Convert back::link to istrs. Issue #855

This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-08-25 21:04:04 -07:00
parent 9c9c5c9054
commit a58bfced3c
6 changed files with 162 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -32,11 +32,14 @@ tag output_type {
fn llvm_err(sess: session::session, msg: str) {
fn llvm_err(sess: session::session, msg: &istr) {
let buf = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if buf as uint == 0u {
} else { sess.fatal(msg + ": " + str::str_from_cstr(buf)); }
} else {
istr::to_estr(msg) + ": " + str::str_from_cstr(buf));
fn link_intrinsics(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef) {
@ -46,19 +49,20 @@ fn link_intrinsics(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef) {
let membuf =
if membuf as uint == 0u {
llvm_err(sess, "installation problem: couldn't open " + path);
llvm_err(sess, ~"installation problem: couldn't open "
+ istr::from_estr(path));
let llintrinsicsmod = llvm::LLVMRustParseBitcode(membuf);
if llintrinsicsmod as uint == 0u {
llvm_err(sess, "installation problem: couldn't parse intrinsics.bc");
llvm_err(sess, ~"installation problem: couldn't parse intrinsics.bc");
let linkres = llvm::LLVMLinkModules(llmod, llintrinsicsmod);
if linkres == False {
llvm_err(sess, "couldn't link the module with the intrinsics");
llvm_err(sess, ~"couldn't link the module with the intrinsics");
@ -74,15 +78,15 @@ mod write {
// Decides what to call an intermediate file, given the name of the output
// and the extension to use.
fn mk_intermediate_name(output_path: str, extension: str) -> str {
let dot_pos = str::index(output_path, '.' as u8);
fn mk_intermediate_name(output_path: &istr, extension: &istr) -> istr {
let dot_pos = istr::index(output_path, '.' as u8);
let stem;
if dot_pos < 0 {
stem = output_path;
} else { stem = str::substr(output_path, 0u, dot_pos as uint); }
ret stem + "." + extension;
} else { stem = istr::substr(output_path, 0u, dot_pos as uint); }
ret stem + ~"." + extension;
fn run_passes(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef, output: str) {
fn run_passes(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef, output: &istr) {
let opts = sess.get_opts();
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustEnableTimePasses(); }
link_intrinsics(sess, llmod);
@ -99,12 +103,14 @@ mod write {
alt opts.output_type {
output_type_bitcode. {
if opts.optimize != 0u {
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "no-opt.bc");
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, ~"no-opt.bc");
let filename = istr::to_estr(filename);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, str::buf(filename));
_ {
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "bc");
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, ~"bc");
let filename = istr::to_estr(filename);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, str::buf(filename));
@ -176,7 +182,8 @@ mod write {
if opts.save_temps {
// Always output the bitcode file with --save-temps
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "opt.bc");
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, ~"opt.bc");
let filename = istr::to_estr(filename);
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(pm.llpm, llmod);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, str::buf(filename));
pm = mk_pass_manager();
@ -184,6 +191,7 @@ mod write {
if opts.output_type == output_type_assembly {
let triple = x86::get_target_triple();
let output = istr::to_estr(output);
llvm::LLVMRustWriteOutputFile(pm.llpm, llmod,
@ -197,6 +205,7 @@ mod write {
if opts.output_type == output_type_object ||
opts.output_type == output_type_exe {
let triple = x86::get_target_triple();
let output = istr::to_estr(output);
llvm::LLVMRustWriteOutputFile(pm.llpm, llmod,
@ -208,6 +217,7 @@ mod write {
// type corresponding to the '-c' or '-S' flag used
let triple = x86::get_target_triple();
let output = istr::to_estr(output);
llvm::LLVMRustWriteOutputFile(pm.llpm, llmod,
str::buf(output), FileType,
@ -223,6 +233,7 @@ mod write {
// flag, then output it here
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(pm.llpm, llmod);
let output = istr::to_estr(output);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, str::buf(output));
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustPrintPassTimings(); }
@ -281,32 +292,32 @@ mod write {
type link_meta = {name: str, vers: str, extras_hash: str};
type link_meta = {name: istr, vers: istr, extras_hash: istr};
fn build_link_meta(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate, output: &str,
fn build_link_meta(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate, output: &istr,
sha: sha1) -> link_meta {
type provided_metas =
{name: option::t<str>,
vers: option::t<str>,
{name: option::t<istr>,
vers: option::t<istr>,
cmh_items: [@ast::meta_item]};
fn provided_link_metas(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate) ->
provided_metas {
let name: option::t<str> = none;
let vers: option::t<str> = none;
let name: option::t<istr> = none;
let vers: option::t<istr> = none;
let cmh_items: [@ast::meta_item] = [];
let linkage_metas = attr::find_linkage_metas(c.node.attrs);
attr::require_unique_names(sess, linkage_metas);
for meta: @ast::meta_item in linkage_metas {
if attr::get_meta_item_name(meta) == ~"name" {
alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str(meta) {
some(v) { name = some(v); }
some(v) { name = some(istr::from_estr(v)); }
none. { cmh_items += [meta]; }
} else if attr::get_meta_item_name(meta) == ~"vers" {
alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str(meta) {
some(v) { vers = some(v); }
some(v) { vers = some(istr::from_estr(v)); }
none. { cmh_items += [meta]; }
} else { cmh_items += [meta]; }
@ -316,7 +327,7 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate, output: &str,
// This calculates CMH as defined above
fn crate_meta_extras_hash(sha: sha1, _crate: &ast::crate,
metas: &provided_metas) -> str {
metas: &provided_metas) -> istr {
fn len_and_str(s: &istr) -> istr {
ret istr::from_estr(#fmt["%u_%s",
@ -349,39 +360,39 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate, output: &str,
ret truncated_sha1_result(sha);
fn warn_missing(sess: &session::session, name: str, default: str) {
fn warn_missing(sess: &session::session, name: &istr, default: &istr) {
if !sess.get_opts().library { ret; }
sess.warn(#fmt["missing crate link meta '%s', using '%s' as default",
name, default]);
istr::to_estr(name), istr::to_estr(default)]);
fn crate_meta_name(sess: &session::session, _crate: &ast::crate,
output: &str, metas: &provided_metas) -> str {
output: &istr, metas: &provided_metas) -> istr {
ret alt {
some(v) { v }
none. {
let name =
let os = istr::split(
'.' as u8);
assert (vec::len(os) >= 2u);
istr::to_estr(istr::connect(os, ~"."))
istr::connect(os, ~".")
warn_missing(sess, "name", name);
warn_missing(sess, ~"name", name);
fn crate_meta_vers(sess: &session::session, _crate: &ast::crate,
metas: &provided_metas) -> str {
metas: &provided_metas) -> istr {
ret alt metas.vers {
some(v) { v }
none. {
let vers = "0.0";
warn_missing(sess, "vers", vers);
let vers = ~"0.0";
warn_missing(sess, ~"vers", vers);
@ -395,32 +406,32 @@ fn build_link_meta(sess: &session::session, c: &ast::crate, output: &str,
ret {name: name, vers: vers, extras_hash: extras_hash};
fn truncated_sha1_result(sha: sha1) -> str {
ret istr::to_estr(istr::substr(sha.result_str(), 0u, 16u));
fn truncated_sha1_result(sha: sha1) -> istr {
ret istr::substr(sha.result_str(), 0u, 16u);
// This calculates STH for a symbol, as defined above
fn symbol_hash(tcx: ty::ctxt, sha: sha1, t: ty::t, link_meta: &link_meta) ->
str {
istr {
// NB: do *not* use abbrevs here as we want the symbol names
// to be independent of one another in the crate.
// FIXME: This wants to be link_meta.meta_hash
sha.input_str(encoder::encoded_ty(tcx, t));
let hash = truncated_sha1_result(sha);
// Prefix with _ so that it never blends into adjacent digits
ret "_" + hash;
ret ~"_" + hash;
fn get_symbol_hash(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> str {
let hash = "";
fn get_symbol_hash(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> istr {
let hash = ~"";
alt ccx.type_sha1s.find(t) {
some(h) { hash = h; }
none. {
@ -431,47 +442,52 @@ fn get_symbol_hash(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> str {
ret hash;
fn mangle(ss: &[str]) -> str {
fn mangle(ss: &[istr]) -> istr {
// Follow C++ namespace-mangling style
let n = "_ZN"; // Begin name-sequence.
let n = ~"_ZN"; // Begin name-sequence.
for s: str in ss { n += #fmt["%u%s", str::byte_len(s), s]; }
n += "E"; // End name-sequence.
for s: istr in ss {
n += istr::from_estr(#fmt["%u%s",
n += ~"E"; // End name-sequence.
ret n;
fn exported_name(path: &[str], hash: &str, _vers: &str) -> str {
fn exported_name(path: &[istr], hash: &istr, _vers: &istr) -> istr {
// FIXME: versioning isn't working yet
ret mangle(path + [hash]); // + "@" + vers;
fn mangle_exported_name(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[str], t: ty::t) -> str {
fn mangle_exported_name(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[istr], t: ty::t) -> istr {
let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, t);
ret exported_name(path, hash, ccx.link_meta.vers);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, name: &str)
-> str {
fn mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, name: &istr)
-> istr {
let s = util::ppaux::ty_to_short_str(ccx.tcx, t);
let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, t);
ret mangle([name, istr::to_estr(s), hash]);
ret mangle([name, s, hash]);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[str],
flav: &str) -> str {
ret mangle(path + []);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[istr],
flav: &istr) -> istr {
ret mangle(path +
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path(_ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[str]) -> str {
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path(_ccx: &@crate_ctxt, path: &[istr]) -> istr {
ret mangle(path);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_seq(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, flav: &str) -> str {
fn mangle_internal_name_by_seq(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, flav: &istr) -> istr {
ret istr::from_estr(;
// Local Variables:

View File

@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ fn compile_input(sess: session::session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: str,
bind trans::trans_crate(sess, crate, ty_cx, output,
ast_map, mut_map));
time(time_passes, "LLVM passes",
bind link::write::run_passes(sess, llmod, output));
bind link::write::run_passes(sess, llmod, istr::from_estr(output)));
fn pretty_print_input(sess: session::session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg, input: str,

View File

@ -504,13 +504,15 @@ fn synthesize_crate_attrs(ecx: &@encode_ctxt, crate: &@crate) -> [attribute] {
fn synthesize_link_attr(ecx: &@encode_ctxt, items: &[@meta_item]) ->
attribute {
assert ( != "");
assert (ecx.ccx.link_meta.vers != "");
assert ( != ~"");
assert (ecx.ccx.link_meta.vers != ~"");
let name_item =
~"name", istr::to_estr(;
let vers_item =
attr::mk_name_value_item_str(~"vers", ecx.ccx.link_meta.vers);
~"vers", istr::to_estr(ecx.ccx.link_meta.vers));
let other_items =

View File

@ -287,23 +287,23 @@ fn type_of_or_i8(bcx: &@block_ctxt, typ: ty::t) -> TypeRef {
// Name sanitation. LLVM will happily accept identifiers with weird names, but
// gas doesn't!
fn sanitize(s: &str) -> str {
let result = "";
fn sanitize(s: &istr) -> istr {
let result = ~"";
for c: u8 in s {
if c == '@' as u8 {
result += "boxed_";
result += ~"boxed_";
} else {
if c == ',' as u8 {
result += "_";
result += ~"_";
} else {
if c == '{' as u8 || c == '(' as u8 {
result += "_of_";
result += ~"_of_";
} else {
if c != 10u8 && c != '}' as u8 && c != ')' as u8 &&
c != ' ' as u8 && c != '\t' as u8 && c != ';' as u8
let v = [c];
result += str::unsafe_from_bytes(v);
result += istr::unsafe_from_bytes(v);
@ -1137,9 +1137,10 @@ fn declare_tydesc(cx: &@local_ctxt, sp: &span, t: ty::t, ty_params: &[uint])
let name;
if cx.ccx.sess.get_opts().debuginfo {
name = mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(cx.ccx, t, "tydesc");
name = mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(cx.ccx, t, ~"tydesc");
name = sanitize(name);
} else { name = mangle_internal_name_by_seq(cx.ccx, "tydesc"); }
} else { name = mangle_internal_name_by_seq(cx.ccx, ~"tydesc"); }
let name = istr::to_estr(name);
let gvar =
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, ccx.tydesc_type, str::buf(name));
let info =
@ -1164,12 +1165,13 @@ tag glue_helper {
fn declare_generic_glue(cx: &@local_ctxt, t: ty::t, llfnty: TypeRef,
name: &str) -> ValueRef {
let name = istr::from_estr(name);
let fn_nm;
if cx.ccx.sess.get_opts().debuginfo {
fn_nm = mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(cx.ccx, t, "glue_" + name);
fn_nm = mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(cx.ccx, t, ~"glue_" + name);
fn_nm = sanitize(fn_nm);
} else { fn_nm = mangle_internal_name_by_seq(cx.ccx, "glue_" + name); }
let llfn = decl_cdecl_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, fn_nm, llfnty);
} else { fn_nm = mangle_internal_name_by_seq(cx.ccx, ~"glue_" + name); }
let llfn = decl_cdecl_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, istr::to_estr(fn_nm), llfnty);
set_glue_inlining(cx, llfn, t);
ret llfn;
@ -3155,8 +3157,10 @@ fn trans_for_each(cx: &@block_ctxt, local: &@ast::local, seq: &@ast::expr,
let llenv = build_closure(cx, upvars, false);
// Step 2: Declare foreach body function.
let s: str =
mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(lcx.ccx, lcx.path, "foreach");
let s: istr =
// The 'env' arg entering the body function is a fake env member (as in
// the env-part of the normal rust calling convention) that actually
@ -3167,7 +3171,8 @@ fn trans_for_each(cx: &@block_ctxt, local: &@ast::local, seq: &@ast::expr,
type_of_fn_from_ty(lcx.ccx, cx.sp,
ty::mk_iter_body_fn(lcx.ccx.tcx, decl_ty), 0u);
let lliterbody: ValueRef =
decl_internal_fastcall_fn(lcx.ccx.llmod, s, iter_body_llty);
istr::to_estr(s), iter_body_llty);
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt_w_id(lcx, cx.sp, lliterbody,;
fcx.iterbodyty = cx.fcx.iterbodyty;
@ -3699,12 +3704,15 @@ fn trans_bind_thunk(cx: &@local_ctxt, sp: &span, incoming_fty: ty::t,
// construct and return that thunk.
// Give the thunk a name, type, and value.
let s: str =
mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(cx.ccx, cx.path, "thunk");
let s: istr =
let llthunk_ty: TypeRef =
get_pair_fn_ty(type_of(cx.ccx, sp, incoming_fty));
let llthunk: ValueRef =
decl_internal_fastcall_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, s, llthunk_ty);
istr::to_estr(s), llthunk_ty);
// Create a new function context and block context for the thunk, and hold
// onto a pointer to the first block in the function for later use.
@ -4298,8 +4306,10 @@ fn trans_expr_out(cx: &@block_ctxt, e: &@ast::expr, output: out_method) ->
let llfnty: TypeRef =
type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, e.span, node_id_type(ccx,, 0u);
let sub_cx = extend_path(cx.fcx.lcx,"anon"));
let s = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, sub_cx.path);
let llfn = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(ccx.llmod, s, llfnty);
let s = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx,
let llfn = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(ccx.llmod,
istr::to_estr(s), llfnty);
let fn_res =
trans_closure(some(cx), some(llfnty), sub_cx, e.span, f, llfn,
@ -4308,7 +4318,8 @@ fn trans_expr_out(cx: &@block_ctxt, e: &@ast::expr, output: out_method) ->
alt fn_res {
some(fn_pair) { fn_pair }
none. {
{fn_pair: create_fn_pair(ccx, s, llfnty, llfn, false),
{fn_pair: create_fn_pair(ccx, istr::to_estr(s),
llfnty, llfn, false),
bcx: cx}
@ -4532,9 +4543,11 @@ fn trans_log(lvl: int, cx: &@block_ctxt, e: &@ast::expr) -> result {
global = lcx.ccx.module_data.get(istr::from_estr(modname));
} else {
let s =
let s = istr::to_estr(s);
global = llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(lcx.ccx.llmod, T_int(), str::buf(s));
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(global, False);
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(global, C_null(T_int()));
@ -5130,7 +5143,7 @@ fn trans_block(cx: &@block_ctxt, b: &ast::blk, output: &out_method) ->
fn new_local_ctxt(ccx: &@crate_ctxt) -> @local_ctxt {
let pth: [str] = [];
ret @{path: pth,
module_path: [],
module_path: [istr::to_estr(],
obj_typarams: [],
obj_fields: [],
ccx: ccx};
@ -5702,6 +5715,7 @@ fn decl_fn_and_pair(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, path: &[str], flav: str,
fn decl_fn_and_pair_full(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, path: &[str],
_flav: str, ty_params: &[ast::ty_param],
node_id: ast::node_id, node_type: ty::t) {
let path = istr::from_estrs(path);
let llfty =
type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, sp, node_type, std::vec::len(ty_params));
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, node_type) {
@ -5712,14 +5726,14 @@ fn decl_fn_and_pair_full(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, path: &[str],
_ { ccx.sess.bug("decl_fn_and_pair(): fn item doesn't have fn type!"); }
let s: str = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, path);
let llfn: ValueRef = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(ccx.llmod, s, llfty);
let s: istr = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, path);
let llfn: ValueRef = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(ccx.llmod,
istr::to_estr(s), llfty);
// Declare the global constant pair that points to it.
let ps: str = mangle_exported_name(ccx, path, node_type);
register_fn_pair(ccx, ps, llfty, llfn, node_id);
let ps: istr = mangle_exported_name(ccx, path, node_type);
register_fn_pair(ccx, istr::to_estr(ps), llfty, llfn, node_id);
let path = istr::from_estrs(path);
let is_main: bool = is_main_name(path) && !ccx.sess.get_opts().library;
if is_main { create_main_wrapper(ccx, sp, llfn, node_type); }
@ -5851,18 +5865,20 @@ fn native_fn_wrapper_type(cx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, ty_param_count: uint,
fn decl_native_fn_and_pair(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, path: &[str],
name: str, id: ast::node_id) {
let path = istr::from_estrs(path);
let num_ty_param = native_fn_ty_param_count(ccx, id);
// Declare the wrapper.
let t = node_id_type(ccx, id);
let wrapper_type = native_fn_wrapper_type(ccx, sp, num_ty_param, t);
let s: str = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, path);
let s: istr = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, path);
let wrapper_fn: ValueRef =
decl_internal_fastcall_fn(ccx.llmod, s, wrapper_type);
istr::to_estr(s), wrapper_type);
// Declare the global constant pair that points to it.
let ps: str = mangle_exported_name(ccx, path, node_id_type(ccx, id));
register_fn_pair(ccx, ps, wrapper_type, wrapper_fn, id);
let ps: istr = mangle_exported_name(ccx, path, node_id_type(ccx, id));
register_fn_pair(ccx, istr::to_estr(ps), wrapper_type, wrapper_fn, id);
// Build the wrapper.
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(new_local_ctxt(ccx), sp, wrapper_fn);
@ -6054,8 +6070,9 @@ fn collect_item_1(ccx: @crate_ctxt, i: &@ast::item, pt: &[str],
ast::item_const(_, _) {
let typ = node_id_type(ccx,;
let s =
mangle_exported_name(ccx, pt + [istr::to_estr(i.ident)],
mangle_exported_name(ccx, istr::from_estrs(pt) + [i.ident],
let s = istr::to_estr(s);
let g =
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, type_of(ccx, i.span, typ),
@ -6143,9 +6160,12 @@ fn trans_constant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: &@ast::item, pt: &[str],
let n_variants = std::vec::len::<ast::variant>(variants);
while i < n_variants {
let variant = variants[i];
let p = new_pt + istr::to_estrs([it.ident,, ~"discrim"]);
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, p, ty::mk_int(ccx.tcx));
let p = istr::from_estrs(new_pt) + [it.ident,,
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, p,
let s = istr::to_estr(s);
let discrim_gvar =
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, T_int(), str::buf(s));
if n_variants != 1u {
@ -6263,7 +6283,7 @@ fn make_common_glue(sess: &session::session, output: &str) {
let modl_asm = x86::get_module_asm(); //HACK (buf lifetime issue)
llvm::LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(llmod, str::buf(modl_asm));
make_glues(llmod, taskptr_type);
link::write::run_passes(sess, llmod, output);
link::write::run_passes(sess, llmod, istr::from_estr(output));
fn create_module_map(ccx: &@crate_ctxt) -> ValueRef {
@ -6301,8 +6321,8 @@ fn create_crate_map(ccx: &@crate_ctxt) -> ValueRef {
let mapname;
if ccx.sess.get_opts().library {
mapname =;
} else { mapname = "toplevel"; }
let sym_name = "_rust_crate_map_" + mapname;
} else { mapname = ~"toplevel"; }
let sym_name = istr::to_estr(~"_rust_crate_map_" + mapname);
let arrtype = T_array(T_int(), std::vec::len::<ValueRef>(subcrates));
let maptype = T_struct([T_int(), arrtype]);
let map = llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, maptype, str::buf(sym_name));
@ -6367,7 +6387,7 @@ fn trans_crate(sess: &session::session, crate: &@ast::crate, tcx: &ty::ctxt,
let tag_sizes = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, uint>(hasher, eqer);
let tydescs = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, @tydesc_info>(hasher, eqer);
let lltypes = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, TypeRef>(hasher, eqer);
let sha1s = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, str>(hasher, eqer);
let sha1s = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, istr>(hasher, eqer);
let short_names = map::mk_hashmap::<ty::t, str>(hasher, eqer);
let sha = std::sha1::mk_sha1();
let ccx =
@ -6381,7 +6401,8 @@ fn trans_crate(sess: &session::session, crate: &@ast::crate, tcx: &ty::ctxt,
ast_map: amap,
item_symbols: new_int_hash::<str>(),
mutable main_fn: none::<ValueRef>,
link_meta: link::build_link_meta(sess, *crate, output, sha),
link_meta: link::build_link_meta(sess, *crate,
istr::from_estr(output), sha),
tag_sizes: tag_sizes,
discrims: new_int_hash::<ValueRef>(),
discrim_symbols: new_int_hash::<str>(),

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ type crate_ctxt =
glues: @glue_fns,
names: namegen,
sha: std::sha1::sha1,
type_sha1s: hashmap<ty::t, str>,
type_sha1s: hashmap<ty::t, istr>,
type_short_names: hashmap<ty::t, str>,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
mut_map: alias::mut_map,

View File

@ -569,7 +569,9 @@ fn create_backwarding_vtbl(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: &span, inner_obj_ty: ty::t,
fn finish_vtbl(cx: @local_ctxt, llmethods: [ValueRef], name: str) ->
ValueRef {
let vtbl = C_struct(llmethods);
let vtbl_name = mangle_internal_name_by_path(cx.ccx, cx.path + [name]);
let vtbl_name = mangle_internal_name_by_path(
cx.ccx, istr::from_estrs(cx.path + [name]));
let vtbl_name = istr::to_estr(vtbl_name);
let gvar =
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(cx.ccx.llmod, val_ty(vtbl), str::buf(vtbl_name));
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(gvar, vtbl);
@ -603,16 +605,18 @@ fn process_bkwding_mthd(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: &span, m: @ty::method,
+ ["method", istr::to_estr(m.ident)] with *cx};
// Make up a name for the backwarding function.
let fn_name: str = "backwarding_fn";
let s: str =
mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(mcx.ccx, mcx.path, fn_name);
let fn_name: istr = ~"backwarding_fn";
let s: istr =
mcx.ccx, istr::from_estrs(mcx.path), fn_name);
// Get the backwarding function's type and declare it.
let llbackwarding_fn_ty: TypeRef =
type_of_fn_full(cx.ccx, sp, m.proto, true, m.inputs, m.output,
let llbackwarding_fn: ValueRef =
decl_internal_fastcall_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, s, llbackwarding_fn_ty);
cx.ccx.llmod, istr::to_estr(s), llbackwarding_fn_ty);
// Create a new function context and block context for the backwarding
// function, holding onto a pointer to the first block.
@ -732,16 +736,18 @@ fn process_fwding_mthd(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: &span, m: @ty::method,
+ ["method", istr::to_estr(m.ident)] with *cx};
// Make up a name for the forwarding function.
let fn_name: str = "forwarding_fn";
let s: str =
mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(mcx.ccx, mcx.path, fn_name);
let fn_name: istr = ~"forwarding_fn";
let s: istr =
mcx.ccx, istr::from_estrs(mcx.path), fn_name);
// Get the forwarding function's type and declare it.
let llforwarding_fn_ty: TypeRef =
type_of_fn_full(cx.ccx, sp, m.proto, true, m.inputs, m.output,
let llforwarding_fn: ValueRef =
decl_internal_fastcall_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, s, llforwarding_fn_ty);
cx.ccx.llmod, istr::to_estr(s), llforwarding_fn_ty);
// Create a new function context and block context for the forwarding
// function, holding onto a pointer to the first block.
@ -921,14 +927,16 @@ fn process_normal_mthd(cx: @local_ctxt, m: @ast::method, self_ty: ty::t,
let mcx: @local_ctxt =
@{path: cx.path + ["method", istr::to_estr(m.node.ident)] with *cx};
let s: str = mangle_internal_name_by_path(mcx.ccx, mcx.path);
let llfn: ValueRef = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(cx.ccx.llmod, s, llfnty);
let s: istr = mangle_internal_name_by_path(mcx.ccx,
let llfn: ValueRef = decl_internal_fastcall_fn(
cx.ccx.llmod, istr::to_estr(s), llfnty);
// Every method on an object gets its node_id inserted into the crate-wide
// item_ids map, together with the ValueRef that points to where that
// method's definition will be in the executable.
cx.ccx.item_ids.insert(, llfn);
cx.ccx.item_symbols.insert(, s);
cx.ccx.item_symbols.insert(, istr::to_estr(s));
trans_fn(mcx, m.span, m.node.meth, llfn, some(self_ty), ty_params,;