() {
assert(common() == 0u);
assert(f1() == 1u);
//make sure that cached lookups work...
assert(f1() == 1u);
assert(f2() == 2u);
assert(f2() == 2u);
assert(common() == 1u);
assert(common() == 1u);
mod test2 {
import circ2::*;
fn test2() {
assert(common() == 1u);
assert(f1() == 1u);
//make sure that cached lookups work...
assert(f1() == 1u);
assert(f2() == 2u);
assert(f2() == 2u);
assert(common() == 2u);
assert(common() == 2u);
Reference in New Issue
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