rustc: Remove middle/tstate

I feel like I've done this before
This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2012-09-21 00:45:25 -07:00
parent f5be40384f
commit a51a561852
6 changed files with 0 additions and 2622 deletions

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::visit;
use syntax::codemap::span;
use syntax::print::pprust::stmt_to_str;
use aux::{num_constraints, get_fn_info, crate_ctxt, add_node};
use ann::empty_ann;
use pat_util::pat_binding_ids;
fn collect_ids_expr(e: @expr, rs: @mut ~[node_id]) { vec::push(*rs,; }
fn collect_ids_block(b: blk, rs: @mut ~[node_id]) {
fn collect_ids_stmt(s: @stmt, rs: @mut ~[node_id]) {
match s.node {
stmt_decl(_, id) | stmt_expr(_, id) | stmt_semi(_, id) {
debug!("node_id %s", int::str(id));
debug!("%s", stmt_to_str(*s));
vec::push(*rs, id);
fn collect_ids_local(tcx: ty::ctxt, l: @local, rs: @mut ~[node_id]) {
vec::push_all(*rs, pat_binding_ids(tcx.def_map, l.node.pat));
fn node_ids_in_fn(tcx: ty::ctxt, body: blk, rs: @mut ~[node_id]) {
let collect_ids =
visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{visit_expr: |a| collect_ids_expr(a, rs),
visit_block: |a| collect_ids_block(a, rs),
visit_stmt: |a| collect_ids_stmt(a, rs),
visit_local: |a|
collect_ids_local(tcx, a, rs)
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
collect_ids.visit_block(body, (), collect_ids);
fn init_vecs(ccx: crate_ctxt, node_ids: ~[node_id], len: uint) {
for node_ids.each |i| {
log(debug, int::str(i) + ~" |-> " + uint::str(len));
add_node(ccx, *i, empty_ann(len));
fn visit_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, num_constraints: uint, body: blk) {
let node_ids: @mut ~[node_id] = @mut ~[];
node_ids_in_fn(ccx.tcx, body, node_ids);
let node_id_vec = *node_ids;
init_vecs(ccx, node_id_vec, num_constraints);
fn annotate_in_fn(ccx: crate_ctxt, _fk: visit::fn_kind, _decl: fn_decl,
body: blk, _sp: span, id: node_id) {
let f_info = get_fn_info(ccx, id);
visit_fn(ccx, num_constraints(f_info), body);
fn annotate_crate(ccx: crate_ctxt, crate: crate) {
let do_ann =
@{visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,e| annotate_in_fn(ccx, a, b, c, d, e)
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
visit::visit_crate(crate, (), do_ann);
// Local Variables:
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// fill-column: 78;
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@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
use option::*;
use pat_util::*;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast_util::*;
use syntax::{visit, codemap};
use codemap::span;
use std::map::{hashmap, int_hash};
use syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
use tstate::ann::{pre_and_post, pre_and_post_state, empty_ann, prestate,
poststate, precond, postcond,
set_prestate, set_poststate, set_in_poststate_,
extend_prestate, extend_poststate, set_precondition,
set_postcondition, ts_ann,
use driver::session::session;
use dvec::{dvec, extensions};
use tritv::{trit, tfalse, ttrue, dont_care, t};
use syntax::print::pprust::{constr_args_to_str, lit_to_str};
// Used to communicate which operands should be invalidated
// to helper functions
enum oper_type {
/* logging funs */
fn def_id_to_str(d: def_id) -> ~str {
return int::str(d.crate) + ~"," + int::str(d.node);
fn comma_str(args: ~[@constr_arg_use]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"";
let mut comma = false;
for args.each |a| {
if comma { rslt += ~", "; } else { comma = true; }
match a.node {
carg_base { rslt += ~"*"; }
carg_ident(i) { rslt += *i.ident; }
carg_lit(l) { rslt += lit_to_str(l); }
return rslt;
fn constraint_to_str(tcx: ty::ctxt, c: sp_constr) -> ~str {
return fmt!("%s(%s) - arising from %s",
codemap::span_to_str(c.span, tcx.sess.codemap));
fn tritv_to_str(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
let mut comma = false;
for constraints(fcx).each |p| {
match v.get(p.bit_num) {
dont_care { }
tt {
s +=
if comma { ~", " } else { comma = true; ~"" } +
if tt == tfalse { ~"!" } else { ~"" } +
constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, p.c);
return s;
fn log_tritv(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) {
log(debug, tritv_to_str(fcx, v));
fn first_difference_string(fcx: fn_ctxt, expected: tritv::t, actual: tritv::t)
-> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
for constraints(fcx).each |c| {
if expected.get(c.bit_num) == ttrue &&
actual.get(c.bit_num) != ttrue {
s = constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, c.c);
return s;
fn log_tritv_err(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) {
log(error, tritv_to_str(fcx, v));
fn tos(v: ~[uint]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"";
for v.each |i| {
if i == 0u {
rslt += ~"0";
} else if i == 1u { rslt += ~"1"; } else { rslt += ~"?"; }
return rslt;
fn log_cond(v: ~[uint]) { log(debug, tos(v)); }
fn log_cond_err(v: ~[uint]) { log(error, tos(v)); }
fn log_pp(pp: pre_and_post) {
let p1 = pp.precondition.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.postcondition.to_vec();
fn log_pp_err(pp: pre_and_post) {
let p1 = pp.precondition.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.postcondition.to_vec();
fn log_states(pp: pre_and_post_state) {
let p1 = pp.prestate.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.poststate.to_vec();
fn log_states_err(pp: pre_and_post_state) {
let p1 = pp.prestate.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.poststate.to_vec();
fn print_ident(i: ident) { log(debug, ~" " + *i + ~" "); }
fn print_idents(&idents: ~[ident]) {
if vec::len::<ident>(idents) == 0u { return; }
log(debug, ~"an ident: " + *vec::pop::<ident>(idents));
/* data structures */
/* Two different data structures represent constraints in different
contexts: constraint and norm_constraint.
constraint gets used to record constraints in a table keyed by def_ids. Each
constraint has a single operator but a list of possible argument lists, and
thus represents several constraints at once, one for each possible argument
norm_constraint, in contrast, gets used when handling an instance of a
constraint rather than a definition of a constraint. It has only a single
argument list.
The representation of constraints, where multiple instances of the
same predicate are collapsed into one entry in the table, makes it
easier to look up a specific instance.
Both types are in constrast with the constraint type defined in
syntax::ast, which is for predicate constraints only, and is what
gets generated by the parser. aux and ast share the same type
to represent predicate *arguments* however. This type
(constr_arg_general) is parameterized (see comments in syntax::ast).
Both types store an ident and span, for error-logging purposes.
type pred_args_ = {args: ~[@constr_arg_use], bit_num: uint};
type pred_args = spanned<pred_args_>;
// The attached node ID is the *defining* node ID
// for this local.
type constr_arg_use = spanned<constr_arg_general_<inst>>;
/* Predicate constraints refer to the truth value of a predicate on variables
(definitely false, maybe true, or definitely true). The <path> field (and the
<def_id> field in the npred constructor) names a user-defined function that
may be the operator in a "check" expression in the source. */
type constraint = {
path: @path,
// FIXME (#2539): really only want it to be mut during
// collect_locals. freeze it after that.
descs: @dvec<pred_args>
type tsconstr = {
path: @path,
def_id: def_id,
args: ~[@constr_arg_use]
type sp_constr = spanned<tsconstr>;
type norm_constraint = {bit_num: uint, c: sp_constr};
type constr_map = std::map::hashmap<def_id, constraint>;
/* Contains stuff that has to be computed up front */
/* For easy access, the fn_info stores two special constraints for each
function. So we need context. And so it seems clearer to just have separate
constraints. */
type fn_info =
/* list, accumulated during pre/postcondition
computation, of all local variables that may be
used */
// Doesn't seem to work without the @ -- bug
{constrs: constr_map,
num_constraints: uint,
cf: ret_style,
used_vars: @mut ~[node_id],
ignore: bool};
/* mapping from node ID to typestate annotation */
type node_ann_table = @mut ~[mut ts_ann];
/* mapping from function name to fn_info map */
type fn_info_map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, fn_info>;
type fn_ctxt =
{enclosing: fn_info, id: node_id, name: ident, ccx: crate_ctxt};
type crate_ctxt = {tcx: ty::ctxt, node_anns: node_ann_table, fm: fn_info_map};
fn get_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> fn_info {
assert (;
fn add_node(ccx: crate_ctxt, i: node_id, a: ts_ann) {
let sz = vec::len(*ccx.node_anns);
if sz <= i as uint {
vec::grow(*ccx.node_anns, (i as uint) - sz + 1u, empty_ann(0u));
ccx.node_anns[i] = a;
fn get_ts_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, i: node_id) -> Option<ts_ann> {
if i as uint < vec::len(*ccx.node_anns) {
return some::<ts_ann>(ccx.node_anns[i]);
} else { return none::<ts_ann>; }
/********* utils ********/
fn node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> ts_ann {
match get_ts_ann(ccx, id) {
none {
error!("node_id_to_ts_ann: no ts_ann for node_id %d", id);
Some(tt) { return tt; }
fn node_id_to_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> poststate {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.poststate;
fn stmt_to_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> ts_ann {
match s.node {
stmt_decl(_, id) | stmt_expr(_, id) | stmt_semi(_, id) {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
/* fails if e has no annotation */
fn expr_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> pre_and_post_state {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx,;
/* fails if e has no annotation */
fn expr_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> pre_and_post {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx,;
fn stmt_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> pre_and_post {
return stmt_to_ann(ccx, s).conditions;
/* fails if b has no annotation */
fn block_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> pre_and_post {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx,;
fn clear_pp(pp: pre_and_post) {
fn clear_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) {
let pp = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
fn block_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> pre_and_post_state {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx,;
fn stmt_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> pre_and_post_state {
return stmt_to_ann(ccx, s).states;
fn expr_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> precond {
return expr_pp(ccx, e).precondition;
fn expr_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> postcond {
return expr_pp(ccx, e).postcondition;
fn expr_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> prestate {
return expr_states(ccx, e).prestate;
fn expr_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> poststate {
return expr_states(ccx, e).poststate;
fn stmt_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> precond {
return stmt_pp(ccx, s).precondition;
fn stmt_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> postcond {
return stmt_pp(ccx, s).postcondition;
fn states_to_poststate(ss: pre_and_post_state) -> poststate {
return ss.poststate;
fn stmt_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> prestate {
return stmt_states(ccx, s).prestate;
fn stmt_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> poststate {
return stmt_states(ccx, s).poststate;
fn block_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> precond {
return block_pp(ccx, b).precondition;
fn block_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> postcond {
return block_pp(ccx, b).postcondition;
fn block_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> prestate {
return block_states(ccx, b).prestate;
fn block_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> poststate {
return block_states(ccx, b).poststate;
fn set_prestate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate) -> bool {
return set_prestate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id), pre);
fn extend_prestate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate) -> bool {
return extend_prestate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.prestate, pre);
fn set_poststate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, post: poststate) -> bool {
return set_poststate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id), post);
fn extend_poststate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, post: poststate) ->
bool {
return extend_poststate(
node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.poststate, post);
fn set_pre_and_post(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: precond,
post: postcond) {
let tt = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
set_precondition(tt, pre);
set_postcondition(tt, post);
fn copy_pre_post(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, sub: @expr) {
let p = expr_pp(ccx, sub);
copy_pre_post_(ccx, id, p.precondition, p.postcondition);
fn copy_pre_post_(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate,
post: poststate) {
let tt = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
set_precondition(tt, pre);
set_postcondition(tt, post);
/* sets all bits to *1* */
fn set_postcond_false(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) {
let p = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
fn pure_exp(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, p: prestate) -> bool {
return set_prestate_ann(ccx, id, p) | set_poststate_ann(ccx, id, p);
fn num_constraints(m: fn_info) -> uint { return m.num_constraints; }
fn new_crate_ctxt(cx: ty::ctxt) -> crate_ctxt {
let na: ~[mut ts_ann] = ~[mut];
return {tcx: cx, node_anns: @mut na, fm: int_hash::<fn_info>()};
/* Use e's type to determine whether it returns.
If it has a function type with a ! annotation,
the answer is noreturn. */
fn controlflow_expr(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> ret_style {
match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, {
ty::ty_fn(f) { return f.ret_style; }
_ { return return_val; }
fn constraints_expr(cx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> ~[@ty::constr] {
match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(cx, {
ty::ty_fn(f) { return f.constraints; }
_ { return ~[]; }
fn node_id_to_def_strict(cx: ty::ctxt, id: node_id) -> def {
match cx.def_map.find(id) {
none {
error!("node_id_to_def: node_id %d has no def", id);
Some(d) { return d; }
fn node_id_to_def(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> Option<def> {
return ccx.tcx.def_map.find(id);
fn norm_a_constraint(id: def_id, c: constraint) -> ~[norm_constraint] {
let mut rslt: ~[norm_constraint] = ~[];
for (*c.descs).each |pd| {
{bit_num: pd.node.bit_num,
c: respan(pd.span, {path: c.path,
def_id: id,
args: pd.node.args})});
return rslt;
// Tried to write this as an iterator, but I got a
// non-exhaustive match in trans.
fn constraints(fcx: fn_ctxt) -> ~[norm_constraint] {
let mut rslt: ~[norm_constraint] = ~[];
for fcx.enclosing.constrs.each |key, val| {
vec::push_all(rslt, norm_a_constraint(key, val));
return rslt;
// FIXME (#2539): Would rather take an immutable vec as an argument,
// should freeze it at some earlier point.
fn match_args(fcx: fn_ctxt, occs: @dvec<pred_args>,
occ: ~[@constr_arg_use]) -> uint {
debug!("match_args: looking at %s",
constr_args_to_str(fn@(i: inst) -> ~str { *i.ident }, occ));
for (*occs).each |pd| {
~"match_args: candidate " + pred_args_to_str(pd));
fn eq(p: inst, q: inst) -> bool { return p.node == q.node; }
if ty::args_eq(eq, pd.node.args, occ) { return pd.node.bit_num; }
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"match_args: no match for occurring args");
fn def_id_for_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, t: node_id) -> def_id {
match tcx.def_map.find(t) {
none {
tcx.sess.bug(~"node_id_for_constr: bad node_id " + int::str(t));
Some(def_fn(i, _)) { return i; }
_ { tcx.sess.bug(~"node_id_for_constr: pred is not a function"); }
fn expr_to_constr_arg(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> @constr_arg_use {
match e.node {
expr_path(p) {
match tcx.def_map.find( {
Some(def_local(nid, _)) | Some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
Some(def_binding(nid, _)) | Some(def_upvar(nid, _, _, _)) {
return @respan(p.span,
carg_ident({ident: p.idents[0], node: nid}));
Some(what) {
fmt!("exprs_to_constr_args: non-local variable %? \
as pred arg", what));
none {
~"exprs_to_constr_args: unbound id as pred arg");
expr_lit(l) { return @respan(e.span, carg_lit(l)); }
_ {
~"arguments to constrained functions must be " +
~"literals or local variables");
fn exprs_to_constr_args(tcx: ty::ctxt,
args: ~[@expr]) -> ~[@constr_arg_use] {
let f = |a| expr_to_constr_arg(tcx, a);
let mut rslt: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
for args.each |e| { vec::push(rslt, f(e)); }
fn expr_to_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> sp_constr {
match e.node {
expr_call(operator, args, _) {
match operator.node {
expr_path(p) {
return respan(e.span,
{path: p,
def_id: def_id_for_constr(tcx,,
args: exprs_to_constr_args(tcx, args)});
_ {
~"ill-formed operator in predicate");
_ {
tcx.sess.span_bug(e.span, ~"ill-formed predicate");
fn pred_args_to_str(p: pred_args) -> ~str {
~"<" + uint::str(p.node.bit_num) + ~", " +
constr_args_to_str(fn@(i: inst) -> ~str {return *i.ident; },
+ ~">"
fn substitute_constr_args(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: ~[@expr], c: @ty::constr) ->
tsconstr {
let mut rslt: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
for c.node.args.each |a| {
vec::push(rslt, substitute_arg(cx, actuals, a));
return {path: c.node.path,
args: rslt};
fn substitute_arg(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: ~[@expr], a: @constr_arg) ->
@constr_arg_use {
let num_actuals = vec::len(actuals);
match a.node {
carg_ident(i) {
if i < num_actuals {
return expr_to_constr_arg(cx, actuals[i]);
} else {
cx.sess.span_fatal(a.span, ~"constraint argument out of bounds");
carg_base { return @respan(a.span, carg_base); }
carg_lit(l) { return @respan(a.span, carg_lit(l)); }
fn pred_args_matches(pattern: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>],
desc: pred_args) ->
bool {
let mut i = 0u;
for desc.node.args.each |c| {
let n = pattern[i];
match c.node {
carg_ident(p) {
match n {
carg_ident(q) { if p.node != q.node { return false; } }
_ { return false; }
carg_base { if n != carg_base { return false; } }
carg_lit(l) {
match n {
carg_lit(m) { if !const_eval::lit_eq(l, m) { return false; } }
_ { return false; }
i += 1u;
return true;
fn find_instance_(pattern: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>],
descs: ~[pred_args]) ->
Option<uint> {
for descs.each |d| {
if pred_args_matches(pattern, d) { return Some(d.node.bit_num); }
return none;
type inst = {ident: ident, node: node_id};
enum dest {
local_dest(inst), // RHS is assigned to a local variable
call // RHS is passed to a function
type subst = ~[{from: inst, to: inst}];
fn find_instances(_fcx: fn_ctxt, subst: subst,
c: constraint) -> ~[{from: uint, to: uint}] {
if vec::len(subst) == 0u { return ~[]; }
let mut res = ~[];
do (*c.descs).swap |v| {
let v <- vec::from_mut(v);
for v.each |d| {
if args_mention(d.node.args, find_in_subst_bool, subst) {
let old_bit_num = d.node.bit_num;
let newv = replace(subst, d);
match find_instance_(newv, v) {
Some(d1) {vec::push(res, {from: old_bit_num, to: d1})}
_ {}
} else {}
return res;
fn find_in_subst(id: node_id, s: subst) -> Option<inst> {
for s.each |p| {
if id == p.from.node { return Some(; }
return none;
fn find_in_subst_bool(s: subst, id: node_id) -> bool {
is_some(find_in_subst(id, s))
fn insts_to_str(stuff: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"<";
for stuff.each |i| {
rslt +=
~" " +
match i {
carg_ident(p) { *p.ident }
carg_base { ~"*" }
carg_lit(_) { ~"~[lit]" }
} + ~" ";
rslt += ~">";
fn replace(subst: subst, d: pred_args) -> ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>] {
let mut rslt: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>] = ~[];
for d.node.args.each |c| {
match c.node {
carg_ident(p) {
match find_in_subst(p.node, subst) {
Some(newv) { vec::push(rslt, carg_ident(newv)); }
_ { vec::push(rslt, c.node); }
_ {
vec::push(rslt, c.node);
return rslt;
enum if_ty { if_check, plain_if, }
fn for_constraints_mentioning(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id,
f: fn(norm_constraint)) {
for constraints(fcx).each |c| {
if constraint_mentions(fcx, c, id) { f(c); }
fn local_node_id_to_def_id_strict(fcx: fn_ctxt, sp: span, i: node_id) ->
def_id {
match local_node_id_to_def(fcx, i) {
Some(def_local(nid, _)) | Some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
Some(def_upvar(nid, _, _)) {
return local_def(nid);
Some(_) {
~"local_node_id_to_def_id: id \
isn't a local");
none {
// should really be bug. span_bug()?
~"local_node_id_to_def_id: id \
is unbound");
fn local_node_id_to_def(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) -> Option<def> {
fn local_node_id_to_def_id(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) -> Option<def_id> {
match local_node_id_to_def(fcx, i) {
Some(def_local(nid, _)) | Some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
Some(def_binding(nid, _)) | Some(def_upvar(nid, _, _)) {
_ { none }
fn local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) ->
Option<node_id> {
match local_node_id_to_def_id(fcx, i) {
Some(did) { Some(did.node) }
_ { none }
fn copy_in_postcond(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
let post =
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, parent_exp).conditions.postcondition;
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, post, post, dest, src, ty);
fn copy_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, post: poststate, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, post, post, dest, src, ty);
// In target_post, set the bits corresponding to copies of any
// constraints mentioning src that are set in src_post, with
// dest substituted for src.
// (This doesn't create any new constraints. If a new, substituted
// constraint isn't already in the bit vector, it's ignored.)
fn copy_in_poststate_two(fcx: fn_ctxt, src_post: poststate,
target_post: poststate, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
let mut subst;
match ty {
oper_swap { subst = ~[{from: dest, to: src}, {from: src, to: dest}]; }
oper_assign_op {
return; // Don't do any propagation
_ { subst = ~[{from: src, to: dest}]; }
for fcx.enclosing.constrs.each_value |val| {
// replace any occurrences of the src def_id with the
// dest def_id
let insts = find_instances(fcx, subst, val);
for insts.each |p| {
if bitvectors::promises_(p.from, src_post) {
set_in_poststate_(, target_post);
fn forget_in_postcond(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id, dead_v: node_id) {
// In the postcondition given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
do option::iter(d) |d_id| {
do for_constraints_mentioning(fcx, d_id) |c| {
debug!("clearing constraint %u %s",
constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, c.c));
fn forget_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, dead_v: node_id) -> bool {
// In the poststate given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
let mut changed = false;
do option::iter(d) |d_id| {
do for_constraints_mentioning(fcx, d_id) |c| {
changed |= clear_in_poststate_(c.bit_num, p);
return changed;
fn any_eq(v: ~[node_id], d: node_id) -> bool {
for v.each |i| { if i == d { return true; } }
fn constraint_mentions(_fcx: fn_ctxt, c: norm_constraint, v: node_id) ->
bool {
return args_mention(c.c.node.args, any_eq, ~[v]);
fn args_mention<T>(args: ~[@constr_arg_use],
q: fn(~[T], node_id) -> bool,
s: ~[T]) -> bool {
for args.each |a| {
match a.node {
carg_ident(p1) { if q(s, p1.node) { return true; } } _ { }
return false;
fn use_var(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: node_id) {
vec::push(*fcx.enclosing.used_vars, v);
fn op_to_oper_ty(io: init_op) -> oper_type {
match io { init_move { oper_move } _ { oper_assign } }
// default function visitor
fn do_nothing<T>(_fk: visit::fn_kind, _decl: fn_decl, _body: blk,
_sp: span, _id: node_id,
_t: T, _v: visit::vt<T>) {
fn args_to_constr_args(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg],
indices: ~[@sp_constr_arg<uint>])
-> ~[@constr_arg_use] {
let mut actuals: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
let num_args = vec::len(args);
for indices.each |a| {
match a.node {
carg_base { carg_base }
carg_ident(i) {
if i < num_args {
carg_ident({ident: args[i].ident,
node: args[i].id})
} else {
~"index out of bounds in \
constraint arg");
carg_lit(l) { carg_lit(l) }
return actuals;
fn ast_constr_to_ts_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg], c: @constr) ->
tsconstr {
let tconstr = ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, c);
return {path: tconstr.node.path,
args: args_to_constr_args(tcx, args, tconstr.node.args)};
fn ast_constr_to_sp_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg], c: @constr) ->
sp_constr {
let tconstr = ast_constr_to_ts_constr(tcx, args, c);
return respan(c.span, tconstr);
type binding = {lhs: ~[dest], rhs: Option<initializer>};
fn local_to_bindings(tcx: ty::ctxt, loc: @local) -> binding {
let mut lhs = ~[];
do pat_bindings(tcx.def_map, loc.node.pat) |_bm, p_id, _s, name| {
vec::push(lhs, local_dest({ident: path_to_ident(name), node: p_id}));
{lhs: lhs, rhs: loc.node.init}
fn locals_to_bindings(tcx: ty::ctxt, locals: ~[@local]) -> ~[binding] {
let mut rslt = ~[];
for locals.each |loc| { vec::push(rslt, local_to_bindings(tcx, loc)); }
return rslt;
fn callee_modes(fcx: fn_ctxt, callee: node_id) -> ~[mode] {
let ty = ty::type_autoderef(fcx.ccx.tcx,
ty::node_id_to_type(fcx.ccx.tcx, callee));
match ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_fn(ref fn_ty) {
return|input| input.mode);
_ {
// Shouldn't happen; callee should be ty_fn.
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"non-fn callee type in callee_modes: " +
util::ppaux::ty_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, ty));
fn callee_arg_init_ops(fcx: fn_ctxt, callee: node_id) -> ~[init_op] {
do vec::map(callee_modes(fcx, callee)) |m| {
match ty::resolved_mode(fcx.ccx.tcx, m) {
by_move { init_move }
by_copy | by_ref | by_val | by_mutbl_ref { init_assign }
fn arg_bindings(ops: ~[init_op], es: ~[@expr]) -> ~[binding] {
let mut bindings: ~[binding] = ~[];
let mut i = 0u;
for ops.each |op| {
{lhs: ~[call], rhs: Some({op: op, expr: es[i]})});
i += 1u;
return bindings;
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View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
use syntax::ast;
use ast::{stmt, fn_ident, node_id, crate, return_val, noreturn, expr};
use syntax::{visit, print};
use syntax::codemap::span;
use middle::ty;
use tstate::ann::{precond, prestate,
implies, ann_precond, ann_prestate};
use aux::*;
use util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
use bitvectors::*;
use annotate::annotate_crate;
use collect_locals::mk_f_to_fn_info;
use pre_post_conditions::fn_pre_post;
use states::find_pre_post_state_fn;
use syntax::print::pprust::expr_to_str;
use driver::session::session;
use std::map::hashmap;
fn check_states_expr(e: @expr, fcx: fn_ctxt, v: visit::vt<fn_ctxt>) {
visit::visit_expr(e, fcx, v);
let prec: precond = expr_precond(fcx.ccx, e);
let pres: prestate = expr_prestate(fcx.ccx, e);
if !implies(pres, prec) {
let mut s = ~"";
let diff = first_difference_string(fcx, prec, pres);
s +=
~"unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, " + diff +
~") for expression:\n";
s += syntax::print::pprust::expr_to_str(e);
s += ~"\nprecondition:\n";
s += tritv_to_str(fcx, prec);
s += ~"\nprestate:\n";
s += tritv_to_str(fcx, pres);
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_fatal(e.span, s);
fn check_states_stmt(s: @stmt, fcx: fn_ctxt, v: visit::vt<fn_ctxt>) {
visit::visit_stmt(s, fcx, v);
let a = stmt_to_ann(fcx.ccx, *s);
let prec: precond = ann_precond(a);
let pres: prestate = ann_prestate(a);
log(debug, print::pprust::stmt_to_str(*s));
debug!("prec = ");
log_tritv(fcx, prec);
debug!("pres = ");
log_tritv(fcx, pres);
if !implies(pres, prec) {
let mut ss = ~"";
let diff = first_difference_string(fcx, prec, pres);
ss +=
~"unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, " + diff +
~") for statement:\n";
ss += syntax::print::pprust::stmt_to_str(*s);
ss += ~"\nprecondition:\n";
ss += tritv_to_str(fcx, prec);
ss += ~"\nprestate: \n";
ss += tritv_to_str(fcx, pres);
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_fatal(s.span, ss);
fn check_states_against_conditions(fcx: fn_ctxt,
fk: visit::fn_kind,
f_decl: ast::fn_decl,
f_body: ast::blk,
sp: span,
id: node_id) {
/* Postorder traversal instead of pre is important
because we want the smallest possible erroneous statement
or expression. */
let visitor = visit::mk_vt(
@{visit_stmt: check_states_stmt,
visit_expr: check_states_expr,
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,e,f,g| {
do_nothing::<fn_ctxt>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
with *visit::default_visitor::<fn_ctxt>()});
visit::visit_fn(fk, f_decl, f_body, sp, id, fcx, visitor);
fn check_fn_states(fcx: fn_ctxt,
fk: visit::fn_kind,
f_decl: ast::fn_decl,
f_body: ast::blk,
sp: span,
id: node_id) {
/* Compute the pre- and post-states for this function */
// Fixpoint iteration
while find_pre_post_state_fn(fcx, f_decl, f_body) { }
/* Now compare each expr's pre-state to its precondition
and post-state to its postcondition */
check_states_against_conditions(fcx, fk, f_decl, f_body, sp, id);
fn fn_states(fk: visit::fn_kind, f_decl: ast::fn_decl, f_body: ast::blk,
sp: span, id: node_id,
ccx: crate_ctxt, v: visit::vt<crate_ctxt>) {
visit::visit_fn(fk, f_decl, f_body, sp, id, ccx, v);
// We may not care about typestate for this function if it contains
// no constrained calls
if ! {
/* Look up the var-to-bit-num map for this function */
let f_info =;
let name = visit::name_of_fn(fk);
let fcx = {enclosing: f_info, id: id, name: name, ccx: ccx};
check_fn_states(fcx, fk, f_decl, f_body, sp, id)
fn check_crate(cx: ty::ctxt, crate: @crate) {
let ccx: crate_ctxt = new_crate_ctxt(cx);
/* Build the global map from function id to var-to-bit-num-map */
mk_f_to_fn_info(ccx, crate);
/* Add a blank ts_ann for every statement (and expression) */
annotate_crate(ccx, *crate);
/* Compute the pre and postcondition for every subexpression */
let vtor = visit::default_visitor::<crate_ctxt>();
let vtor = @{visit_fn: fn_pre_post with *vtor};
visit::visit_crate(*crate, ccx, visit::mk_vt(vtor));
/* Check the pre- and postcondition against the pre- and poststate
for every expression */
let vtor = visit::default_visitor::<crate_ctxt>();
let vtor = @{visit_fn: fn_states with *vtor};
visit::visit_crate(*crate, ccx, visit::mk_vt(vtor));
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// End:

View File

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
use option::*;
use pat_util::*;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast_util::*;
use syntax::visit;
use syntax::codemap::span;
use syntax::ast_util::respan;
use driver::session::session;
use aux::*;
use std::map::hashmap;
use dvec::{dvec, extensions};
type ctxt = {cs: @mut ~[sp_constr], tcx: ty::ctxt};
fn collect_pred(e: @expr, cx: ctxt, v: visit::vt<ctxt>) {
match e.node {
expr_check(_, ch) { vec::push(*cx.cs, expr_to_constr(cx.tcx, ch)); }
expr_if_check(ex, _, _) {
vec::push(*cx.cs, expr_to_constr(cx.tcx, ex));
// If it's a call, generate appropriate instances of the
// call's constraints.
expr_call(operator, operands, _) {
for constraints_expr(cx.tcx, operator).each |c| {
let ct: sp_constr =
aux::substitute_constr_args(cx.tcx, operands, c));
vec::push(*cx.cs, ct);
_ { }
// visit subexpressions
visit::visit_expr(e, cx, v);
fn find_locals(tcx: ty::ctxt,
fk: visit::fn_kind,
f_decl: fn_decl,
f_body: blk,
sp: span,
id: node_id) -> ctxt {
let cx: ctxt = {cs: @mut ~[], tcx: tcx};
let visitor = visit::default_visitor::<ctxt>();
let visitor =
@{visit_expr: collect_pred,
visit_fn: do_nothing
with *visitor};
visit::visit_fn(fk, f_decl, f_body, sp,
id, cx, visit::mk_vt(visitor));
return cx;
fn add_constraint(tcx: ty::ctxt, c: sp_constr, next: uint, tbl: constr_map) ->
uint {
constraint_to_str(tcx, c) + ~" |-> " + uint::str(next));
let {path: p, def_id: d_id, args: args} = c.node;
match tbl.find(d_id) {
Some(ct) {
(*ct.descs).push(respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next}));
None {
let rslt = @dvec();
(*rslt).push(respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next}));
tbl.insert(d_id, {path:p, descs:rslt});
return next + 1u;
fn contains_constrained_calls(tcx: ty::ctxt, body: blk) -> bool {
type cx = @{
tcx: ty::ctxt,
mut has: bool
let cx = @{
tcx: tcx,
mut has: false
let vtor = visit::default_visitor::<cx>();
let vtor = @{visit_expr: visit_expr with *vtor};
visit::visit_block(body, cx, visit::mk_vt(vtor));
return cx.has;
fn visit_expr(e: @expr, &&cx: cx, v: visit::vt<cx>) {
import syntax::print::pprust;
debug!("visiting %?", pprust::expr_to_str(e));
visit::visit_expr(e, cx, v);
if constraints_expr(cx.tcx, e).is_not_empty() {
debug!("has constraints");
cx.has = true;
} else {
debug!("has not constraints");
/* builds a table mapping each local var defined in f
to a bit number in the precondition/postcondition vectors */
fn mk_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt,
fk: visit::fn_kind,
f_decl: fn_decl,
f_body: blk,
f_sp: span,
id: node_id) {
let name = visit::name_of_fn(fk);
let res_map = new_def_hash::<constraint>();
let mut next: uint = 0u;
let cx: ctxt = find_locals(ccx.tcx, fk, f_decl, f_body, f_sp, id);
/* now we have to add bit nums for both the constraints
and the variables... */
let ignore = !contains_constrained_calls(ccx.tcx, f_body);
if !ignore {
let mut i = 0u, l = vec::len(*cx.cs);
while i < l {
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, copy cx.cs[i], next, res_map);
i += 1u;
/* if this function has any constraints, instantiate them to the
argument names and add them */
for f_decl.constraints.each |c| {
let sc = ast_constr_to_sp_constr(cx.tcx, f_decl.inputs, c);
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, sc, next, res_map);
let v: @mut ~[node_id] = @mut ~[];
let rslt =
{constrs: res_map,
num_constraints: next,
used_vars: v,
ignore: ignore};, rslt);
debug!("%s has %u constraints", *name, num_constraints(rslt));
/* initializes the global fn_info_map (mapping each function ID, including
nested locally defined functions, onto a mapping from local variable name
to bit number) */
fn mk_f_to_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt, c: @crate) {
let visitor =
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,e| mk_fn_info(ccx, a, b, c, d, e)
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
visit::visit_crate(*c, (), visitor);
// Local Variables:
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// End:

View File

@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
use tstate::ann::*;
use aux::*;
use bitvectors::{bit_num, seq_preconds, seq_postconds,
relax_precond_block, gen};
use tritv::*;
use pat_util::*;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast_util::*;
use syntax::print::pprust::{expr_to_str, stmt_to_str};
use syntax::visit;
use util::common::{field_exprs, has_nonlocal_exits};
use syntax::codemap::span;
use driver::session::session;
use std::map::hashmap;
fn find_pre_post_mod(_m: _mod) -> _mod {
debug!("implement find_pre_post_mod!");
fn find_pre_post_foreign_mod(_m: foreign_mod) -> foreign_mod {
debug!("implement find_pre_post_foreign_mod");
fn find_pre_post_method(ccx: crate_ctxt, m: @method) {
assert (;
let fcx: fn_ctxt =
name: m.ident,
ccx: ccx};
find_pre_post_fn(fcx, m.body);
fn find_pre_post_item(ccx: crate_ctxt, i: item) {
match i.node {
item_const(_, e) {
// do nothing -- item_consts don't refer to local vars
item_fn(_, _, body) {
assert (;
let fcx =
{enclosing:, id:, name: i.ident, ccx: ccx};
find_pre_post_fn(fcx, body);
item_mod(m) { find_pre_post_mod(m); }
item_foreign_mod(nm) { find_pre_post_foreign_mod(nm); }
item_ty(*) | item_enum(*) | item_trait(*) { return; }
item_class(*) {
fail ~"find_pre_post_item: shouldn't be called on item_class";
item_impl(_, _, _, ms) {
for ms.each |m| { find_pre_post_method(ccx, m); }
item_mac(*) { fail ~"item macros unimplemented" }
/* Finds the pre and postcondition for each expr in <args>;
sets the precondition in a to be the result of combining
the preconditions for <args>, and the postcondition in a to
be the union of all postconditions for <args> */
fn find_pre_post_exprs(fcx: fn_ctxt, args: ~[@expr], id: node_id) {
if vec::len::<@expr>(args) > 0u {
debug!("find_pre_post_exprs: oper = %s", expr_to_str(args[0]));
fn do_one(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e); }
for args.each |e| { do_one(fcx, e); }
fn get_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, &&e: @expr) -> pre_and_post {
return expr_pp(ccx, e);
let pps = vec::map(args, |a| get_pp(fcx.ccx, a) );
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, seq_preconds(fcx, pps),
seq_postconds(fcx, vec::map(pps, get_post)));
fn find_pre_post_loop(fcx: fn_ctxt, index: @expr, body: blk, id: node_id) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, index);
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
let loop_precond =
seq_preconds(fcx, ~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, index),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]);
let loop_postcond =
intersect_states(expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, index),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body));
copy_pre_post_(fcx.ccx, id, loop_precond, loop_postcond);
// Generates a pre/post assuming that a is the
// annotation for an if-expression with consequent conseq
// and alternative maybe_alt
fn join_then_else(fcx: fn_ctxt, antec: @expr, conseq: blk,
maybe_alt: Option<@expr>, id: node_id, chck: if_ty) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, antec);
find_pre_post_block(fcx, conseq);
match maybe_alt {
none {
match chck {
if_check {
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, antec);
gen(fcx,, c.node);
_ { }
let precond_res =
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, precond_res,
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec));
Some(altern) {
if check = if_check, then
be sure that the predicate implied by antec
is *not* true in the alternative
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, altern);
let precond_false_case =
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
expr_pp(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
let postcond_false_case =
~[expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, altern)]);
/* Be sure to set the bit for the check condition here,
so that it's *not* set in the alternative. */
match chck {
if_check {
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, antec);
gen(fcx,, c.node);
_ { }
let precond_true_case =
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
let postcond_true_case =
~[expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, antec),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, conseq)]);
let precond_res =
seq_postconds(fcx, ~[precond_true_case, precond_false_case]);
let postcond_res =
intersect_states(postcond_true_case, postcond_false_case);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, id, precond_res, postcond_res);
fn gen_if_local(fcx: fn_ctxt, lhs: @expr, rhs: @expr, larger_id: node_id,
new_var: node_id) {
match node_id_to_def(fcx.ccx, new_var) {
Some(d) {
match d {
def_local(nid, _) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, rhs);
let p = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, rhs);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, larger_id, p.precondition,
_ { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[lhs, rhs], larger_id); }
_ { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[lhs, rhs], larger_id); }
fn handle_update(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, lhs: @expr, rhs: @expr,
ty: oper_type) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, rhs);
match lhs.node {
expr_path(p) {
let post = expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, parent);
let tmp = post.clone();
match ty {
oper_move {
if is_path(rhs) { forget_in_postcond(fcx,,; }
oper_swap {
oper_assign {
_ { }
gen_if_local(fcx, lhs, rhs,,;
match rhs.node {
expr_path(p1) {
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
let d1 = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
match d {
Some(id) {
match d1 {
Some(id1) {
let instlhs =
{ident: path_to_ident(p), node: id};
let instrhs =
{ident: path_to_ident(p1), node: id1};
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, tmp, post, instlhs, instrhs,
_ { }
_ { }
_ {/* do nothing */ }
_ { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, lhs); }
fn forget_args_moved_in(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, modes: ~[mode],
operands: ~[@expr]) {
do vec::iteri(modes) |i,mode| {
match ty::resolved_mode(fcx.ccx.tcx, mode) {
by_move { forget_in_postcond(fcx,, operands[i].id); }
by_ref | by_val | by_mutbl_ref | by_copy { }
fn find_pre_post_expr_fn_upvars(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) {
let rslt = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e);
/* Fills in annotations as a side effect. Does not rebuild the expr */
fn find_pre_post_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) {
let enclosing = fcx.enclosing;
let num_local_vars = num_constraints(enclosing);
fn do_rand_(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e); }
match e.node {
expr_call(operator, operands, _) {
/* copy */
let mut args = operands;
vec::push(args, operator);
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, args,;
/* see if the call has any constraints on its type */
for constraints_expr(fcx.ccx.tcx, operator).each |c| {
let i =
bit_num(fcx, substitute_constr_args(fcx.ccx.tcx, args, c));
require(i, expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e));
forget_args_moved_in(fcx, e, callee_modes(fcx,,
/* if this is a failing call, its postcondition sets everything */
match controlflow_expr(fcx.ccx, operator) {
noreturn { set_postcond_false(fcx.ccx,; }
_ { }
expr_vstore(ee, _) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, ee);
let p = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, ee);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx,, p.precondition, p.postcondition);
expr_vec(args, _) {
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, args,;
expr_path(p) {
let rslt = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e);
expr_new(p, _, v) {
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[p, v],;
expr_log(_, lvl, arg) {
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[lvl, arg],;
expr_fn(_, _, _, cap_clause) | expr_fn_block(_, _, cap_clause) {
find_pre_post_expr_fn_upvars(fcx, e);
for (*cap_clause).each |cap_item| {
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
option::iter(d, |id| use_var(fcx, id) );
for (*cap_clause).each |cap_item| {
if cap_item.is_move {
log(debug, (~"forget_in_postcond: ", cap_item));
expr_block(b) {
find_pre_post_block(fcx, b);
let p = block_pp(fcx.ccx, b);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx,, p.precondition, p.postcondition);
expr_rec(fields, maybe_base) {
let mut es = field_exprs(fields);
match maybe_base { none {/* no-op */ } Some(b) { vec::push(es, b); } }
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, es,;
expr_tup(elts) { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, elts,; }
expr_move(lhs, rhs) { handle_update(fcx, e, lhs, rhs, oper_move); }
expr_swap(lhs, rhs) { handle_update(fcx, e, lhs, rhs, oper_swap); }
expr_assign(lhs, rhs) { handle_update(fcx, e, lhs, rhs, oper_assign); }
expr_assign_op(_, lhs, rhs) {
/* Different from expr_assign in that the lhs *must*
already be initialized */
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[lhs, rhs],;
expr_lit(_) { clear_pp(expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)); }
expr_ret(maybe_val) {
match maybe_val {
none {
Some(ret_val) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, ret_val);
expr_precond(fcx.ccx, ret_val));
expr_if(antec, conseq, maybe_alt) {
join_then_else(fcx, antec, conseq, maybe_alt,, plain_if);
expr_binary(bop, l, r) {
if lazy_binop(bop) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, l);
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, r);
let overall_pre =
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, l), expr_pp(fcx.ccx, r)]);
set_precondition(node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx,, overall_pre);
expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, l));
} else { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[l, r],; }
expr_addr_of(_, x) | expr_cast(x, _) | expr_unary(_, x) |
expr_loop_body(x) | expr_do_body(x) | expr_assert(x) | expr_copy(x) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, x);
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx,, x);
expr_while(test, body) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, test);
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
~[expr_pp(fcx.ccx, test),
block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]),
intersect_states(expr_postcond(fcx.ccx, test),
block_postcond(fcx.ccx, body)));
expr_loop(body) {
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
/* Infinite loop: if control passes it, everything is true. */
let mut loop_postcond = false_postcond(num_local_vars);
/* Conservative approximation: if the body has any nonlocal exits,
the poststate is blank since we don't know what parts of it
execute. */
if has_nonlocal_exits(body) {
loop_postcond = empty_poststate(num_local_vars);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx,, block_precond(fcx.ccx, body),
expr_index(val, sub) { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, ~[val, sub],; }
expr_match(ex, alts, _) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, ex);
fn do_an_alt(fcx: fn_ctxt, an_alt: arm) -> pre_and_post {
match an_alt.guard {
Some(e) { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e); }
_ {}
find_pre_post_block(fcx, an_alt.body);
return block_pp(fcx.ccx, an_alt.body);
let mut alt_pps = ~[];
for alts.each |a| { vec::push(alt_pps, do_an_alt(fcx, a)); }
fn combine_pp(antec: pre_and_post, fcx: fn_ctxt, &&pp: pre_and_post,
&&next: pre_and_post) -> pre_and_post {
union(pp.precondition, seq_preconds(fcx, ~[antec, next]));
intersect(pp.postcondition, next.postcondition);
return pp;
let antec_pp = pp_clone(expr_pp(fcx.ccx, ex));
let e_pp =
{precondition: empty_prestate(num_local_vars),
postcondition: false_postcond(num_local_vars)};
let g = |a,b| combine_pp(antec_pp, fcx, a, b);
let alts_overall_pp =
vec::foldl(e_pp, alt_pps, g);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx,, alts_overall_pp.precondition,
expr_field(operator, _, _) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, operator);
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx,, operator);
expr_fail(maybe_val) {
let mut prestate;
match maybe_val {
none { prestate = empty_prestate(num_local_vars); }
Some(fail_val) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, fail_val);
prestate = expr_precond(fcx.ccx, fail_val);
/* if execution continues after fail,
then everything is true! */
prestate, false_postcond(num_local_vars));
expr_check(_, p) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, p);
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx,, p);
/* predicate p holds after this expression executes */
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, p);
gen(fcx,, c.node);
expr_if_check(p, conseq, maybe_alt) {
join_then_else(fcx, p, conseq, maybe_alt,, if_check);
expr_break { clear_pp(expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)); }
expr_again { clear_pp(expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)); }
expr_mac(_) { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"unexpanded macro"); }
fn find_pre_post_stmt(fcx: fn_ctxt, s: stmt) {
debug!("stmt = %s", stmt_to_str(s));
match s.node {
stmt_decl(adecl, id) {
match adecl.node {
decl_local(alocals) {
let prev_pp = empty_pre_post(num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
for alocals.each |alocal| {
match alocal.node.init {
Some(an_init) {
/* LHS always becomes initialized,
whether or not this is a move */
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, an_init.expr);
do pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, alocal.node.pat)
|p_id, _s, _n| {
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx, p_id, an_init.expr);
/* Inherit ann from initializer, and add var being
initialized to the postcondition */
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx, id, an_init.expr);
let mut p = none;
match an_init.expr.node {
expr_path(_p) { p = Some(_p); }
_ { }
do pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, alocal.node.pat)
|p_id, _s, n| {
let ident = path_to_ident(n);
match p {
Some(p) {
copy_in_postcond(fcx, id,
{ident: ident, node: p_id},
none { }
/* Clear out anything that the previous initializer
guaranteed */
let e_pp = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, an_init.expr);
seq_preconds(fcx, ~[prev_pp, e_pp]));
/* Include the LHSs too, since those aren't in the
postconds of the RHSs themselves */
copy_pre_post_(fcx.ccx, id, prev_pp.precondition,
none {
do pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, alocal.node.pat)
|p_id, _s, _n| {
clear_pp(node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, p_id).conditions);
clear_pp(node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).conditions);
decl_item(anitem) {
clear_pp(node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).conditions);
find_pre_post_item(fcx.ccx, *anitem);
stmt_expr(e, id) | stmt_semi(e, id) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e);
copy_pre_post(fcx.ccx, id, e);
fn find_pre_post_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, b: blk) {
/* Want to say that if there is a break or cont in this
block, then that invalidates the poststate upheld by
any of the stmts after it.
Given that the typechecker has run, we know any break will be in
a block that forms a loop body. So that's ok. There'll never be an
expr_break outside a loop body, therefore, no expr_break outside a block.
/* Conservative approximation for now: This says that if a block contains
*any* breaks or conts, then its postcondition doesn't promise anything.
This will mean that:
x = 0;
won't have a postcondition that says x is initialized, but that's ok.
let nv = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing);
fn do_one_(fcx: fn_ctxt, s: @stmt) {
find_pre_post_stmt(fcx, *s);
for b.node.stmts.each |s| { do_one_(fcx, s); }
fn do_inner_(fcx: fn_ctxt, &&e: @expr) { find_pre_post_expr(fcx, e); }
let do_inner = |a| do_inner_(fcx, a);
option::map::<@expr, ()>(b.node.expr, do_inner);
let mut pps: ~[pre_and_post] = ~[];
for b.node.stmts.each |s| { vec::push(pps, stmt_pp(fcx.ccx, *s)); }
match b.node.expr {
none {/* no-op */ }
Some(e) { vec::push(pps, expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)); }
let block_precond = seq_preconds(fcx, pps);
let mut postconds = ~[];
for pps.each |pp| { vec::push(postconds, get_post(pp)); }
/* A block may be empty, so this next line ensures that the postconds
vector is non-empty. */
vec::push(postconds, block_precond);
let mut block_postcond = empty_poststate(nv);
/* conservative approximation */
if !has_nonlocal_exits(b) {
block_postcond = seq_postconds(fcx, postconds);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx,, block_precond, block_postcond);
fn find_pre_post_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt, body: blk) {
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
// Treat the tail expression as a return statement
match body.node.expr {
Some(tailexpr) { set_postcond_false(fcx.ccx,; }
none {/* fallthrough */ }
fn fn_pre_post(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk, sp: span,
id: node_id,
ccx: crate_ctxt, v: visit::vt<crate_ctxt>) {
visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, ccx, v);
assert (;
if ! {
let fcx =
id: id,
name: visit::name_of_fn(fk),
ccx: ccx};
find_pre_post_fn(fcx, body);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
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// End:

View File

@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
use ann::*;
use aux::*;
use tritv::*;
use syntax::print::pprust::block_to_str;
use bitvectors::*;
use pat_util::*;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ast_util::*;
use syntax::print::pprust::{expr_to_str, stmt_to_str};
use syntax::codemap::span;
use middle::ty::{expr_ty, type_is_bot};
use util::common::{field_exprs, has_nonlocal_exits, may_break};
use driver::session::session;
use std::map::hashmap;
fn forbid_upvar(fcx: fn_ctxt, rhs_id: node_id, sp: span, t: oper_type) {
match t {
oper_move {
match local_node_id_to_def(fcx, rhs_id) {
Some(def_upvar(_, _, _)) {
~"tried to deinitialize a variable \
declared in a different scope");
_ { }
_ {/* do nothing */ }
fn handle_move_or_copy(fcx: fn_ctxt, post: poststate, rhs_path: @path,
rhs_id: node_id, destlhs: dest, init_op: init_op) {
forbid_upvar(fcx, rhs_id, rhs_path.span, op_to_oper_ty(init_op));
let rhs_d_id = local_node_id_to_def_id(fcx, rhs_id);
match rhs_d_id {
Some(rhsid) {
// RHS is a local var
let instrhs =
{ident: path_to_ident(rhs_path), node: rhsid.node};
match destlhs {
local_dest(instlhs) {
copy_in_poststate(fcx, post, instlhs, instrhs,
_ {}
_ {
// not a local -- do nothing
fn seq_states(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, bindings: ~[binding]) ->
{changed: bool, post: poststate} {
let mut changed = false;
let mut post = pres.clone();
for bindings.each |b| {
match b.rhs {
Some(an_init) {
// an expression, with or without a destination
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, post, an_init.expr) || changed;
post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, an_init.expr).clone();
for b.lhs.each |d| {
match an_init.expr.node {
expr_path(p) {
handle_move_or_copy(fcx, post, p,, d,
_ { }
// Forget the RHS if we just moved it.
if an_init.op == init_move {
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
none {
return {changed: changed, post: post};
fn find_pre_post_state_sub(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, e: @expr,
parent: node_id, c: Option<tsconstr>) -> bool {
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, e);
changed = set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx, parent, pres) || changed;
let post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, e).clone();
match c {
none { }
Some(c1) { set_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, c1), post); }
changed = set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, parent, post) || changed;
return changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_two(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, lhs: @expr,
rhs: @expr, parent: node_id, ty: oper_type) ->
bool {
let mut changed = set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx, parent, pres);
changed = find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, lhs) || changed;
changed =
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, lhs), rhs) ||
forbid_upvar(fcx,, rhs.span, ty);
let post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, rhs).clone();
match lhs.node {
expr_path(p) {
// for termination, need to make sure intermediate changes don't set
// changed flag
// tmp remembers "old" constraints we'd otherwise forget,
// for substitution purposes
let tmp = post.clone();
match ty {
oper_move {
if is_path(rhs) { forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,; }
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
oper_swap {
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
_ { forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,; }
match rhs.node {
expr_path(p1) {
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
let d1 = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
match d {
Some(id) {
match d1 {
Some(id1) {
let instlhs =
{ident: path_to_ident(p), node: id};
let instrhs =
{ident: path_to_ident(p1), node: id1};
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, tmp, post, instlhs, instrhs,
_ { }
_ { }
_ {/* do nothing */ }
_ { }
changed = set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, parent, post) || changed;
return changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_call(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, a: @expr,
id: node_id, ops: ~[init_op], bs: ~[@expr],
cf: ret_style) -> bool {
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, a);
// FIXME (#2178): This could be a typestate constraint (except we're
// not using them inside the compiler, I guess... see discussion in
// bug)
if vec::len(bs) != vec::len(ops) {
fmt!("mismatched arg lengths: \
%u exprs vs. %u ops",
vec::len(bs), vec::len(ops)));
return find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx, pres, id, ops,
bs, cf) || changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, id: node_id,
ops: ~[init_op], es: ~[@expr],
cf: ret_style) -> bool {
let rs = seq_states(fcx, pres, arg_bindings(ops, es));
let mut changed = rs.changed | set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, pres);
/* if this is a failing call, it sets everything as initialized */
match cf {
noreturn {
let post = false_postcond(num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
changed |= set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, post);
_ { changed |= set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id,; }
return changed;
fn join_then_else(fcx: fn_ctxt, antec: @expr, conseq: blk,
maybe_alt: Option<@expr>, id: node_id, chk: if_ty,
pres: prestate) -> bool {
let mut changed =
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, pres) |
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, antec);
match maybe_alt {
none {
match chk {
if_check {
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, antec);
let conseq_prestate = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec).clone();
conseq_prestate.set(bit_num(fcx, c.node), ttrue);
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, conseq_prestate, conseq) |
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id,
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec));
_ {
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec),
conseq) |
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id,
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec));
Some(altern) {
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec),
let mut conseq_prestate = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, antec);
match chk {
if_check {
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, antec);
conseq_prestate = conseq_prestate.clone();
conseq_prestate.set(bit_num(fcx, c.node), ttrue);
_ { }
changed |= find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, conseq_prestate, conseq);
let poststate_res =
intersect_states(block_poststate(fcx.ccx, conseq),
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, altern));
"poststate_res = " + aux::tritv_to_str(fcx, poststate_res));
"altern poststate = " +
aux::tritv_to_str(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, altern)));
"conseq poststate = " + aux::tritv_to_str(fcx,
block_poststate(fcx.ccx, conseq)));
changed |= set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, poststate_res);
return changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_cap_clause(fcx: fn_ctxt, e_id: node_id,
pres: prestate, cap_clause: capture_clause)
-> bool
let ccx = fcx.ccx;
let pres_changed = set_prestate_ann(ccx, e_id, pres);
let post = pres.clone();
for (*cap_clause).each |cap_item| {
if cap_item.is_move {
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
return set_poststate_ann(ccx, e_id, post) || pres_changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, e: @expr) -> bool {
let num_constrs = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing);
match e.node {
expr_new(p, _, v) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, p, v,, oper_pure);
expr_vstore(ee, _) {
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, ee);
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, expr_prestate(fcx.ccx, ee));
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, ee));
return changed;
expr_vec(elts, _) {
return find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx, pres,,
init_assign), elts,
expr_call(operator, operands, _) {
debug!("hey it's a call: %s", expr_to_str(e));
return find_pre_post_state_call(fcx, pres, operator,,
controlflow_expr(fcx.ccx, operator));
expr_path(_) { return pure_exp(fcx.ccx,, pres); }
expr_log(_, lvl, ex) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, lvl, ex,, oper_pure);
expr_mac(_) { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"unexpanded macro"); }
expr_lit(l) { return pure_exp(fcx.ccx,, pres); }
expr_fn(_, _, _, cap_clause) {
return find_pre_post_state_cap_clause(fcx,, pres, cap_clause);
expr_fn_block(_, _, cap_clause) {
return find_pre_post_state_cap_clause(fcx,, pres, cap_clause);
expr_block(b) {
return find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, pres, b) |
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres) |
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, block_poststate(fcx.ccx, b));
expr_rec(fields, maybe_base) {
let exs = field_exprs(fields);
let mut changed =
find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx, pres,,
exs, return_val);
let base_pres = match vec::last_opt(exs) { none { pres }
Some(f) { expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, f) }};
option::iter(maybe_base, |base| {
changed |= find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, base_pres, base) |
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, base))
return changed;
expr_tup(elts) {
return find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx, pres,,
init_assign), elts,
expr_move(lhs, rhs) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, lhs, rhs,, oper_move);
expr_assign(lhs, rhs) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(
fcx, pres, lhs, rhs,, oper_assign);
expr_swap(lhs, rhs) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, lhs, rhs,, oper_swap);
// Could be more precise and actually swap the role of
// lhs and rhs in constraints
expr_ret(maybe_ret_val) {
let mut changed = set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres);
/* everything is true if execution continues after
a return expression (since execution never continues locally
after a return expression */
let post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post);
match maybe_ret_val {
none {/* do nothing */ }
Some(ret_val) {
changed |= find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, ret_val);
return changed;
expr_if(antec, conseq, maybe_alt) {
return join_then_else(fcx, antec, conseq, maybe_alt,, plain_if,
expr_binary(bop, l, r) {
if lazy_binop(bop) {
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, l);
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, l), r);
return changed | set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres) |
expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, l));
} else {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, l, r,, oper_pure);
expr_assign_op(op, lhs, rhs) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, lhs, rhs,,
expr_while(test, body) {
let loop_pres =
intersect_states(block_poststate(fcx.ccx, body), pres);
let mut changed =
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, loop_pres) |
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, loop_pres, test) |
find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, test),
/* conservative approximation: if a loop contains a break
or cont, we assume nothing about the poststate */
/* which is still unsound -- see ~[Break-unsound] */
if has_nonlocal_exits(body) {
return changed | set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres);
} else {
let e_post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, test);
let b_post = block_poststate(fcx.ccx, body);
return changed |
intersect_states(e_post, b_post));
expr_loop(body) {
let loop_pres =
intersect_states(block_poststate(fcx.ccx, body), pres);
let mut changed = set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, loop_pres)
| find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, loop_pres, body);
/* conservative approximation: if a loop contains a break
or cont, we assume nothing about the poststate (so, we
set all predicates to "don't know" */
/* which is still unsound -- see ~[Break-unsound] */
if may_break(body) {
/* Only do this if there are *breaks* not conts.
An infinite loop with conts is still an infinite loop.
We assume all preds are FALSE, not '?' -- because in the
worst case, the body could invalidate all preds and
deinitialize everything before breaking */
let post = empty_poststate(num_constrs);
return changed | set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post);
} else {
return changed | set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,,
expr_index(val, sub) {
return find_pre_post_state_two(fcx, pres, val, sub,, oper_pure);
expr_match(val, alts, _) {
let mut changed =
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres) |
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, val);
let e_post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, val);
let mut a_post;
if vec::len(alts) > 0u {
a_post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
for alts.each |an_alt| {
match an_alt.guard {
Some(e) {
changed |= find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, e_post, e);
_ {}
changed |=
find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, e_post, an_alt.body);
intersect(a_post, block_poststate(fcx.ccx, an_alt.body));
// We deliberately do *not* update changed here, because
// we'd go into an infinite loop that way, and the change
// gets made after the if expression.
} else {
// No alts; poststate is the poststate of the test
a_post = e_post;
return changed | set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, a_post);
expr_field(x, _, _) | expr_loop_body(x) | expr_do_body(x) |
expr_unary(_, x) |
expr_addr_of(_, x) | expr_assert(x) | expr_cast(x, _) |
expr_copy(x) {
return find_pre_post_state_sub(fcx, pres, x,, None);
expr_fail(maybe_fail_val) {
/* if execution continues after fail, then everything is true!
woo! */
let post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
return set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres) |
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post) |
maybe_fail_val, false,
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, fail_val) );
expr_check(_, p) {
/* predicate p holds after this expression executes */
let c: sp_constr = expr_to_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, p);
return find_pre_post_state_sub(fcx, pres, p,, Some(c.node));
expr_if_check(p, conseq, maybe_alt) {
return join_then_else(
fcx, p, conseq, maybe_alt,, if_check, pres);
expr_break { return pure_exp(fcx.ccx,, pres); }
expr_again { return pure_exp(fcx.ccx,, pres); }
fn find_pre_post_state_stmt(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, s: @stmt) -> bool {
let stmt_ann = stmt_to_ann(fcx.ccx, *s);
debug!("[ %s ]", *;
debug!("*At beginning: stmt = %s", stmt_to_str(*s));
debug!("*prestate = %s", stmt_ann.states.prestate.to_str());
debug!("*poststate = %s", stmt_ann.states.prestate.to_str());
match s.node {
stmt_decl(adecl, id) {
match adecl.node {
decl_local(alocals) {
set_prestate(stmt_ann, pres);
let c_and_p = seq_states(fcx, pres,
locals_to_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx, alocals));
/* important to do this in one step to ensure
termination (don't want to set changed to true
for intermediate changes) */
let mut changed =
set_poststate(stmt_ann, | c_and_p.changed;
debug!("Summary: stmt = %s", stmt_to_str(*s));
debug!("prestate = %s", stmt_ann.states.prestate.to_str());
debug!("poststate = %s", stmt_ann.states.poststate.to_str());
debug!("changed = %s", bool::to_str(changed));
return changed;
decl_item(an_item) {
return set_prestate(stmt_ann, pres)
| set_poststate(stmt_ann, pres);
/* the outer visitor will recurse into the item */
stmt_expr(ex, _) | stmt_semi(ex, _) {
let mut changed =
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, ex) |
set_prestate(stmt_ann, expr_prestate(fcx.ccx, ex)) |
set_poststate(stmt_ann, expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, ex));
debug!("Finally: %s", stmt_to_str(*s));
debug!("prestate = %s", stmt_ann.states.prestate.to_str());
debug!("poststate = %s", stmt_ann.states.poststate.to_str());
debug!("changed = %s", bool::to_str(changed));
return changed;
/* Updates the pre- and post-states of statements in the block,
returns a boolean flag saying whether any pre- or poststates changed */
fn find_pre_post_state_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres0: prestate, b: blk) -> bool {
/* First, set the pre-states and post-states for every expression */
let mut pres = pres0;
/* Iterate over each stmt. The new prestate is <pres>. The poststate
consist of improving <pres> with whatever variables this stmt
initializes. Then <pres> becomes the new poststate. */
let mut changed = false;
for b.node.stmts.each |s| {
changed |= find_pre_post_state_stmt(fcx, pres, s);
pres = stmt_poststate(fcx.ccx, *s);
let mut post = pres;
match b.node.expr {
none { }
Some(e) {
changed |= find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, e);
post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, e);
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres0);
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post);
return changed;
fn find_pre_post_state_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt,
f_decl: fn_decl,
f_body: blk) -> bool {
// All constraints are considered false until proven otherwise.
// This ensures that intersect works correctly.
// Instantiate any constraints on the arguments so we can use them
let block_pre = block_prestate(fcx.ccx, f_body);
for f_decl.constraints.each |c| {
let tsc = ast_constr_to_ts_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, f_decl.inputs, c);
set_in_prestate_constr(fcx, tsc, block_pre);
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, block_pre, f_body);
log(error, changed);
return changed;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
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