Discover Rust toolchain without Python

This commit is contained in:
Mark Rousskov 2020-09-07 12:02:50 -04:00
parent e21eb613e0
commit a625ab77e8
3 changed files with 36 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -1035,12 +1035,8 @@ def bootstrap(help_triggered):
env["BOOTSTRAP_PYTHON"] = sys.executable
env["BUILD_DIR"] = build.build_dir
env["RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP"] = '1'
env["CARGO"] = build.cargo()
env["RUSTC"] = build.rustc()
if toml_path:
env["BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG"] = toml_path
if build.rustfmt():
env["RUSTFMT"] = build.rustfmt()
run(args, env=env, verbose=build.verbose)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
fn main() {
println!("cargo:rustc-env=BUILD_TRIPLE={}", std::env::var("HOST").unwrap());
println!("cargo:rustc-env=BUILD_TRIPLE={}", env::var("HOST").unwrap());
// This may not be a canonicalized path.
let mut rustc = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("RUSTC").unwrap());
if rustc.is_relative() {
for dir in env::split_paths(&env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or_default()) {
let absolute = dir.join(&rustc);
if absolute.exists() {
rustc = absolute;
// FIXME: if the path is not utf-8, this is going to break. Unfortunately
// Cargo doesn't have a way for us to specify non-utf-8 paths easily, so
// we'll need to invent some encoding scheme if this becomes a problem.
println!("cargo:rustc-env=RUSTC={}", rustc.to_str().unwrap());

View File

@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ struct Build {
build_dir: Option<String>,
cargo: Option<String>,
rustc: Option<String>,
rustfmt: Option<String>, /* allow to use rustfmt key */
rustfmt: Option<PathBuf>,
docs: Option<bool>,
compiler_docs: Option<bool>,
submodules: Option<bool>,
@ -493,9 +493,8 @@ impl Config {
config.src = manifest_dir.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_owned();
config.out = Config::path_from_python("BUILD_DIR");
config.initial_rustc = Config::path_from_python("RUSTC");
config.initial_cargo = Config::path_from_python("CARGO");
config.initial_rustfmt = env::var_os("RUSTFMT").map(Config::normalize_python_path);
config.initial_cargo = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO"));
config.initial_rustc = PathBuf::from(env!("RUSTC"));
@ -584,6 +583,9 @@ impl Config {
set(&mut config.full_bootstrap, build.full_bootstrap);
set(&mut config.extended, build.extended); =;
if build.rustfmt.is_some() {
config.initial_rustfmt = build.rustfmt;
set(&mut config.verbose, build.verbose);
set(&mut config.sanitizers, build.sanitizers);
set(&mut config.profiler, build.profiler);
@ -838,12 +840,15 @@ impl Config {
set(&mut config.missing_tools, t.missing_tools);
// Cargo does not provide a RUSTFMT environment variable, so we
// synthesize it manually. Note that we also later check the config.toml
// and set this to that path if necessary.
let rustfmt = config.initial_rustc.with_file_name(exe("rustfmt",;
config.initial_rustfmt = if rustfmt.exists() { Some(rustfmt) } else { None };
// Now that we've reached the end of our configuration, infer the
// default values for all options that we haven't otherwise stored yet.
set(&mut config.initial_rustc,;
set(&mut config.initial_cargo,;
config.llvm_skip_rebuild = llvm_skip_rebuild.unwrap_or(false);
let default = false;