diff --git a/compiler/rustc_ast/src/util/literal.rs b/compiler/rustc_ast/src/util/literal.rs
index 5fa0ea35455..cd3b163e3ac 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_ast/src/util/literal.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_ast/src/util/literal.rs
@@ -240,8 +240,14 @@ impl fmt::Display for LitKind {
                     string = symbol
-            // TODO need to reescape
-            LitKind::CStr(..) => todo!(),
+            LitKind::CStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Cooked) => {
+                write!(f, "c\"{}\"", escape_byte_str_symbol(bytes))?
+            }
+            LitKind::CStr(ref bytes, StrStyle::Raw(n)) => {
+                // This can only be valid UTF-8.
+                let symbol = str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
+                write!(f, "cr{delim}\"{symbol}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize),)?;
+            }
             LitKind::Int(n, ty) => {
                 write!(f, "{n}")?;
                 match ty {
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pprust/state.rs b/compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pprust/state.rs
index 535ac89e751..61b7863c686 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pprust/state.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pprust/state.rs
@@ -210,8 +210,10 @@ pub fn literal_to_string(lit: token::Lit) -> String {
         token::ByteStrRaw(n) => {
             format!("br{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize), string = symbol)
-        // TODO
-        token::CStr | token::CStrRaw(_) => todo!(),
+        token::CStr => format!("c\"{symbol}\""),
+        token::CStrRaw(n) => {
+            format!("cr{delim}\"{symbol}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize))
+        }
         token::Integer | token::Float | token::Bool | token::Err => symbol.to_string(),
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/concat_bytes.rs b/compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/concat_bytes.rs
index ae674995e42..5ef35af0a05 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/concat_bytes.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/concat_bytes.rs
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ fn invalid_type_err(
     let snippet = cx.sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span).ok();
     match ast::LitKind::from_token_lit(token_lit) {
         Ok(ast::LitKind::CStr(_, _)) => {
-            // TODO
-            cx.span_err(span, "cannot concatenate C string litearls");
+            // FIXME(c_str_literals): should concatenation of C string literals
+            // include the null bytes in the end?
+            cx.span_err(span, "cannot concatenate C string literals");
         Ok(ast::LitKind::Char(_)) => {
             let sugg =
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
index 04bdea273eb..891e84a2f30 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/proc_macro_server.rs
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ impl FromInternal<token::LitKind> for LitKind {
             token::StrRaw(n) => LitKind::StrRaw(n),
             token::ByteStr => LitKind::ByteStr,
             token::ByteStrRaw(n) => LitKind::ByteStrRaw(n),
-            // TODO
-            token::CStr | token::CStrRaw(_) => todo!(),
+            token::CStr => LitKind::CStr,
+            token::CStrRaw(n) => LitKind::CStrRaw(n),
             token::Err => LitKind::Err,
             token::Bool => unreachable!(),
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ impl ToInternal<token::LitKind> for LitKind {
             LitKind::StrRaw(n) => token::StrRaw(n),
             LitKind::ByteStr => token::ByteStr,
             LitKind::ByteStrRaw(n) => token::ByteStrRaw(n),
+            LitKind::CStr => token::CStr,
+            LitKind::CStrRaw(n) => token::CStrRaw(n),
             LitKind::Err => token::Err,
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_feature/src/active.rs b/compiler/rustc_feature/src/active.rs
index 45f462a63ee..4e5eebd285b 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_feature/src/active.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_feature/src/active.rs
@@ -311,10 +311,10 @@ declare_features! (
     (active, async_closure, "1.37.0", Some(62290), None),
     /// Allows async functions to be declared, implemented, and used in traits.
     (active, async_fn_in_trait, "1.66.0", Some(91611), None),
-    /// Treat `extern "C"` function as nounwind.
-    (active, c_unwind, "1.52.0", Some(74990), None),
     /// Allows `c"foo"` literals.
     (active, c_str_literals, "CURRENT_RUSTC_VERSION", Some(105723), None),
+    /// Treat `extern "C"` function as nounwind.
+    (active, c_unwind, "1.52.0", Some(74990), None),
     /// Allows using C-variadics.
     (active, c_variadic, "1.34.0", Some(44930), None),
     /// Allows the use of `#[cfg(sanitize = "option")]`; set when -Zsanitizer is used.
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_lexer/src/lib.rs b/compiler/rustc_lexer/src/lib.rs
index 95cb1f93e39..ce8c9ebe7ce 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_lexer/src/lib.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_lexer/src/lib.rs
@@ -361,65 +361,18 @@ impl Cursor<'_> {
             // Byte literal, byte string literal, raw byte string literal or identifier.
-            'b' => match (self.first(), self.second()) {
-                ('\'', _) => {
-                    self.bump();
-                    let terminated = self.single_quoted_string();
-                    let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
-                    if terminated {
-                        self.eat_literal_suffix();
-                    }
-                    let kind = Byte { terminated };
-                    Literal { kind, suffix_start }
-                }
-                ('"', _) => {
-                    self.bump();
-                    let terminated = self.double_quoted_string();
-                    let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
-                    if terminated {
-                        self.eat_literal_suffix();
-                    }
-                    let kind = ByteStr { terminated };
-                    Literal { kind, suffix_start }
-                }
-                ('r', '"') | ('r', '#') => {
-                    self.bump();
-                    let res = self.raw_double_quoted_string(2);
-                    let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
-                    if res.is_ok() {
-                        self.eat_literal_suffix();
-                    }
-                    let kind = RawByteStr { n_hashes: res.ok() };
-                    Literal { kind, suffix_start }
-                }
-                _ => self.ident_or_unknown_prefix(),
-            },
+            'b' => self.c_or_byte_string(
+                |terminated| ByteStr { terminated },
+                |n_hashes| RawByteStr { n_hashes },
+                Some(|terminated| Byte { terminated }),
+            ),
-            // TODO deduplicate this code
             // c-string literal, raw c-string literal or identifier.
-            'c' => match (self.first(), self.second()) {
-                ('"', _) => {
-                    self.bump();
-                    let terminated = self.double_quoted_string();
-                    let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
-                    if terminated {
-                        self.eat_literal_suffix();
-                    }
-                    let kind = CStr { terminated };
-                    Literal { kind, suffix_start }
-                }
-                ('r', '"') | ('r', '#') => {
-                    self.bump();
-                    let res = self.raw_double_quoted_string(2);
-                    let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
-                    if res.is_ok() {
-                        self.eat_literal_suffix();
-                    }
-                    let kind = RawCStr { n_hashes: res.ok() };
-                    Literal { kind, suffix_start }
-                }
-                _ => self.ident_or_unknown_prefix(),
-            },
+            'c' => self.c_or_byte_string(
+                |terminated| CStr { terminated },
+                |n_hashes| RawCStr { n_hashes },
+                None,
+            ),
             // Identifier (this should be checked after other variant that can
             // start as identifier).
@@ -583,6 +536,47 @@ impl Cursor<'_> {
+    fn c_or_byte_string(
+        &mut self,
+        mk_kind: impl FnOnce(bool) -> LiteralKind,
+        mk_kind_raw: impl FnOnce(Option<u8>) -> LiteralKind,
+        single_quoted: Option<fn(bool) -> LiteralKind>,
+    ) -> TokenKind {
+        match (self.first(), self.second(), single_quoted) {
+            ('\'', _, Some(mk_kind)) => {
+                self.bump();
+                let terminated = self.single_quoted_string();
+                let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
+                if terminated {
+                    self.eat_literal_suffix();
+                }
+                let kind = mk_kind(terminated);
+                Literal { kind, suffix_start }
+            }
+            ('"', _, _) => {
+                self.bump();
+                let terminated = self.double_quoted_string();
+                let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
+                if terminated {
+                    self.eat_literal_suffix();
+                }
+                let kind = mk_kind(terminated);
+                Literal { kind, suffix_start }
+            }
+            ('r', '"', _) | ('r', '#', _) => {
+                self.bump();
+                let res = self.raw_double_quoted_string(2);
+                let suffix_start = self.pos_within_token();
+                if res.is_ok() {
+                    self.eat_literal_suffix();
+                }
+                let kind = mk_kind_raw(res.ok());
+                Literal { kind, suffix_start }
+            }
+            _ => self.ident_or_unknown_prefix(),
+        }
+    }
     fn number(&mut self, first_digit: char) -> LiteralKind {
         debug_assert!('0' <= self.prev() && self.prev() <= '9');
         let mut base = Base::Decimal;
diff --git a/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/mod.rs b/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/mod.rs
index 54b11c543f1..caecda1bc63 100644
--- a/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/mod.rs
+++ b/library/proc_macro/src/bridge/mod.rs
@@ -337,6 +337,8 @@ pub enum LitKind {
+    CStr,
+    CStrRaw(u8),
@@ -350,6 +352,8 @@ rpc_encode_decode!(
+        CStr,
+        CStrRaw(n),
diff --git a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-3348-c-string-literals/gate.rs b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-3348-c-string-literals/gate.rs
index 674b0c5e233..b27da26ed23 100644
--- a/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-3348-c-string-literals/gate.rs
+++ b/tests/ui/rfcs/rfc-3348-c-string-literals/gate.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// gate-test-c_str_literals
+macro_rules! m {
+    ($t:tt) => {}
 fn main() {
     //~^ ERROR: `c".."` literals are experimental