rustdoc: Add syntax highlighting
This adds simple syntax highlighting based off libsyntax's lexer to be sure to stay up to date with rust's grammar. Some of the highlighting is a bit ad-hoc, but it definitely seems to get the job done! This currently doesn't highlight rustdoc-rendered function signatures and structs that are emitted to each page because the colors already signify what's clickable and I think we'd have to figure out a different scheme before colorizing them. This does, however, colorize all code examples and source code. Closes #11393
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Basic html highlighting functionality
//! This module uses libsyntax's lexer to provide token-based highlighting for
//! the HTML documentation generated by rustdoc.
use std::str;
use std::io;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::parse::lexer;
use syntax::diagnostic;
use syntax::codemap::{BytePos, Span};
use html::escape::Escape;
use t = syntax::parse::token;
/// Highlights some source code, returning the HTML output.
pub fn highlight(src: &str) -> ~str {
let sess = parse::new_parse_sess();
let handler = diagnostic::mk_handler();
let span_handler = diagnostic::mk_span_handler(handler,;
let fm = parse::string_to_filemap(sess, src.to_owned(), ~"<stdin>");
let mut out = io::MemWriter::new();
lexer::new_string_reader(span_handler, fm),
&mut out).unwrap();
/// Exhausts the `lexer` writing the output into `out`.
/// The general structure for this method is to iterate over each token,
/// possibly giving it an HTML span with a class specifying what flavor of token
/// it's used. All source code emission is done as slices from the source map,
/// not from the tokens themselves, in order to stay true to the original
/// source.
fn doit(sess: @parse::ParseSess, lexer: lexer::StringReader,
out: &mut Writer) -> io::IoResult<()> {
use syntax::parse::lexer::Reader;
try!(write!(out, "<pre class='rust'>\n"));
let mut last = BytePos(0);
let mut is_attribute = false;
let mut is_macro = false;
loop {
let next = lexer.next_token();
let test = if next.tok == t::EOF {lexer.pos.get()} else {next.sp.lo};
// The lexer consumes all whitespace and non-doc-comments when iterating
// between tokens. If this token isn't directly adjacent to our last
// token, then we need to emit the whitespace/comment.
// If the gap has any '/' characters then we consider the whole thing a
// comment. This will classify some whitespace as a comment, but that
// doesn't matter too much for syntax highlighting purposes.
if test > last {
let snip = {
lo: last,
hi: test,
expn_info: None,
if snip.contains("/") {
try!(write!(out, "<span class='comment'>{}</span>",
} else {
try!(write!(out, "{}", Escape(snip)));
last = next.sp.hi;
if next.tok == t::EOF { break }
let klass = match next.tok {
// If this '&' token is directly adjacent to another token, assume
// that it's the address-of operator instead of the and-operator.
// This allows us to give all pointers their own class (~ and @ are
// below).
t::BINOP(t::AND) if lexer.peek().sp.lo == next.sp.hi => "kw-2",
t::AT | t::TILDE => "kw-2",
// consider this as part of a macro invocation if there was a
// leading identifier
t::NOT if is_macro => { is_macro = false; "macro" }
// operators
t::EQ | t::LT | t::LE | t::EQEQ | t::NE | t::GE | t::GT |
t::ANDAND | t::OROR | t::NOT | t::BINOP(..) | t::RARROW |
t::BINOPEQ(..) | t::FAT_ARROW => "op",
// miscellaneous, no highlighting
t::DOT | t::DOTDOT | t::DOTDOTDOT | t::COMMA | t::SEMI |
t::COLON | t::MOD_SEP | t::LARROW | t::DARROW | t::LPAREN |
t::DOLLAR => "",
// This is the start of an attribute. We're going to want to
// continue highlighting it as an attribute until the ending ']' is
// seen, so skip out early. Down below we terminate the attribute
// span when we see the ']'.
t::POUND => {
is_attribute = true;
try!(write!(out, r"<span class='attribute'>\#"));
t::RBRACKET => {
if is_attribute {
is_attribute = false;
try!(write!(out, "]</span>"));
} else {
// text literals
t::LIT_CHAR(..) | t::LIT_STR(..) | t::LIT_STR_RAW(..) => "string",
// number literals
t::LIT_INT(..) | t::LIT_UINT(..) | t::LIT_INT_UNSUFFIXED(..) |
t::LIT_FLOAT(..) | t::LIT_FLOAT_UNSUFFIXED(..) => "number",
// keywords are also included in the identifier set
t::IDENT(ident, _is_mod_sep) => {
match t::get_ident(ident).get() {
"ref" | "mut" => "kw-2",
"self" => "self",
"false" | "true" => "boolval",
"Option" | "Result" => "prelude-ty",
"Some" | "None" | "Ok" | "Err" => "prelude-val",
_ if t::is_any_keyword(&next.tok) => "kw",
_ => {
if lexer.peek().tok == t::NOT {
is_macro = true;
} else {
t::LIFETIME(..) => "lifetime",
t::DOC_COMMENT(..) => "doccomment",
t::UNDERSCORE | t::EOF | t::INTERPOLATED(..) => "",
// as mentioned above, use the original source code instead of
// stringifying this token
let snip =;
if klass == "" {
try!(write!(out, "{}", Escape(snip)));
} else {
try!(write!(out, "<span class='{}'>{}</span>", klass,
write!(out, "</pre>\n")
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ use std::str;
use std::unstable::intrinsics;
use std::vec;
use html::highlight;
/// A unit struct which has the `fmt::Show` trait implemented. When
/// formatted, this struct will emit the HTML corresponding to the rendered
/// version of the contained markdown string.
@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ extern {
fn sd_markdown_free(md: *sd_markdown);
fn bufnew(unit: libc::size_t) -> *buf;
fn bufputs(b: *buf, c: *libc::c_char);
fn bufrelease(b: *buf);
@ -127,7 +130,27 @@ pub fn render(w: &mut io::Writer, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
asize: text.len() as libc::size_t,
unit: 0,
(my_opaque.dfltblk)(ob, &buf, lang, opaque);
let rendered = if lang.is_null() {
} else {
(*lang).size as uint, |rlang| {
let rlang = str::from_utf8(rlang).unwrap();
if rlang.contains("notrust") {
(my_opaque.dfltblk)(ob, &buf, lang, opaque);
} else {
if !rendered {
let output = highlight::highlight(text).to_c_str();
output.with_ref(|r| {
bufputs(ob, r)
@ -181,7 +204,8 @@ pub fn find_testable_code(doc: &str, tests: &mut ::test::Collector) {
(*lang).size as uint, |lang| {
let s = str::from_utf8(lang).unwrap();
(s.contains("should_fail"), s.contains("ignore"))
(s.contains("should_fail"), s.contains("ignore") ||
if ignore { return }
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use clean;
use doctree;
use fold::DocFolder;
use html::escape::Escape;
use html::format::{VisSpace, Method, PuritySpace};
use html::layout;
use html::markdown::Markdown;
use html::highlight;
/// Major driving force in all rustdoc rendering. This contains information
/// about where in the tree-like hierarchy rendering is occurring and controls
@ -1091,7 +1091,8 @@ fn item_module(w: &mut Writer, cx: &Context,
fn item_function(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
f: &clean::Function) -> fmt::Result {
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='fn'>{vis}{purity}fn {name}{generics}{decl}</pre>",
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='rust fn'>{vis}{purity}fn \
vis = VisSpace(it.visibility),
purity = PuritySpace(f.purity),
name =,
@ -1112,7 +1113,7 @@ fn item_trait(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
// Output the trait definition
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='trait'>{}trait {}{}{} ",
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='rust trait'>{}trait {}{}{} ",
@ -1231,7 +1232,7 @@ fn render_method(w: &mut Writer, meth: &clean::Item) -> fmt::Result {
fn item_struct(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
s: &clean::Struct) -> fmt::Result {
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='struct'>"));
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='rust struct'>"));
try!(render_struct(w, it, Some(&s.generics), s.struct_type, s.fields,
s.fields_stripped, "", true));
try!(write!(w, "</pre>"));
@ -1255,7 +1256,7 @@ fn item_struct(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
fn item_enum(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item, e: &clean::Enum) -> fmt::Result {
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='enum'>{}enum {}{}",
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='rust enum'>{}enum {}{}",
@ -1532,7 +1533,7 @@ fn render_impl(w: &mut Writer, i: &clean::Impl,
fn item_typedef(w: &mut Writer, it: &clean::Item,
t: &clean::Typedef) -> fmt::Result {
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='typedef'>type {}{} = {};</pre>",
try!(write!(w, "<pre class='rust typedef'>type {}{} = {};</pre>",
@ -1625,9 +1626,7 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Show for Source<'a> {
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "<span id='{0:u}'>{0:1$u}</span>\n", i, cols));
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "</pre>"));
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "<pre class='rust'>"));
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "{}", Escape(s.as_slice())));
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "</pre>"));
try!(write!(fmt.buf, "{}", highlight::highlight(s.as_slice())));
@ -303,3 +303,18 @@ a {
.stability.Locked { border-color: #0084B6; color: #00668c; }
:target { background: #FDFFD3; }
pre.rust .kw { color: #cc782f; }
pre.rust .kw-2 { color: #3bbb33; }
pre.rust .prelude-ty { color: #3bbb33; }
pre.rust .number { color: #c13928; }
pre.rust .self { color: #c13928; }
pre.rust .boolval { color: #c13928; }
pre.rust .prelude-val { color: #c13928; }
pre.rust .op { color: #cc782f; }
pre.rust .comment { color: #533add; }
pre.rust .doccomment { color: #d343d0; }
pre.rust .macro { color: #d343d0; }
pre.rust .string { color: #c13928; }
pre.rust .lifetime { color: #d343d0; }
pre.rust .attribute { color: #d343d0 !important; }
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ pub mod core;
pub mod doctree;
pub mod fold;
pub mod html {
pub mod highlight;
pub mod escape;
pub mod format;
pub mod layout;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function, but the `format!` macro is a syntax extension which allows it to
leverage named parameters. Named parameters are listed at the end of the
argument list and have the syntax:
identifier '=' expression
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ and if all references to one argument do not provide a type, then the format `?`
is used (the type's rust-representation is printed). For example, this is an
invalid format string:
{0:d} {0:s}
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ must have the type `uint`. Although a `uint` can be printed with `{:u}`, it is
illegal to reference an argument as such. For example, this is another invalid
format string:
{:.*s} {0:u}
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ fn main() {
There are a number of related macros in the `format!` family. The ones that are
currently implemented are:
format! // described above
write! // first argument is a &mut io::Writer, the destination
writeln! // same as write but appends a newline
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ references information on the stack. Under the hood, all of
the related macros are implemented in terms of this. First
off, some example usage is:
use std::fmt;
# fn lol<T>() -> T { fail!() }
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ This example is the equivalent of `{0:s}` essentially.
The select method is a switch over a `&str` parameter, and the parameter *must*
be of the type `&str`. An example of the syntax is:
{0, select, male{...} female{...} other{...}}
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ The plural method is a switch statement over a `uint` parameter, and the
parameter *must* be a `uint`. A plural method in its full glory can be specified
{0, plural, offset=1 =1{...} two{...} many{...} other{...}}
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ should not be too alien. Arguments are formatted with python-like syntax,
meaning that arguments are surrounded by `{}` instead of the C-like `%`. The
actual grammar for the formatting syntax is:
format_string := <text> [ format <text> ] *
format := '{' [ argument ] [ ':' format_spec ] [ ',' function_spec ] '}'
argument := integer | identifier
@ -896,10 +896,10 @@ impl<'a> Formatter<'a> {
/// # Arguments
/// * is_positive - whether the original integer was positive or not.
/// * prefix - if the '#' character (FlagAlternate) is provided, this
/// is the prefix to put in front of the number.
/// * buf - the byte array that the number has been formatted into
/// * is_positive - whether the original integer was positive or not.
/// * prefix - if the '#' character (FlagAlternate) is provided, this
/// is the prefix to put in front of the number.
/// * buf - the byte array that the number has been formatted into
/// This function will correctly account for the flags provided as well as
/// the minimum width. It will not take precision into account.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub trait Zero: Add<Self, Self> {
/// # Laws
/// ~~~ignore
/// ~~~notrust
/// a + 0 = a ∀ a ∈ Self
/// 0 + a = a ∀ a ∈ Self
/// ~~~
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pub trait One: Mul<Self, Self> {
/// # Laws
/// ~~~ignore
/// ~~~notrust
/// a * 1 = a ∀ a ∈ Self
/// 1 * a = a ∀ a ∈ Self
/// ~~~
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
grep -v 'invisible' $file &&
grep '#\[deriving(Eq)\] // Bar' $file
grep '#.*\[.*deriving.*(.*Eq.*).*\].*//.*Bar' $file
exit $?
Reference in New Issue
Block a user