Remove unit tests

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Seyfried 2016-06-20 10:51:48 +00:00
parent d7fa72abe2
commit a93455eb5d
2 changed files with 3 additions and 445 deletions

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@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ mod tests {
use ext::mtwt;
use fold::Folder;
use parse;
use parse::token::{self, keywords};
use parse::token;
use util::parser_testing::{string_to_parser};
use util::parser_testing::{string_to_pat, string_to_crate, strs_to_idents};
use visit;
@ -1395,267 +1395,10 @@ mod tests {
// renaming tests expand a crate and then check that the bindings match
// the right varrefs. The specification of the test case includes the
// text of the crate, and also an array of arrays. Each element in the
// outer array corresponds to a binding in the traversal of the AST
// induced by visit. Each of these arrays contains a list of indexes,
// interpreted as the varrefs in the varref traversal that this binding
// should match. So, for instance, in a program with two bindings and
// three varrefs, the array [[1, 2], [0]] would indicate that the first
// binding should match the second two varrefs, and the second binding
// should match the first varref.
// Put differently; this is a sparse representation of a boolean matrix
// indicating which bindings capture which identifiers.
// Note also that this matrix is dependent on the implicit ordering of
// the bindings and the varrefs discovered by the name-finder and the path-finder.
// The comparisons are done post-mtwt-resolve, so we're comparing renamed
// names; differences in marks don't matter any more.
// oog... I also want tests that check "bound-identifier-=?". That is,
// not just "do these have the same name", but "do they have the same
// name *and* the same marks"? Understanding this is really pretty painful.
// in principle, you might want to control this boolean on a per-varref basis,
// but that would make things even harder to understand, and might not be
// necessary for thorough testing.
type RenamingTest = (&'static str, Vec<Vec<usize>>, bool);
fn automatic_renaming () {
let tests: Vec<RenamingTest> =
vec!(// b & c should get new names throughout, in the expr too:
("fn a() -> i32 { let b = 13; let c = b; b+c }",
vec!(vec!(0,1),vec!(2)), false),
// both x's should be renamed (how is this causing a bug?)
("fn main () {let x: i32 = 13;x;}",
vec!(vec!(0)), false),
// the use of b after the + should be renamed, the other one not:
("macro_rules! f (($x:ident) => (b + $x)); fn a() -> i32 { let b = 13; f!(b)}",
vec!(vec!(1)), false),
// the b before the plus should not be renamed (requires marks)
("macro_rules! f (($x:ident) => ({let b=9; ($x + b)})); fn a() -> i32 { f!(b)}",
vec!(vec!(1)), false),
// the marks going in and out of letty should cancel, allowing that $x to
// capture the one following the semicolon.
// this was an awesome test case, and caught a *lot* of bugs.
("macro_rules! letty(($x:ident) => (let $x = 15;));
macro_rules! user(($x:ident) => ({letty!($x); $x}));
fn main() -> i32 {user!(z)}",
vec!(vec!(0)), false)
for (idx,s) in tests.iter().enumerate() {
// no longer a fixme #8062: this test exposes a *potential* bug; our system does
// not behave exactly like MTWT, but a conversation with Matthew Flatt
// suggests that this can only occur in the presence of local-expand, which
// we have no plans to support. ... unless it's needed for item hygiene....
fn issue_8062(){
&("fn main() {let hrcoo = 19; macro_rules! getx(()=>(hrcoo)); getx!();}",
vec!(vec!(0)), true), 0)
// FIXME #6994:
// the z flows into and out of two macros (g & f) along one path, and one
// (just g) along the other, so the result of the whole thing should
// be "let z_123 = 3; z_123"
fn issue_6994(){
&("macro_rules! g (($x:ident) =>
({macro_rules! f(($y:ident)=>({let $y=3;$x}));f!($x)}));
fn a(){g!(z)}",
// match variable hygiene. Should expand into
// fn z() {match 8 {x_1 => {match 9 {x_2 | x_2 if x_2 == x_1 => x_2 + x_1}}}}
fn issue_9384(){
&("macro_rules! bad_macro (($ex:expr) => ({match 9 {x | x if x == $ex => x + $ex}}));
fn z() {match 8 {x => bad_macro!(x)}}",
// NB: the third "binding" is the repeat of the second one.
// interpolated nodes weren't getting labeled.
// should expand into
// fn main(){let g1_1 = 13; g1_1}}
fn pat_expand_issue_15221(){
&("macro_rules! inner ( ($e:pat ) => ($e));
macro_rules! outer ( ($e:pat ) => (inner!($e)));
fn main() { let outer!(g) = 13; g;}",
// create a really evil test case where a $x appears inside a binding of $x
// but *shouldn't* bind because it was inserted by a different macro....
// can't write this test case until we have macro-generating macros.
// method arg hygiene
// method expands to fn get_x(&self_0, x_1: i32) {self_0 + self_2 + x_3 + x_1}
fn method_arg_hygiene(){
&("macro_rules! inject_x (()=>(x));
macro_rules! inject_self (()=>(self));
struct A;
impl A{fn get_x(&self, x: i32) {self + inject_self!() + inject_x!() + x;} }",
// ooh, got another bite?
// expands to struct A; impl A {fn thingy(&self_1) {self_1;}}
fn method_arg_hygiene_2(){
&("struct A;
macro_rules! add_method (($T:ty) =>
(impl $T { fn thingy(&self) {self;} }));
// item fn hygiene
// expands to fn q(x_1: i32){fn g(x_2: i32){x_2 + x_1};}
fn issue_9383(){
&("macro_rules! bad_macro (($ex:expr) => (fn g(x: i32){ x + $ex }));
fn q(x: i32) { bad_macro!(x); }",
// closure arg hygiene (ExprKind::Closure)
// expands to fn f(){(|x_1 : i32| {(x_2 + x_1)})(3);}
fn closure_arg_hygiene(){
&("macro_rules! inject_x (()=>(x));
fn f(){(|x : i32| {(inject_x!() + x)})(3);}",
// macro_rules in method position. Sadly, unimplemented.
fn macro_in_method_posn(){
"macro_rules! my_method (() => (fn thirteen(&self) -> i32 {13}));
struct A;
impl A{ my_method!(); }
fn f(){A.thirteen;}".to_string());
// another nested macro
// expands to impl Entries {fn size_hint(&self_1) {self_1;}
fn item_macro_workaround(){
&("macro_rules! item { ($i:item) => {$i}}
struct Entries;
macro_rules! iterator_impl {
() => { item!( impl Entries { fn size_hint(&self) { self;}});}}
iterator_impl! { }",
vec!(vec!(0)), true),
// run one of the renaming tests
fn run_renaming_test(t: &RenamingTest, test_idx: usize) {
let invalid_name =;
let (teststr, bound_connections, bound_ident_check) = match *t {
(ref str,ref conns, bic) => (str.to_string(), conns.clone(), bic)
let cr = expand_crate_str(teststr.to_string());
let bindings = crate_bindings(&cr);
let varrefs = crate_varrefs(&cr);
// must be one check clause for each binding:
for (binding_idx,shouldmatch) in bound_connections.iter().enumerate() {
let binding_name = mtwt::resolve(bindings[binding_idx]);
let binding_marks = mtwt::marksof(bindings[binding_idx].ctxt, invalid_name);
// shouldmatch can't name varrefs that don't exist:
assert!((shouldmatch.is_empty()) ||
(varrefs.len() > *shouldmatch.iter().max().unwrap()));
for (idx,varref) in varrefs.iter().enumerate() {
let print_hygiene_debug_info = || {
// good lord, you can't make a path with 0 segments, can you?
let final_varref_ident = match varref.segments.last() {
Some(pathsegment) => pathsegment.identifier,
None => panic!("varref with 0 path segments?")
let varref_name = mtwt::resolve(final_varref_ident);
let varref_idents : Vec<ast::Ident>
= varref.segments.iter().map(|s| s.identifier)
println!("varref #{}: {:?}, resolves to {}",idx, varref_idents, varref_name);
println!("varref's first segment's string: \"{}\"", final_varref_ident);
println!("binding #{}: {}, resolves to {}",
binding_idx, bindings[binding_idx], binding_name);
mtwt::with_sctable(|x| mtwt::display_sctable(x));
if shouldmatch.contains(&idx) {
// it should be a path of length 1, and it should
// be free-identifier=? or bound-identifier=? to the given binding
let varref_name = mtwt::resolve(varref.segments[0].identifier);
let varref_marks = mtwt::marksof(varref.segments[0]
if !(varref_name==binding_name) {
println!("uh oh, should match but doesn't:");
if bound_ident_check {
// we're checking bound-identifier=?, and the marks
// should be the same, too:
} else {
let varref_name = mtwt::resolve(varref.segments[0].identifier);
let fail = (varref.segments.len() == 1)
&& (varref_name == binding_name);
// temp debugging:
if fail {
println!("failure on test {}",test_idx);
println!("text of test case: \"{}\"", teststr);
println!("uh oh, matches but shouldn't:");
fn fmt_in_macro_used_inside_module_macro() {
let crate_str = "macro_rules! fmt_wrap(($b:expr)=>($b.to_string()));

View File

@ -173,91 +173,14 @@ pub fn outer_mark(ctxt: SyntaxContext) -> Mrk {
mod tests {
use self::TestSC::*;
use ast::{EMPTY_CTXT, Ident, Mrk, Name, SyntaxContext};
use super::{resolve, xor_push, apply_mark_internal, new_sctable_internal};
use super::{apply_rename_internal, apply_renames, marksof_internal, resolve_internal};
use super::{SCTable, EmptyCtxt, Mark, Rename, IllegalCtxt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn xorpush_test () {
let mut s = Vec::new();
xor_push(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]);
xor_push(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), []);
xor_push(&mut s, 14);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]);
xor_push(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15]);
xor_push(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15, 16]);
xor_push(&mut s, 16);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14, 15]);
xor_push(&mut s, 15);
assert_eq!(s.clone(), [14]);
use super::{resolve, apply_mark_internal, new_sctable_internal};
use super::{SCTable, Mark};
fn id(n: u32, s: SyntaxContext) -> Ident {
Ident::new(Name(n), s)
// because of the SCTable, I now need a tidy way of
// creating syntax objects. Sigh.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum TestSC {
// unfold a vector of TestSC values into a SCTable,
// returning the resulting index
fn unfold_test_sc(tscs : Vec<TestSC> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
-> SyntaxContext {
tscs.iter().rev().fold(tail, |tail : SyntaxContext, tsc : &TestSC|
{match *tsc {
M(mrk) => apply_mark_internal(mrk,tail,table),
R(ident,name) => apply_rename_internal(ident,name,tail,table)}})
// gather a SyntaxContext back into a vector of TestSCs
fn refold_test_sc(mut sc: SyntaxContext, table : &SCTable) -> Vec<TestSC> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
loop {
let table = table.table.borrow();
match (*table)[sc.0 as usize] {
EmptyCtxt => {return result;},
Mark(mrk,tail) => {
sc = tail;
Rename(id,name,tail) => {
sc = tail;
IllegalCtxt => panic!("expected resolvable context, got IllegalCtxt")
fn test_unfold_refold(){
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let test_sc = vec!(M(3),R(id(101,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(14)),M(9));
assert_eq!(unfold_test_sc(test_sc.clone(),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),SyntaxContext(4));
let table = t.table.borrow();
assert!((*table)[2] == Mark(9,EMPTY_CTXT));
assert!((*table)[3] == Rename(id(101,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(14),SyntaxContext(2)));
assert!((*table)[4] == Mark(3,SyntaxContext(3)));
// extend a syntax context with a sequence of marks given
// in a vector. v[0] will be the outermost mark.
fn unfold_marks(mrks: Vec<Mrk> , tail: SyntaxContext, table: &SCTable)
@ -277,98 +200,12 @@ mod tests {
fn test_marksof () {
let stopname = Name(242);
let name1 = Name(243);
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
assert_eq!(marksof_internal (EMPTY_CTXT,stopname,&t),Vec::new());
// FIXME #5074: ANF'd to dodge nested calls
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(4,98),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t), [4, 98]);}
// does xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans,stopname,&t), [16]);}
// does nested xoring work?
{ let ans = unfold_marks(vec!(5,10,10,5,16),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname,&t), [16]);}
// rename where stop doesn't match:
{ let chain = vec!(M(9),
apply_mark_internal (4, EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t)),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), [9, 14]);}
// rename where stop does match
{ let name1sc = apply_mark_internal(4, EMPTY_CTXT, &mut t);
let chain = vec!(M(9),
R(id(name1.0, name1sc),
let ans = unfold_test_sc(chain,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq! (marksof_internal (ans, stopname, &t), [9]); }
fn resolve_tests () {
let a = 40;
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
// - ctxt is MT
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a));
// - simple ignored marks
{ let sc = unfold_marks(vec!(1,2,3),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a));}
// - orthogonal rename where names don't match
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(50,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(51)),M(12)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(a));}
// - rename where names do match, but marks don't
{ let sc1 = apply_mark_internal(1,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50)),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(a));}
// - rename where names and marks match
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50)),M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(50)); }
// - rename where names and marks match by literal sharing
{ let sc1 = unfold_test_sc(vec!(M(1),M(2)),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,sc1),Name(50))),sc1,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(50)); }
// - two renames of the same var.. can only happen if you use
// local-expand to prevent the inner binding from being renamed
// during the rename-pass caused by the first:
println!("about to run bad test");
{ let sc = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(50)),
EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt), Name(51)); }
// the simplest double-rename:
{ let a_to_a50 = apply_rename_internal(id(a,EMPTY_CTXT),Name(50),EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t);
let a50_to_a51 = apply_rename_internal(id(a,a_to_a50),Name(51),a_to_a50,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(51));
// mark on the outside doesn't stop rename:
let sc = apply_mark_internal(9,a50_to_a51,&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,sc),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(51));
// but mark on the inside does:
let a50_to_a51_b = unfold_test_sc(vec!(R(id(a,a_to_a50),Name(51)),
&mut t);
assert_eq!(resolve_internal(id(a,a50_to_a51_b),&mut t, &mut rt),Name(50));}
fn mtwt_resolve_test(){
let a = 40;
fn hashing_tests () {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
@ -378,26 +215,4 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(apply_mark_internal(12,EMPTY_CTXT,&mut t),SyntaxContext(2));
// I'm assuming that the rename table will behave the same....
fn resolve_table_hashing_tests() {
let mut t = new_sctable_internal();
let mut rt = HashMap::new();
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(39,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
resolve_internal(id(30,EMPTY_CTXT),&mut t, &mut rt);
fn new_resolves_test() {
let renames = vec!((Ident::with_empty_ctxt(Name(23)),Name(24)),
let new_ctxt1 = apply_renames(&renames,EMPTY_CTXT);