diff --git a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/method_resolution.rs b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/method_resolution.rs
index 69c059ac864..533c6ccfb1f 100644
--- a/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/method_resolution.rs
+++ b/crates/ra_hir_ty/src/method_resolution.rs
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ impl Ty {
         // Types like slice can have inherent impls in several crates, (core and alloc).
         // The corresponding impls are marked with lang items, so we can use them to find the required crates.
         macro_rules! lang_item_crate {
-        ($($name:expr),+ $(,)?) => {{
-            let mut v = ArrayVec::<[LangItemTarget; 2]>::new();
-            $(
-                v.extend(db.lang_item(cur_crate, $name.into()));
-            )+
-            v
-        }};
-    }
+            ($($name:expr),+ $(,)?) => {{
+                let mut v = ArrayVec::<[LangItemTarget; 2]>::new();
+                $(
+                    v.extend(db.lang_item(cur_crate, $name.into()));
+                )+
+                v
+            }};
+        }
         let lang_item_targets = match self {
             Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match a_ty.ctor {