rustc: Rename parser.err to parser.fatal
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type parser =
obj {
fn peek() -> token::token ;
fn bump() ;
fn err(str) -> ! ;
fn fatal(str) -> ! ;
fn restrict(restriction) ;
fn get_restriction() -> restriction ;
fn get_file_type() -> file_type ;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fn new_parser(session::session sess, eval::env env,
lo = rdr.get_mark_chpos();
hi = rdr.get_chpos();
fn err(str m) -> ! { sess.span_fatal(rec(lo=lo, hi=hi), m); }
fn fatal(str m) -> ! { sess.span_fatal(rec(lo=lo, hi=hi), m); }
fn restrict(restriction r) { res = r; }
fn get_restriction() -> restriction { ret res; }
fn get_session() -> session::session { ret sess; }
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ fn bad_expr_word_table() -> hashmap[str, ()] {
fn unexpected(&parser p, token::token t) -> ! {
let str s = "unexpected token: ";
s += token::to_str(p.get_reader(), t);
fn expect(&parser p, token::token t) {
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ fn expect(&parser p, token::token t) {
s += token::to_str(p.get_reader(), t);
s += ", found ";
s += token::to_str(p.get_reader(), p.peek());
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ fn spanned[T](uint lo, uint hi, &T node) -> common::spanned[T] {
fn parse_ident(&parser p) -> ast::ident {
alt (p.peek()) {
case (token::IDENT(?i, _)) { p.bump(); ret p.get_str(i); }
case (_) { p.err("expecting ident"); fail; }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting ident"); fail; }
@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ fn parse_str_lit_or_env_ident(&parser p) -> ast::ident {
eval::lookup(p.get_session(), p.get_env(), p.get_span(),
if (!eval::val_is_str(v)) {
p.err("expecting string-valued variable");
p.fatal("expecting string-valued variable");
ret eval::val_as_str(v);
case (_) { p.err("expecting string literal"); fail; }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting string literal"); fail; }
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ fn eat_word(&parser p, &str word) -> bool {
fn expect_word(&parser p, &str word) {
if (!eat_word(p, word)) {
p.err("expecting " + word + ", found " +
p.fatal("expecting " + word + ", found " +
token::to_str(p.get_reader(), p.peek()));
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ fn check_bad_word(&parser p) {
case (token::IDENT(?sid, false)) {
auto w = p.get_str(sid);
if (p.get_bad_expr_words().contains_key(w)) {
p.err("found " + w + " in expression position");
p.fatal("found " + w + " in expression position");
case (_) { }
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ fn parse_ty_postfix(@ast::ty orig_t, &parser p) -> @ast::ty {
case (_) {
p.err("type parameter instantiation only allowed for " +
p.fatal("type parameter instantiation only allowed for " +
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ fn parse_ty(&parser p) -> @ast::ty {
auto path = parse_path(p);
t = ast::ty_path(path, p.get_id());
hi = path.span.hi;
} else { p.err("expecting type"); t = ast::ty_nil; fail; }
} else { p.fatal("expecting type"); t = ast::ty_nil; fail; }
ret parse_ty_postfix(@spanned(lo, hi, t), p);
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ fn parse_bottom_expr(&parser p) -> @ast::expr {
if (/*check*/ast::is_call_expr(e)) {
hi = e.span.hi;
ex = ast::expr_be(e);
} else { p.err("Non-call expression in tail call"); }
} else { p.fatal("Non-call expression in tail call"); }
} else if (eat_word(p, "port")) {
expect(p, token::LPAREN);
expect(p, token::RPAREN);
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ fn expand_syntax_ext(&parser p, common::span sp, &ast::path path,
assert (vec::len(path.node.idents) > 0u);
auto extname = path.node.idents.(0);
alt (p.get_syntax_expanders().find(extname)) {
case (none) { p.err("unknown syntax expander: '" + extname + "'"); }
case (none) { p.fatal("unknown syntax expander: '" + extname + "'"); }
case (some(ext::x(?ext))) {
auto ext_cx = ext::mk_ctxt(p);
ret ast::expr_ext(path, args, body, ext(ext_cx, sp, args, body));
@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@ fn parse_alt_expr(&parser p) -> @ast::expr {
/* empty */
} else {
p.err("expected 'case' or '}' when parsing 'alt' statement " +
p.fatal("expected 'case' or '}' when parsing 'alt' statement " +
"but found " + token::to_str(p.get_reader(), p.peek()));
@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ fn parse_pat(&parser p) -> @ast::pat {
ast::pat_bind(p.get_str(id), p.get_id());
case (?tok) {
p.err("expected identifier after '?' in pattern but " +
p.fatal("expected identifier after '?' in pattern but " +
"found " + token::to_str(p.get_reader(), tok));
@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ fn parse_source_stmt(&parser p) -> @ast::stmt {
alt (maybe_item) {
case (got_item(_)) { /* fallthrough */ }
case (_) {
ret p.err("expected item");
ret p.fatal("expected item");
@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ fn parse_source_stmt(&parser p) -> @ast::stmt {
p.err("expected statement");
p.fatal("expected statement");
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ fn parse_block(&parser p) -> ast::block {
case (token::RBRACE) { expr = some(e); }
case (?t) {
if (stmt_ends_with_semi(*stmt)) {
p.err("expected ';' or '}' after " +
p.fatal("expected ';' or '}' after " +
"expression but found " +
@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ fn parse_mod_items(&parser p, token::token term,
alt (parse_item(p, attrs)) {
case (got_item(?i)) { vec::push(items, i); }
case (_) {
p.err("expected item but found " +
p.fatal("expected item but found " +
token::to_str(p.get_reader(), p.peek()));
@ -1903,7 +1903,7 @@ fn parse_item_native_mod(&parser p, vec[ast::attribute] attrs) -> @ast::item {
abi = ast::native_abi_llvm;
} else if (str::eq(t, "rust-intrinsic")) {
abi = ast::native_abi_rust_intrinsic;
} else { p.err("unsupported abi: " + t); fail; }
} else { p.fatal("unsupported abi: " + t); fail; }
expect_word(p, "mod");
auto id = parse_ident(p);
@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ fn parse_item_tag(&parser p, vec[ast::attribute] attrs) -> @ast::item {
case (token::RBRACE) {/* empty */ }
case (_) {
p.err("expected name of variant or '}' but found " +
p.fatal("expected name of variant or '}' but found " +
token::to_str(p.get_reader(), tok));
@ -2104,7 +2104,7 @@ fn parse_inner_attrs_and_next(&parser p) -> tup(vec[ast::attribute],
fn parse_inner_attrs(&parser p) -> vec[ast::attribute] {
auto attrs_and_next = parse_inner_attrs_and_next(p);
if (vec::len(attrs_and_next._1) > 0u) {
ret p.err("expected crate directive but found " +
ret p.fatal("expected crate directive but found " +
token::to_str(p.get_reader(), p.peek()));
ret attrs_and_next._0;
@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@ fn parse_meta_item(&parser p) -> @ast::meta_item {
ret @spanned(lo, hi, rec(key=ident, value=p.get_str(s)));
case (_) { p.err("Metadata items must be string literals"); }
case (_) { p.fatal("Metadata items must be string literals"); }
@ -2158,10 +2158,10 @@ fn parse_rest_import_name(&parser p, ast::ident first,
alt (p.peek()) {
case (token::SEMI) { p.bump(); break; }
case (token::MOD_SEP) {
if (glob) { p.err("cannot path into a glob"); }
if (glob) { p.fatal("cannot path into a glob"); }
case (_) { p.err("expecting '::' or ';'"); }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting '::' or ';'"); }
alt (p.peek()) {
case (token::IDENT(_, _)) { identifiers += [parse_ident(p)]; }
@ -2171,14 +2171,14 @@ fn parse_rest_import_name(&parser p, ast::ident first,
glob = true;
case (_) { p.err("expecting an identifier, or '*'"); }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting an identifier, or '*'"); }
auto hi = p.get_hi_pos();
auto import_decl;
alt (def_ident) {
case (some(?i)) {
if (glob) { p.err("globbed imports can't be renamed"); }
if (glob) { p.fatal("globbed imports can't be renamed"); }
import_decl =
ast::view_item_import(i, identifiers, p.get_id());
@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ fn parse_full_import_name(&parser p, ast::ident def_ident) ->
ret parse_rest_import_name(p, p.get_str(i), some(def_ident));
case (_) { p.err("expecting an identifier"); }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting an identifier"); }
@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ fn parse_import(&parser p) -> @ast::view_item {
case (_) { p.err("expecting an identifier"); }
case (_) { p.fatal("expecting an identifier"); }
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