rustpkg: Address review comments from Jack
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,21 +17,22 @@ use workcache_support::*;
use extra::arc::{Arc,RWArc};
use extra::workcache;
use extra::workcache::*;
use std::os;
use extra::workcache::{Database, Logger, FreshnessMap};
use extra::treemap::TreeMap;
/// Convenience functions intended for calling from
/// p is where to put the cache file for dependencies
pub fn default_ctxt(p: Path) -> BuildCtx {
new_default_ctx(new_workcache_cx(&p), p)
pub fn default_context(p: Path) -> BuildContext {
new_default_context(new_workcache_context(&p), p)
pub fn new_default_ctx(c: Context, p: Path) -> BuildCtx {
BuildCtx {
cx: Ctx { use_rust_path_hack: false,
sysroot_opt: p },
workcache_cx: c
pub fn new_default_context(c: workcache::Context, p: Path) -> BuildContext {
BuildContext {
context: Context {
use_rust_path_hack: false,
sysroot: p
workcache_context: c
@ -44,27 +45,27 @@ fn binary_is_fresh(path: &str, in_hash: &str) -> bool {
pub fn new_workcache_cx(p: &Path) -> Context {
pub fn new_workcache_context(p: &Path) -> workcache::Context {
let db_file = p.push("rustpkg_db.json"); // ??? probably wrong
debug!("Workcache database file: %s", db_file.to_str());
let db = RWArc::new(Database::new(db_file));
let lg = RWArc::new(Logger::new());
let cfg = Arc::new(TreeMap::new());
let mut rslt: FreshnessMap = TreeMap::new();
let mut freshness: FreshnessMap = TreeMap::new();
// Set up freshness functions for every type of dependency rustpkg
// knows about
rslt.insert(~"file", file_is_fresh);
rslt.insert(~"binary", binary_is_fresh);
workcache::Context::new_with_freshness(db, lg, cfg, Arc::new(rslt))
freshness.insert(~"file", file_is_fresh);
freshness.insert(~"binary", binary_is_fresh);
workcache::Context::new_with_freshness(db, lg, cfg, Arc::new(freshness))
pub fn build_lib(sysroot: Path, root: Path, name: ~str, version: Version,
lib: Path) {
let cx = default_ctxt(sysroot);
let cx = default_context(sysroot);
let subroot = root.clone();
let subversion = version.clone();
let sublib = lib.clone();
do cx.workcache_cx.with_prep(name) |prep| {
do cx.workcache_context.with_prep(name) |prep| {
let pkg_src = PkgSrc {
workspace: subroot.clone(),
start_dir: subroot.push("src").push(name),
@ -78,17 +79,17 @@ pub fn build_lib(sysroot: Path, root: Path, name: ~str, version: Version,
let subcx = cx.clone();
let subsrc = pkg_src.clone();
do prep.exec |exec| {
subsrc.clone().build(exec, &subcx.clone(), ~[]);
||||, &subcx.clone(), ~[]);
pub fn build_exe(sysroot: Path, root: Path, name: ~str, version: Version,
main: Path) {
let cx = default_ctxt(sysroot);
let cx = default_context(sysroot);
let subroot = root.clone();
let submain = main.clone();
do cx.workcache_cx.with_prep(name) |prep| {
do cx.workcache_context.with_prep(name) |prep| {
let pkg_src = PkgSrc {
workspace: subroot.clone(),
start_dir: subroot.push("src").push(name),
@ -107,41 +108,8 @@ pub fn build_exe(sysroot: Path, root: Path, name: ~str, version: Version,
pub fn install_lib(sysroot: Path,
workspace: Path,
name: ~str,
lib_path: Path,
version: Version) {
debug!("self_exe: %?", os::self_exe_path());
debug!("sysroot = %s", sysroot.to_str());
debug!("workspace = %s", workspace.to_str());
// make a PkgSrc
let pkg_id = PkgId{ version: version, ..PkgId::new(name)};
let cx = default_ctxt(sysroot);
let subpath = lib_path.clone();
do cx.workcache_cx.with_prep(pkg_id.to_str()) |prep| {
let pkg_src = PkgSrc {
workspace: workspace.clone(),
start_dir: subpath.push("src").push(name),
id: pkg_id.clone(),
libs: ~[mk_crate(subpath.clone())],
mains: ~[],
tests: ~[],
benchs: ~[]
let subcx = cx.clone();
let subpkg_src = pkg_src.clone();
do prep.exec |exec| {
subpkg_src.clone().build(exec, &subcx.clone(), ~[]);
cx.install_no_build(&workspace, &pkg_id);
pub fn install_exe(sysroot: Path, workspace: Path, name: ~str, version: Version) {
let cx = default_ctxt(sysroot);
debug!("install_exe calling with_prep");
pub fn install_pkg(sysroot: Path, workspace: Path, name: ~str, version: Version) {
let cx = default_context(sysroot);
let pkgid = PkgId{ version: version, ..PkgId::new(name)};
cx.install(PkgSrc::new(workspace, false, pkgid));
@ -14,62 +14,61 @@ use std::os;
use extra::workcache;
pub struct Ctx {
pub struct Context {
// If use_rust_path_hack is true, rustpkg searches for sources
// in *package* directories that are in the RUST_PATH (for example,
// FOO/src/bar-0.1 instead of FOO). The flag doesn't affect where
// rustpkg stores build artifacts.
use_rust_path_hack: bool,
// The root directory containing the Rust standard libraries
sysroot_opt: Path
sysroot: Path
pub struct BuildCtx {
pub struct BuildContext {
// Context for workcache
workcache_cx: workcache::Context,
workcache_context: workcache::Context,
// Everything else
cx: Ctx
context: Context
impl BuildCtx {
pub fn sysroot_opt(&self) -> Path {
impl BuildContext {
pub fn sysroot(&self) -> Path {
pub fn sysroot_to_use(&self) -> Path {
impl Ctx {
pub fn sysroot_opt(&self) -> Path {
impl Context {
pub fn sysroot(&self) -> Path {
impl Ctx {
impl Context {
/// Debugging
pub fn sysroot_opt_str(&self) -> ~str {
pub fn sysroot_str(&self) -> ~str {
// Hack so that rustpkg can run either out of a rustc target dir,
// or the host dir
pub fn sysroot_to_use(&self) -> Path {
if !in_target(&self.sysroot_opt) {
if !in_target(&self.sysroot) {
} else {
else {
/// We assume that if ../../rustc exists, then we're running
/// rustpkg from a Rust target directory. This is part of a
/// kludgy hack used to adjust the sysroot.
pub fn in_target(sysroot_opt: &Path) -> bool {
debug!("Checking whether %s is in target", sysroot_opt.to_str());
pub fn in_target(sysroot: &Path) -> bool {
debug!("Checking whether %s is in target", sysroot.to_str());
@ -28,9 +28,11 @@ use extra::workcache;
// This contains a list of files found in the source workspace.
pub struct PkgSrc {
workspace: Path, // root of where the package source code lives
start_dir: Path, // dir to start looking in for packages -- normally
// this is workspace/src/id but it may be just workspace
/// Root of where the package source code lives
workspace: Path,
// Directory to start looking in for packages -- normally
// this is workspace/src/id but it may be just workspace
start_dir: Path,
id: PkgId,
libs: ~[Crate],
mains: ~[Crate],
@ -61,8 +63,7 @@ impl PkgSrc {
let mut to_try = ~[];
if use_rust_path_hack {
else {
} else {
let result = workspace.push("src").push_rel(&id.path.pop()).push(fmt!("%s-%s",
id.short_name, id.version.to_str()));
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ impl PkgSrc {
fn build_crates(&self,
ctx: &BuildCtx,
ctx: &BuildContext,
exec: &mut workcache::Exec,
destination_dir: &Path,
crates: &[Crate],
@ -263,23 +264,17 @@ impl PkgSrc {
let path_str = path.to_str();
let cfgs = crate.cfgs + cfgs;
let result = {
let result =
// compile_crate should return the path of the output artifact
match compile_crate(ctx,
what).map(|p| p.to_str()) {
Some(p) => p,
None => build_err::cond.raise(fmt!("build failure on %s",
debug!("Result of compiling %s was %s", path_str, result);
@ -301,7 +296,10 @@ impl PkgSrc {
// It would be better if build returned a Path, but then Path would have to derive
// Encodable.
pub fn build(&self, exec: &mut workcache::Exec, ctx: &BuildCtx, cfgs: ~[~str]) -> ~str {
pub fn build(&self,
exec: &mut workcache::Exec,
build_context: &BuildContext,
cfgs: ~[~str]) -> ~str {
use conditions::not_a_workspace::cond;
// Determine the destination workspace (which depends on whether
@ -309,16 +307,14 @@ impl PkgSrc {
let destination_workspace = if is_workspace(&self.workspace) {
debug!("%s is indeed a workspace", self.workspace.to_str());
else {
} else {
// It would be nice to have only one place in the code that checks
// for the use_rust_path_hack flag...
if {
if build_context.context.use_rust_path_hack {
let rs = default_workspace();
debug!("Using hack: %s", rs.to_str());
else {
} else {
cond.raise(fmt!("Package root %s is not a workspace; pass in --rust_path_hack \
if you want to treat it as a package source",
@ -331,13 +327,13 @@ impl PkgSrc {
let benchs = self.benchs.clone();
debug!("Building libs in %s, destination = %s",
destination_workspace.to_str(), destination_workspace.to_str());
self.build_crates(ctx, exec, &destination_workspace, libs, cfgs, Lib);
self.build_crates(build_context, exec, &destination_workspace, libs, cfgs, Lib);
debug!("Building mains");
self.build_crates(ctx, exec, &destination_workspace, mains, cfgs, Main);
self.build_crates(build_context, exec, &destination_workspace, mains, cfgs, Main);
debug!("Building tests");
self.build_crates(ctx, exec, &destination_workspace, tests, cfgs, Test);
self.build_crates(build_context, exec, &destination_workspace, tests, cfgs, Test);
debug!("Building benches");
self.build_crates(ctx, exec, &destination_workspace, benchs, cfgs, Bench);
self.build_crates(build_context, exec, &destination_workspace, benchs, cfgs, Bench);
@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ pub fn workspace_contains_package_id_(pkgid: &PkgId, workspace: &Path,
if found.is_some() {
debug!("Found %s in %s", pkgid.to_str(), workspace.to_str());
else {
} else {
debug!("Didn't find %s in %s", pkgid.to_str(), workspace.to_str());
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ use path_util::{built_executable_in_workspace, built_library_in_workspace, defau
use path_util::{target_executable_in_workspace, target_library_in_workspace};
use source_control::is_git_dir;
use workspace::{each_pkg_parent_workspace, pkg_parent_workspaces, cwd_to_workspace};
use context::{BuildCtx, Ctx};
use context::{BuildContext, Context};
use package_id::PkgId;
use package_source::PkgSrc;
use workcache_support::{discover_outputs, digest_only_date};
@ -174,6 +174,8 @@ pub trait CtxMethods {
fn build(&self, exec: &mut workcache::Exec, pkg_src: PkgSrc) -> Path;
fn clean(&self, workspace: &Path, id: &PkgId);
fn info(&self);
/// Returns a pair. First component is a list of installed paths,
/// second is a list of declared and discovered inputs
fn install(&self, src: PkgSrc) -> (~[Path], ~[(~str, ~str)]);
/// Returns a list of installed files
fn install_no_build(&self, workspace: &Path, id: &PkgId) -> ~[Path];
@ -183,11 +185,11 @@ pub trait CtxMethods {
fn unprefer(&self, _id: &str, _vers: Option<~str>);
impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
impl CtxMethods for BuildContext {
fn build_from_src(&self, pkg_src: PkgSrc) {
let tag =;
debug!("package source = %s", pkg_src.to_str());
do self.workcache_cx.with_prep(tag) |prep| {
do self.workcache_context.with_prep(tag) |prep| {
let subsrc = pkg_src.clone();
let subself = self.clone();
declare_package_script_dependency(prep, &subsrc);
@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
"build" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
match cwd_to_workspace() {
None if => {
None if self.context.use_rust_path_hack => {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let pkgid = PkgId::new(cwd.components[cwd.components.len() - 1]);
self.build_from_src(PkgSrc::new(cwd, true, pkgid));
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
// The package id is presumed to be the first command-line
// argument
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0].clone());
do each_pkg_parent_workspace(&, &pkgid) |workspace| {
do each_pkg_parent_workspace(&self.context, &pkgid) |workspace| {
debug!("found pkg %s in workspace %s, trying to build",
pkgid.to_str(), workspace.to_str());
let pkg_src = PkgSrc::new(workspace.clone(), false, pkgid.clone());
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
"install" => {
if args.len() < 1 {
match cwd_to_workspace() {
None if => {
None if self.context.use_rust_path_hack => {
let cwd = os::getcwd();
let inferred_pkgid =
PkgId::new(cwd.components[cwd.components.len() - 1]);
@ -275,7 +277,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
// The package id is presumed to be the first command-line
// argument
let pkgid = PkgId::new(args[0]);
let workspaces = pkg_parent_workspaces(&, &pkgid);
let workspaces = pkg_parent_workspaces(&self.context, &pkgid);
debug!("package ID = %s, found it in %? workspaces",
pkgid.to_str(), workspaces.len());
if workspaces.is_empty() {
@ -287,7 +289,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
else {
for workspace in workspaces.iter() {
let src = PkgSrc::new(workspace.clone(),
@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
else {
let rp = rust_path();
do each_pkg_parent_workspace(&, &pkgid) |workspace| {
do each_pkg_parent_workspace(&self.context, &pkgid) |workspace| {
path_util::uninstall_package_from(workspace, &pkgid);
note(fmt!("Uninstalled package %s (was installed in %s)",
pkgid.to_str(), workspace.to_str()));
@ -350,9 +352,7 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
/// Returns the destination workspace
/// In the case of a custom build, we don't know, so we just return the source workspace
fn build(&self, exec: &mut workcache::Exec, pkg_src: PkgSrc) -> Path {
let pkg_src = &mut pkg_src.clone(); // :-o
fn build(&self, exec: &mut workcache::Exec, mut pkg_src: PkgSrc) -> Path {
let workspace = pkg_src.workspace.clone();
let pkgid =;
@ -438,8 +438,6 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
fail!("info not yet implemented");
/// Returns a pair. First component is a list of installed paths,
/// second is a list of declared and discovered inputs
fn install(&self, pkg_src: PkgSrc) -> (~[Path], ~[(~str, ~str)]) {
let id = &;
@ -447,7 +445,8 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
let installed_files = RWArc::new(~[]);
let inputs = RWArc::new(~[]);
// FIXME #7402: Use RUST_PATH to determine target dir
let f: &fn(&mut workcache::Prep) = |prep| {
self.workcache_context.with_prep(id.to_str(), |p| pkg_src.declare_inputs(p));
do self.workcache_context.with_prep(id.to_str()) |prep| {
let sub_inputs = inputs.clone();
let sub_files = installed_files.clone();
let subsrc = pkg_src.clone();
@ -473,8 +472,6 @@ impl CtxMethods for BuildCtx {
sub_inputs.write(|r| { *r = *r + exec.lookup_discovered_inputs() });
self.workcache_cx.with_prep(id.to_str(), |p| pkg_src.declare_inputs(p));
self.workcache_cx.with_prep(id.to_str(), f);
(installed_files.unwrap(), inputs.unwrap())
@ -609,12 +606,12 @@ pub fn main_args(args: &[~str]) {
let sroot = filesearch::get_or_default_sysroot();
debug!("Using sysroot: %s", sroot.to_str());
debug!("Will store workcache in %s", default_workspace().to_str());
BuildCtx {
cx: Ctx {
use_rust_path_hack: use_rust_path_hack,
sysroot_opt: sroot, // Currently, only tests override this
BuildContext {
context: Context {
use_rust_path_hack: use_rust_path_hack,
sysroot: sroot, // Currently, only tests override this
workcache_cx: api::default_ctxt(default_workspace()).workcache_cx // ???
workcache_context: api::default_context(default_workspace()).workcache_context
}.run(*cmd, remaining_args)
@ -10,12 +10,13 @@
// rustpkg unit tests
use context::{BuildCtx, Ctx};
use context::{BuildContext, Context};
use std::{io, libc, os, run, str, task};
use extra::arc::Arc;
use extra::arc::RWArc;
use extra::tempfile::mkdtemp;
use extra::workcache::{Context, Database, Logger};
use extra::workcache;
use extra::workcache::{Database, Logger};
use extra::treemap::TreeMap;
use std::run::ProcessOutput;
use installed_packages::list_installed_packages;
@ -36,15 +37,16 @@ fn datestamp(p: &Path) -> Option<libc::time_t> {
p.stat().map(|stat| stat.st_mtime)
fn fake_ctxt(sysroot_opt: Path, workspace: &Path) -> BuildCtx {
let bcx = Context::new(RWArc::new(Database::new(workspace.push("rustpkg_db.json"))),
BuildCtx {
workcache_cx: bcx,
cx: Ctx {
fn fake_ctxt(sysroot: Path, workspace: &Path) -> BuildContext {
let context = workcache::Context::new(
BuildContext {
workcache_context: context,
context: Context {
use_rust_path_hack: false,
sysroot_opt: sysroot_opt
sysroot: sysroot
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use syntax::{ast, attr, codemap, diagnostic, fold};
use syntax::attr::AttrMetaMethods;
use rustc::back::link::output_type_exe;
use rustc::driver::session::{lib_crate, bin_crate};
use context::{in_target, BuildCtx};
use context::{in_target, BuildContext};
use package_id::PkgId;
use package_source::PkgSrc;
use path_util::{installed_library_in_workspace, U_RWX};
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ pub fn ready_crate(sess: session::Session,
pub fn compile_input(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
pub fn compile_input(ctxt: &BuildContext,
exec: &mut workcache::Exec,
pkg_id: &PkgId,
in_file: &Path,
@ -161,8 +161,7 @@ pub fn compile_input(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
flags: &[~str],
cfgs: &[~str],
opt: bool,
what: OutputType) -> Option<Path> {
what: OutputType) -> Path {
assert!(in_file.components.len() > 1);
let input = driver::file_input((*in_file).clone());
debug!("compile_input: %s / %?", in_file.to_str(), what);
@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ pub fn compile_input(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
debug!("flags: %s", flags.connect(" "));
debug!("cfgs: %s", cfgs.connect(" "));
debug!("compile_input's sysroot = %s", ctxt.sysroot_opt().to_str());
debug!("compile_input's sysroot = %s", ctxt.sysroot().to_str());
let crate_type = match what {
Lib => lib_crate,
@ -193,13 +192,13 @@ pub fn compile_input(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
// Hack so that rustpkg can run either out of a rustc target dir,
// or the host dir
let sysroot_to_use = @if !in_target(&ctxt.sysroot_opt()) {
let sysroot_to_use = @if !in_target(&ctxt.sysroot()) {
else {
debug!("compile_input's sysroot = %s", ctxt.sysroot_opt().to_str());
debug!("compile_input's sysroot = %s", ctxt.sysroot().to_str());
debug!("sysroot_to_use = %s", sysroot_to_use.to_str());
let options = @session::options {
crate_type: crate_type,
@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ pub fn compile_crate_from_input(input: &Path,
// should be of the form <workspace>/build/<pkg id's path>
out_dir: &Path,
sess: session::Session,
crate: @ast::Crate) -> Option<Path> {
crate: @ast::Crate) -> Path {
debug!("Calling build_output_filenames with %s, building library? %?",
out_dir.to_str(), sess.building_library);
@ -307,13 +306,13 @@ pub fn compile_crate_from_input(input: &Path,
driver::phase_5_run_llvm_passes(sess, &translation, outputs);
if driver::stop_after_phase_5(sess) { return Some(outputs.out_filename); }
if driver::stop_after_phase_5(sess) { return outputs.out_filename; }
driver::phase_6_link_output(sess, &translation, outputs);
// Register dependency on the source file
exec.discover_input("file", input.to_str(), digest_file_with_date(input));
@ -326,12 +325,12 @@ pub fn exe_suffix() -> ~str { ~".exe" }
pub fn exe_suffix() -> ~str { ~"" }
// Called by build_crates
pub fn compile_crate(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
pub fn compile_crate(ctxt: &BuildContext,
exec: &mut workcache::Exec,
pkg_id: &PkgId,
crate: &Path, workspace: &Path,
flags: &[~str], cfgs: &[~str], opt: bool,
what: OutputType) -> Option<Path> {
what: OutputType) -> Path {
debug!("compile_crate: crate=%s, workspace=%s", crate.to_str(), workspace.to_str());
debug!("compile_crate: short_name = %s, flags =...", pkg_id.to_str());
for fl in flags.iter() {
@ -344,7 +343,7 @@ pub fn compile_crate(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
/// Collect all `extern mod` directives in `c`, then
/// try to install their targets, failing if any target
/// can't be found.
pub fn find_and_install_dependencies(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
pub fn find_and_install_dependencies(ctxt: &BuildContext,
sess: session::Session,
exec: &mut workcache::Exec,
workspace: &Path,
@ -358,8 +357,10 @@ pub fn find_and_install_dependencies(ctxt: &BuildCtx,
// ignore metadata, I guess
ast::view_item_extern_mod(lib_ident, path_opt, _, _) => {
let lib_name = match path_opt {
Some(p) => p, None => sess.str_of(lib_ident) };
match installed_library_in_workspace(lib_name, &ctxt.sysroot_opt()) {
Some(p) => p,
None => sess.str_of(lib_ident)
match installed_library_in_workspace(lib_name, &ctxt.sysroot()) {
Some(ref installed_path) => {
debug!("It exists: %s", installed_path.to_str());
// Say that [path for c] has a discovered dependency on
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
use std::{os,util};
use std::path::Path;
use context::Ctx;
use context::Context;
use path_util::{workspace_contains_package_id, find_dir_using_rust_path_hack};
use util::option_to_vec;
use package_id::PkgId;
use path_util::rust_path;
pub fn each_pkg_parent_workspace(cx: &Ctx, pkgid: &PkgId, action: &fn(&Path) -> bool) -> bool {
pub fn each_pkg_parent_workspace(cx: &Context, pkgid: &PkgId, action: &fn(&Path) -> bool) -> bool {
// Using the RUST_PATH, find workspaces that contain
// this package ID
let workspaces = pkg_parent_workspaces(cx, pkgid);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pub fn each_pkg_parent_workspace(cx: &Ctx, pkgid: &PkgId, action: &fn(&Path) ->
return true;
pub fn pkg_parent_workspaces(cx: &Ctx, pkgid: &PkgId) -> ~[Path] {
pub fn pkg_parent_workspaces(cx: &Context, pkgid: &PkgId) -> ~[Path] {
let rs: ~[Path] = rust_path().move_iter()
.filter(|ws| workspace_contains_package_id(pkgid, ws))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user