Improve u8to64_le.

This makes it faster and also changes it to a safe function. (Thanks to
Michael Woerister for the suggestion.) `load_int_le!` is also no longer
This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Nethercote 2020-02-12 10:36:29 +11:00
parent f8a02864af
commit 9aea154e78

@ -51,46 +51,17 @@ macro_rules! compress {
/// Loads an integer of the desired type from a byte stream, in LE order. Uses
/// `copy_nonoverlapping` to let the compiler generate the most efficient way
/// to load it from a possibly unaligned address.
/// Unsafe because: unchecked indexing at i..i+size_of(int_ty)
macro_rules! load_int_le {
($buf:expr, $i:expr, $int_ty:ident) => {{
debug_assert!($i + mem::size_of::<$int_ty>() <= $buf.len());
let mut data = 0 as $int_ty;
&mut data as *mut _ as *mut u8,
/// Loads an u64 using up to 7 bytes of a byte slice.
/// Unsafe because: unchecked indexing at start..start+len
/// Loads up to 8 bytes from a byte-slice into a little-endian u64.
unsafe fn u8to64_le(buf: &[u8], start: usize, len: usize) -> u64 {
debug_assert!(len < 8);
let mut i = 0; // current byte index (from LSB) in the output u64
let mut out = 0;
if i + 3 < len {
out = u64::from(load_int_le!(buf, start + i, u32));
i += 4;
fn u8to64_le(buf: &[u8], start: usize, len: usize) -> u64 {
assert!(len <= 8 && start + len <= buf.len());
let mut out = 0u64;
unsafe {
let out_ptr = &mut out as *mut _ as *mut u8;
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(buf.as_ptr().offset(start as isize), out_ptr, len);
if i + 1 < len {
out |= u64::from(load_int_le!(buf, start + i, u16)) << (i * 8);
i += 2
if i < len {
out |= u64::from(*buf.get_unchecked(start + i)) << (i * 8);
i += 1;
debug_assert_eq!(i, len);
impl SipHasher128 {
@ -272,7 +243,7 @@ impl Hasher for SipHasher128 {
if self.ntail != 0 {
needed = 8 - self.ntail;
self.tail |= unsafe { u8to64_le(msg, 0, cmp::min(length, needed)) } << (8 * self.ntail);
self.tail |= u8to64_le(msg, 0, cmp::min(length, needed)) << (8 * self.ntail);
if length < needed {
self.ntail += length;
@ -290,7 +261,7 @@ impl Hasher for SipHasher128 {
let mut i = needed;
while i < len - left {
let mi = unsafe { load_int_le!(msg, i, u64) };
let mi = u8to64_le(msg, i, 8);
self.state.v3 ^= mi;
Sip24Rounds::c_rounds(&mut self.state);
@ -299,7 +270,7 @@ impl Hasher for SipHasher128 {
i += 8;
self.tail = unsafe { u8to64_le(msg, i, left) };
self.tail = u8to64_le(msg, i, left);
self.ntail = left;