diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/externs.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/externs.js
index 2338931a18f..93709e4e830 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/externs.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/externs.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function initSearch(searchIndex){}
* pathWithoutLast: Array,
* pathLast: string,
* generics: Array,
- * bindings: Map<(string|integer), Array>,
+ * bindings: Map>,
* }}
let QueryElement;
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ let ParserState;
* totalElems: number,
* literalSearch: boolean,
* corrections: Array<{from: string, to: integer}>,
+ * typeFingerprint: Uint32Array,
* }}
let ParsedQuery;
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
index a61f2f5e3b6..dc47e093ecd 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/static/js/search.js
@@ -238,6 +238,10 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
* @type {Array}
let searchIndex;
+ /**
+ * @type {Uint32Array}
+ */
+ let functionTypeFingerprint;
let currentResults;
* Map from normalized type names to integers. Used to make type search
@@ -1038,6 +1042,8 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
correction: null,
proposeCorrectionFrom: null,
proposeCorrectionTo: null,
+ // bloom filter build from type ids
+ typeFingerprint: new Uint32Array(4),
@@ -1133,7 +1139,6 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
query.error = err;
return query;
if (!query.literalSearch) {
// If there is more than one element in the query, we switch to literalSearch in any
// case.
@@ -1941,8 +1946,7 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
* @param {integer} path_dist
function addIntoResults(results, fullId, id, index, dist, path_dist, maxEditDistance) {
- const inBounds = dist <= maxEditDistance || index !== -1;
- if (dist === 0 || (!parsedQuery.literalSearch && inBounds)) {
+ if (dist <= maxEditDistance || index !== -1) {
if (results.has(fullId)) {
const result = results.get(fullId);
if (result.dontValidate || result.dist <= dist) {
@@ -1990,17 +1994,37 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
const fullId = row.id;
const searchWord = searchWords[pos];
- const in_args = row.type && row.type.inputs
- && checkIfInList(row.type.inputs, elem, row.type.where_clause);
- if (in_args) {
- // path_dist is 0 because no parent path information is currently stored
- // in the search index
- addIntoResults(results_in_args, fullId, pos, -1, 0, 0, maxEditDistance);
+ // fpDist is a minimum possible type distance, where "type distance" is the number of
+ // atoms in the function not present in the query
+ const tfpDist = compareTypeFingerprints(
+ fullId,
+ parsedQuery.typeFingerprint
+ );
+ if (tfpDist !== null &&
+ !(results_in_args.size >= MAX_RESULTS && tfpDist > results_in_args.max_dist)
+ ) {
+ const in_args = row.type && row.type.inputs
+ && checkIfInList(row.type.inputs, elem, row.type.where_clause);
+ if (in_args) {
+ results_in_args.max_dist = Math.max(results_in_args.max_dist || 0, tfpDist);
+ const maxDist = results_in_args.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
+ (tfpDist + 1) :
+ results_in_args.max_dist;
+ addIntoResults(results_in_args, fullId, pos, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
+ }
- const returned = row.type && row.type.output
- && checkIfInList(row.type.output, elem, row.type.where_clause);
- if (returned) {
- addIntoResults(results_returned, fullId, pos, -1, 0, 0, maxEditDistance);
+ if (tfpDist !== false &&
+ !(results_returned.size >= MAX_RESULTS && tfpDist > results_returned.max_dist)
+ ) {
+ const returned = row.type && row.type.output
+ && checkIfInList(row.type.output, elem, row.type.where_clause);
+ if (returned) {
+ results_returned.max_dist = Math.max(results_returned.max_dist || 0, tfpDist);
+ const maxDist = results_returned.size < MAX_RESULTS ?
+ (tfpDist + 1) :
+ results_returned.max_dist;
+ addIntoResults(results_returned, fullId, pos, -1, tfpDist, 0, maxDist);
+ }
if (!typePassesFilter(elem.typeFilter, row.ty)) {
@@ -2059,6 +2083,17 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
+ const tfpDist = compareTypeFingerprints(
+ row.id,
+ parsedQuery.typeFingerprint
+ );
+ if (tfpDist === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (results.size >= MAX_RESULTS && tfpDist > results.max_dist) {
+ return;
+ }
// If the result is too "bad", we return false and it ends this search.
if (!unifyFunctionTypes(
@@ -2077,7 +2112,8 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
- addIntoResults(results, row.id, pos, 0, 0, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE);
+ results.max_dist = Math.max(results.max_dist || 0, tfpDist);
+ addIntoResults(results, row.id, pos, 0, tfpDist, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE);
function innerRunQuery() {
@@ -2197,14 +2233,17 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
+ const fps = new Set();
for (const elem of parsedQuery.elems) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(elem, parsedQuery.typeFingerprint, fps);
for (const elem of parsedQuery.returned) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(elem, parsedQuery.typeFingerprint, fps);
- if (parsedQuery.foundElems === 1) {
+ if (parsedQuery.foundElems === 1 && parsedQuery.returned.length === 0) {
if (parsedQuery.elems.length === 1) {
const elem = parsedQuery.elems[0];
for (let i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
@@ -2220,26 +2259,6 @@ function initSearch(rawSearchIndex) {
- } else if (parsedQuery.returned.length === 1) {
- // We received one returned argument to check, so looking into returned values.
- for (let i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
- const row = searchIndex[i];
- const in_returned = row.type && unifyFunctionTypes(
- row.type.output,
- parsedQuery.returned,
- row.type.where_clause
- );
- if (in_returned) {
- addIntoResults(
- results_others,
- row.id,
- i,
- -1,
- 0,
- Number.MAX_VALUE
- );
- }
- }
} else if (parsedQuery.foundElems > 0) {
for (let i = 0, nSearchWords = searchWords.length; i < nSearchWords; ++i) {
@@ -2783,6 +2802,97 @@ ${item.displayPath}${name}\
+ /**
+ * Type fingerprints allow fast, approximate matching of types.
+ *
+ * This algo creates a compact representation of the type set using a Bloom filter.
+ * This fingerprint is used three ways:
+ *
+ * - It accelerates the matching algorithm by checking the function fingerprint against the
+ * query fingerprint. If any bits are set in the query but not in the function, it can't
+ * match.
+ *
+ * - The fourth section has the number of distinct items in the set.
+ * This is the distance function, used for filtering and for sorting.
+ *
+ * [^1]: Distance is the relatively naive metric of counting the number of distinct items in
+ * the function that are not present in the query.
+ *
+ * @param {FunctionType|QueryElement} type - a single type
+ * @param {Uint32Array} output - write the fingerprint to this data structure: uses 128 bits
+ * @param {Set} fps - Set of distinct items
+ */
+ function buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(type, output, fps) {
+ let input = type.id;
+ // All forms of `[]` get collapsed down to one thing in the bloom filter.
+ // Differentiating between arrays and slices, if the user asks for it, is
+ // still done in the matching algorithm.
+ if (input === typeNameIdOfArray || input === typeNameIdOfSlice) {
+ input = typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice;
+ }
+ if (input !== null) {
+ // https://docs.rs/rustc-hash/1.1.0/src/rustc_hash/lib.rs.html#60
+ // Rotate is skipped because we're only doing one cycle anyway.
+ const h0 = Math.imul(input, 0x9e3779b9);
+ const h1 = Math.imul(479001599 ^ input, 0x9e3779b9);
+ const h2 = Math.imul(433494437 ^ input, 0x9e3779b9);
+ output[0] |= 1 << (h0 % 32);
+ output[1] |= 1 << (h1 % 32);
+ output[2] |= 1 << (h2 % 32);
+ fps.add(input);
+ }
+ for (const g of type.generics) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(g, output, fps);
+ }
+ const fb = {
+ id: null,
+ ty: 0,
+ generics: [],
+ bindings: new Map(),
+ };
+ for (const [k, v] of type.bindings.entries()) {
+ fb.id = k;
+ fb.generics = v;
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(fb, output, fps);
+ }
+ output[3] = fps.size;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare the query fingerprint with the function fingerprint.
+ *
+ * @param {{number}} fullId - The function
+ * @param {{Uint32Array}} queryFingerprint - The query
+ * @returns {number|null} - Null if non-match, number if distance
+ * This function might return 0!
+ */
+ function compareTypeFingerprints(fullId, queryFingerprint) {
+ const fh0 = functionTypeFingerprint[fullId * 4];
+ const fh1 = functionTypeFingerprint[(fullId * 4) + 1];
+ const fh2 = functionTypeFingerprint[(fullId * 4) + 2];
+ const [qh0, qh1, qh2] = queryFingerprint;
+ // Approximate set intersection with bloom filters.
+ // This can be larger than reality, not smaller, because hashes have
+ // the property that if they've got the same value, they hash to the
+ // same thing. False positives exist, but not false negatives.
+ const [in0, in1, in2] = [fh0 & qh0, fh1 & qh1, fh2 & qh2];
+ // Approximate the set of items in the query but not the function.
+ // This might be smaller than reality, but cannot be bigger.
+ //
+ // | in_ | qh_ | XOR | Meaning |
+ // | --- | --- | --- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+ // | 0 | 0 | 0 | Not present |
+ // | 1 | 0 | 1 | IMPOSSIBLE because `in_` is `fh_ & qh_` |
+ // | 1 | 1 | 0 | If one or both is false positive, false negative |
+ // | 0 | 1 | 1 | Since in_ has no false negatives, must be real |
+ if ((in0 ^ qh0) || (in1 ^ qh1) || (in2 ^ qh2)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return functionTypeFingerprint[(fullId * 4) + 3];
+ }
function buildIndex(rawSearchIndex) {
searchIndex = [];
@@ -2802,6 +2912,22 @@ ${item.displayPath}${name}\
typeNameIdOfSlice = buildTypeMapIndex("slice");
typeNameIdOfArrayOrSlice = buildTypeMapIndex("[]");
+ // Function type fingerprints are 128-bit bloom filters that are used to
+ // estimate the distance between function and query.
+ // This loop counts the number of items to allocate a fingerprint for.
+ for (const crate in rawSearchIndex) {
+ if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, crate)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Each item gets an entry in the fingerprint array, and the crate
+ // does, too
+ id += rawSearchIndex[crate].t.length + 1;
+ }
+ functionTypeFingerprint = new Uint32Array((id + 1) * 4);
+ // This loop actually generates the search item indexes, including
+ // normalized names, type signature objects and fingerprints, and aliases.
+ id = 0;
for (const crate in rawSearchIndex) {
if (!hasOwnPropertyRustdoc(rawSearchIndex, crate)) {
@@ -2951,6 +3077,28 @@ ${item.displayPath}${name}\
const path = itemPaths.has(i) ? itemPaths.get(i) : lastPath;
+ let type = null;
+ if (itemFunctionSearchTypes[i] !== 0) {
+ type = buildFunctionSearchType(
+ itemFunctionSearchTypes[i],
+ lowercasePaths
+ );
+ if (type) {
+ const fp = functionTypeFingerprint.subarray(id * 4, (id + 1) * 4);
+ const fps = new Set();
+ for (const t of type.inputs) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(t, fp, fps);
+ }
+ for (const t of type.output) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(t, fp, fps);
+ }
+ for (const w of type.where_clause) {
+ for (const t of w) {
+ buildFunctionTypeFingerprint(t, fp, fps);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
const row = {
crate: crate,
ty: itemTypes.charCodeAt(i) - charA,
@@ -2958,10 +3106,7 @@ ${item.displayPath}${name}\
path: path,
desc: itemDescs[i],
parent: itemParentIdxs[i] > 0 ? paths[itemParentIdxs[i] - 1] : undefined,
- type: buildFunctionSearchType(
- itemFunctionSearchTypes[i],
- lowercasePaths
- ),
+ type,
id: id,
normalizedName: word.indexOf("_") === -1 ? word : word.replace(/_/g, ""),
deprecated: deprecatedItems.has(i),
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/assoc-type.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/assoc-type.js
index 47776656e32..eec4e7a8258 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/assoc-type.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/assoc-type.js
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ const EXPECTED = [
'query': 'iterator -> u32',
'correction': null,
'others': [
- { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
{ 'path': 'assoc_type::my', 'name': 'other_fn' },
+ { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
'query': 'iterator',
'correction': null,
'in_args': [
- { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
{ 'path': 'assoc_type::my', 'name': 'other_fn' },
+ { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ const EXPECTED = [
{ 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'Something' },
'in_args': [
- { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
{ 'path': 'assoc_type::my', 'name': 'other_fn' },
+ { 'path': 'assoc_type', 'name': 'my_fn' },
// if I write an explicit binding, only it shows up
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07961d196f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// exact-check
+const EXPECTED = [
+ {
+ 'query': 'First',
+ 'in_args': (function() {
+ // Generate the list of 200 items that should match.
+ const results = [];
+ function generate(lx, ly) {
+ for (const x of lx) {
+ for (const y of ly) {
+ results.push({
+ 'path': `big_result::${y}`,
+ 'name': x,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fewest parameters that still match go on top.
+ generate(
+ ['u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y'],
+ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
+ );
+ generate(
+ ['p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't'],
+ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
+ );
+ generate(
+ ['k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o'],
+ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
+ );
+ generate(
+ ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'],
+ ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
+ );
+ return results;
+ })(),
+ },
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.rs b/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4dfecd6aaad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/big-result.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/// Generate 250 items that all match the query, starting with the longest.
+/// Those long items should be dropped from the result set, and the short ones
+/// should be shown instead.
+macro_rules! generate {
+ ([$($x:ident),+], $y:tt, $z:tt) => {
+ $(
+ generate!(@ $x, $y, $z);
+ )+
+ };
+ (@ $x:ident , [$($y:ident),+], $z:tt) => {
+ pub struct $x;
+ $(
+ generate!(@@ $x, $y, $z);
+ )+
+ };
+ (@@ $x:ident , $y:ident, [$($z:ident: $zt:ident),+]) => {
+ impl $y {
+ pub fn $x($($z: $zt,)+) {}
+ }
+ }
+pub struct First;
+pub struct Second;
+pub struct Third;
+pub struct Fourth;
+pub struct Fifth;
+ [a, b, c, d, e],
+ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a: First, b: Second, c: Third, d: Fourth, e: Fifth]
+ [f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a: First, b: Second, c: Third, d: Fourth]
+ [k, l, m, n, o],
+ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a: First, b: Second, c: Third]
+ // reverse it, just to make sure they're alphabetized
+ // in the result set when all else is equal
+ [t, s, r, q, p],
+ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a: First, b: Second]
+ [u, v, w, x, y],
+ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j],
+ [a: First]
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/full-path-function.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/full-path-function.js
index 48be51b156f..0464f792217 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/full-path-function.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/full-path-function.js
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ const EXPECTED = [
'query': 'sac -> usize',
'others': [
- { 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'bar' },
{ 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'len' },
{ 'path': 'full_path_function::sac::Sac', 'name': 'len' },
+ { 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'bar' },
'query': 'b::sac -> usize',
'others': [
- { 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'bar' },
{ 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'len' },
+ { 'path': 'full_path_function::b::Sac', 'name': 'bar' },
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/generics.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/generics.js
index ebc92ccfc05..b3ca0af3056 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/generics.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/generics.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// exact-check
+// ignore-order
const EXPECTED = [
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/impl-trait.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/impl-trait.js
index 00d67d639bd..8bb3f2d3e99 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/impl-trait.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/impl-trait.js
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ const EXPECTED = [
{ 'path': 'impl_trait', 'name': 'Aaaaaaa' },
'in_args': [
- { 'path': 'impl_trait::Ccccccc', 'name': 'eeeeeee' },
{ 'path': 'impl_trait::Ccccccc', 'name': 'fffffff' },
+ { 'path': 'impl_trait::Ccccccc', 'name': 'eeeeeee' },
'returned': [
{ 'path': 'impl_trait', 'name': 'bbbbbbb' },
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-js/type-parameters.js b/tests/rustdoc-js/type-parameters.js
index e695f189bb6..e045409e507 100644
--- a/tests/rustdoc-js/type-parameters.js
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-js/type-parameters.js
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
// exact-check
-// ignore-order
const EXPECTED = [
query: '-> trait:Some',
others: [
- { path: 'foo', name: 'alef' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alpha' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'alef' },
query: '-> generic:T',
others: [
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'beta' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'bet' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alef' },
- { path: 'foo', name: 'beta' },
@@ -44,38 +43,40 @@ const EXPECTED = [
query: 'Other, Other',
others: [
- { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alternate' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
query: 'generic:T',
in_args: [
- { path: 'foo', name: 'bet' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'beta' },
- { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'bet' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alternate' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
query: 'generic:Other',
in_args: [
- { path: 'foo', name: 'bet' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'beta' },
- { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'bet' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alternate' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
query: 'trait:Other',
in_args: [
- { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alternate' },
+ { path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
query: 'Other',
in_args: [
+ // because function is called "other", it's sorted first
+ // even though it has higher type distance
{ path: 'foo', name: 'other' },
{ path: 'foo', name: 'alternate' },