- convert from core::arch to core::simd

- bump simd compare to 32bytes
- import small slice compare code from memmem crate
- try a few different probe bytes to avoid degenerate cases
  - but special-case 2-byte needles
This commit is contained in:
The 8472 2022-11-03 23:31:00 +01:00
parent c37e8fae57
commit a2b2010891

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@ -956,15 +956,20 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Pattern<'a> for &'b str {
match self.len().cmp(&haystack.len()) {
Ordering::Less => {
if self.len() == 1 {
return haystack.as_bytes().contains(&self.as_bytes()[0]);
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "sse2"))]
if self.as_bytes().len() <= 8 {
return simd_contains(self, haystack);
if self.len() <= 32 {
if let Some(result) = simd_contains(self, haystack) {
return result;
Ordering::Equal => self == haystack,
Ordering::Greater => false,
_ => self == haystack,
@ -1707,82 +1712,207 @@ impl TwoWayStrategy for RejectAndMatch {
/// SIMD search for short needles based on
/// Wojciech Muła's "SIMD-friendly algorithms for substring searching"[0]
/// It skips ahead by the vector width on each iteration (rather than the needle length as two-way
/// does) by probing the first and last byte of the needle for the whole vector width
/// and only doing full needle comparisons when the vectorized probe indicated potential matches.
/// Since the x86_64 baseline only offers SSE2 we only use u8x16 here.
/// If we ever ship std with for x86-64-v3 or adapt this for other platforms then wider vectors
/// should be evaluated.
/// For haystacks smaller than vector-size + needle length it falls back to
/// a naive O(n*m) search so this implementation should not be called on larger needles.
/// [0]: http://0x80.pl/articles/simd-strfind.html#sse-avx2
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "sse2"))]
fn simd_contains(needle: &str, haystack: &str) -> bool {
fn simd_contains(needle: &str, haystack: &str) -> Option<bool> {
let needle = needle.as_bytes();
let haystack = haystack.as_bytes();
if needle.len() == 1 {
return haystack.contains(&needle[0]);
debug_assert!(needle.len() > 1);
const CHUNK: usize = 16;
use crate::ops::BitAnd;
use crate::simd::mask8x16 as Mask;
use crate::simd::u8x16 as Block;
use crate::simd::{SimdPartialEq, ToBitMask};
// do a naive search if if the haystack is too small to fit
if haystack.len() < CHUNK + needle.len() - 1 {
return haystack.windows(needle.len()).any(|c| c == needle);
let first_probe = needle[0];
use crate::arch::x86_64::{
__m128i, _mm_and_si128, _mm_cmpeq_epi8, _mm_loadu_si128, _mm_movemask_epi8, _mm_set1_epi8,
// the offset used for the 2nd vector
let second_probe_offset = if needle.len() == 2 {
// never bail out on len=2 needles because the probes will fully cover them and have
// no degenerate cases.
} else {
// try a few bytes in case first and last byte of the needle are the same
let Some(second_probe_offset) = (needle.len().saturating_sub(4)..needle.len()).rfind(|&idx| needle[idx] != first_probe) else {
// fall back to other search methods if we can't find any different bytes
// since we could otherwise hit some degenerate cases
return None;
// SAFETY: no preconditions other than sse2 being available
let first: __m128i = unsafe { _mm_set1_epi8(needle[0] as i8) };
// SAFETY: no preconditions other than sse2 being available
let last: __m128i = unsafe { _mm_set1_epi8(*needle.last().unwrap() as i8) };
// do a naive search if the haystack is too small to fit
if haystack.len() < Block::LANES + second_probe_offset {
return Some(haystack.windows(needle.len()).any(|c| c == needle));
let first_probe: Block = Block::splat(first_probe);
let second_probe: Block = Block::splat(needle[second_probe_offset]);
// first byte are already checked by the outer loop. to verify a match only the
// remainder has to be compared.
let trimmed_needle = &needle[1..];
// this #[cold] is load-bearing, benchmark before removing it...
let check_mask = #[cold]
|idx, mut mask: u32| -> bool {
|idx, mask: u16, skip: bool| -> bool {
if skip {
return false;
// and so is this. optimizations are weird.
let mut mask = mask;
while mask != 0 {
let trailing = mask.trailing_zeros();
let offset = idx + trailing as usize + 1;
let sub = &haystack[offset..][..needle.len() - 2];
let trimmed_needle = &needle[1..needle.len() - 1];
if sub == trimmed_needle {
return true;
// SAFETY: mask is between 0 and 15 trailing zeroes, we skip one additional byte that was already compared
// and then take trimmed_needle.len() bytes. This is within the bounds defined by the outer loop
unsafe {
let sub = haystack.get_unchecked(offset..).get_unchecked(..trimmed_needle.len());
if small_slice_eq(sub, trimmed_needle) {
return true;
mask &= !(1 << trailing);
return false;
let test_chunk = |i| -> bool {
// SAFETY: this requires at least CHUNK bytes being readable at offset i
let test_chunk = |idx| -> u16 {
// SAFETY: this requires at least LANES bytes being readable at idx
// that is ensured by the loop ranges (see comments below)
let a: __m128i = unsafe { _mm_loadu_si128(haystack.as_ptr().add(i) as *const _) };
let b: __m128i =
// SAFETY: this requires CHUNK + needle.len() - 1 bytes being readable at offset i
unsafe { _mm_loadu_si128(haystack.as_ptr().add(i + needle.len() - 1) as *const _) };
let a: Block = unsafe { haystack.as_ptr().add(idx).cast::<Block>().read_unaligned() };
// SAFETY: this requires LANES + block_offset bytes being readable at idx
let b: Block = unsafe {
let eq_first: Mask = a.simd_eq(first_probe);
let eq_last: Mask = b.simd_eq(second_probe);
let both = eq_first.bitand(eq_last);
let mask = both.to_bitmask();
// SAFETY: no preconditions other than sse2 being available
let eq_first: __m128i = unsafe { _mm_cmpeq_epi8(first, a) };
// SAFETY: no preconditions other than sse2 being available
let eq_last: __m128i = unsafe { _mm_cmpeq_epi8(last, b) };
// SAFETY: no preconditions other than sse2 being available
let mask: u32 = unsafe { _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_and_si128(eq_first, eq_last)) } as u32;
if mask != 0 {
return check_mask(i, mask);
return false;
return mask;
let mut i = 0;
let mut result = false;
while !result && i + CHUNK + needle.len() <= haystack.len() {
result |= test_chunk(i);
i += CHUNK;
// The loop condition must ensure that there's enough headroom to read LANE bytes,
// and not only at the current index but also at the index shifted by block_offset
const UNROLL: usize = 4;
while i + second_probe_offset + UNROLL * Block::LANES < haystack.len() && !result {
let mut masks = [0u16; UNROLL];
for j in 0..UNROLL {
masks[j] = test_chunk(i + j * Block::LANES);
for j in 0..UNROLL {
let mask = masks[j];
if mask != 0 {
result |= check_mask(i + j * Block::LANES, mask, result);
i += UNROLL * Block::LANES;
while i + second_probe_offset + Block::LANES < haystack.len() && !result {
let mask = test_chunk(i);
if mask != 0 {
result |= check_mask(i, mask, result);
i += Block::LANES;
// process the tail that didn't fit into CHUNK-sized steps
// this simply repeats the same procedure but as right-aligned chunk instead
// Process the tail that didn't fit into LANES-sized steps.
// This simply repeats the same procedure but as right-aligned chunk instead
// of a left-aligned one. The last byte must be exactly flush with the string end so
// we don't miss a single byte or read out of bounds.
result |= test_chunk(haystack.len() + 1 - needle.len() - CHUNK);
let i = haystack.len() - second_probe_offset - Block::LANES;
let mask = test_chunk(i);
if mask != 0 {
result |= check_mask(i, mask, result);
return result;
/// Compares short slices for equality.
/// It avoids a call to libc's memcmp which is faster on long slices
/// due to SIMD optimizations but it incurs a function call overhead.
/// # Safety
/// Both slices must have the same length.
#[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "sse2"))] // only called on x86
unsafe fn small_slice_eq(x: &[u8], y: &[u8]) -> bool {
// This function is adapted from
// https://github.com/BurntSushi/memchr/blob/8037d11b4357b0f07be2bb66dc2659d9cf28ad32/src/memmem/util.rs#L32
// If we don't have enough bytes to do 4-byte at a time loads, then
// fall back to the naive slow version.
// Potential alternative: We could do a copy_nonoverlapping combined with a mask instead
// of a loop. Benchmark it.
if x.len() < 4 {
for (&b1, &b2) in x.iter().zip(y) {
if b1 != b2 {
return false;
return true;
// When we have 4 or more bytes to compare, then proceed in chunks of 4 at
// a time using unaligned loads.
// Also, why do 4 byte loads instead of, say, 8 byte loads? The reason is
// that this particular version of memcmp is likely to be called with tiny
// needles. That means that if we do 8 byte loads, then a higher proportion
// of memcmp calls will use the slower variant above. With that said, this
// is a hypothesis and is only loosely supported by benchmarks. There's
// likely some improvement that could be made here. The main thing here
// though is to optimize for latency, not throughput.
// SAFETY: Via the conditional above, we know that both `px` and `py`
// have the same length, so `px < pxend` implies that `py < pyend`.
// Thus, derefencing both `px` and `py` in the loop below is safe.
// Moreover, we set `pxend` and `pyend` to be 4 bytes before the actual
// end of of `px` and `py`. Thus, the final dereference outside of the
// loop is guaranteed to be valid. (The final comparison will overlap with
// the last comparison done in the loop for lengths that aren't multiples
// of four.)
// Finally, we needn't worry about alignment here, since we do unaligned
// loads.
unsafe {
let (mut px, mut py) = (x.as_ptr(), y.as_ptr());
let (pxend, pyend) = (px.add(x.len() - 4), py.add(y.len() - 4));
while px < pxend {
let vx = (px as *const u32).read_unaligned();
let vy = (py as *const u32).read_unaligned();
if vx != vy {
return false;
px = px.add(4);
py = py.add(4);
let vx = (pxend as *const u32).read_unaligned();
let vy = (pyend as *const u32).read_unaligned();
vx == vy