renamed str::view -> slice_DBG_BRWD
renamed str::slice -> slice_DBG_UNIQ changed vec slice method -> to_owned() renamed vec view method -> slice_V_DBG_BRWD
This commit is contained in:
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ An example of `use` declarations:
use core::float::sin;
use core::str::{slice, to_upper};
use core::str::{slice_DBG_BRWD, to_upper};
use core::option::Some;
fn main() {
@ -817,8 +817,8 @@ fn main() {
// Equivalent to
// 'info!(core::str::to_upper(core::str::slice("foo", 0, 1)));'
info!(to_upper(slice("foo", 0, 1)));
// 'info!(core::str::to_upper(core::str::slice_DBG_BRWD("foo", 0, 1)));'
info!(to_upper(slice_DBG_BRWD("foo", 0, 1)));
@ -2668,7 +2668,7 @@ Within the body of an item that has type parameter declarations, the names of it
fn map<A: Copy, B: Copy>(f: &fn(A) -> B, xs: &[A]) -> ~[B] {
if xs.len() == 0 { return ~[]; }
let first: B = f(xs[0]);
let rest: ~[B] = map(f, xs.slice(1, xs.len()));
let rest: ~[B] = map(f, xs.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(1, xs.len()));
return ~[first] + rest;
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: ~str) -> ~[ExpectedError] {
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let start_kind = idx;
while idx < len && line[idx] != (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let kind = str::to_lower(str::slice(line, start_kind, idx));
let kind = str::to_lower(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(line, start_kind, idx).to_owned());
// Extract msg:
while idx < len && line[idx] == (' ' as u8) { idx += 1u; }
let msg = str::slice(line, idx, len);
let msg = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(line, idx, len).to_owned();
debug!("line=%u kind=%s msg=%s", line_num - adjust_line, kind, msg);
@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ fn parse_name_value_directive(line: ~str,
let keycolon = directive + ~":";
match str::find_str(line, keycolon) {
Some(colon) => {
let value = str::slice(line, colon + str::len(keycolon),
let value = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(line, colon + str::len(keycolon),
debug!("%s: %s", directive, value);
@ -364,14 +364,14 @@ pub pure fn to_str_bytes_common<T:NumCast+Zero+One+Eq+Ord+NumStrConv+Copy+
// only resize buf if we actually remove digits
if i < buf_max_i {
buf = buf.slice(0, i + 1);
buf = buf.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, i + 1).to_owned();
} // If exact and trailing '.', just cut that
else {
let max_i = buf.len() - 1;
if buf[max_i] == '.' as u8 {
buf = buf.slice(0, max_i);
buf = buf.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, max_i).to_owned();
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ pub pure fn from_str_bytes_common<T:NumCast+Zero+One+Ord+Copy+Div<T,T>+
// parse remaining bytes as decimal integer,
// skipping the exponent char
let exp: Option<int> = from_str_bytes_common(
buf.view(i+1, len), 10, true, false, false, ExpNone, false);
buf.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(i+1, len), 10, true, false, false, ExpNone, false);
match exp {
Some(exp_pow) => {
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ impl GenericPath for PosixPath {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p)),
Some(p) => Some(f.slice_DBG_BRWD(0, p).to_owned()),
None => Some(copy *f)
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ impl GenericPath for PosixPath {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p, f.len())),
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice_DBG_BRWD(p, f.len()).to_owned()),
_ => None
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ impl GenericPath for WindowsPath {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) => Some(f.slice(0, p)),
Some(p) => Some(f.slice_DBG_BRWD(0, p).to_owned()),
None => Some(copy *f)
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ impl GenericPath for WindowsPath {
None => None,
Some(ref f) => {
match str::rfind_char(*f, '.') {
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice(p, f.len())),
Some(p) if p < f.len() => Some(f.slice_DBG_BRWD(p, f.len()).to_owned()),
_ => None
@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ pub mod windows {
let mut i = 2;
while i < s.len() {
if is_sep(s[i]) {
let pre = s.slice(2, i);
let mut rest = s.slice(i, s.len());
let pre = s.slice_DBG_BRWD(2, i).to_owned();
let mut rest = s.slice_DBG_BRWD(i, s.len()).to_owned();
return Some((pre, rest));
i += 1;
@ -860,9 +860,9 @@ pub mod windows {
let rest = if s.len() == 2 {
} else {
s.slice(2, s.len())
s.slice_DBG_BRWD(2, s.len()).to_owned()
return Some((s.slice(0,1), rest));
return Some((s.slice_DBG_BRWD(0,1).to_owned(), rest));
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ fn listen() {
if status.is_none() {
rtdebug!("got %d bytes", nread);
let buf = buf.unwrap();
for buf.view(0, nread as uint).each |byte| {
for buf.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, nread as uint).each |byte| {
fail_unless!(*byte == count as u8);
rtdebug!("%u", *byte as uint);
count += 1;
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ fn read_all(rd: io::Reader) -> ~str {
let mut bytes = [0, ..4096];
while !rd.eof() {
let nread =, bytes.len());
wr.write(bytes.view(0, nread));
wr.write(bytes.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, nread));
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ pub fn readclose(fd: c_int) -> ~str {
let mut bytes = [0, ..4096];
while !reader.eof() {
let nread =, bytes.len());
writer.write(bytes.view(0, nread));
writer.write(bytes.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, nread));
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pub pure fn from_bytes(vv: &[const u8]) -> ~str {
/// Copy a slice into a new unique str
pub pure fn from_slice(s: &str) -> ~str {
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, 0, len(s)) }
unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, 0, len(s)) }
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ pub fn pop_char(s: &mut ~str) -> char {
pub fn shift_char(s: &mut ~str) -> char {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(*s, 0u);
*s = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*s, next, len(*s)) };
*s = unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(*s, next, len(*s)) };
return ch;
@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ pub fn shift_char(s: &mut ~str) -> char {
* If the string does not contain any characters
pub fn view_shift_char(s: &'a str) -> (char, &'a str) {
pub fn slice_shift_char(s: &'a str) -> (char, &'a str) {
let CharRange {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, 0u);
let next_s = unsafe { raw::view_bytes(s, next, len(s)) };
let next_s = unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_BRWD_bytes(s, next, len(s)) };
return (ch, next_s);
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ pub pure fn trim_left_chars(s: &str, chars_to_trim: &[char]) -> ~str {
match find(s, |c| !chars_to_trim.contains(&c)) {
None => ~"",
Some(first) => unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, first, s.len()) }
Some(first) => unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, first, s.len()) }
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ pub pure fn trim_right_chars(s: &str, chars_to_trim: &[char]) -> ~str {
None => ~"",
Some(last) => {
let next = char_range_at(s, last).next;
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, 0u, next) }
unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, 0u, next) }
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ pub pure fn trim_chars(s: &str, chars_to_trim: &[char]) -> ~str {
pub pure fn trim_left(s: &str) -> ~str {
match find(s, |c| !char::is_whitespace(c)) {
None => ~"",
Some(first) => unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, first, len(s)) }
Some(first) => unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, first, len(s)) }
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ pub pure fn trim_right(s: &str) -> ~str {
None => ~"",
Some(last) => {
let next = char_range_at(s, last).next;
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, 0u, next) }
unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, 0u, next) }
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ pub pure fn chars(s: &str) -> ~[char] {
* `begin`.
pub pure fn substr(s: &str, begin: uint, n: uint) -> ~str {
slice(s, begin, begin + count_bytes(s, begin, n))
slice_DBG_UNIQ(s, begin, begin + count_bytes(s, begin, n))
@ -417,22 +417,22 @@ pub pure fn substr(s: &str, begin: uint, n: uint) -> ~str {
* Fails when `begin` and `end` do not point to valid characters or
* beyond the last character of the string
pub pure fn slice(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
pub pure fn slice_DBG_UNIQ(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, begin));
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, end));
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(s, begin, end) }
unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, begin, end) }
* Returns a view of the given string from the byte range [`begin`..`end`)
* Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range [`begin`..`end`)
* Fails when `begin` and `end` do not point to valid characters or beyond
* the last character of the string
pub pure fn view(s: &'a str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'a str {
pub pure fn slice_DBG_BRWD(s: &'a str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'a str {
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, begin));
fail_unless!(is_char_boundary(s, end));
unsafe { raw::view_bytes(s, begin, end) }
unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_BRWD_bytes(s, begin, end) }
/// Splits a string into substrings at each occurrence of a given character
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ pure fn split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool)
if s[i] == b {
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i));
result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, start, i));
start = i + 1u;
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ pure fn split_char_inner(s: &str, sep: char, count: uint, allow_empty: bool)
i += 1u;
if allow_empty || start < l {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l) ) };
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, start, l) ) };
} else {
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ pure fn split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
if sepfn(ch) {
if allow_empty || start < i {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, i));
result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, start, i));
start = next;
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ pure fn split_inner(s: &str, sepfn: &fn(cc: char) -> bool, count: uint,
if allow_empty || start < l {
unsafe {
result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, start, l));
result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, start, l));
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ pure fn iter_between_matches(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str, f: &fn(uint, uint)) {
pub pure fn split_str(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut result = ~[];
do iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to)); }
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, from, to)); }
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ pub pure fn split_str_nonempty(s: &'a str, sep: &'b str) -> ~[~str] {
let mut result = ~[];
do iter_between_matches(s, sep) |from, to| {
if to > from {
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_bytes(s, from, to)); }
unsafe { result.push(raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, from, to)); }
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ pub pure fn replace(s: &str, from: &str, to: &str) -> ~str {
} else {
unsafe { push_str(&mut result, to); }
unsafe { push_str(&mut result, raw::slice_bytes(s, start, end)); }
unsafe { push_str(&mut result, raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s, start, end)); }
@ -2135,7 +2135,7 @@ pub mod raw {
* If begin is greater than end.
* If end is greater than the length of the string.
pub unsafe fn slice_bytes(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
pub unsafe fn slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
do as_buf(s) |sbuf, n| {
fail_unless!((begin <= end));
fail_unless!((end <= n));
@ -2155,7 +2155,7 @@ pub mod raw {
* Takes a bytewise (not UTF-8) view from a string.
* Takes a bytewise (not UTF-8) slice from a string.
* Returns the substring from [`begin`..`end`).
@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ pub mod raw {
* If end is greater than the length of the string.
pub unsafe fn view_bytes(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &str {
pub unsafe fn slice_DBG_BRWD_bytes(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &str {
do as_buf(s) |sbuf, n| {
fail_unless!((begin <= end));
fail_unless!((end <= n));
@ -2207,7 +2207,7 @@ pub mod raw {
let len = len(*s);
fail_unless!((len > 0u));
let b = s[0];
*s = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*s, 1u, len) };
*s = unsafe { raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(*s, 1u, len) };
return b;
@ -2287,7 +2287,8 @@ pub trait StrSlice {
pure fn is_alphanumeric(&self) -> bool;
pure fn len(&self) -> uint;
pure fn char_len(&self) -> uint;
pure fn slice(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str;
pure fn slice_DBG_UNIQ(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str;
pure fn slice_DBG_BRWD(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str;
pure fn split(&self, sepfn: &fn(char) -> bool) -> ~[~str];
pure fn split_char(&self, sep: char) -> ~[~str];
pure fn split_str(&self, sep: &'a str) -> ~[~str];
@ -2402,8 +2403,19 @@ impl StrSlice for &'self str {
* beyond the last character of the string
pure fn slice(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
slice(*self, begin, end)
pure fn slice_DBG_UNIQ(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
slice_DBG_UNIQ(*self, begin, end)
* Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range
* [`begin`..`end`)
* Fails when `begin` and `end` do not point to valid characters or
* beyond the last character of the string
pure fn slice_DBG_BRWD(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str {
slice_DBG_BRWD(*self, begin, end)
/// Splits a string into substrings using a character function
@ -2460,7 +2472,7 @@ impl StrSlice for &'self str {
pure fn trim_right(&self) -> ~str { trim_right(*self) }
pure fn to_owned(&self) -> ~str { self.slice(0, self.len()) }
pure fn to_owned(&self) -> ~str { self.slice_DBG_UNIQ(0, self.len()) }
pure fn to_managed(&self) -> @str {
@ -2523,8 +2535,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_eq_slice() {
fail_unless!((eq_slice(view("foobar", 0, 3), "foo")));
fail_unless!((eq_slice(view("barfoo", 3, 6), "foo")));
fail_unless!((eq_slice(slice_DBG_BRWD("foobar", 0, 3), "foo")));
fail_unless!((eq_slice(slice_DBG_BRWD("barfoo", 3, 6), "foo")));
fail_unless!((!eq_slice("foo1", "foo2")));
@ -2892,9 +2904,9 @@ mod tests {
fn test_unsafe_slice() {
unsafe {
fail_unless!(~"ab" == raw::slice_bytes(~"abc", 0, 2));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == raw::slice_bytes(~"abc", 1, 3));
fail_unless!(~"" == raw::slice_bytes(~"abc", 1, 1));
fail_unless!(~"ab" == raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(~"abc", 0, 2));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(~"abc", 1, 3));
fail_unless!(~"" == raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(~"abc", 1, 1));
fn a_million_letter_a() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
@ -2908,7 +2920,7 @@ mod tests {
fail_unless!(half_a_million_letter_a() ==
raw::slice_bytes(a_million_letter_a(), 0u, 500000));
raw::slice_DBG_UNIQ_bytes(a_million_letter_a(), 0u, 500000));
@ -2989,16 +3001,16 @@ mod tests {
fn test_slice() {
fail_unless!(~"ab" == slice(~"abc", 0, 2));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == slice(~"abc", 1, 3));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice(~"abc", 1, 1));
fail_unless!(~"\u65e5" == slice(~"\u65e5\u672c", 0, 3));
fail_unless!(~"ab" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 0, 2));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 1, 3));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 1, 1));
fail_unless!(~"\u65e5" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"\u65e5\u672c", 0, 3));
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
fail_unless!(~"ป" == slice(data, 0, 3));
fail_unless!(~"ร" == slice(data, 3, 6));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice(data, 3, 3));
fail_unless!(~"华" == slice(data, 30, 33));
fail_unless!(~"ป" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(data, 0, 3));
fail_unless!(~"ร" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(data, 3, 6));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(data, 3, 3));
fail_unless!(~"华" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(data, 30, 33));
fn a_million_letter_X() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
@ -3016,23 +3028,23 @@ mod tests {
fail_unless!(half_a_million_letter_X() ==
slice(a_million_letter_X(), 0u, 3u * 500000u));
slice_DBG_UNIQ(a_million_letter_X(), 0u, 3u * 500000u));
fn test_slice_2() {
let ss = ~"中华Việt Nam";
fail_unless!(~"华" == slice(ss, 3u, 6u));
fail_unless!(~"Việt Nam" == slice(ss, 6u, 16u));
fail_unless!(~"华" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(ss, 3u, 6u));
fail_unless!(~"Việt Nam" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(ss, 6u, 16u));
fail_unless!(~"ab" == slice(~"abc", 0u, 2u));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == slice(~"abc", 1u, 3u));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice(~"abc", 1u, 1u));
fail_unless!(~"ab" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 0u, 2u));
fail_unless!(~"bc" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 1u, 3u));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"abc", 1u, 1u));
fail_unless!(~"中" == slice(ss, 0u, 3u));
fail_unless!(~"华V" == slice(ss, 3u, 7u));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice(ss, 3u, 3u));
fail_unless!(~"中" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(ss, 0u, 3u));
fail_unless!(~"华V" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(ss, 3u, 7u));
fail_unless!(~"" == slice_DBG_UNIQ(ss, 3u, 3u));
/*0: 中
3: 华
6: V
@ -3049,7 +3061,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_slice_fail() {
slice(~"中华Việt Nam", 0u, 2u);
slice_DBG_UNIQ(~"中华Việt Nam", 0u, 2u);
@ -3645,7 +3657,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_to_managed() {
fail_unless!((~"abc").to_managed() == @"abc");
fail_unless!(view("abcdef", 1, 5).to_managed() == @"bcde");
fail_unless!(slice_DBG_BRWD("abcdef", 1, 5).to_managed() == @"bcde");
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ pub mod ct {
pub fn parse_fmt_string(s: &str, err: ErrorFn) -> ~[Piece] {
fn push_slice(ps: &mut ~[Piece], s: &str, from: uint, to: uint) {
if to > from {
ps.push(PieceString(s.slice(from, to)));
ps.push(PieceString(s.slice_DBG_BRWD(from, to).to_owned()));
@ -1707,27 +1707,29 @@ impl<T> Container for &'self [const T] {
pub trait CopyableVector<T> {
pure fn slice(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> ~[T];
pure fn to_owned(&self) -> ~[T];
/// Extension methods for vectors
impl<T: Copy> CopyableVector<T> for &'self [const T] {
/// Returns a copy of the elements from [`start`..`end`) from `v`.
/// Returns a copy of `v`.
pure fn slice(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> ~[T] {
// XXX: Purity workaround for stage0.
pure fn to_owned(&self) -> ~[T] {
let mut result = ~[];
// FIXME: #4568
unsafe {
let mut result = ~[];
for uint::range(start, end) |i| {
result.push(copy self[i]);
reserve(&mut result, self.len());
for self.each |e| {
result.push(copy *e);
pub trait ImmutableVector<T> {
pure fn view(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'self [T];
pure fn slice_V_DBG_BRWD(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'self [T];
pure fn head(&self) -> &'self T;
pure fn head_opt(&self) -> Option<&'self T>;
pure fn tail(&self) -> &'self [T];
@ -1751,7 +1753,7 @@ pub trait ImmutableVector<T> {
impl<T> ImmutableVector<T> for &'self [T] {
/// Return a slice that points into another slice.
pure fn view(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'self [T] {
pure fn slice_V_DBG_BRWD(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'self [T] {
slice(*self, start, end)
@ -3613,9 +3615,9 @@ mod tests {
fn test_view() {
fn test_slice_V_DBG_BRWD() {
let v = ~[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let v = v.view(1u, 3u);
let v = v.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(1u, 3u);
fail_unless!(v.len() == 2u);
fail_unless!(v[0] == 2);
fail_unless!(v[1] == 3);
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ pub fn check_variants_T<T: Copy>(
pub fn last_part(filename: ~str) -> ~str {
let ix = option::get(str::rfind_char(filename, '/'));
str::slice(filename, ix + 1u, str::len(filename) - 3u)
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(filename, ix + 1u, str::len(filename) - 3u).to_owned()
pub enum happiness {
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ pub fn link_binary(sess: Session,
fn unlib(config: @session::config, +stem: ~str) -> ~str {
if stem.starts_with("lib") &&
config.os != session::os_win32 {
stem.slice(3, stem.len())
stem.slice_DBG_BRWD(3, stem.len()).to_owned()
} else {
@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ fn encode_crate_deps(ecx: @EncodeContext,
// mut -> immutable hack for vec::map
deps.slice(0, deps.len())
deps.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, deps.len()).to_owned()
// We're just going to write a list of crate 'name-hash-version's, with
@ -888,14 +888,14 @@ fn check_item_non_camel_case_types(cx: ty::ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
fn ident_without_trailing_underscores(ident: &'r str) -> &'r str {
match str::rfind(ident, |c| c != '_') {
Some(idx) => str::view(ident, 0, idx + 1),
Some(idx) => str::slice_DBG_BRWD(ident, 0, idx + 1),
None => ident, // all underscores
fn ident_without_leading_underscores(ident: &'r str) -> &'r str {
match str::find(ident, |c| c != '_') {
Some(idx) => str::view(ident, idx, ident.len()),
Some(idx) => str::slice_DBG_BRWD(ident, idx, ident.len()),
None => ident // all underscores
@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ pub fn find_vtable(tcx: ty::ctxt, ps: ¶m_substs,
// Vtables are stored in a flat array, finding the right one is
// somewhat awkward
let first_n_bounds = ps.bounds.view(0, n_param);
let first_n_bounds = ps.bounds.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, n_param);
let vtables_to_skip =
ty::count_traits_and_supertraits(tcx, first_n_bounds);
let vtable_off = vtables_to_skip + n_bound;
@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ fn get_cache(cx: @CrateContext) -> metadata_cache {
fn get_file_path_and_dir(work_dir: &str, full_path: &str) -> (~str, ~str) {
(if str::starts_with(full_path, work_dir) {
str::slice(full_path, str::len(work_dir) + 1u,
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(full_path, str::len(work_dir) + 1u,
} else {
}, str::from_slice(work_dir))
}, work_dir.to_owned())
fn create_file(cx: @CrateContext, +full_path: ~str)
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ pub fn parameterized(cx: ctxt,
pub fn ty_to_short_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
let mut s = encoder::encoded_ty(cx, typ);
if str::len(s) >= 32u { s = str::slice(s, 0u, 32u); }
if str::len(s) >= 32u { s = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, 0u, 32u).to_owned(); }
return s;
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ fn first_sentence_(s: &str) -> ~str {
match idx {
Some(idx) if idx > 2u => {
str::from_slice(str::view(s, 0, idx - 1))
str::from_slice(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, 0, idx - 1))
_ => {
if str::ends_with(s, ~".") {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn readclose(fd: libc::c_int) -> ~str {
let mut bytes = [0, ..4096];
while !reader.eof() {
let nread =, bytes.len());
writer.write(bytes.view(0, nread));
writer.write(bytes.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(0, nread).to_owned());
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ fn sectionalize(desc: Option<~str>) -> (Option<~str>, ~[doc::Section]) {
fn parse_header(line: ~str) -> Option<~str> {
if str::starts_with(line, ~"# ") {
Some(str::slice(line, 2u, str::len(line)))
Some(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(line, 2u, str::len(line)).to_owned())
} else {
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ fn unindent(s: &str) -> ~str {
copy *line
} else {
fail_unless!(str::len(*line) >= min_indent);
str::slice(*line, min_indent, str::len(*line))
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(*line, min_indent, str::len(*line)).to_owned()
str::connect(unindented, ~"\n")
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ priv impl BitvSet {
f: &fn(uint, uint, uint) -> bool) {
let min = uint::min(,
for, min).eachi |i, &w| {
for, min).eachi |i, &w| {
if !f(i * uint::bits, w,[i]) {
@ -852,12 +852,12 @@ priv impl BitvSet {
let min = uint::min(len1, len2);
/* only one of these loops will execute and that's the point */
for, len1).eachi |i, &w| {
for, len1).eachi |i, &w| {
if !f(true, (i + min) * uint::bits, w) {
for, len2).eachi |i, &w| {
for, len2).eachi |i, &w| {
if !f(false, (i + min) * uint::bits, w) {
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ pub mod bytepipes {
fn try_recv(&self, count: uint) -> Option<~[u8]> {
if vec::uniq_len(&const self.buf) >= count {
let mut bytes = ::core::util::replace(&mut self.buf, ~[]);
self.buf = bytes.slice(count, bytes.len());
self.buf = bytes.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(count, bytes.len()).to_owned();
return Some(bytes);
} else if vec::uniq_len(&const self.buf) > 0 {
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[Opt]) -> Result {
let mut names;
let mut i_arg = None;
if cur[1] == '-' as u8 {
let tail = str::slice(cur, 2, curlen);
let tail = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(cur, 2, curlen).to_owned();
let tail_eq = str::splitn_char(tail, '=', 1);
if tail_eq.len() <= 1 {
names = ~[Long(tail)];
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ pub fn getopts(args: &[~str], opts: &[Opt]) -> Result {
No => false
if arg_follows && j < curlen {
i_arg = Some(cur.slice(j, curlen));
i_arg = Some(cur.slice_DBG_BRWD(j, curlen).to_owned());
} else {
last_valid_opt_id = None;
@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ pure fn split_char_first(s: &str, c: char) -> (~str, ~str) {
if index+mat == len {
return (str::slice(s, 0, index), ~"");
return (str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, 0, index).to_owned(), ~"");
} else {
return (str::slice(s, 0, index),
str::slice(s, index + mat, str::len(s)));
return (str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, 0, index).to_owned(),
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, index + mat, str::len(s)).to_owned());
@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ pub pure fn get_scheme(rawurl: &str) -> Result<(~str, ~str), ~str> {
if i == 0 {
return Err(~"url: Scheme cannot be empty.");
} else {
return Ok((rawurl.slice(0,i),
return Ok((rawurl.slice_DBG_BRWD(0,i).to_owned(),
_ => {
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ pure fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
Ip6Host => {
if colon_count > 7 {
host = str::slice(rawurl, begin, i);
host = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, i).to_owned();
pos = i;
st = InPort;
@ -506,13 +506,13 @@ pure fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
colon_count = 0; // reset count
match st {
Start => {
let user = str::slice(rawurl, begin, i);
let user = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, i).to_owned();
userinfo = Some(UserInfo::new(user, None));
st = InHost;
PassHostPort => {
let user = str::slice(rawurl, begin, pos);
let pass = str::slice(rawurl, pos+1, i);
let user = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, pos).to_owned();
let pass = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, pos+1, i).to_owned();
userinfo = Some(UserInfo::new(user, Some(pass)));
st = InHost;
@ -543,31 +543,31 @@ pure fn get_authority(rawurl: &str) ->
match st {
Start => {
if host_is_end_plus_one() {
host = str::slice(rawurl, begin, end+1);
host = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, end+1).to_owned();
} else {
host = str::slice(rawurl, begin, end);
host = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, end).to_owned();
PassHostPort | Ip6Port => {
if in != Digit {
return Err(~"Non-digit characters in port.");
host = str::slice(rawurl, begin, pos);
port = Some(str::slice(rawurl, pos+1, end));
host = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, pos).to_owned();
port = Some(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, pos+1, end).to_owned());
Ip6Host | InHost => {
host = str::slice(rawurl, begin, end);
host = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, begin, end).to_owned();
InPort => {
if in != Digit {
return Err(~"Non-digit characters in port.");
port = Some(str::slice(rawurl, pos+1, end));
port = Some(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, pos+1, end).to_owned());
let rest = if host_is_end_plus_one() { ~"" }
else { str::slice(rawurl, end, len) };
else { str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, end, len).to_owned() };
return Ok((userinfo, host, port, rest));
@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ pure fn get_path(rawurl: &str, authority: bool) ->
return Ok((decode_component(str::slice(rawurl, 0, end)),
str::slice(rawurl, end, len)));
return Ok((decode_component(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, 0, end).to_owned()),
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, end, len).to_owned()));
// returns the parsed query and the fragment, if present
@ -608,16 +608,16 @@ pure fn get_query_fragment(rawurl: &str) ->
Result<(Query, Option<~str>), ~str> {
if !str::starts_with(rawurl, ~"?") {
if str::starts_with(rawurl, ~"#") {
let f = decode_component(str::slice(rawurl,
let f = decode_component(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl,
return Ok((~[], Some(f)));
} else {
return Ok((~[], None));
let (q, r) = split_char_first(str::slice(rawurl, 1,
str::len(rawurl)), '#');
let (q, r) = split_char_first(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(rawurl, 1,
str::len(rawurl)).to_owned(), '#');
let f = if str::len(r) != 0 {
Some(decode_component(r)) } else { None };
return Ok((query_from_str(q), f));
@ -1293,9 +1293,9 @@ mod tests {
unsafe {
match (*node) {
node::Leaf(x) => {
*str += str::slice(
*str += str::slice_DBG_BRWD(
*x.content, x.byte_offset,
x.byte_offset + x.byte_len);
x.byte_offset + x.byte_len).to_owned();
node::Concat(ref x) => {
aux(str, x.left);
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ mod tests {
let mut left = len;
while left > 0u {
let take = (left + 1u) / 2u;
sh.input_str(str::slice(t.input, len - left,
take + len - left));
sh.input_str(str::slice_DBG_BRWD(t.input, len - left,
take + len - left).to_owned());
left = left - take;
let out = sh.result();
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pub impl FileMap {
Some(e) => e,
None => str::len(*self.src)
str::slice(*self.src, begin, end)
str::slice_DBG_BRWD(*self.src, begin, end).to_owned()
@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ pub impl CodeMap {
let begin = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.lo);
let end = self.lookup_byte_offset(sp.hi);
fail_unless!( ==;
return str::slice(*,
begin.pos.to_uint(), end.pos.to_uint());
return str::slice_DBG_BRWD(*,
begin.pos.to_uint(), end.pos.to_uint()).to_owned();
pub fn get_filemap(&self, filename: ~str) -> @FileMap {
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ pub fn add_new_extension(cx: @ext_ctxt,
match (*tt) {
// cut off delimiters; don't parse 'em
tt_delim(ref tts) => {
_ => cx.span_fatal(
sp, ~"macro rhs must be delimited")
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ pub fn strip_doc_comment_decoration(comment: &str) -> ~str {
while j > i && lines[j - 1u].trim().is_empty() {
j -= 1u;
return lines.slice(i, j);
return lines.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(i, j).to_owned();
// drop leftmost columns that contain only values in chars
@ -103,17 +103,17 @@ pub fn strip_doc_comment_decoration(comment: &str) -> ~str {
if i > chars.len() {
} else {
str::from_chars(chars.slice(i, chars.len()))
str::from_chars(chars.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(i, chars.len()).to_owned())
if comment.starts_with(~"//") {
return comment.slice(3u, comment.len()).trim();
return comment.slice_DBG_BRWD(3u, comment.len()).trim();
if comment.starts_with(~"/*") {
let lines = str::lines_any(comment.slice(3u, comment.len() - 2u));
let lines = str::lines_any(comment.slice_DBG_BRWD(3u, comment.len() - 2u).to_owned());
let lines = vertical_trim(lines);
let lines = block_trim(lines, ~"\t ", None);
let lines = block_trim(lines, ~"*", Some(1u));
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fn trim_whitespace_prefix_and_push_line(lines: &mut ~[~str],
let col = col.to_uint();
if all_whitespace(s, 0u, uint::min(len, col)) {
if col < len {
s1 = str::slice(s, col, len);
s1 = str::slice_DBG_BRWD(s, col, len).to_owned();
} else { s1 = ~""; }
} else { s1 = s; }
debug!("pushing line: %s", s1);
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ pub fn get_str_from(rdr: @mut StringReader, start: BytePos) -> ~str {
unsafe {
// I'm pretty skeptical about this subtraction. What if there's a
// multi-byte character before the mark?
return str::slice(*rdr.src, start.to_uint() - 1u,
byte_offset(rdr).to_uint() - 1u);
return str::slice_DBG_BRWD(*rdr.src, start.to_uint() - 1u,
byte_offset(rdr).to_uint() - 1u).to_owned();
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ fn vec_peek<T>(v: &'r [T]) -> Option< (&'r T, &'r [T]) > {
let vec_len = v.len();
let head = &v[0];
// note: this *shouldn't* be an illegal borrow! See #3888
let tail = v.view(1, vec_len); //~ ERROR illegal borrow: borrowed value does not live long enough
let tail = v.slice_V_DBG_BRWD(1, vec_len); //~ ERROR illegal borrow: borrowed value does not live long enough
Some( (head, tail) )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user