Unify insertion sort implementations
Avoid duplicate insertion sort implementations. Optimize implementations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,111 +13,174 @@ use crate::cmp;
use crate::mem::{self, MaybeUninit, SizedTypeProperties};
use crate::ptr;
/// When dropped, copies from `src` into `dest`.
struct CopyOnDrop<T> {
// When dropped, copies from `src` into `dest`.
struct InsertionHole<T> {
src: *const T,
dest: *mut T,
impl<T> Drop for CopyOnDrop<T> {
impl<T> Drop for InsertionHole<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: This is a helper class.
// Please refer to its usage for correctness.
// Namely, one must be sure that `src` and `dst` does not overlap as required by `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping`.
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.src, self.dest, 1);
/// Shifts the first element to the right until it encounters a greater or equal element.
fn shift_head<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
/// Inserts `v[v.len() - 1]` into pre-sorted sequence `v[..v.len() - 1]` so that whole `v[..]`
/// becomes sorted.
unsafe fn insert_tail<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
let len = v.len();
// SAFETY: The unsafe operations below involves indexing without a bounds check (by offsetting a
// pointer) and copying memory (`ptr::copy_nonoverlapping`).
// a. Indexing:
// 1. We checked the size of the array to >=2.
// 2. All the indexing that we will do is always between {0 <= index < len} at most.
// b. Memory copying
// 1. We are obtaining pointers to references which are guaranteed to be valid.
// 2. They cannot overlap because we obtain pointers to difference indices of the slice.
// Namely, `i` and `i-1`.
// 3. If the slice is properly aligned, the elements are properly aligned.
// It is the caller's responsibility to make sure the slice is properly aligned.
// See comments below for further detail.
unsafe {
// If the first two elements are out-of-order...
if len >= 2 && is_less(v.get_unchecked(1), v.get_unchecked(0)) {
// Read the first element into a stack-allocated variable. If a following comparison
// operation panics, `hole` will get dropped and automatically write the element back
// into the slice.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(v.get_unchecked(0)));
let v = v.as_mut_ptr();
let mut hole = CopyOnDrop { src: &*tmp, dest: v.add(1) };
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v.add(1), v.add(0), 1);
debug_assert!(v.len() >= 2);
for i in 2..len {
if !is_less(&*v.add(i), &*tmp) {
let arr_ptr = v.as_mut_ptr();
let i = v.len() - 1;
// SAFETY: caller must ensure v is at least len 2.
unsafe {
// See insert_head which talks about why this approach is beneficial.
let i_ptr = arr_ptr.add(i);
// It's important that we use i_ptr here. If this check is positive and we continue,
// We want to make sure that no other copy of the value was seen by is_less.
// Otherwise we would have to copy it back.
if is_less(&*i_ptr, &*i_ptr.sub(1)) {
// It's important, that we use tmp for comparison from now on. As it is the value that
// will be copied back. And notionally we could have created a divergence if we copy
// back the wrong value.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(i_ptr));
// Intermediate state of the insertion process is always tracked by `hole`, which
// serves two purposes:
// 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`.
// 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` in the end.
// Panic safety:
// If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and
// fill the hole in `v` with `tmp`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every object it
// initially held exactly once.
let mut hole = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: i_ptr.sub(1) };
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(hole.dest, i_ptr, 1);
// SAFETY: We know i is at least 1.
for j in (0..(i - 1)).rev() {
let j_ptr = arr_ptr.add(j);
if !is_less(&*tmp, &*j_ptr) {
// Move `i`-th element one place to the left, thus shifting the hole to the right.
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v.add(i), v.add(i - 1), 1);
hole.dest = v.add(i);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(j_ptr, hole.dest, 1);
hole.dest = j_ptr;
// `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`.
/// Shifts the last element to the left until it encounters a smaller or equal element.
fn shift_tail<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
/// Inserts `v[0]` into pre-sorted sequence `v[1..]` so that whole `v[..]` becomes sorted.
/// This is the integral subroutine of insertion sort.
unsafe fn insert_head<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
debug_assert!(v.len() >= 2);
unsafe {
if is_less(v.get_unchecked(1), v.get_unchecked(0)) {
let arr_ptr = v.as_mut_ptr();
// There are three ways to implement insertion here:
// 1. Swap adjacent elements until the first one gets to its final destination.
// However, this way we copy data around more than is necessary. If elements are big
// structures (costly to copy), this method will be slow.
// 2. Iterate until the right place for the first element is found. Then shift the
// elements succeeding it to make room for it and finally place it into the
// remaining hole. This is a good method.
// 3. Copy the first element into a temporary variable. Iterate until the right place
// for it is found. As we go along, copy every traversed element into the slot
// preceding it. Finally, copy data from the temporary variable into the remaining
// hole. This method is very good. Benchmarks demonstrated slightly better
// performance than with the 2nd method.
// All methods were benchmarked, and the 3rd showed best results. So we chose that one.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(arr_ptr));
// Intermediate state of the insertion process is always tracked by `hole`, which
// serves two purposes:
// 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`.
// 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` in the end.
// Panic safety:
// If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and
// fill the hole in `v` with `tmp`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every object it
// initially held exactly once.
let mut hole = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: arr_ptr.add(1) };
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(arr_ptr.add(1), arr_ptr.add(0), 1);
for i in 2..v.len() {
if !is_less(&v.get_unchecked(i), &*tmp) {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(arr_ptr.add(i), arr_ptr.add(i - 1), 1);
hole.dest = arr_ptr.add(i);
// `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`.
/// Sort `v` assuming `v[..offset]` is already sorted.
/// Never inline this function to avoid code bloat. It still optimizes nicely and has practically no
/// performance impact. Even improving performance in some cases.
fn insertion_sort_shift_left<T, F>(v: &mut [T], offset: usize, is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
let len = v.len();
// SAFETY: The unsafe operations below involves indexing without a bound check (by offsetting a
// pointer) and copying memory (`ptr::copy_nonoverlapping`).
// a. Indexing:
// 1. We checked the size of the array to >= 2.
// 2. All the indexing that we will do is always between `0 <= index < len-1` at most.
// b. Memory copying
// 1. We are obtaining pointers to references which are guaranteed to be valid.
// 2. They cannot overlap because we obtain pointers to difference indices of the slice.
// Namely, `i` and `i+1`.
// 3. If the slice is properly aligned, the elements are properly aligned.
// It is the caller's responsibility to make sure the slice is properly aligned.
// See comments below for further detail.
unsafe {
// If the last two elements are out-of-order...
if len >= 2 && is_less(v.get_unchecked(len - 1), v.get_unchecked(len - 2)) {
// Read the last element into a stack-allocated variable. If a following comparison
// operation panics, `hole` will get dropped and automatically write the element back
// into the slice.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(v.get_unchecked(len - 1)));
let v = v.as_mut_ptr();
let mut hole = CopyOnDrop { src: &*tmp, dest: v.add(len - 2) };
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v.add(len - 2), v.add(len - 1), 1);
for i in (0..len - 2).rev() {
if !is_less(&*tmp, &*v.add(i)) {
// Using assert here improves performance.
assert!(offset != 0 && offset <= len);
// Move `i`-th element one place to the right, thus shifting the hole to the left.
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(v.add(i), v.add(i + 1), 1);
hole.dest = v.add(i);
// `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`.
// Shift each element of the unsorted region v[i..] as far left as is needed to make v sorted.
for i in offset..len {
// SAFETY: we tested that `offset` must be at least 1, so this loop is only entered if len
// >= 2.
unsafe {
insert_tail(&mut v[..=i], is_less);
/// Sort `v` assuming `v[offset..]` is already sorted.
/// Never inline this function to avoid code bloat. It still optimizes nicely and has practically no
/// performance impact. Even improving performance in some cases.
fn insertion_sort_shift_right<T, F>(v: &mut [T], offset: usize, is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
let len = v.len();
// Using assert here improves performance.
assert!(offset != 0 && offset <= len && len >= 2);
// Shift each element of the unsorted region v[..i] as far left as is needed to make v sorted.
for i in (0..offset).rev() {
// We ensured that the slice length is always at least 2 long.
// We know that start_found will be at least one less than end,
// and the range is exclusive. Which gives us i always <= (end - 2).
unsafe {
insert_head(&mut v[i..len], is_less);
@ -161,26 +224,19 @@ where
// Swap the found pair of elements. This puts them in correct order.
v.swap(i - 1, i);
// Shift the smaller element to the left.
shift_tail(&mut v[..i], is_less);
// Shift the greater element to the right.
shift_head(&mut v[i..], is_less);
if i >= 2 {
// Shift the smaller element to the left.
insertion_sort_shift_left(&mut v[..i], i - 1, is_less);
// Shift the greater element to the right.
insertion_sort_shift_right(&mut v[..i], 1, is_less);
// Didn't manage to sort the slice in the limited number of steps.
/// Sorts a slice using insertion sort, which is *O*(*n*^2) worst-case.
fn insertion_sort<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
for i in 1..v.len() {
shift_tail(&mut v[..i + 1], is_less);
/// Sorts `v` using heapsort, which guarantees *O*(*n* \* log(*n*)) worst-case.
#[unstable(feature = "sort_internals", reason = "internal to sort module", issue = "none")]
@ -507,7 +563,7 @@ where
// SAFETY: `pivot` is a reference to the first element of `v`, so `ptr::read` is safe.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { ptr::read(pivot) });
let _pivot_guard = CopyOnDrop { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot };
let _pivot_guard = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot };
let pivot = &*tmp;
// Find the first pair of out-of-order elements.
@ -560,7 +616,7 @@ where
// operation panics, the pivot will be automatically written back into the slice.
// SAFETY: The pointer here is valid because it is obtained from a reference to a slice.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { ptr::read(pivot) });
let _pivot_guard = CopyOnDrop { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot };
let _pivot_guard = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: pivot };
let pivot = &*tmp;
// Now partition the slice.
@ -742,7 +798,9 @@ where
// Very short slices get sorted using insertion sort.
if len <= MAX_INSERTION {
insertion_sort(v, is_less);
if len >= 2 {
insertion_sort_shift_left(v, 1, is_less);
@ -844,10 +902,14 @@ fn partition_at_index_loop<'a, T, F>(
let mut was_balanced = true;
loop {
let len = v.len();
// For slices of up to this length it's probably faster to simply sort them.
const MAX_INSERTION: usize = 10;
if v.len() <= MAX_INSERTION {
insertion_sort(v, is_less);
if len <= MAX_INSERTION {
if len >= 2 {
insertion_sort_shift_left(v, 1, is_less);
@ -887,7 +949,7 @@ fn partition_at_index_loop<'a, T, F>(
let (mid, _) = partition(v, pivot, is_less);
was_balanced = cmp::min(mid, v.len() - mid) >= v.len() / 8;
was_balanced = cmp::min(mid, len - mid) >= len / 8;
// Split the slice into `left`, `pivot`, and `right`.
let (left, right) = v.split_at_mut(mid);
@ -954,75 +1016,6 @@ where
(left, pivot, right)
/// Inserts `v[0]` into pre-sorted sequence `v[1..]` so that whole `v[..]` becomes sorted.
/// This is the integral subroutine of insertion sort.
fn insert_head<T, F>(v: &mut [T], is_less: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
if v.len() >= 2 && is_less(&v[1], &v[0]) {
// SAFETY: Copy tmp back even if panic, and ensure unique observation.
unsafe {
// There are three ways to implement insertion here:
// 1. Swap adjacent elements until the first one gets to its final destination.
// However, this way we copy data around more than is necessary. If elements are big
// structures (costly to copy), this method will be slow.
// 2. Iterate until the right place for the first element is found. Then shift the
// elements succeeding it to make room for it and finally place it into the
// remaining hole. This is a good method.
// 3. Copy the first element into a temporary variable. Iterate until the right place
// for it is found. As we go along, copy every traversed element into the slot
// preceding it. Finally, copy data from the temporary variable into the remaining
// hole. This method is very good. Benchmarks demonstrated slightly better
// performance than with the 2nd method.
// All methods were benchmarked, and the 3rd showed best results. So we chose that one.
let tmp = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(ptr::read(&v[0]));
// Intermediate state of the insertion process is always tracked by `hole`, which
// serves two purposes:
// 1. Protects integrity of `v` from panics in `is_less`.
// 2. Fills the remaining hole in `v` in the end.
// Panic safety:
// If `is_less` panics at any point during the process, `hole` will get dropped and
// fill the hole in `v` with `tmp`, thus ensuring that `v` still holds every object it
// initially held exactly once.
let mut hole = InsertionHole { src: &*tmp, dest: &mut v[1] };
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&v[1], &mut v[0], 1);
for i in 2..v.len() {
if !is_less(&v[i], &*tmp) {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&v[i], &mut v[i - 1], 1);
hole.dest = &mut v[i];
// `hole` gets dropped and thus copies `tmp` into the remaining hole in `v`.
// When dropped, copies from `src` into `dest`.
struct InsertionHole<T> {
src: *const T,
dest: *mut T,
impl<T> Drop for InsertionHole<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// SAFETY: The caller must ensure that src and dest are correctly set.
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.src, self.dest, 1);
/// Merges non-decreasing runs `v[..mid]` and `v[mid..]` using `buf` as temporary storage, and
/// stores the result into `v[..]`.
@ -1180,8 +1173,6 @@ pub fn merge_sort<T, CmpF, ElemAllocF, ElemDeallocF, RunAllocF, RunDeallocF>(
// Slices of up to this length get sorted using insertion sort.
const MAX_INSERTION: usize = 20;
// Very short runs are extended using insertion sort to span at least this many elements.
const MIN_RUN: usize = 10;
// The caller should have already checked that.
@ -1191,9 +1182,7 @@ pub fn merge_sort<T, CmpF, ElemAllocF, ElemDeallocF, RunAllocF, RunDeallocF>(
// Short arrays get sorted in-place via insertion sort to avoid allocations.
if len <= MAX_INSERTION {
if len >= 2 {
for i in (0..len - 1).rev() {
insert_head(&mut v[i..], is_less);
insertion_sort_shift_left(v, 1, is_less);
@ -1236,10 +1225,7 @@ pub fn merge_sort<T, CmpF, ElemAllocF, ElemDeallocF, RunAllocF, RunDeallocF>(
// Insert some more elements into the run if it's too short. Insertion sort is faster than
// merge sort on short sequences, so this significantly improves performance.
while start > 0 && end - start < MIN_RUN {
start -= 1;
insert_head(&mut v[start..end], is_less);
start = provide_sorted_batch(v, start, end, is_less);
// Push this run onto the stack.
runs.push(TimSortRun { start, len: end - start });
@ -1467,3 +1453,34 @@ pub struct TimSortRun {
len: usize,
start: usize,
/// Takes a range as denoted by start and end, that is already sorted and extends it to the left if
/// necessary with sorts optimized for smaller ranges such as insertion sort.
fn provide_sorted_batch<T, F>(v: &mut [T], mut start: usize, end: usize, is_less: &mut F) -> usize
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
debug_assert!(end > start);
// This value is a balance between least comparisons and best performance, as
// influenced by for example cache locality.
const MIN_INSERTION_RUN: usize = 10;
// Insert some more elements into the run if it's too short. Insertion sort is faster than
// merge sort on short sequences, so this significantly improves performance.
let start_found = start;
let start_end_diff = end - start;
if start_end_diff < MIN_INSERTION_RUN && start != 0 {
// v[start_found..end] are elements that are already sorted in the input. We want to extend
// the sorted region to the left, so we push up MIN_INSERTION_RUN - 1 to the right. Which is
// more efficient that trying to push those already sorted elements to the left.
start = if end >= MIN_INSERTION_RUN { end - MIN_INSERTION_RUN } else { 0 };
insertion_sort_shift_right(&mut v[start..end], start_found - start, is_less);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user