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dirs = ["html/templates"]
whitespace = "suppress"
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@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
<div class="main-heading"> {#- -#}
<h1> {#- -#}
{#- The breadcrumbs of the item path, like std::string -#}
{%- for component in path_components -%}
<a href="{{component.path|safe}}index.html">{{}}</a>::<wbr>
{%- endfor -%}
<a class="{{item_type}}" href="#">{{name}}</a> {#- -#}
<button id="copy-path" title="Copy item path to clipboard"> {#- -#}
<img src="{{static_root_path|safe}}{{clipboard_svg}}" {# -#}
width="19" height="18" {# -#}
alt="Copy item path"> {#- -#}
</button> {#- -#}
</h1> {#- -#}
<span class="out-of-band"> {#- -#}
<div class="main-heading"> {# #}
<h1> {# #}
{# The breadcrumbs of the item path, like std::string #}
{% for component in path_components %}
<a href="{{component.path|safe}}index.html">{{}}</a>::<wbr>
{% endfor %}
<a class="{{item_type}}" href="#">{{name}}</a> {# #}
<button id="copy-path" title="Copy item path to clipboard"> {# #}
<img src="{{static_root_path|safe}}{{clipboard_svg}}" {#+ #}
width="19" height="18" {#+ #}
alt="Copy item path"> {# #}
</button> {# #}
</h1> {# #}
<span class="out-of-band"> {# #}
{% if !stability_since_raw.is_empty() %}
{{- stability_since_raw|safe }} · {# -#}
{{ stability_since_raw|safe +}} · {#+ #}
{% endif %}
{%- match src_href -%}
{%- when Some with (href) -%}
<a class="srclink" href="{{href|safe}}">source</a> · {# -#}
{%- else -%}
{%- endmatch -%}
<button id="toggle-all-docs" title="collapse all docs"> {#- -#}
[<span>−</span>] {#- -#}
</button> {#- -#}
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</div> {#- -#}
{% match src_href %}
{% when Some with (href) %}
<a class="srclink" href="{{href|safe}}">source</a> · {#+ #}
{% else %}
{% endmatch %}
<button id="toggle-all-docs" title="collapse all docs"> {# #}
[<span>−</span>] {# #}
</button> {# #}
</span> {# #}
</div> {# #}
Reference in New Issue
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