Reimplemented lexer with vectors instead of iterators
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use hir::ModuleSource;
use ra_db::{RelativePath, RelativePathBuf, SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt};
use ra_syntax::{algo::find_node_at_offset, ast, tokenize, AstNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode};
use ra_syntax::{algo::find_node_at_offset, ast, single_token, AstNode, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode};
use ra_text_edit::TextEdit;
use crate::{
@ -17,11 +17,9 @@ pub(crate) fn rename(
position: FilePosition,
new_name: &str,
) -> Option<RangeInfo<SourceChange>> {
let tokens = tokenize(new_name);
if tokens.len() != 1
|| (tokens[0].kind != SyntaxKind::IDENT && tokens[0].kind != SyntaxKind::UNDERSCORE)
return None;
match single_token(new_name)?.token.kind {
SyntaxKind::IDENT | SyntaxKind::UNDERSCORE => (),
_ => return None,
let parse = db.parse(position.file_id);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! FIXME: write short doc here
use ra_parser::{Token, TokenSource};
use ra_syntax::{classify_literal, SmolStr, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind::*, T};
use ra_syntax::{single_token, SmolStr, SyntaxKind, SyntaxKind::*, T};
use std::cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell};
use tt::buffer::{Cursor, TokenBuffer};
@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ fn convert_delim(d: Option<tt::DelimiterKind>, closing: bool) -> TtToken {
fn convert_literal(l: &tt::Literal) -> TtToken {
let kind =
classify_literal(&l.text).map(|tkn| tkn.kind).unwrap_or_else(|| match l.text.as_ref() {
let kind = single_token(&l.text)
.map(|parsed| parsed.token.kind)
.filter(|kind| kind.is_literal())
.unwrap_or_else(|| match l.text.as_ref() {
"true" => T![true],
"false" => T![false],
_ => panic!("Fail to convert given literal {:#?}", &l),
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ use crate::syntax_node::GreenNode;
pub use crate::{
ast::{AstNode, AstToken},
parsing::{classify_literal, tokenize, Token},
parsing::{first_token, single_token, tokenize, tokenize_append, Token, TokenizeError},
ptr::{AstPtr, SyntaxNodePtr},
syntax_error::{Location, SyntaxError, SyntaxErrorKind},
@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ mod text_tree_sink;
mod reparsing;
use crate::{syntax_node::GreenNode, SyntaxError};
use text_token_source::TextTokenSource;
use text_tree_sink::TextTreeSink;
pub use self::lexer::{classify_literal, tokenize, Token};
pub use lexer::*;
pub(crate) use self::reparsing::incremental_reparse;
pub(crate) fn parse_text(text: &str) -> (GreenNode, Vec<SyntaxError>) {
let tokens = tokenize(&text);
let mut token_source = text_token_source::TextTokenSource::new(text, &tokens);
let mut tree_sink = text_tree_sink::TextTreeSink::new(text, &tokens);
let ParsedTokens { tokens, errors } = tokenize(&text);
let mut token_source = TextTokenSource::new(text, &tokens);
let mut tree_sink = TextTreeSink::new(text, &tokens, errors);
ra_parser::parse(&mut token_source, &mut tree_sink);
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
//! Lexer analyzes raw input string and produces lexemes (tokens).
use std::iter::{FromIterator, IntoIterator};
//! It is just a bridge to `rustc_lexer`.
use crate::{
SyntaxError, SyntaxErrorKind,
SyntaxKind::{self, *},
TextRange, TextUnit,
/// A token of Rust source.
@ -15,93 +15,96 @@ pub struct Token {
/// The length of the token.
pub len: TextUnit,
impl Token {
pub const fn new(kind: SyntaxKind, len: TextUnit) -> Self {
Self { kind, len }
/// Represents the result of parsing one token.
/// Represents the result of parsing one token. Beware that the token may be malformed.
pub struct ParsedToken {
/// Parsed token.
pub token: Token,
/// If error is present then parsed token is malformed.
pub error: Option<TokenizeError>,
impl ParsedToken {
pub const fn new(token: Token, error: Option<TokenizeError>) -> Self {
Self { token, error }
pub error: Option<SyntaxError>,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
/// Represents the result of parsing one token.
/// Represents the result of parsing source code of Rust language.
pub struct ParsedTokens {
/// Parsed token.
/// Parsed tokens in order they appear in source code.
pub tokens: Vec<Token>,
/// If error is present then parsed token is malformed.
pub errors: Vec<TokenizeError>,
/// Collection of all occured tokenization errors.
/// In general `self.errors.len() <= self.tokens.len()`
pub errors: Vec<SyntaxError>,
impl FromIterator<ParsedToken> for ParsedTokens {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = ParsedToken>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let res = Self::default();
for entry in iter {
if let Some(error) = entry.error {
impl ParsedTokens {
/// Append `token` and `error` (if pressent) to the result.
pub fn push(&mut self, ParsedToken { token, error }: ParsedToken) {
if let Some(error) = error {
/// Returns the first encountered token from the string.
/// If the string contains zero or two or more tokens returns `None`.
/// Same as `tokenize_append()`, just a shortcut for creating `ParsedTokens`
/// and returning the result the usual way.
pub fn tokenize(text: &str) -> ParsedTokens {
let mut parsed = ParsedTokens::default();
tokenize_append(text, &mut parsed);
/// Break a string up into its component tokens.
/// Returns `ParsedTokens` which are basically a pair `(Vec<Token>, Vec<SyntaxError>)`.
/// Beware that it checks for shebang first and its length contributes to resulting
/// tokens offsets.
pub fn tokenize_append(text: &str, parsed: &mut ParsedTokens) {
// non-empty string is a precondtion of `rustc_lexer::strip_shebang()`.
if text.is_empty() {
let mut offset: usize = rustc_lexer::strip_shebang(text)
.map(|shebang_len| {
parsed.tokens.push(Token { kind: SHEBANG, len: TextUnit::from_usize(shebang_len) });
let text_without_shebang = &text[offset..];
for rustc_token in rustc_lexer::tokenize(text_without_shebang) {
parsed.push(rustc_token_to_parsed_token(&rustc_token, text, TextUnit::from_usize(offset)));
offset += rustc_token.len;
/// Returns the first encountered token at the beginning of the string.
/// If the string contains zero or *two or more tokens* returns `None`.
/// The main difference between `first_token()` and `single_token()` is that
/// the latter returns `None` if the string contains more than one token.
pub fn single_token(text: &str) -> Option<ParsedToken> {
// TODO: test whether this condition indeed checks for a single token
first_token(text).filter(|parsed| parsed.token.len.to_usize() == text.len())
/// Returns `ParsedTokens` which are basically a pair `(Vec<Token>, Vec<TokenizeError>)`
/// This is just a shorthand for `tokenize(text).collect()`
pub fn tokenize_to_vec_with_errors(text: &str) -> ParsedTokens {
/// Returns the first encountered token at the beginning of the string.
/// If the string contains zero tokens returns `None`.
/// The main difference between `first_token() and single_token()` is that
/// the latter returns `None` if the string contains more than one token.
pub fn first_token(text: &str) -> Option<ParsedToken> {
// non-empty string is a precondtion of `rustc_lexer::first_token()`.
if text.is_empty() {
} else {
let rustc_token = rustc_lexer::first_token(text);
Some(rustc_token_to_parsed_token(&rustc_token, text, TextUnit::from(0)))
/// The simplest version of tokenize, it just retunst a ready-made `Vec<Token>`.
/// It discards all tokenization errors while parsing. If you need that infromation
/// consider using `tokenize()` or `tokenize_to_vec_with_errors()`.
pub fn tokenize_to_vec(text: &str) -> Vec<Token> {
tokenize(text).map(|parsed_token| parsed_token.token).collect()
/// Break a string up into its component tokens
/// This is the core function, all other `tokenize*()` functions are simply
/// handy shortcuts for this one.
pub fn tokenize(text: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = ParsedToken> + '_ {
let shebang = rustc_lexer::strip_shebang(text).map(|shebang_len| {
text = &text[shebang_len..];
ParsedToken::new(Token::new(SHEBANG, TextUnit::from_usize(shebang_len)), None)
// Notice that we eagerly evaluate shebang since it may change text slice
// and we cannot simplify this into a single method call chain
pub fn tokenize_without_shebang(text: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = ParsedToken> + '_ {
rustc_lexer::tokenize(text).map(|rustc_token| {
let token_text = &text[..rustc_token.len];
text = &text[rustc_token.len..];
rustc_token_kind_to_parsed_token(&rustc_token.kind, token_text)
/// Describes the values of `SyntaxErrorKind::TokenizeError` enum variant.
/// It describes all the types of errors that may happen during the tokenization
/// of Rust source.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TokenizeError {
/// Base prefix was provided, but there were no digits
/// after it, e.g. `0x`.
@ -124,94 +127,95 @@ pub enum TokenizeError {
/// Raw byte string literal lacks trailing delimiter e.g. `"##`
/// Raw string lacks a quote after pound characters e.g. `r###`
/// Raw string lacks a quote after the pound characters e.g. `r###`
/// Raw byte string lacks a quote after pound characters e.g. `br###`
/// Raw byte string lacks a quote after the pound characters e.g. `br###`
/// Lifetime starts with a number e.g. `'4ever`
fn rustc_token_kind_to_parsed_token(
rustc_token_kind: &rustc_lexer::TokenKind,
token_text: &str,
/// Mapper function that converts `rustc_lexer::Token` with some additional context
/// to `ParsedToken`
fn rustc_token_to_parsed_token(
rustc_token: &rustc_lexer::Token,
text: &str,
token_start_offset: TextUnit,
) -> ParsedToken {
use rustc_lexer::TokenKind as TK;
use TokenizeError as TE;
// We drop some useful infromation here (see patterns with double dots `..`)
// Storing that info in `SyntaxKind` is not possible due to its layout requirements of
// being `u16` that come from `rowan::SyntaxKind` type and changes to `rowan::SyntaxKind`
// would mean hell of a rewrite.
// would mean hell of a rewrite
let (syntax_kind, error) = match *rustc_token_kind {
TK::LineComment => ok(COMMENT),
TK::BlockComment { terminated } => ok_if(terminated, COMMENT, TE::UnterminatedBlockComment),
TK::Whitespace => ok(WHITESPACE),
TK::Ident => ok(if token_text == "_" {
} else {
TK::RawIdent => ok(IDENT),
TK::Literal { kind, .. } => match_literal_kind(&kind),
TK::Lifetime { starts_with_number } => {
ok_if(!starts_with_number, LIFETIME, TE::LifetimeStartsWithNumber)
let token_range =
TextRange::offset_len(token_start_offset, TextUnit::from_usize(rustc_token.len));
let token_text = &text[token_range];
let (syntax_kind, error) = {
use rustc_lexer::TokenKind as TK;
use TokenizeError as TE;
match rustc_token.kind {
TK::LineComment => ok(COMMENT),
TK::BlockComment { terminated } => {
ok_if(terminated, COMMENT, TE::UnterminatedBlockComment)
TK::Whitespace => ok(WHITESPACE),
TK::Ident => ok(if token_text == "_" {
} else {
TK::RawIdent => ok(IDENT),
TK::Literal { kind, .. } => match_literal_kind(&kind),
TK::Lifetime { starts_with_number } => {
ok_if(!starts_with_number, LIFETIME, TE::LifetimeStartsWithNumber)
TK::Semi => ok(SEMI),
TK::Comma => ok(COMMA),
TK::Dot => ok(DOT),
TK::OpenParen => ok(L_PAREN),
TK::CloseParen => ok(R_PAREN),
TK::OpenBrace => ok(L_CURLY),
TK::CloseBrace => ok(R_CURLY),
TK::OpenBracket => ok(L_BRACK),
TK::CloseBracket => ok(R_BRACK),
TK::At => ok(AT),
TK::Pound => ok(POUND),
TK::Tilde => ok(TILDE),
TK::Question => ok(QUESTION),
TK::Colon => ok(COLON),
TK::Dollar => ok(DOLLAR),
TK::Eq => ok(EQ),
TK::Not => ok(EXCL),
TK::Lt => ok(L_ANGLE),
TK::Gt => ok(R_ANGLE),
TK::Minus => ok(MINUS),
TK::And => ok(AMP),
TK::Or => ok(PIPE),
TK::Plus => ok(PLUS),
TK::Star => ok(STAR),
TK::Slash => ok(SLASH),
TK::Caret => ok(CARET),
TK::Percent => ok(PERCENT),
TK::Unknown => ok(ERROR),
TK::Semi => ok(SEMI),
TK::Comma => ok(COMMA),
TK::Dot => ok(DOT),
TK::OpenParen => ok(L_PAREN),
TK::CloseParen => ok(R_PAREN),
TK::OpenBrace => ok(L_CURLY),
TK::CloseBrace => ok(R_CURLY),
TK::OpenBracket => ok(L_BRACK),
TK::CloseBracket => ok(R_BRACK),
TK::At => ok(AT),
TK::Pound => ok(POUND),
TK::Tilde => ok(TILDE),
TK::Question => ok(QUESTION),
TK::Colon => ok(COLON),
TK::Dollar => ok(DOLLAR),
TK::Eq => ok(EQ),
TK::Not => ok(EXCL),
TK::Lt => ok(L_ANGLE),
TK::Gt => ok(R_ANGLE),
TK::Minus => ok(MINUS),
TK::And => ok(AMP),
TK::Or => ok(PIPE),
TK::Plus => ok(PLUS),
TK::Star => ok(STAR),
TK::Slash => ok(SLASH),
TK::Caret => ok(CARET),
TK::Percent => ok(PERCENT),
TK::Unknown => ok(ERROR),
return ParsedToken::new(
Token::new(syntax_kind, TextUnit::from_usize(token_text.len())),
return ParsedToken {
token: Token { kind: syntax_kind, len: token_range.len() },
error: error
.map(|error| SyntaxError::new(SyntaxErrorKind::TokenizeError(error), token_range)),
type ParsedSyntaxKind = (SyntaxKind, Option<TokenizeError>);
const fn ok(syntax_kind: SyntaxKind) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
(syntax_kind, None)
const fn ok_if(cond: bool, syntax_kind: SyntaxKind, error: TokenizeError) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
if cond {
} else {
err(syntax_kind, error)
const fn err(syntax_kind: SyntaxKind, error: TokenizeError) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
(syntax_kind, Some(error))
const fn match_literal_kind(kind: &rustc_lexer::LiteralKind) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
fn match_literal_kind(kind: &rustc_lexer::LiteralKind) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
use rustc_lexer::LiteralKind as LK;
use TokenizeError as TE;
match *kind {
LK::Int { empty_int, .. } => ok_if(!empty_int, INT_NUMBER, TE::EmptyInt),
LK::Float { empty_exponent, .. } => {
@ -237,27 +241,17 @@ fn rustc_token_kind_to_parsed_token(
pub fn first_token(text: &str) -> Option<ParsedToken> {
// Checking for emptyness because of `rustc_lexer::first_token()` invariant (see its body)
if text.is_empty() {
} else {
let rustc_token = rustc_lexer::first_token(text);
Some(rustc_token_kind_to_parsed_token(&rustc_token.kind, &text[..rustc_token.len]))
const fn ok(syntax_kind: SyntaxKind) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
(syntax_kind, None)
const fn err(syntax_kind: SyntaxKind, error: TokenizeError) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
(syntax_kind, Some(error))
fn ok_if(cond: bool, syntax_kind: SyntaxKind, error: TokenizeError) -> ParsedSyntaxKind {
if cond {
} else {
err(syntax_kind, error)
// TODO: think what to do with this ad hoc function
pub fn classify_literal(text: &str) -> Option<ParsedToken> {
let t = rustc_lexer::first_token(text);
if t.len != text.len() {
return None;
let kind = match t.kind {
rustc_lexer::TokenKind::Literal { kind, .. } => match_literal_kind(kind),
_ => return None,
Some(ParsedToken::new(Token::new(kind, TextUnit::from_usize(t.len))))
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use ra_text_edit::AtomTextEdit;
use crate::{
lexer::{tokenize, Token},
lexer::{single_token, tokenize, ParsedTokens, Token},
@ -41,36 +41,42 @@ fn reparse_token<'node>(
root: &'node SyntaxNode,
edit: &AtomTextEdit,
) -> Option<(GreenNode, TextRange)> {
let token = algo::find_covering_element(root, edit.delete).as_token()?.clone();
match token.kind() {
let prev_token = algo::find_covering_element(root, edit.delete).as_token()?.clone();
let prev_token_kind = prev_token.kind();
match prev_token_kind {
if token.kind() == WHITESPACE || token.kind() == COMMENT {
if prev_token_kind == WHITESPACE || prev_token_kind == COMMENT {
// removing a new line may extends previous token
if token.text()[edit.delete - token.text_range().start()].contains('\n') {
let deleted_range = edit.delete - prev_token.text_range().start();
if prev_token.text()[deleted_range].contains('\n') {
return None;
let text = get_text_after_edit(token.clone().into(), &edit);
let lex_tokens = tokenize(&text);
let lex_token = match lex_tokens[..] {
[lex_token] if lex_token.kind == token.kind() => lex_token,
_ => return None,
let mut new_text = get_text_after_edit(prev_token.clone().into(), &edit);
let new_token_kind = single_token(&new_text)?.token.kind;
if lex_token.kind == IDENT && is_contextual_kw(&text) {
if new_token_kind != prev_token_kind
|| (new_token_kind == IDENT && is_contextual_kw(&new_text))
return None;
if let Some(next_char) = root.text().char_at(token.text_range().end()) {
let tokens_with_next_char = tokenize(&format!("{}{}", text, next_char));
if tokens_with_next_char.len() == 1 {
// Check that edited token is not a part of the bigger token.
// E.g. if for source code `bruh"str"` the user removed `ruh`, then
// `b` no longer remains an identifier, but becomes a part of byte string literal
if let Some(next_char) = root.text().char_at(prev_token.text_range().end()) {
let token_with_next_char = single_token(&new_text);
if token_with_next_char.is_some() {
return None;
let new_token = GreenToken::new(rowan::SyntaxKind(token.kind().into()), text.into());
Some((token.replace_with(new_token), token.text_range()))
let new_token =
GreenToken::new(rowan::SyntaxKind(prev_token_kind.into()), new_text.into());
Some((prev_token.replace_with(new_token), prev_token.text_range()))
_ => None,
@ -82,12 +88,12 @@ fn reparse_block<'node>(
) -> Option<(GreenNode, Vec<SyntaxError>, TextRange)> {
let (node, reparser) = find_reparsable_node(root, edit.delete)?;
let text = get_text_after_edit(node.clone().into(), &edit);
let tokens = tokenize(&text);
let ParsedTokens { tokens, errors } = tokenize(&text);
if !is_balanced(&tokens) {
return None;
let mut token_source = TextTokenSource::new(&text, &tokens);
let mut tree_sink = TextTreeSink::new(&text, &tokens);
let mut tree_sink = TextTreeSink::new(&text, &tokens, errors);
reparser.parse(&mut token_source, &mut tree_sink);
let (green, new_errors) = tree_sink.finish();
Some((node.replace_with(green), new_errors, node.text_range()))
@ -96,6 +102,9 @@ fn reparse_block<'node>(
fn get_text_after_edit(element: SyntaxElement, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> String {
let edit =
AtomTextEdit::replace(edit.delete - element.text_range().start(), edit.insert.clone());
// Note: we could move this match to a method or even further: use enum_dispatch crate
let text = match element {
NodeOrToken::Token(token) => token.text().to_string(),
NodeOrToken::Node(node) => node.text().to_string(),
@ -112,6 +121,9 @@ fn is_contextual_kw(text: &str) -> bool {
fn find_reparsable_node(node: &SyntaxNode, range: TextRange) -> Option<(SyntaxNode, Reparser)> {
let node = algo::find_covering_element(node, range);
// Note: we could move this match to a method or even further: use enum_dispatch crate
let mut ancestors = match node {
NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.parent().ancestors(),
NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.ancestors(),
@ -181,6 +193,8 @@ mod tests {
let fully_reparsed = SourceFile::parse(&after);
let incrementally_reparsed: Parse<SourceFile> = {
let f = SourceFile::parse(&before);
// FIXME: it seems this initialization statement is unnecessary (see edit in outer scope)
// Investigate whether it should really be removed.
let edit = AtomTextEdit { delete: range, insert: replace_with.to_string() };
let (green, new_errors, range) =
incremental_reparse(f.tree().syntax(), &edit, f.errors.to_vec()).unwrap();
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ impl<'a> TreeSink for TextTreeSink<'a> {
impl<'a> TextTreeSink<'a> {
pub(super) fn new(text: &'a str, tokens: &'a [Token]) -> TextTreeSink<'a> {
TextTreeSink {
pub(super) fn new(text: &'a str, tokens: &'a [Token], errors: Vec<SyntaxError>) -> Self {
Self {
text_pos: 0.into(),
token_pos: 0,
state: State::PendingStart,
inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder::default(),
inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder::new(errors),
@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ pub enum SyntaxErrorKind {
// FIXME: the obvious pattern of this enum dictates that the following enum variants
// should be wrapped into something like `SemmanticError(SemmanticError)`
// or `ValidateError(ValidateError)` or `SemmanticValidateError(...)`
@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for SyntaxErrorKind {
ParseError(msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg.0),
EscapeError(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
TokenizeError(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
VisibilityNotAllowed => {
write!(f, "unnecessary visibility qualifier")
@ -116,6 +120,44 @@ impl fmt::Display for SyntaxErrorKind {
impl fmt::Display for TokenizeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let msg = match self {
TokenizeError::EmptyInt => "Missing digits after integer base prefix",
TokenizeError::EmptyExponent => "Missing digits after the exponent symbol",
TokenizeError::UnterminatedBlockComment => {
"Missing trailing `*/` symbols to terminate the block comment"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedChar => {
"Missing trailing `'` symbol to terminate the character literal"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedByte => {
"Missing trailing `'` symbol to terminate the byte literal"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedString => {
"Missing trailing `\"` symbol to terminate the string literal"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedByteString => {
"Missing trailing `\"` symbol to terminate the byte string literal"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedRawString => {
"Missing trailing `\"` with `#` symbols to terminate the raw string literal"
TokenizeError::UnterminatedRawByteString => {
"Missing trailing `\"` with `#` symbols to terminate the raw byte string literal"
TokenizeError::UnstartedRawString => {
"Missing `\"` symbol after `#` symbols to begin the raw string literal"
TokenizeError::UnstartedRawByteString => {
"Missing `\"` symbol after `#` symbols to begin the raw byte string literal"
TokenizeError::LifetimeStartsWithNumber => "Lifetime name cannot start with a number",
write!(f, "{}", msg)
impl fmt::Display for EscapeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let msg = match self {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
//! `SyntaxNode`, and a basic traversal API (parent, children, siblings).
//! The *real* implementation is in the (language-agnostic) `rowan` crate, this
//! modules just wraps its API.
//! module just wraps its API.
use ra_parser::ParseError;
use rowan::{GreenNodeBuilder, Language};
@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ pub type SyntaxElementChildren = rowan::SyntaxElementChildren<RustLanguage>;
pub use rowan::{Direction, NodeOrToken};
pub struct SyntaxTreeBuilder {
errors: Vec<SyntaxError>,
inner: GreenNodeBuilder<'static>,
impl Default for SyntaxTreeBuilder {
fn default() -> SyntaxTreeBuilder {
SyntaxTreeBuilder { errors: Vec::new(), inner: GreenNodeBuilder::new() }
impl SyntaxTreeBuilder {
pub fn new(errors: Vec<SyntaxError>) -> Self {
Self { errors, inner: GreenNodeBuilder::default() }
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ use crate::{fuzz, SourceFile};
fn lexer_tests() {
dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["lexer"], |text, _| {
let tokens = crate::tokenize(text);
// FIXME: add tests for errors (their format is up to discussion)
let tokens = crate::tokenize(text).tokens;
dump_tokens(&tokens, text)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user