rustc: Thread the use site around in ast_ty_to_ty

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2012-03-13 14:41:18 -07:00
parent 0837a6ba04
commit a38ccf1254

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@ -247,8 +247,9 @@ enum mode { m_collect, m_check, m_check_tyvar(@fn_ctxt), }
// internal notion of a type. `getter` is a function that returns the type
// corresponding to a definition ID:
fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
fn getter(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, id: ast::def_id)
-> ty::ty_param_bounds_and_ty {
fn getter(tcx: ty::ctxt, _use_site: ast::node_id, mode: mode,
id: ast::def_id) -> ty::ty_param_bounds_and_ty {
// FIXME (pcwalton): Doesn't work with region inference.
alt mode {
m_check | m_check_tyvar(_) { ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, id) }
m_collect {
@ -269,23 +270,14 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
alt tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.find(ast_ty) {
some(ty::atttce_resolved(ty)) { ret ty; }
some(ty::atttce_unresolved) {
tcx.sess.span_fatal(ast_ty.span, "illegal recursive type. \
insert a enum in the cycle, \
if this is desired)");
some(ty::atttce_has_regions) | none { /* go on */ }
fn ast_mt_to_mt(tcx: ty::ctxt, use_site: ast::node_id, mode: mode,
mt: ast::mt) -> ty::mt {
ret {ty: do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, use_site, mode, mt.ty),
mutbl: mt.mutbl};
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_unresolved);
fn ast_mt_to_mt(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, mt: ast::mt) -> ty::mt {
ret {ty: ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, mt.ty), mutbl: mt.mutbl};
fn instantiate(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, mode: mode,
id: ast::def_id, args: [@ast::ty]) -> ty::t {
let ty_param_bounds_and_ty = getter(tcx, mode, id);
fn instantiate(tcx: ty::ctxt, use_site: ast::node_id, sp: span,
mode: mode, id: ast::def_id, args: [@ast::ty]) -> ty::t {
let ty_param_bounds_and_ty = getter(tcx, use_site, mode, id);
if vec::len(*ty_param_bounds_and_ty.bounds) == 0u {
ret ty_param_bounds_and_ty.ty;
@ -297,142 +289,167 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, &&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
polymorphic type");
for ast_ty: @ast::ty in args {
param_bindings += [ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, ast_ty)];
param_bindings += [do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, use_site, mode, ast_ty)];
let typ =
ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, param_bindings,
ret typ;
let typ = alt ast_ty.node {
ast::ty_nil { ty::mk_nil(tcx) }
ast::ty_bot { ty::mk_bot(tcx) }
ast::ty_box(mt) {
ty::mk_box(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt))
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
ty::mk_uniq(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt))
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
ty::mk_vec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt))
ast::ty_ptr(mt) {
ty::mk_ptr(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt))
ast::ty_rptr(region, mt) {
let region = alt region.node {
ast::re_inferred | ast::re_self {
ast::re_named(_) {
ty::mk_rptr(tcx, region, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode, mt))
ast::ty_tup(fields) {
let flds = vec::map(fields, bind ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, _));
ty::mk_tup(tcx, flds)
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
let flds: [field] = [];
for f: ast::ty_field in fields {
let tm = ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, mode,;
flds += [{ident: f.node.ident, mt: tm}];
fn do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, use_site: ast::node_id, mode: mode,
&&ast_ty: @ast::ty) -> ty::t {
alt tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.find(ast_ty) {
some(ty::atttce_resolved(ty)) { ret ty; }
some(ty::atttce_unresolved) {
tcx.sess.span_fatal(ast_ty.span, "illegal recursive type. \
insert a enum in the cycle, \
if this is desired)");
some(ty::atttce_has_regions) | none { /* go on */ }
ty::mk_rec(tcx, flds)
ast::ty_fn(proto, decl) {
ty::mk_fn(tcx, ty_of_fn_decl(tcx, mode, proto, decl))
ast::ty_path(path, id) {
let a_def = alt tcx.def_map.find(id) {
none { tcx.sess.span_fatal(ast_ty.span, #fmt("unbound path %s",
path_to_str(path))); }
some(d) { d }};
alt a_def {
ast::def_ty(id) {
instantiate(tcx, ast_ty.span, mode, id, path.node.types)
ast::def_prim_ty(nty) {
alt nty {
ast::ty_bool { ty::mk_bool(tcx) }
ast::ty_int(it) { ty::mk_mach_int(tcx, it) }
ast::ty_uint(uit) { ty::mk_mach_uint(tcx, uit) }
ast::ty_float(ft) { ty::mk_mach_float(tcx, ft) }
ast::ty_str { ty::mk_str(tcx) }
ast::def_ty_param(id, n) {
if vec::len(path.node.types) > 0u {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "provided type parameters to \
a type parameter");
ty::mk_param(tcx, n, id)
ast::def_self(self_id) {
alt check tcx.items.get(self_id) {
ast_map::node_item(@{node: ast::item_iface(tps, _), _}, _) {
if vec::len(tps) != vec::len(path.node.types) {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "incorrect number of type \
parameter to self type");
ty::mk_self(tcx, vec::map(path.node.types, {|ast_ty|
ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, ast_ty)
ast::def_class(class_id) {
alt tcx.items.find(class_id.node) {
@{node: ast::item_class(tps, _, _), _}, _)) {
if vec::len(tps) != vec::len(path.node.types) {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "incorrect number of \
type parameters to object type");
ty::mk_class(tcx, class_id, vec::map(path.node.types,
{|ast_ty| ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, ast_ty)}))
_ {
tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span, "class id is unbound \
in items");
_ {
"found type name used as a variable");
ast::ty_constr(t, cs) {
let out_cs = [];
for constr: @ast::ty_constr in cs {
out_cs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr)];
ty::mk_constr(tcx, ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, mode, t), out_cs)
ast::ty_infer {
alt mode {
m_check_tyvar(fcx) { ret next_ty_var(fcx); }
_ { tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span,
"found `ty_infer` in unexpected place"); }
ast::ty_mac(_) {
"found `ty_mac` in unexpected place");
if ty::type_has_rptrs(typ) {
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_has_regions);
} else {
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_resolved(typ));
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_unresolved);
let typ = alt ast_ty.node {
ast::ty_nil { ty::mk_nil(tcx) }
ast::ty_bot { ty::mk_bot(tcx) }
ast::ty_box(mt) {
ty::mk_box(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode, mt))
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
ty::mk_uniq(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode, mt))
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
ty::mk_vec(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode, mt))
ast::ty_ptr(mt) {
ty::mk_ptr(tcx, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode, mt))
ast::ty_rptr(region, mt) {
let region = alt region.node {
ast::re_inferred | ast::re_self {
ast::re_named(_) {
ty::mk_rptr(tcx, region, ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode, mt))
ast::ty_tup(fields) {
let flds = vec::map(fields,
bind do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, use_site, mode, _));
ty::mk_tup(tcx, flds)
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
let flds: [field] = [];
for f: ast::ty_field in fields {
let tm = ast_mt_to_mt(tcx, use_site, mode,;
flds += [{ident: f.node.ident, mt: tm}];
ty::mk_rec(tcx, flds)
ast::ty_fn(proto, decl) {
ty::mk_fn(tcx, ty_of_fn_decl(tcx, mode, proto, decl))
ast::ty_path(path, id) {
let a_def = alt tcx.def_map.find(id) {
none { tcx.sess.span_fatal(ast_ty.span, #fmt("unbound path %s",
path_to_str(path))); }
some(d) { d }};
alt a_def {
ast::def_ty(id) {
instantiate(tcx, use_site, ast_ty.span, mode, id,
ast::def_prim_ty(nty) {
alt nty {
ast::ty_bool { ty::mk_bool(tcx) }
ast::ty_int(it) { ty::mk_mach_int(tcx, it) }
ast::ty_uint(uit) { ty::mk_mach_uint(tcx, uit) }
ast::ty_float(ft) { ty::mk_mach_float(tcx, ft) }
ast::ty_str { ty::mk_str(tcx) }
ast::def_ty_param(id, n) {
if vec::len(path.node.types) > 0u {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "provided type parameters \
to a type parameter");
ty::mk_param(tcx, n, id)
ast::def_self(self_id) {
alt check tcx.items.get(self_id) {
ast_map::node_item(@{node: ast::item_iface(tps, _), _}, _) {
if vec::len(tps) != vec::len(path.node.types) {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "incorrect number of \
type parameters to \
self type");
ty::mk_self(tcx, vec::map(path.node.types, {|ast_ty|
do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, use_site, mode, ast_ty)
ast::def_class(class_id) {
alt tcx.items.find(class_id.node) {
@{node: ast::item_class(tps, _, _), _}, _)) {
if vec::len(tps) != vec::len(path.node.types) {
tcx.sess.span_err(ast_ty.span, "incorrect number \
of type parameters to object type");
ty::mk_class(tcx, class_id,
vec::map(path.node.types, {|ast_ty|
_ {
tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span, "class id is unbound \
in items");
_ {
"found type name used as a variable");
ast::ty_constr(t, cs) {
let out_cs = [];
for constr: @ast::ty_constr in cs {
out_cs += [ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr)];
ty::mk_constr(tcx, do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, use_site, mode, t),
ast::ty_infer {
alt mode {
m_check_tyvar(fcx) { ret next_ty_var(fcx); }
_ { tcx.sess.span_bug(ast_ty.span,
"found `ty_infer` in unexpected place"); }
ast::ty_mac(_) {
"found `ty_mac` in unexpected place");
if ty::type_has_rptrs(typ) {
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_has_regions);
} else {
tcx.ast_ty_to_ty_cache.insert(ast_ty, ty::atttce_resolved(typ));
ret typ;
ret typ;
ret do_ast_ty_to_ty(tcx,, mode, ast_ty);
fn ty_of_item(tcx: ty::ctxt, mode: mode, it: @ast::item)