3131: vscode: simplified config and to removed one source of truth of default values r=matklad a=Veetaha

Though not intended initially, the implementation of config design is alike [dart's one](https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/blob/master/src/extension/config.ts) as pointed by @matklad in PM.

Co-authored-by: Veetaha <gerzoh1@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bors[bot] 2020-02-14 21:08:47 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit ab42174653
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 98 additions and 213 deletions

View File

@ -182,6 +182,9 @@
"rust-analyzer.excludeGlobs": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"default": [],
"description": "Paths to exclude from analysis"
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.arguments": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"description": "`cargo-watch` arguments. (e.g: `--features=\"shumway,pdf\"` will run as `cargo watch -x \"check --features=\"shumway,pdf\"\"` )",
"default": []
@ -242,6 +248,7 @@
"rust-analyzer.maxInlayHintLength": {
"type": "number",
"default": 20,
"exclusiveMinimum": 0,
"description": "Maximum length for inlay hints"
"rust-analyzer.cargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures": {
@ -256,6 +263,9 @@
"rust-analyzer.cargoFeatures.features": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"default": [],
"description": "List of features to activate"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { Config } from './config';
import { ensureLanguageServerBinary } from './installation/language_server';
import { CallHierarchyFeature } from 'vscode-languageclient/lib/callHierarchy.proposed';
@ -9,32 +9,34 @@ export async function createClient(config: Config): Promise<null | lc.LanguageCl
// '.' Is the fallback if no folder is open
// TODO?: Workspace folders support Uri's (eg: file://test.txt).
// It might be a good idea to test if the uri points to a file.
const workspaceFolderPath = workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0]?.uri.fsPath ?? '.';
const workspaceFolderPath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0]?.uri.fsPath ?? '.';
const raLspServerPath = await ensureLanguageServerBinary(config.langServerSource);
if (!raLspServerPath) return null;
const langServerPath = await ensureLanguageServerBinary(config.langServerBinarySource);
if (!langServerPath) return null;
const run: lc.Executable = {
command: raLspServerPath,
command: langServerPath,
options: { cwd: workspaceFolderPath },
const serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = {
debug: run,
const traceOutputChannel = window.createOutputChannel(
const traceOutputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel(
'Rust Analyzer Language Server Trace',
const cargoWatchOpts = config.cargoWatchOptions;
const clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }],
initializationOptions: {
publishDecorations: true,
lruCapacity: config.lruCapacity,
maxInlayHintLength: config.maxInlayHintLength,
cargoWatchEnable: config.cargoWatchOptions.enable,
cargoWatchArgs: config.cargoWatchOptions.arguments,
cargoWatchCommand: config.cargoWatchOptions.command,
cargoWatchAllTargets: config.cargoWatchOptions.allTargets,
cargoWatchEnable: cargoWatchOpts.enable,
cargoWatchArgs: cargoWatchOpts.arguments,
cargoWatchCommand: cargoWatchOpts.command,
cargoWatchAllTargets: cargoWatchOpts.allTargets,
excludeGlobs: config.excludeGlobs,
useClientWatching: config.useClientWatching,
featureFlags: config.featureFlags,

View File

@ -16,45 +16,49 @@ export interface CargoFeatures {
allFeatures: boolean;
features: string[];
export class Config {
langServerSource!: null | BinarySource;
private static readonly rootSection = "rust-analyzer";
private static readonly requiresReloadOpts = [
.map(opt => `${Config.rootSection}.${opt}`);
highlightingOn = true;
rainbowHighlightingOn = false;
enableEnhancedTyping = true;
lruCapacity: null | number = null;
displayInlayHints = true;
maxInlayHintLength: null | number = null;
excludeGlobs: string[] = [];
useClientWatching = true;
featureFlags: Record<string, boolean> = {};
// for internal use
withSysroot: null | boolean = null;
cargoWatchOptions: CargoWatchOptions = {
enable: true,
arguments: [],
command: '',
allTargets: true,
cargoFeatures: CargoFeatures = {
noDefaultFeatures: false,
allFeatures: true,
features: [],
private cfg!: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration;
private prevEnhancedTyping: null | boolean = null;
private prevCargoFeatures: null | CargoFeatures = null;
private prevCargoWatchOptions: null | CargoWatchOptions = null;
constructor(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(_ => this.refresh(ctx), null, ctx.subscriptions);
constructor(private readonly ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this.onConfigChange, this, ctx.subscriptions);
private static expandPathResolving(path: string) {
if (path.startsWith('~/')) {
return path.replace('~', os.homedir());
private refreshConfig() {
this.cfg = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(Config.rootSection);
console.log("Using configuration:", this.cfg);
private async onConfigChange(event: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
const requiresReloadOpt = Config.requiresReloadOpts.find(
opt => event.affectsConfiguration(opt)
if (!requiresReloadOpt) return;
const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(
`Changing "${requiresReloadOpt}" requires a reload`,
"Reload now"
if (userResponse === "Reload now") {
private static replaceTildeWithHomeDir(path: string) {
if (path.startsWith("~/")) {
return os.homedir() + path.slice("~".length);
return path;
@ -64,17 +68,14 @@ export class Config {
* `platform` on GitHub releases. (It is also stored under the same name when
* downloaded by the extension).
private static prebuiltLangServerFileName(
platform: NodeJS.Platform,
arch: string
): null | string {
get prebuiltLangServerFileName(): null | string {
// See possible `arch` values here:
// https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_arch
switch (platform) {
switch (process.platform) {
case "linux": {
switch (arch) {
switch (process.arch) {
case "arm":
case "arm64": return null;
@ -97,28 +98,23 @@ export class Config {
private static langServerBinarySource(
ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext,
config: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration
): null | BinarySource {
const langServerPath = RA_LSP_DEBUG ?? config.get<null | string>("raLspServerPath");
get langServerBinarySource(): null | BinarySource {
const langServerPath = RA_LSP_DEBUG ?? this.cfg.get<null | string>("raLspServerPath");
if (langServerPath) {
return {
type: BinarySource.Type.ExplicitPath,
path: Config.expandPathResolving(langServerPath)
path: Config.replaceTildeWithHomeDir(langServerPath)
const prebuiltBinaryName = Config.prebuiltLangServerFileName(
process.platform, process.arch
const prebuiltBinaryName = this.prebuiltLangServerFileName;
if (!prebuiltBinaryName) return null;
return {
type: BinarySource.Type.GithubRelease,
dir: ctx.globalStoragePath,
dir: this.ctx.globalStoragePath,
file: prebuiltBinaryName,
repo: {
name: "rust-analyzer",
@ -127,158 +123,35 @@ export class Config {
// We don't do runtime config validation here for simplicity. More on stackoverflow:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60135780/what-is-the-best-way-to-type-check-the-configuration-for-vscode-extension
// FIXME: revisit the logic for `if (.has(...)) config.get(...)` set default
// values only in one place (i.e. remove default values from non-readonly members declarations)
private refresh(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('rust-analyzer');
get highlightingOn() { return this.cfg.get("highlightingOn") as boolean; }
get rainbowHighlightingOn() { return this.cfg.get("rainbowHighlightingOn") as boolean; }
get lruCapacity() { return this.cfg.get("lruCapacity") as null | number; }
get displayInlayHints() { return this.cfg.get("displayInlayHints") as boolean; }
get maxInlayHintLength() { return this.cfg.get("maxInlayHintLength") as number; }
get excludeGlobs() { return this.cfg.get("excludeGlobs") as string[]; }
get useClientWatching() { return this.cfg.get("useClientWatching") as boolean; }
get featureFlags() { return this.cfg.get("featureFlags") as Record<string, boolean>; }
let requireReloadMessage = null;
if (config.has('highlightingOn')) {
this.highlightingOn = config.get('highlightingOn') as boolean;
if (config.has('rainbowHighlightingOn')) {
this.rainbowHighlightingOn = config.get(
) as boolean;
if (config.has('enableEnhancedTyping')) {
this.enableEnhancedTyping = config.get(
) as boolean;
if (this.prevEnhancedTyping === null) {
this.prevEnhancedTyping = this.enableEnhancedTyping;
} else if (this.prevEnhancedTyping === null) {
this.prevEnhancedTyping = this.enableEnhancedTyping;
if (this.prevEnhancedTyping !== this.enableEnhancedTyping) {
requireReloadMessage =
'Changing enhanced typing setting requires a reload';
this.prevEnhancedTyping = this.enableEnhancedTyping;
this.langServerSource = Config.langServerBinarySource(ctx, config);
if (config.has('cargo-watch.enable')) {
this.cargoWatchOptions.enable = config.get<boolean>(
if (config.has('cargo-watch.arguments')) {
this.cargoWatchOptions.arguments = config.get<string[]>(
if (config.has('cargo-watch.command')) {
this.cargoWatchOptions.command = config.get<string>(
if (config.has('cargo-watch.allTargets')) {
this.cargoWatchOptions.allTargets = config.get<boolean>(
if (config.has('lruCapacity')) {
this.lruCapacity = config.get('lruCapacity') as number;
if (config.has('displayInlayHints')) {
this.displayInlayHints = config.get('displayInlayHints') as boolean;
if (config.has('maxInlayHintLength')) {
this.maxInlayHintLength = config.get(
) as number;
if (config.has('excludeGlobs')) {
this.excludeGlobs = config.get('excludeGlobs') || [];
if (config.has('useClientWatching')) {
this.useClientWatching = config.get('useClientWatching') || true;
if (config.has('featureFlags')) {
this.featureFlags = config.get('featureFlags') || {};
if (config.has('withSysroot')) {
this.withSysroot = config.get('withSysroot') || false;
if (config.has('cargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures')) {
this.cargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures = config.get(
if (config.has('cargoFeatures.allFeatures')) {
this.cargoFeatures.allFeatures = config.get(
if (config.has('cargoFeatures.features')) {
this.cargoFeatures.features = config.get(
if (
this.prevCargoFeatures !== null &&
(this.cargoFeatures.allFeatures !==
this.prevCargoFeatures.allFeatures ||
this.cargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures !==
this.prevCargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures ||
this.cargoFeatures.features.length !==
this.prevCargoFeatures.features.length ||
(v, i) => v !== this.prevCargoFeatures!.features[i],
) {
requireReloadMessage = 'Changing cargo features requires a reload';
this.prevCargoFeatures = { ...this.cargoFeatures };
if (this.prevCargoWatchOptions !== null) {
const changed =
this.cargoWatchOptions.enable !== this.prevCargoWatchOptions.enable ||
this.cargoWatchOptions.command !== this.prevCargoWatchOptions.command ||
this.cargoWatchOptions.allTargets !== this.prevCargoWatchOptions.allTargets ||
this.cargoWatchOptions.arguments.length !== this.prevCargoWatchOptions.arguments.length ||
(v, i) => v !== this.prevCargoWatchOptions!.arguments[i],
if (changed) {
requireReloadMessage = 'Changing cargo-watch options requires a reload';
this.prevCargoWatchOptions = { ...this.cargoWatchOptions };
if (requireReloadMessage !== null) {
const reloadAction = 'Reload now';
.showInformationMessage(requireReloadMessage, reloadAction)
.then(selectedAction => {
if (selectedAction === reloadAction) {
get cargoWatchOptions(): CargoWatchOptions {
return {
enable: this.cfg.get("cargo-watch.enable") as boolean,
arguments: this.cfg.get("cargo-watch.arguments") as string[],
allTargets: this.cfg.get("cargo-watch.allTargets") as boolean,
command: this.cfg.get("cargo-watch.command") as string,
get cargoFeatures(): CargoFeatures {
return {
noDefaultFeatures: this.cfg.get("cargoFeatures.noDefaultFeatures") as boolean,
allFeatures: this.cfg.get("cargoFeatures.allFeatures") as boolean,
features: this.cfg.get("cargoFeatures.features") as string[],
// for internal use
get withSysroot() { return this.cfg.get("withSysroot", false); }

View File

@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ class StatusDisplay implements Disposable {
refreshLabel() {
if (this.packageName) {
this.statusBarItem!.text = `${spinnerFrames[this.i]} cargo ${this.command} [${this.packageName}]`;
this.statusBarItem.text = `${spinnerFrames[this.i]} cargo ${this.command} [${this.packageName}]`;
} else {
this.statusBarItem!.text = `${spinnerFrames[this.i]} cargo ${this.command}`;
this.statusBarItem.text = `${spinnerFrames[this.i]} cargo ${this.command}`;