Merge #3069
3069: Simplify Assists interface r=matklad a=matklad Instead of building a physical tree structure, just tag related assists with the same group Co-authored-by: Aleksey Kladov <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
//! This module defines `AssistCtx` -- the API surface that is exposed to assists.
use either::Either;
use hir::{InFile, SourceAnalyzer, SourceBinder};
use ra_db::{FileRange, SourceDatabase};
use ra_fmt::{leading_indent, reindent};
@ -11,12 +10,36 @@ use ra_syntax::{
use ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder;
use crate::{AssistAction, AssistId, AssistLabel, ResolvedAssist};
use crate::{AssistAction, AssistId, AssistLabel, GroupLabel, ResolvedAssist};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum Assist {
Unresolved { label: AssistLabel },
Resolved { assist: ResolvedAssist },
pub(crate) struct Assist(pub(crate) Vec<AssistInfo>);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct AssistInfo {
pub(crate) label: AssistLabel,
pub(crate) group_label: Option<GroupLabel>,
pub(crate) action: Option<AssistAction>,
impl AssistInfo {
fn new(label: AssistLabel) -> AssistInfo {
AssistInfo { label, group_label: None, action: None }
fn resolved(self, action: AssistAction) -> AssistInfo {
AssistInfo { action: Some(action), ..self }
fn with_group(self, group_label: GroupLabel) -> AssistInfo {
AssistInfo { group_label: Some(group_label), ..self }
pub(crate) fn into_resolved(self) -> Option<ResolvedAssist> {
let label = self.label;
let group_label = self.group_label;
|||||action| ResolvedAssist { label, group_label, action })
pub(crate) type AssistHandler = fn(AssistCtx) -> Option<Assist>;
@ -84,44 +107,21 @@ impl<'a> AssistCtx<'a> {
) -> Option<Assist> {
let label = AssistLabel::new(label.into(), id);
let assist = if self.should_compute_edit {
let mut info = AssistInfo::new(label);
if self.should_compute_edit {
let action = {
let mut edit = ActionBuilder::default();
f(&mut edit);
Assist::Resolved { assist: ResolvedAssist { label, action_data: Either::Left(action) } }
} else {
Assist::Unresolved { label }
info = info.resolved(action)
pub(crate) fn add_assist_group(
id: AssistId,
label: impl Into<String>,
f: impl FnOnce() -> Vec<ActionBuilder>,
) -> Option<Assist> {
let label = AssistLabel::new(label.into(), id);
let assist = if self.should_compute_edit {
let actions = f();
assert!(!actions.is_empty(), "Assist cannot have no");
Assist::Resolved {
assist: ResolvedAssist {
action_data: Either::Right(
} else {
Assist::Unresolved { label }
pub(crate) fn add_assist_group(self, group_name: impl Into<String>) -> AssistGroup<'a> {
AssistGroup { ctx: self, group_name: group_name.into(), assists: Vec::new() }
pub(crate) fn token_at_offset(&self) -> TokenAtOffset<SyntaxToken> {
@ -155,20 +155,48 @@ impl<'a> AssistCtx<'a> {
pub(crate) struct AssistGroup<'a> {
ctx: AssistCtx<'a>,
group_name: String,
assists: Vec<AssistInfo>,
impl<'a> AssistGroup<'a> {
pub(crate) fn add_assist(
&mut self,
id: AssistId,
label: impl Into<String>,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut ActionBuilder),
) {
let label = AssistLabel::new(label.into(), id);
let mut info = AssistInfo::new(label).with_group(GroupLabel(self.group_name.clone()));
if self.ctx.should_compute_edit {
let action = {
let mut edit = ActionBuilder::default();
f(&mut edit);
info = info.resolved(action)
pub(crate) fn finish(self) -> Option<Assist> {
pub(crate) struct ActionBuilder {
edit: TextEditBuilder,
cursor_position: Option<TextUnit>,
target: Option<TextRange>,
label: Option<String>,
impl ActionBuilder {
/// Adds a custom label to the action, if it needs to be different from the assist label
pub(crate) fn label(&mut self, label: impl Into<String>) {
self.label = Some(label.into())
/// Replaces specified `range` of text with a given string.
pub(crate) fn replace(&mut self, range: TextRange, replace_with: impl Into<String>) {
self.edit.replace(range, replace_with.into())
@ -227,7 +255,6 @@ impl ActionBuilder {
edit: self.edit.finish(),
cursor_position: self.cursor_position,
label: self.label,
@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ fn check(assist_id: &str, before: &str, after: &str) {
let actual = assist.get_first_action().edit.apply(&before);
let actual = assist.action.edit.apply(&before);
assert_eq_text!(after, &actual);
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
use hir::ModPath;
use ra_ide_db::imports_locator::ImportsLocator;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode},
use ra_syntax::ast::{self, AstNode};
use crate::{
assist_ctx::{ActionBuilder, Assist, AssistCtx},
assist_ctx::{Assist, AssistCtx},
insert_use_statement, AssistId,
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
@ -67,19 +63,18 @@ pub(crate) fn auto_import(ctx: AssistCtx) -> Option<Assist> {
return None;
ctx.add_assist_group(AssistId("auto_import"), format!("Import {}", name_to_import), || {
.map(|import| import_to_action(import, &position, &path_to_import_syntax))
fn import_to_action(import: ModPath, position: &SyntaxNode, anchor: &SyntaxNode) -> ActionBuilder {
let mut action_builder = ActionBuilder::default();
action_builder.label(format!("Import `{}`", &import));
insert_use_statement(position, anchor, &import, action_builder.text_edit_builder());
let mut group = ctx.add_assist_group(format!("Import {}", name_to_import));
for import in proposed_imports {
group.add_assist(AssistId("auto_import"), format!("Import `{}`", &import), |edit| {
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ mod doc_tests;
mod utils;
pub mod ast_transform;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use either::Either;
use ra_db::FileRange;
use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase;
use ra_syntax::{TextRange, TextUnit};
@ -35,6 +32,9 @@ pub struct AssistLabel {
pub id: AssistId,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GroupLabel(pub String);
impl AssistLabel {
pub(crate) fn new(label: String, id: AssistId) -> AssistLabel {
// FIXME: make fields private, so that this invariant can't be broken
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ impl AssistLabel {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AssistAction {
pub label: Option<String>,
pub edit: TextEdit,
pub cursor_position: Option<TextUnit>,
// FIXME: This belongs to `AssistLabel`
@ -55,16 +54,8 @@ pub struct AssistAction {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ResolvedAssist {
pub label: AssistLabel,
pub action_data: Either<AssistAction, Vec<AssistAction>>,
impl ResolvedAssist {
pub fn get_first_action(&self) -> AssistAction {
match &self.action_data {
Either::Left(action) => action.clone(),
Either::Right(actions) => actions[0].clone(),
pub group_label: Option<GroupLabel>,
pub action: AssistAction,
/// Return all the assists applicable at the given position.
@ -76,10 +67,8 @@ pub fn unresolved_assists(db: &RootDatabase, range: FileRange) -> Vec<AssistLabe
.filter_map(|f| f(ctx.clone()))
.map(|a| match a {
Assist::Unresolved { label } => label,
Assist::Resolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
.flat_map(|it| it.0)
.map(|a| a.label)
@ -92,24 +81,13 @@ pub fn resolved_assists(db: &RootDatabase, range: FileRange) -> Vec<ResolvedAssi
let mut a = handlers::all()
.filter_map(|f| f(ctx.clone()))
.map(|a| match a {
Assist::Resolved { assist } => assist,
Assist::Unresolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
.flat_map(|it| it.0)
.map(|it| it.into_resolved().unwrap())
sort_assists(&mut a);
a.sort_by_key(|it|!0u32), |it| it.len()));
fn sort_assists(assists: &mut [ResolvedAssist]) {
assists.sort_by(|a, b| match (a.get_first_action().target, b.get_first_action().target) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => a.len().cmp(&b.len()),
(Some(_), None) => Ordering::Less,
(None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
(None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
mod handlers {
use crate::AssistHandler;
@ -184,7 +162,7 @@ mod helpers {
use ra_syntax::TextRange;
use test_utils::{add_cursor, assert_eq_text, extract_offset, extract_range};
use crate::{Assist, AssistCtx, AssistHandler};
use crate::{AssistCtx, AssistHandler};
pub(crate) fn with_single_file(text: &str) -> (RootDatabase, FileId) {
let (mut db, file_id) = RootDatabase::with_single_file(text);
@ -202,10 +180,7 @@ mod helpers {
FileRange { file_id, range: TextRange::offset_len(before_cursor_pos, 0.into()) };
let assist =
assist(AssistCtx::new(&db, frange, true)).expect("code action is not applicable");
let action = match assist {
Assist::Unresolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
Assist::Resolved { assist } => assist.get_first_action(),
let action = assist.0[0].action.clone().unwrap();
let actual = action.edit.apply(&before);
let actual_cursor_pos = match action.cursor_position {
@ -225,10 +200,7 @@ mod helpers {
let frange = FileRange { file_id, range };
let assist =
assist(AssistCtx::new(&db, frange, true)).expect("code action is not applicable");
let action = match assist {
Assist::Unresolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
Assist::Resolved { assist } => assist.get_first_action(),
let action = assist.0[0].action.clone().unwrap();
let mut actual = action.edit.apply(&before);
if let Some(pos) = action.cursor_position {
@ -244,10 +216,7 @@ mod helpers {
FileRange { file_id, range: TextRange::offset_len(before_cursor_pos, 0.into()) };
let assist =
assist(AssistCtx::new(&db, frange, true)).expect("code action is not applicable");
let action = match assist {
Assist::Unresolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
Assist::Resolved { assist } => assist.get_first_action(),
let action = assist.0[0].action.clone().unwrap();
let range ="expected target on action");
assert_eq_text!(&before[range.start().to_usize()..range.end().to_usize()], target);
@ -259,10 +228,7 @@ mod helpers {
let frange = FileRange { file_id, range };
let assist =
assist(AssistCtx::new(&db, frange, true)).expect("code action is not applicable");
let action = match assist {
Assist::Unresolved { .. } => unreachable!(),
Assist::Resolved { assist } => assist.get_first_action(),
let action = assist.0[0].action.clone().unwrap();
let range ="expected target on action");
assert_eq_text!(&before[range.start().to_usize()..range.end().to_usize()], target);
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
//! FIXME: write short doc here
use either::Either;
use ra_assists::{resolved_assists, AssistAction, AssistLabel};
use ra_db::{FilePosition, FileRange};
use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase;
@ -13,7 +12,8 @@ pub use ra_assists::AssistId;
pub struct Assist {
pub id: AssistId,
pub label: String,
pub change_data: Either<SourceChange, Vec<SourceChange>>,
pub group_label: Option<String>,
pub source_change: SourceChange,
pub(crate) fn assists(db: &RootDatabase, frange: FileRange) -> Vec<Assist> {
@ -25,17 +25,8 @@ pub(crate) fn assists(db: &RootDatabase, frange: FileRange) -> Vec<Assist> {
Assist {
label: assist_label.label.clone(),
change_data: match assist.action_data {
Either::Left(action) => {
Either::Left(action_to_edit(action, file_id, assist_label))
Either::Right(actions) => Either::Right(
.map(|action| action_to_edit(action, file_id, assist_label))
group_label:|it| it.0),
source_change: action_to_edit(assist.action, file_id, assist_label),
@ -47,9 +38,6 @@ fn action_to_edit(
assist_label: &AssistLabel,
) -> SourceChange {
let file_edit = SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: action.edit };
action.label.unwrap_or_else(|| assist_label.label.clone()),
.with_cursor_opt(|offset| FilePosition { offset, file_id }))
SourceChange::source_file_edit(assist_label.label.clone(), file_edit)
.with_cursor_opt(|offset| FilePosition { offset, file_id }))
@ -2,20 +2,21 @@
//! The majority of requests are fulfilled by calling into the `ra_ide` crate.
use std::{
fmt::Write as _,
io::Write as _,
process::{self, Stdio},
use either::Either;
use lsp_server::ErrorCode;
use lsp_types::{
CallHierarchyIncomingCall, CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams, CallHierarchyItem,
CallHierarchyOutgoingCall, CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams, CallHierarchyPrepareParams,
CodeAction, CodeActionResponse, CodeLens, Command, CompletionItem, Diagnostic,
DocumentFormattingParams, DocumentHighlight, DocumentSymbol, FoldingRange, FoldingRangeParams,
Hover, HoverContents, Location, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, Position, PrepareRenameResponse,
Range, RenameParams, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier, TextEdit, WorkspaceEdit,
CodeAction, CodeActionOrCommand, CodeActionResponse, CodeLens, Command, CompletionItem,
Diagnostic, DocumentFormattingParams, DocumentHighlight, DocumentSymbol, FoldingRange,
FoldingRangeParams, Hover, HoverContents, Location, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, Position,
PrepareRenameResponse, Range, RenameParams, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier,
TextEdit, WorkspaceEdit,
use ra_ide::{
AssistId, FileId, FilePosition, FileRange, Query, RangeInfo, Runnable, RunnableKind,
@ -685,34 +686,53 @@ pub fn handle_code_action(
let mut groups = FxHashMap::default();
for assist in world.analysis().assists(FileRange { file_id, range })?.into_iter() {
let title = assist.label.clone();
let arg = to_value(assist.source_change.try_conv_with(&world)?)?;
let command = match assist.change_data {
Either::Left(change) => Command {
command: "rust-analyzer.applySourceChange".to_string(),
arguments: Some(vec![to_value(change.try_conv_with(&world)?)?]),
Either::Right(changes) => Command {
command: "rust-analyzer.selectAndApplySourceChange".to_string(),
arguments: Some(vec![to_value(
.map(|change| change.try_conv_with(&world))
let (command, title, arg) = match assist.group_label {
None => ("rust-analyzer.applySourceChange", assist.label.clone(), arg),
// Group all assists with the same `group_label` into a single CodeAction.
Some(group_label) => {
match groups.entry(group_label.clone()) {
Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
let idx: usize = *entry.get();
match &mut res[idx] {
CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(CodeAction {
command: Some(Command { arguments: Some(arguments), .. }),
}) => match arguments.as_mut_slice() {
[serde_json::Value::Array(arguments)] => arguments.push(arg),
_ => panic!("invalid group"),
_ => panic!("invalid group"),
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
("rust-analyzer.selectAndApplySourceChange", group_label, to_value(vec![arg])?)
let command = Command {
title: assist.label.clone(),
command: command.to_string(),
arguments: Some(vec![arg]),
let kind = match {
AssistId("introduce_variable") => Some("refactor.extract.variable".to_string()),
AssistId("add_custom_impl") => Some("refactor.rewrite.add_custom_impl".to_string()),
_ => None,
let action = CodeAction {
title: command.title.clone(),
kind: match {
AssistId("introduce_variable") => Some("refactor.extract.variable".to_string()),
AssistId("add_custom_impl") => Some("refactor.rewrite.add_custom_impl".to_string()),
_ => None,
diagnostics: None,
edit: None,
command: Some(command),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user