diff --git a/src/libstd/bitflags.rs b/src/libstd/bitflags.rs
index 7966040ed7b..adb55f2cc8c 100644
--- a/src/libstd/bitflags.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/bitflags.rs
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
 /// ```{.rust}
 /// bitflags! {
 ///     flags Flags: u32 {
-///         static FLAG_A       = 0x00000001,
-///         static FLAG_B       = 0x00000010,
-///         static FLAG_C       = 0x00000100,
-///         static FLAG_ABC     = FLAG_A.bits
-///                             | FLAG_B.bits
-///                             | FLAG_C.bits,
+///         const FLAG_A       = 0x00000001,
+///         const FLAG_B       = 0x00000010,
+///         const FLAG_C       = 0x00000100,
+///         const FLAG_ABC     = FLAG_A.bits
+///                            | FLAG_B.bits
+///                            | FLAG_C.bits,
 ///     }
 /// }
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 /// bitflags! {
 ///     flags Flags: u32 {
-///         static FLAG_A   = 0x00000001,
-///         static FLAG_B   = 0x00000010,
+///         const FLAG_A   = 0x00000001,
+///         const FLAG_B   = 0x00000010,
 ///     }
 /// }
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 macro_rules! bitflags {
     ($(#[$attr:meta])* flags $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
-        $($(#[$Flag_attr:meta])* static $Flag:ident = $value:expr),+
+        $($(#[$Flag_attr:meta])* const $Flag:ident = $value:expr),+
     }) => {
         #[deriving(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ macro_rules! bitflags {
             bits: $T,
-        $($(#[$Flag_attr])* pub static $Flag: $BitFlags = $BitFlags { bits: $value };)+
+        $($(#[$Flag_attr])* pub const $Flag: $BitFlags = $BitFlags { bits: $value };)+
         impl $BitFlags {
             /// Returns an empty set of flags.
@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ macro_rules! bitflags {
     ($(#[$attr:meta])* flags $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
-        $($(#[$Flag_attr:meta])* static $Flag:ident = $value:expr),+,
+        $($(#[$Flag_attr:meta])* const $Flag:ident = $value:expr),+,
     }) => {
         bitflags! {
             flags $BitFlags: $T {
-                $($(#[$Flag_attr])* static $Flag = $value),+
+                $($(#[$Flag_attr])* const $Flag = $value),+
@@ -259,14 +259,14 @@ mod tests {
         #[doc = "> "]
         #[doc = "> - Richard Feynman"]
         flags Flags: u32 {
-            static FlagA       = 0x00000001,
+            const FlagA       = 0x00000001,
             #[doc = "<pcwalton> macros are way better at generating code than trans is"]
-            static FlagB       = 0x00000010,
-            static FlagC       = 0x00000100,
+            const FlagB       = 0x00000010,
+            const FlagC       = 0x00000100,
             #[doc = "* cmr bed"]
             #[doc = "* strcat table"]
             #[doc = "<strcat> wait what?"]
-            static FlagABC     = FlagA.bits
+            const FlagABC     = FlagA.bits
                                | FlagB.bits
                                | FlagC.bits,
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ mod tests {
     bitflags! {
         flags AnotherSetOfFlags: uint {
-            static AnotherFlag = 1u,
+            const AnotherFlag = 1u,
diff --git a/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/map.rs b/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/map.rs
index 6b9c76e1568..ef40402105b 100644
--- a/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/map.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/map.rs
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ use super::table::{
-static INITIAL_LOG2_CAP: uint = 5;
-pub static INITIAL_CAPACITY: uint = 1 << INITIAL_LOG2_CAP; // 2^5
+const INITIAL_LOG2_CAP: uint = 5;
+pub const INITIAL_CAPACITY: uint = 1 << INITIAL_LOG2_CAP; // 2^5
 /// The default behavior of HashMap implements a load factor of 90.9%.
 /// This behavior is characterized by the following conditions:
diff --git a/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/table.rs b/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/table.rs
index bad5ce3e475..ee64a7931c0 100644
--- a/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/table.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/collections/hashmap/table.rs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use ptr::{RawPtr, copy_nonoverlapping_memory, zero_memory};
 use ptr;
 use rt::heap::{allocate, deallocate};
-static EMPTY_BUCKET: u64 = 0u64;
+const EMPTY_BUCKET: u64 = 0u64;
 /// The raw hashtable, providing safe-ish access to the unzipped and highly
 /// optimized arrays of hashes, keys, and values.
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/mod.rs b/src/libstd/io/mod.rs
index 280aff71e23..d18b3cdf2e7 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/mod.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/io/mod.rs
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ pub mod util;
 /// The default buffer size for various I/O operations
 // libuv recommends 64k buffers to maximize throughput
 // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/libuv/oQO1HJAIDdA
-static DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE: uint = 1024 * 64;
+const DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE: uint = 1024 * 64;
 /// A convenient typedef of the return value of any I/O action.
 pub type IoResult<T> = Result<T, IoError>;
@@ -1803,93 +1803,93 @@ bitflags! {
     #[doc = "A set of permissions for a file or directory is represented"]
     #[doc = "by a set of flags which are or'd together."]
     flags FilePermission: u32 {
-        static USER_READ     = 0o400,
-        static USER_WRITE    = 0o200,
-        static USER_EXECUTE  = 0o100,
-        static GROUP_READ    = 0o040,
-        static GROUP_WRITE   = 0o020,
-        static GROUP_EXECUTE = 0o010,
-        static OTHER_READ    = 0o004,
-        static OTHER_WRITE   = 0o002,
-        static OTHER_EXECUTE = 0o001,
+        const USER_READ     = 0o400,
+        const USER_WRITE    = 0o200,
+        const USER_EXECUTE  = 0o100,
+        const GROUP_READ    = 0o040,
+        const GROUP_WRITE   = 0o020,
+        const GROUP_EXECUTE = 0o010,
+        const OTHER_READ    = 0o004,
+        const OTHER_WRITE   = 0o002,
+        const OTHER_EXECUTE = 0o001,
-        static USER_RWX  = USER_READ.bits | USER_WRITE.bits | USER_EXECUTE.bits,
-        static GROUP_RWX = GROUP_READ.bits | GROUP_WRITE.bits | GROUP_EXECUTE.bits,
-        static OTHER_RWX = OTHER_READ.bits | OTHER_WRITE.bits | OTHER_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const USER_RWX  = USER_READ.bits | USER_WRITE.bits | USER_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const GROUP_RWX = GROUP_READ.bits | GROUP_WRITE.bits | GROUP_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const OTHER_RWX = OTHER_READ.bits | OTHER_WRITE.bits | OTHER_EXECUTE.bits,
         #[doc = "Permissions for user owned files, equivalent to 0644 on"]
         #[doc = "unix-like systems."]
-        static USER_FILE = USER_READ.bits | USER_WRITE.bits | GROUP_READ.bits | OTHER_READ.bits,
+        const USER_FILE = USER_READ.bits | USER_WRITE.bits | GROUP_READ.bits | OTHER_READ.bits,
         #[doc = "Permissions for user owned directories, equivalent to 0755 on"]
         #[doc = "unix-like systems."]
-        static USER_DIR  = USER_RWX.bits | GROUP_READ.bits | GROUP_EXECUTE.bits |
+        const USER_DIR  = USER_RWX.bits | GROUP_READ.bits | GROUP_EXECUTE.bits |
                    OTHER_READ.bits | OTHER_EXECUTE.bits,
         #[doc = "Permissions for user owned executables, equivalent to 0755"]
         #[doc = "on unix-like systems."]
-        static USER_EXEC = USER_DIR.bits,
+        const USER_EXEC = USER_DIR.bits,
         #[doc = "All possible permissions enabled."]
-        static ALL_PERMISSIONS = USER_RWX.bits | GROUP_RWX.bits | OTHER_RWX.bits,
+        const ALL_PERMISSIONS = USER_RWX.bits | GROUP_RWX.bits | OTHER_RWX.bits,
         // Deprecated names
         #[deprecated = "use USER_READ instead"]
-        static UserRead     = USER_READ.bits,
+        const UserRead     = USER_READ.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use USER_WRITE instead"]
-        static UserWrite    = USER_WRITE.bits,
+        const UserWrite    = USER_WRITE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use USER_EXECUTE instead"]
-        static UserExecute  = USER_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const UserExecute  = USER_EXECUTE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use GROUP_READ instead"]
-        static GroupRead    = GROUP_READ.bits,
+        const GroupRead    = GROUP_READ.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use GROUP_WRITE instead"]
-        static GroupWrite   = GROUP_WRITE.bits,
+        const GroupWrite   = GROUP_WRITE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use GROUP_EXECUTE instead"]
-        static GroupExecute = GROUP_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const GroupExecute = GROUP_EXECUTE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use OTHER_READ instead"]
-        static OtherRead    = OTHER_READ.bits,
+        const OtherRead    = OTHER_READ.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use OTHER_WRITE instead"]
-        static OtherWrite   = OTHER_WRITE.bits,
+        const OtherWrite   = OTHER_WRITE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use OTHER_EXECUTE instead"]
-        static OtherExecute = OTHER_EXECUTE.bits,
+        const OtherExecute = OTHER_EXECUTE.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use USER_RWX instead"]
-        static UserRWX  = USER_RWX.bits,
+        const UserRWX  = USER_RWX.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use GROUP_RWX instead"]
-        static GroupRWX = GROUP_RWX.bits,
+        const GroupRWX = GROUP_RWX.bits,
         #[deprecated = "use OTHER_RWX instead"]
-        static OtherRWX = OTHER_RWX.bits,
+        const OtherRWX = OTHER_RWX.bits,
         #[doc = "Deprecated: use `USER_FILE` instead."]
         #[deprecated = "use USER_FILE instead"]
-        static UserFile = USER_FILE.bits,
+        const UserFile = USER_FILE.bits,
         #[doc = "Deprecated: use `USER_DIR` instead."]
         #[deprecated = "use USER_DIR instead"]
-        static UserDir  = USER_DIR.bits,
+        const UserDir  = USER_DIR.bits,
         #[doc = "Deprecated: use `USER_EXEC` instead."]
         #[deprecated = "use USER_EXEC instead"]
-        static UserExec = USER_EXEC.bits,
+        const UserExec = USER_EXEC.bits,
         #[doc = "Deprecated: use `ALL_PERMISSIONS` instead"]
         #[deprecated = "use ALL_PERMISSIONS instead"]
-        static AllPermissions = ALL_PERMISSIONS.bits,
+        const AllPermissions = ALL_PERMISSIONS.bits,
diff --git a/src/libstd/io/process.rs b/src/libstd/io/process.rs
index ef336bc7b4f..5de4bc10e1a 100644
--- a/src/libstd/io/process.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/io/process.rs
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ use std::hash::sip::SipState;
 /// Signal a process to exit, without forcibly killing it. Corresponds to
 /// SIGTERM on unix platforms.
-#[cfg(windows)] pub static PleaseExitSignal: int = 15;
+#[cfg(windows)] pub const PleaseExitSignal: int = 15;
 /// Signal a process to exit immediately, forcibly killing it. Corresponds to
 /// SIGKILL on unix platforms.
-#[cfg(windows)] pub static MustDieSignal: int = 9;
+#[cfg(windows)] pub const MustDieSignal: int = 9;
 /// Signal a process to exit, without forcibly killing it. Corresponds to
 /// SIGTERM on unix platforms.
-#[cfg(not(windows))] pub static PleaseExitSignal: int = libc::SIGTERM as int;
+#[cfg(not(windows))] pub const PleaseExitSignal: int = libc::SIGTERM as int;
 /// Signal a process to exit immediately, forcibly killing it. Corresponds to
 /// SIGKILL on unix platforms.
-#[cfg(not(windows))] pub static MustDieSignal: int = libc::SIGKILL as int;
+#[cfg(not(windows))] pub const MustDieSignal: int = libc::SIGKILL as int;
 /// Representation of a running or exited child process.
diff --git a/src/libstd/os.rs b/src/libstd/os.rs
index bb642f1e48f..60386ec0631 100644
--- a/src/libstd/os.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/os.rs
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ pub fn num_cpus() -> uint {
-pub static TMPBUF_SZ : uint = 1000u;
-static BUF_BYTES : uint = 2048u;
+pub const TMPBUF_SZ : uint = 1000u;
+const BUF_BYTES : uint = 2048u;
 /// Returns the current working directory as a Path.
@@ -1672,230 +1672,230 @@ impl MemoryMap {
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `linux`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "linux";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "linux";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `macos`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "macos";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "macos";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.dylib`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dylib";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dylib";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `dylib`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dylib";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dylib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "ios")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `ios`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "ios";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "ios";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `freebsd`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "freebsd";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "freebsd";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "dragonfly")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `dragonfly`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "dragonfly";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "dragonfly";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "unix";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `android`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "android";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "android";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `lib`.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "lib";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.so`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".so";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `so`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "so";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "";
 #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
 pub mod consts {
     pub use os::arch_consts::ARCH;
-    pub static FAMILY: &'static str = "windows";
+    pub const FAMILY: &'static str = "windows";
     /// A string describing the specific operating system in use: in this
     /// case, `windows`.
-    pub static SYSNAME: &'static str = "windows";
+    pub const SYSNAME: &'static str = "windows";
     /// Specifies the filename prefix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, the empty string.
-    pub static DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "";
+    pub const DLL_PREFIX: &'static str = "";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.dll`.
-    pub static DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dll";
+    pub const DLL_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".dll";
     /// Specifies the file extension used for shared libraries on this
     /// platform that goes after the dot: in this case, `dll`.
-    pub static DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dll";
+    pub const DLL_EXTENSION: &'static str = "dll";
     /// Specifies the filename suffix used for executable binaries on this
     /// platform: in this case, `.exe`.
-    pub static EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".exe";
+    pub const EXE_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".exe";
     /// Specifies the file extension, if any, used for executable binaries
     /// on this platform: in this case, `exe`.
-    pub static EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "exe";
+    pub const EXE_EXTENSION: &'static str = "exe";
 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
 mod arch_consts {
-    pub static ARCH: &'static str = "x86";
+    pub const ARCH: &'static str = "x86";
 #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
 mod arch_consts {
-    pub static ARCH: &'static str = "x86_64";
+    pub const ARCH: &'static str = "x86_64";
 #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
 mod arch_consts {
-    pub static ARCH: &'static str = "arm";
+    pub const ARCH: &'static str = "arm";
 #[cfg(target_arch = "mips")]
 mod arch_consts {
-    pub static ARCH: &'static str = "mips";
+    pub const ARCH: &'static str = "mips";
 #[cfg(target_arch = "mipsel")]
 mod arch_consts {
-    pub static ARCH: &'static str = "mipsel";
+    pub const ARCH: &'static str = "mipsel";
diff --git a/src/libstd/path/posix.rs b/src/libstd/path/posix.rs
index 196ac7507ea..f7fb9adb1fb 100644
--- a/src/libstd/path/posix.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/path/posix.rs
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ pub struct Path {
 /// The standard path separator character
-pub static SEP: char = '/';
+pub const SEP: char = '/';
 /// The standard path separator byte
-pub static SEP_BYTE: u8 = SEP as u8;
+pub const SEP_BYTE: u8 = SEP as u8;
 /// Returns whether the given byte is a path separator
diff --git a/src/libstd/path/windows.rs b/src/libstd/path/windows.rs
index ec3f87bc45a..5bd738ed58b 100644
--- a/src/libstd/path/windows.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/path/windows.rs
@@ -958,14 +958,14 @@ pub fn make_non_verbatim(path: &Path) -> Option<Path> {
 /// The standard path separator character
-pub static SEP: char = '\\';
+pub const SEP: char = '\\';
 /// The standard path separator byte
-pub static SEP_BYTE: u8 = SEP as u8;
+pub const SEP_BYTE: u8 = SEP as u8;
 /// The alternative path separator character
-pub static SEP2: char = '/';
+pub const SEP2: char = '/';
 /// The alternative path separator character
-pub static SEP2_BYTE: u8 = SEP2 as u8;
+pub const SEP2_BYTE: u8 = SEP2 as u8;
 /// Returns whether the given char is a path separator.
 /// Allows both the primary separator '\' and the alternative separator '/'.
diff --git a/src/libstd/time/duration.rs b/src/libstd/time/duration.rs
index 85aed47265f..751eb00bfae 100644
--- a/src/libstd/time/duration.rs
+++ b/src/libstd/time/duration.rs
@@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ use num::{CheckedAdd, CheckedMul};
 use result::{Result, Ok, Err};
 /// The number of nanoseconds in a microsecond.
-static NANOS_PER_MICRO: i32 = 1000;
+const NANOS_PER_MICRO: i32 = 1000;
 /// The number of nanoseconds in a millisecond.
-static NANOS_PER_MILLI: i32 = 1000_000;
+const NANOS_PER_MILLI: i32 = 1000_000;
 /// The number of nanoseconds in seconds.
-static NANOS_PER_SEC: i32 = 1_000_000_000;
+const NANOS_PER_SEC: i32 = 1_000_000_000;
 /// The number of microseconds per second.
-static MICROS_PER_SEC: i64 = 1000_000;
+const MICROS_PER_SEC: i64 = 1000_000;
 /// The number of milliseconds per second.
-static MILLIS_PER_SEC: i64 = 1000;
+const MILLIS_PER_SEC: i64 = 1000;
 /// The number of seconds in a minute.
-static SECS_PER_MINUTE: i64 = 60;
+const SECS_PER_MINUTE: i64 = 60;
 /// The number of seconds in an hour.
-static SECS_PER_HOUR: i64 = 3600;
+const SECS_PER_HOUR: i64 = 3600;
 /// The number of (non-leap) seconds in days.
-static SECS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400;
+const SECS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400;
 /// The number of (non-leap) seconds in a week.
-static SECS_PER_WEEK: i64 = 604800;
+const SECS_PER_WEEK: i64 = 604800;
 macro_rules! try_opt(
     ($e:expr) => (match $e { Some(v) => v, None => return None })
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ pub struct Duration {
 /// The minimum possible `Duration`: `i64::MIN` milliseconds.
-pub static MIN: Duration = Duration {
+pub const MIN: Duration = Duration {
     secs: i64::MIN / MILLIS_PER_SEC - 1,
     nanos: NANOS_PER_SEC + (i64::MIN % MILLIS_PER_SEC) as i32 * NANOS_PER_MILLI
 /// The maximum possible `Duration`: `i64::MAX` milliseconds.
-pub static MAX: Duration = Duration {
+pub const MAX: Duration = Duration {
     secs: i64::MAX / MILLIS_PER_SEC,
     nanos: (i64::MAX % MILLIS_PER_SEC) as i32 * NANOS_PER_MILLI
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(MIN.num_microseconds(), None);
         // overflow checks
-        static MICROS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400_000_000;
+        const MICROS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400_000_000;
         assert_eq!(Duration::days(i64::MAX / MICROS_PER_DAY).num_microseconds(),
                    Some(i64::MAX / MICROS_PER_DAY * MICROS_PER_DAY));
         assert_eq!(Duration::days(i64::MIN / MICROS_PER_DAY).num_microseconds(),
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(MIN.num_nanoseconds(), None);
         // overflow checks
-        static NANOS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400_000_000_000;
+        const NANOS_PER_DAY: i64 = 86400_000_000_000;
         assert_eq!(Duration::days(i64::MAX / NANOS_PER_DAY).num_nanoseconds(),
                    Some(i64::MAX / NANOS_PER_DAY * NANOS_PER_DAY));
         assert_eq!(Duration::days(i64::MIN / NANOS_PER_DAY).num_nanoseconds(),