3816: vscode: add goto ast node definition from rust source code r=Veetaha a=Veetaha

By holding the `Ctrl` key you can now goto-definition of the appropriate syntax token in the syntax tree read-only editor. But actually going to the definition is not very convenient, since it opens the new editor, you'd rather just hold the `Ctrl` and look at the syntax tree because it is automatically scrolled to the proper node and the node itself is enclosed with text selection.

Unfortunately, the algorithm is very simple (because we don't do any elaborate parsing of the syntax tree text received from the server), but it is enough to debug not very large source files.
I tested the performance and in a bad case (rust source file with 5K lines of code) it takes `1.3` seconds to build the `rust -> ast` mapping index (lazily once on the first goto definition request) and each lookup in this worst-case is approx `20-120` ms. I think this is good enough. In the simple case where the file is < 100 lines of code, it is instant.

One peculiarity that I've noticed is that vscode doesn't trigger the goto-definition provider when the user triggers it on some punctuation characters (i.e. it doesn't underline them and invoke te goto-definition provider), but if you explicitly click `Ctrl+LMB` it will only then invoke the provider and navigate to the definition in a new editor. I think this is fine ;D


Related: #3682 

Co-authored-by: veetaha <veetaha2@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
bors[bot] 2020-04-02 08:34:03 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9ee96dcf4a
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 96 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -155,6 +155,16 @@ There's also two VS Code commands which might be of interest:
* `Rust Analyzer: Syntax Tree` shows syntax tree of the current file/selection.
You can hover over syntax nodes in the opened text file to see the appropriate
rust code that it refers to and the rust editor will also highlight the proper
text range.
If you press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> (i.e. trigger goto definition) in the inspected
Rust source file the syntax tree read-only editor should scroll to and select the
appropriate syntax node token.
# Profiling
We have a built-in hierarchical profiler, you can enable it by using `RA_PROFILE` env-var:

View File

@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ Join selected lines into one, smartly fixing up whitespace and trailing commas.
Shows the parse tree of the current file. It exists mostly for debugging
rust-analyzer itself.
You can hover over syntax nodes in the opened text file to see the appropriate
rust code that it refers to and the rust editor will also highlight the proper
text range.
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/36276403/78043783-7425e180-737c-11ea-8653-b02b773c5aa1.png" alt="demo" height="200px" >
#### Expand Macro Recursively
Shows the full macro expansion of the macro at current cursor.

View File

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class TextDocumentContentProvider implements vscode.TextDocumentContentProvider
// FIXME: consider implementing this via the Tree View API?
// https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/tree-view
class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, Disposable {
private static readonly astDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, vscode.DefinitionProvider, Disposable {
private readonly astDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
borderColor: new vscode.ThemeColor('rust_analyzer.syntaxTreeBorder'),
borderStyle: "solid",
borderWidth: "2px",
@ -91,9 +91,32 @@ class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, Disposable {
private rustEditor: undefined | RustEditor;
// Lazy rust token range -> syntax tree file range.
private readonly rust2Ast = new Lazy(() => {
const astEditor = this.findAstTextEditor();
if (!this.rustEditor || !astEditor) return undefined;
const buf: [vscode.Range, vscode.Range][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < astEditor.document.lineCount; ++i) {
const astLine = astEditor.document.lineAt(i);
// Heuristically look for nodes with quoted text (which are token nodes)
const isTokenNode = astLine.text.lastIndexOf('"') >= 0;
if (!isTokenNode) continue;
const rustRange = this.parseRustTextRange(this.rustEditor.document, astLine.text);
if (!rustRange) continue;
buf.push([rustRange, this.findAstNodeRange(astLine)]);
return buf;
constructor(ctx: Ctx) {
ctx.pushCleanup(vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider({ scheme: AST_FILE_SCHEME }, this));
ctx.pushCleanup(vscode.languages.registerDefinitionProvider({ language: "rust" }, this));
vscode.workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(this.onDidCloseTextDocument, this, ctx.subscriptions);
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(this.onDidChangeTextDocument, this, ctx.subscriptions);
vscode.window.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(this.onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors, this, ctx.subscriptions);
@ -102,6 +125,12 @@ class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, Disposable {
private onDidChangeTextDocument(event: vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
if (this.rustEditor && event.document.uri.toString() === this.rustEditor.document.uri.toString()) {
private onDidCloseTextDocument(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
if (this.rustEditor && doc.uri.toString() === this.rustEditor.document.uri.toString()) {
@ -109,38 +138,67 @@ class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, Disposable {
private onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(editors: vscode.TextEditor[]) {
if (editors.every(suspect => suspect.document.uri.scheme !== AST_FILE_SCHEME)) {
if (!this.findAstTextEditor()) {
private findAstTextEditor(): undefined | vscode.TextEditor {
return vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(it => it.document.uri.scheme === AST_FILE_SCHEME);
private setRustEditor(newRustEditor: undefined | RustEditor) {
if (newRustEditor !== this.rustEditor) {
this.rustEditor?.setDecorations(AstInspector.astDecorationType, []);
if (this.rustEditor && this.rustEditor !== newRustEditor) {
this.rustEditor.setDecorations(this.astDecorationType, []);
this.rustEditor = newRustEditor;
// additional positional params are omitted
provideDefinition(doc: vscode.TextDocument, pos: vscode.Position): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DefinitionLink[]> {
if (!this.rustEditor || doc.uri.toString() !== this.rustEditor.document.uri.toString()) return;
const astEditor = this.findAstTextEditor();
if (!astEditor) return;
const rust2AstRanges = this.rust2Ast.get()?.find(([rustRange, _]) => rustRange.contains(pos));
if (!rust2AstRanges) return;
const [rustFileRange, astFileRange] = rust2AstRanges;
astEditor.selection = new vscode.Selection(astFileRange.start, astFileRange.end);
return [{
targetRange: astFileRange,
targetUri: astEditor.document.uri,
originSelectionRange: rustFileRange,
targetSelectionRange: astFileRange,
// additional positional params are omitted
provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument, hoverPosition: vscode.Position): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.Hover> {
if (!this.rustEditor) return;
const astTextLine = doc.lineAt(hoverPosition.line);
const astFileLine = doc.lineAt(hoverPosition.line);
const rustTextRange = this.parseRustTextRange(this.rustEditor.document, astTextLine.text);
if (!rustTextRange) return;
const rustFileRange = this.parseRustTextRange(this.rustEditor.document, astFileLine.text);
if (!rustFileRange) return;
this.rustEditor.setDecorations(AstInspector.astDecorationType, [rustTextRange]);
this.rustEditor.setDecorations(this.astDecorationType, [rustFileRange]);
const rustSourceCode = this.rustEditor.document.getText(rustTextRange);
const astTextRange = this.findAstRange(astTextLine);
const rustSourceCode = this.rustEditor.document.getText(rustFileRange);
const astFileRange = this.findAstNodeRange(astFileLine);
return new vscode.Hover(["```rust\n" + rustSourceCode + "\n```"], astTextRange);
return new vscode.Hover(["```rust\n" + rustSourceCode + "\n```"], astFileRange);
private findAstRange(astLine: vscode.TextLine) {
private findAstNodeRange(astLine: vscode.TextLine) {
const lineOffset = astLine.range.start;
const begin = lineOffset.translate(undefined, astLine.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex);
const end = lineOffset.translate(undefined, astLine.text.trimEnd().length);
@ -156,3 +214,17 @@ class AstInspector implements vscode.HoverProvider, Disposable {
return new vscode.Range(begin, end);
class Lazy<T> {
val: undefined | T;
constructor(private readonly compute: () => undefined | T) { }
get() {
return this.val ?? (this.val = this.compute());
reset() {
this.val = undefined;