Support prefix notation for vstore strings. Closes #2906.
This commit is contained in:
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ fn load_crate(filename: str) -> option<crate> {
ast::view_item_use(ident, metas, id) {
let name_items = attr::find_meta_items_by_name(metas, "name");
let m = if name_items.is_empty() {
metas + ~[attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"name", *ident)]
metas + ~[attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"name"/~, *ident)]
} else {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn common_exprs() -> ~[ast::expr] {
@ -1301,10 +1301,10 @@ fn test_unkillable_nested() {
fn test_tls_multitask() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str/~) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"parent data");
local_data_set(my_key, @"parent data"/~);
do task::spawn {
assert local_data_get(my_key) == none; // TLS shouldn't carry over.
local_data_set(my_key, @"child data");
local_data_set(my_key, @"child data"/~);
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "child data";
// should be cleaned up for us
@ -1317,15 +1317,15 @@ fn test_tls_multitask() unsafe {
fn test_tls_overwrite() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str/~) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"first data");
local_data_set(my_key, @"next data"); // Shouldn't leak.
local_data_set(my_key, @"first data"/~);
local_data_set(my_key, @"next data"/~); // Shouldn't leak.
assert *(local_data_get(my_key).get()) == "next data";
fn test_tls_pop() unsafe {
fn my_key(+_x: @str/~) { }
local_data_set(my_key, @"weasel");
local_data_set(my_key, @"weasel"/~);
assert *(local_data_pop(my_key).get()) == "weasel";
// Pop must remove the data from the map.
assert local_data_pop(my_key) == none;
@ -1337,12 +1337,12 @@ fn test_tls_modify() unsafe {
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
alt data {
some(@val) { fail "unwelcome value: " + val }
none { some(@"first data") }
none { some(@"first data"/~) }
local_data_modify(my_key, |data| {
alt data {
some(@"first data") { some(@"next data") }
some(@"first data"/~) { some(@"next data"/~) }
some(@val) { fail "wrong value: " + val }
none { fail "missing value" }
@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ fn test_tls_crust_automorestack_memorial_bug() unsafe {
// for logging, think vsnprintf) would run on a stack smaller than 1 MB.
fn my_key(+_x: @str/~) { }
do task::spawn {
unsafe { local_data_set(my_key, @"hax"); }
unsafe { local_data_set(my_key, @"hax"/~); }
@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ fn test_tls_multiple_types() unsafe {
fn box_key(+_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(+_x: @int) { }
do task::spawn {
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data");
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data"/~);
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ fn test_tls_overwrite_multiple_types() unsafe {
fn box_key(+_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(+_x: @int) { }
do task::spawn {
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data");
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data"/~);
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
// This could cause a segfault if overwriting-destruction is done with
// the crazy polymorphic transmute rather than the provided finaliser.
@ -1396,10 +1396,10 @@ fn test_tls_cleanup_on_failure() unsafe {
fn str_key(+_x: @str/~) { }
fn box_key(+_x: @@()) { }
fn int_key(+_x: @int) { }
local_data_set(str_key, @"parent data");
local_data_set(str_key, @"parent data"/~);
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
do task::spawn { // spawn_linked
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data");
local_data_set(str_key, @"string data"/~);
local_data_set(box_key, @@());
local_data_set(int_key, @42);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_bump_box_refcount() {
unsafe {
let box = @"box box box"; // refcount 1
let box = @"box box box"/~; // refcount 1
bump_box_refcount(box); // refcount 2
let ptr: *int = transmute(box); // refcount 2
let _box1: @str/~ = reinterpret_cast(ptr);
@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_write_str() {
assert to_str(string(@"")) == "\"\"";
assert to_str(string(@"foo")) == "\"foo\"";
assert to_str(string(@""/~)) == "\"\""/~;
assert to_str(string(@"foo"/~)) == "\"foo\""/~;
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ mod tests {
assert to_str(list(@~[
list(@~[string(@"foo\nbar"), num(3.5f)])
list(@~[string(@"foo\nbar"/~), num(3.5f)])
])) == "[false, null, [\"foo\\nbar\", 3.5]]";
@ -687,8 +687,8 @@ mod tests {
assert to_str(mk_dict(~[
("a", boolean(true)),
("b", list(@~[
mk_dict(~[("c", string(@"\x0c\r"))]),
mk_dict(~[("d", string(@""))])
mk_dict(~[("c", string(@"\x0c\r"/~))]),
mk_dict(~[("d", string(@""/~))])
])) ==
"{ " +
@ -703,35 +703,35 @@ mod tests {
fn test_trailing_characters() {
assert from_str("nulla") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
assert from_str("truea") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
assert from_str("falsea") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
assert from_str("1a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
assert from_str("[]a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
assert from_str("{}a") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"trailing characters"/~});
fn test_read_identifiers() {
assert from_str("n") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("nul") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("t") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("truz") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("f") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("faz") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("null") == ok(null);
assert from_str("true") == ok(boolean(true));
@ -744,20 +744,20 @@ mod tests {
fn test_read_num() {
assert from_str("+") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str(".") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 1u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("-") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"/~});
assert from_str("00") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"invalid number"/~});
assert from_str("1.") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"/~});
assert from_str("1e") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"invalid number"/~});
assert from_str("1e+") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid number"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid number"/~});
assert from_str("3") == ok(num(3f));
assert from_str("3.1") == ok(num(3.1f));
@ -772,32 +772,32 @@ mod tests {
fn test_read_str() {
assert from_str("\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"/~});
assert from_str("\"lol") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing string"/~});
assert from_str("\"\"") == ok(string(@""));
assert from_str("\"foo\"") == ok(string(@"foo"));
assert from_str("\"\\\"\"") == ok(string(@"\""));
assert from_str("\"\\b\"") == ok(string(@"\x08"));
assert from_str("\"\\n\"") == ok(string(@"\n"));
assert from_str("\"\\r\"") == ok(string(@"\r"));
assert from_str("\"\\t\"") == ok(string(@"\t"));
assert from_str(" \"foo\" ") == ok(string(@"foo"));
assert from_str("\"\"") == ok(string(@""/~));
assert from_str("\"foo\"") == ok(string(@"foo"/~));
assert from_str("\"\\\"\"") == ok(string(@"\""/~));
assert from_str("\"\\b\"") == ok(string(@"\x08"/~));
assert from_str("\"\\n\"") == ok(string(@"\n"/~));
assert from_str("\"\\r\"") == ok(string(@"\r"/~));
assert from_str("\"\\t\"") == ok(string(@"\t"/~));
assert from_str(" \"foo\" ") == ok(string(@"foo"/~));
fn test_read_list() {
assert from_str("[") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"/~});
assert from_str("[1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing list"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing list"/~});
assert from_str("[1,") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"/~});
assert from_str("[1,]") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"invalid syntax"/~});
assert from_str("[6 7]") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"expected `,` or `]`"});
err({line: 1u, col: 4u, msg: @"expected `,` or `]`"/~});
assert from_str("[]") == ok(list(@~[]));
assert from_str("[ ]") == ok(list(@~[]));
@ -813,28 +813,28 @@ mod tests {
fn test_read_dict() {
assert from_str("{") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{ ") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 3u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"key must be a string"});
err({line: 1u, col: 2u, msg: @"key must be a string"/~});
assert from_str("{ \"a\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\"") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 5u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\" ") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\" 1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"expected `:`"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"expected `:`"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\":") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"});
err({line: 1u, col: 6u, msg: @"EOF while parsing value"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 7u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 7u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1 1") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"expected `,` or `}`"});
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"expected `,` or `}`"/~});
assert from_str("{\"a\":1,") ==
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 1u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{}")), mk_dict(~[]));
assert eq(result::get(from_str("{\"a\": 3}")),
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ mod tests {
("a", num(1.0f)),
("b", list(@~[
("c", mk_dict(~[("d", null)]))
@ -877,6 +877,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_multiline_errors() {
assert from_str("{\n \"foo\":\n \"bar\"") ==
err({line: 3u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"});
err({line: 3u, col: 8u, msg: @"EOF while parsing object"/~});
@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@ mod tests {
fn of_string1() {
let sample = @"0123456789ABCDE";
let sample = @"0123456789ABCDE"/~;
let r = of_str(sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::char_len(*sample);
@ -1330,8 +1330,8 @@ mod tests {
fn bal1() {
let init = @ "1234567890";
let buf = @ mut * init;
let init = @"1234567890"/~;
let buf = @mut * init;
let mut i = 0;
while i < 8 { *buf = *buf + *buf; i+=1;}
let sample = @*buf;
@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ mod tests {
fn char_at1() {
//Generate a large rope
let mut r = of_str(@ "123456789");
let mut r = of_str(@"123456789"/~);
for uint::range(0u, 10u) |_i| {
r = append_rope(r, r);
@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ mod tests {
fn concat1() {
//Generate a reasonable rope
let chunk = of_str(@ "123456789");
let chunk = of_str(@"123456789"/~);
let mut r = empty();
for uint::range(0u, 10u) |_i| {
r = append_rope(r, chunk);
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ fn dtor_dec() -> fn_decl {
let nil_t = @{id: 0, node: ty_nil, span: dummy_sp()};
// dtor has one argument, of type ()
{inputs: ~[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: nil_t, ident: @"_", id: 0}],
ty: nil_t, ident: @"_"/~, id: 0}],
output: nil_t, purity: impure_fn, cf: return_val, constraints: ~[]}
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fn mk_sugared_doc_attr(text: str, lo: uint, hi: uint) -> ast::attribute {
let lit = spanned(lo, hi, ast::lit_str(@text));
let attr = {
style: doc_comment_style(text),
value: spanned(lo, hi, ast::meta_name_value(@"doc", lit)),
value: spanned(lo, hi, ast::meta_name_value(@"doc"/~, lit)),
is_sugared_doc: true
ret spanned(lo, hi, attr);
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fn attr_metas(attrs: ~[ast::attribute]) -> ~[@ast::meta_item] {
fn desugar_doc_attr(attr: ast::attribute) -> ast::attribute {
if attr.node.is_sugared_doc {
let comment = get_meta_item_value_str(@attr.node.value).get();
let meta = mk_name_value_item_str(@"doc",
let meta = mk_name_value_item_str(@"doc"/~,
ret mk_attr(meta);
} else {
@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ fn foreign_abi(attrs: ~[ast::attribute]) -> either<str, ast::foreign_abi> {
option::none {
option::some(@"rust-intrinsic") {
option::some(@"rust-intrinsic"/~) {
option::some(@"cdecl") {
option::some(@"cdecl"/~) {
option::some(@"stdcall") {
option::some(@"stdcall"/~) {
option::some(t) {
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ fn find_inline_attr(attrs: ~[ast::attribute]) -> inline_attr {
// FIXME (#2809)---validate the usage of #[inline] and #[inline(always)]
do vec::foldl(ia_none, attrs) |ia,attr| {
alt attr.node.value.node {
ast::meta_word(@"inline") { ia_hint }
ast::meta_list(@"inline", items) {
ast::meta_word(@"inline"/~) { ia_hint }
ast::meta_list(@"inline"/~, items) {
if !vec::is_empty(find_meta_items_by_name(items, "always")) {
} else {
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ fn highlight_lines(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span,
fn print_macro_backtrace(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span) {
do option::iter (sp.expn_info) |ei| {
let ss = option::map_default(ei.callie.span, @"",
let ss = option::map_default(ei.callie.span, @""/~,
|span| @codemap::span_to_str(span, cm));
print_diagnostic(*ss, note,
#fmt("in expansion of #%s",;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn expand(cx: ext_ctxt,
_mitem: ast::meta_item,
in_items: ~[@ast::item]) -> ~[@ast::item] {
fn not_auto_serialize(a: ast::attribute) -> bool {
attr::get_attr_name(a) != @"auto_serialize"
attr::get_attr_name(a) != @"auto_serialize"/~
fn filter_attrs(item: @ast::item) -> @ast::item {
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ impl helpers for ext_ctxt {
let args = do vec::map(input_tys) |ty| {
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: ty,
ident: @"",
ident: @""/~,
id: self.next_id()}
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ fn is_vec_or_str(ty: @ast::ty) -> bool {
// This may be wrong if the user has shadowed (!) str
ast::ty_path(@{span: _, global: _, idents: ids,
rp: none, types: _}, _)
if ids == ~[@"str"] { true }
if ids == ~[@"str"/~] { true }
_ { false }
@ -529,12 +529,12 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span, name: ast::ident,
let ser_inputs: ~[ast::arg] =
vec::append(~[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: cx.ty_path(span, ~[@"__S"], ~[]),
ident: @"__s",
ty: cx.ty_path(span, ~[@"__S"/~], ~[]),
ident: @"__s"/~,
id: cx.next_id()},
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: v_ty,
ident: @"__v",
ident: @"__v"/~,
id: cx.next_id()}],
@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span, name: ast::ident,
let ser_bnds = @~[
~[@"std", @"serialization",
~[@"std"/~, @"serialization"/~,
let ser_tps: ~[ast::ty_param] =
vec::append(~[{ident: @"__S",
vec::append(~[{ident: @"__S"/~,
id: cx.next_id(),
bounds: ser_bnds}],
vec::map(tps, |tp| cx.clone_ty_param(tp)));
@ -749,8 +749,8 @@ fn mk_deser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
let deser_inputs: ~[ast::arg] =
vec::append(~[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: cx.ty_path(span, ~[@"__D"], ~[]),
ident: @"__d",
ty: cx.ty_path(span, ~[@"__D"/~], ~[]),
ident: @"__d"/~,
id: cx.next_id()}],
@ -768,11 +768,11 @@ fn mk_deser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
let deser_bnds = @~[
~[@"std", @"serialization", @"deserializer"],
~[@"std"/~, @"serialization"/~, @"deserializer"/~],
let deser_tps: ~[ast::ty_param] =
vec::append(~[{ident: @"__D",
vec::append(~[{ident: @"__D"/~,
id: cx.next_id(),
bounds: deser_bnds}],
vec::map(tps, |tp| {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
pieces: ~[piece], args: ~[@ast::expr])
-> @ast::expr {
fn make_path_vec(_cx: ext_ctxt, ident: ast::ident) -> ~[ast::ident] {
ret ~[@"extfmt", @"rt", ident];
ret ~[@"extfmt"/~, @"rt"/~, ident];
fn make_rt_path_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
fn make_rt_conv_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, cnv: conv) -> @ast::expr {
fn make_flags(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, flags: ~[flag]) -> @ast::expr {
let mut tmp_expr = make_rt_path_expr(cx, sp, @"flag_none");
let mut tmp_expr = make_rt_path_expr(cx, sp, @"flag_none"/~);
for flags.each |f| {
let fstr = alt f {
flag_left_justify { "flag_left_justify" }
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
fn make_count(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, cnt: count) -> @ast::expr {
alt cnt {
count_implied {
ret make_rt_path_expr(cx, sp, @"count_implied");
ret make_rt_path_expr(cx, sp, @"count_implied"/~);
count_is(c) {
let count_lit = mk_int(cx, sp, c);
let count_is_path = make_path_vec(cx, @"count_is");
let count_is_path = make_path_vec(cx, @"count_is"/~);
let count_is_args = ~[count_lit];
ret mk_call(cx, sp, count_is_path, count_is_args);
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
width_expr: @ast::expr, precision_expr: @ast::expr,
ty_expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
ret mk_rec_e(cx, sp,
~[{ident: @"flags", ex: flags_expr},
{ident: @"width", ex: width_expr},
{ident: @"precision", ex: precision_expr},
{ident: @"ty", ex: ty_expr}]);
~[{ident: @"flags"/~, ex: flags_expr},
{ident: @"width"/~, ex: width_expr},
{ident: @"precision"/~, ex: precision_expr},
{ident: @"ty"/~, ex: ty_expr}]);
let rt_conv_flags = make_flags(cx, sp, cnv.flags);
let rt_conv_width = make_count(cx, sp, cnv.width);
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span,
let arg_vec = mk_fixed_vec_e(cx, fmt_sp, piece_exprs);
ret mk_call(cx, fmt_sp, ~[@"str", @"concat"], ~[arg_vec]);
ret mk_call(cx, fmt_sp, ~[@"str"/~, @"concat"/~], ~[arg_vec]);
// Local Variables:
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ impl proto_parser for parser {
let dir = alt dir {
@"send" { send }
@"recv" { recv }
@"send"/~ { send }
@"recv"/~ { recv }
_ { fail }
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ impl methods for message {
let args_ast = vec::append(
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ impl methods for message {
body += #fmt("let message = %s::%s(%s);\n",
str::connect(vec::append_one(arg_names, @"s")
str::connect(vec::append_one(arg_names, @"s"/~)
.map(|x| *x),
", "));
body += #fmt("pipes::send(pipe, message);\n");
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ impl methods for state {
let next_name = next.data_name();
let dir = alt this.dir {
send { @"server" }
recv { @"client" }
send { @"server"/~ }
recv { @"client"/~ }
let v = cx.variant(name,
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ impl methods for state {
(@"pipes" + @(dir.to_str() + "_packet"))
(@"pipes"/~ + @(dir.to_str() + "_packet"/~))
( + self.data_name())
@ -281,10 +281,10 @@ impl methods for protocol {
cx.item_mod(, items)
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::crate {
fn visit(cx: aq_ctxt, v: vt<aq_ctxt>) {visit_crate(*self, cx, v);}
fn extract_mac() -> option<ast::mac_> {fail}
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_crate"])
mk_path(cx, sp,
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_crate"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_crate"}
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::expr {
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_expr"])
mk_path(cx, sp,
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_expr"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_expr"}
@ -63,7 +65,8 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::ty {
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_ty"])
mk_path(cx, sp,
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_ty"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_ty"}
@ -72,7 +75,8 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::item {
fn visit(cx: aq_ctxt, v: vt<aq_ctxt>) {visit_item(self, cx, v);}
fn extract_mac() -> option<ast::mac_> {fail}
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_item"])
mk_path(cx, sp,
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_item"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_item"}
@ -81,7 +85,8 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::stmt {
fn visit(cx: aq_ctxt, v: vt<aq_ctxt>) {visit_stmt(self, cx, v);}
fn extract_mac() -> option<ast::mac_> {fail}
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_stmt"])
mk_path(cx, sp,
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_stmt"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_stmt"}
@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ impl of qq_helper for @ast::pat {
fn visit(cx: aq_ctxt, v: vt<aq_ctxt>) {visit_pat(self, cx, v);}
fn extract_mac() -> option<ast::mac_> {fail}
fn mk_parse_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> @ast::expr {
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"parse_pat"])
mk_path(cx, sp, ~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"parse_pat"/~])
fn get_fold_fn() -> str {"fold_pat"}
@ -228,19 +233,19 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
let cx = ecx;
let cfg_call = || mk_call_(
cx, sp, mk_access(cx, sp, ~[@"ext_cx"], @"cfg"), ~[]);
cx, sp, mk_access(cx, sp, ~[@"ext_cx"/~], @"cfg"/~), ~[]);
let parse_sess_call = || mk_call_(
cx, sp, mk_access(cx, sp, ~[@"ext_cx"], @"parse_sess"), ~[]);
cx, sp, mk_access(cx, sp, ~[@"ext_cx"/~], @"parse_sess"/~), ~[]);
let pcall = mk_call(cx,sp,
~[@"syntax", @"parse", @"parser",
~[@"syntax"/~, @"parse"/~, @"parser"/~,
mk_str(cx,sp, fname),
@"qquote", @"mk_file_substr"],
@"qquote"/~, @"mk_file_substr"/~],
mk_uint(cx,sp, loc.line),
mk_uint(cx,sp, loc.col)]),
@ -252,15 +257,15 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
let mut rcall = pcall;
if (g_len > 0u) {
rcall = mk_call(cx,sp,
~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote", @"replace"],
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~, @"replace"/~],
mk_uniq_vec_e(cx,sp, qcx.gather.map_to_vec(|g| {
~[@"syntax", @"ext",
@"qquote", @g.constr],
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~,
@"qquote"/~, @g.constr],
~[@"syntax", @"ext", @"qquote",
~[@"syntax"/~, @"ext"/~, @"qquote"/~,
ret rcall;
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ fn add_new_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, name: ident,
let argument_gram = ~[
ms(mtc_bb(@"lhs",@"mtcs", 0u)),
ms(mtc_bb(@"lhs"/~,@"mtcs"/~, 0u)),
ms(mtc_bb(@"rhs",@"tt", 1u)),
ms(mtc_bb(@"rhs"/~,@"tt"/~, 1u)),
], some(SEMI), false))];
let arg_reader = new_tt_reader(cx.parse_sess().span_diagnostic,
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ fn add_new_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, name: ident,
failure(sp, msg) { cx.span_fatal(sp, msg); }
let lhses = alt arguments.get(@"lhs") {
let lhses = alt arguments.get(@"lhs"/~) {
@seq(s, sp) { s }
_ { cx.span_bug(sp, "wrong-structured lhs") }
let rhses = alt arguments.get(@"rhs") {
let rhses = alt arguments.get(@"rhs"/~) {
@seq(s, sp) { s }
_ { cx.span_bug(sp, "wrong-structured rhs") }
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class parser {
let name = self.parse_value_ident();
} else { @"" };
} else { @""/~ };
{mode: mode, ty: p.parse_ty(false), ident: name,
id: p.get_id()}
@ -1337,7 +1337,8 @@ class parser {
hi = e.span.hi;
// HACK: turn &[...] into a &-evec
ex = alt e.node {
expr_vec(*) if m == m_imm {
expr_vec(*) | expr_lit(@{node: lit_str(_), span: _})
if m == m_imm {
expr_vstore(e, vstore_slice(self.region_from_name(none)))
_ { expr_addr_of(m, e) }
@ -1353,7 +1354,8 @@ class parser {
hi = e.span.hi;
// HACK: turn @[...] into a @-evec
ex = alt e.node {
expr_vec(*) if m == m_imm { expr_vstore(e, vstore_box) }
expr_vec(*) | expr_lit(@{node: lit_str(_), span: _})
if m == m_imm { expr_vstore(e, vstore_box) }
_ { expr_unary(box(m), e) }
@ -1364,7 +1366,8 @@ class parser {
hi = e.span.hi;
// HACK: turn ~[...] into a ~-evec
ex = alt e.node {
expr_vec(*) if m == m_imm { expr_vstore(e, vstore_uniq) }
expr_vec(*) | expr_lit(@{node: lit_str(_), span: _})
if m == m_imm { expr_vstore(e, vstore_uniq) }
_ { expr_unary(uniq(m), e) }
@ -2134,12 +2137,16 @@ class parser {
fn parse_method_name() -> ident {
alt copy self.token {
token::BINOP(op) { self.bump(); @token::binop_to_str(op) }
token::NOT { self.bump(); @"!" }
token::LBRACKET { self.bump(); self.expect(token::RBRACKET); @"[]" }
token::NOT { self.bump(); @"!"/~ }
token::LBRACKET {
_ {
let id = self.parse_value_ident();
if id == @"unary" && {
if id == @"unary"/~ && {
else { id }
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ fn name_of_fn(fk: fn_kind) -> ident {
alt fk {
fk_item_fn(name, _) | fk_method(name, _, _)
| fk_ctor(name, _, _, _) { /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy name }
fk_anon(*) | fk_fn_block(*) { @"anon" }
fk_dtor(*) { @"drop" }
fk_anon(*) | fk_fn_block(*) { @"anon"/~ }
fk_dtor(*) { @"drop"/~ }
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ fn default_configuration(sess: session, argv0: str, input: input) ->
ret ~[ // Target bindings.
mk(@"target_os", os::sysname()),
mk(@"target_family", os::family()),
mk(@"target_arch", arch),
mk(@"target_libc", libc),
mk(@"target_os"/~, os::sysname()),
mk(@"target_family"/~, os::family()),
mk(@"target_arch"/~, arch),
mk(@"target_libc"/~, libc),
// Build bindings.
mk(@"build_compiler", argv0),
mk(@"build_input", source_name(input))];
mk(@"build_compiler"/~, argv0),
mk(@"build_input"/~, source_name(input))];
fn build_configuration(sess: session, argv0: str, input: input) ->
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ fn build_configuration(sess: session, argv0: str, input: input) ->
if sess.opts.test && !attr::contains_name(user_cfg, "test")
} else { ~[] }
ret vec::append(vec::append(user_cfg, gen_cfg), default_cfg);
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ fn building_library(req_crate_type: crate_type, crate: @ast::crate,
alt syntax::attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(
"crate_type") {
option::some(@"lib") { true }
option::some(@"lib"/~) { true }
_ { false }
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ mod test {
style: ast::attr_outer,
value: ast_util::respan(ast_util::dummy_sp(),
is_sugared_doc: false
@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ fn inject_libcore_ref(sess: session,
let n1 = sess.next_node_id();
let n2 = sess.next_node_id();
let vi1 = @{node: ast::view_item_use(@"core", ~[], n1),
let vi1 = @{node: ast::view_item_use(@"core"/~, ~[], n1),
attrs: ~[],
vis: ast::public,
span: dummy_sp()};
let vp = spanned(ast::view_path_glob(ident_to_path(dummy_sp(), @"core"),
let vp = spanned(ast::view_path_glob(ident_to_path(dummy_sp(), @"core"/~),
let vi2 = @{node: ast::view_item_import(~[vp]),
attrs: ~[],
@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ fn mk_test_module(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
let item_ = ast::item_mod(testmod);
// This attribute tells resolve to let us call unexported functions
let resolve_unexported_attr =
let item: ast::item =
{ident: @"__test",
{ident: @"__test"/~,
attrs: ~[resolve_unexported_attr],
id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: item_,
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ fn mk_tests(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
let item_ = ast::item_fn(decl, ~[], body);
let item: ast::item =
{ident: @"tests",
{ident: @"tests"/~,
attrs: ~[],
id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: item_,
@ -248,17 +248,18 @@ fn mk_path(cx: test_ctxt, path: ~[ast::ident]) -> ~[ast::ident] {
let is_std = {
let items = attr::find_linkage_metas(cx.crate.node.attrs);
alt attr::last_meta_item_value_str_by_name(items, "name") {
some(@"std") { true }
some(@"std"/~) { true }
_ { false }
if is_std { path }
else { vec::append(~[@"std"], path) }
else { vec::append(~[@"std"/~], path) }
// The ast::ty of ~[std::test::test_desc]
fn mk_test_desc_vec_ty(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::ty {
let test_desc_ty_path = path_node(mk_path(cx, ~[@"test", @"test_desc"]));
let test_desc_ty_path =
path_node(mk_path(cx, ~[@"test"/~, @"test_desc"/~]));
let test_desc_ty: ast::ty =
{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ fn mk_test_desc_rec(cx: test_ctxt, test: test) -> @ast::expr {
span: span};
let name_field: ast::field =
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"name", expr: @name_expr});
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"name"/~, expr: @name_expr});
let fn_path = path_node(path);
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ fn mk_test_desc_rec(cx: test_ctxt, test: test) -> @ast::expr {
let fn_wrapper_expr = mk_test_wrapper(cx, fn_expr, span);
let fn_field: ast::field =
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"fn", expr: fn_wrapper_expr});
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"fn"/~, expr: fn_wrapper_expr});
let ignore_lit: ast::lit = nospan(ast::lit_bool(test.ignore));
@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ fn mk_test_desc_rec(cx: test_ctxt, test: test) -> @ast::expr {
span: span};
let ignore_field: ast::field =
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"ignore", expr: @ignore_expr});
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"ignore"/~, expr: @ignore_expr});
let fail_lit: ast::lit = nospan(ast::lit_bool(test.should_fail));
@ -342,7 +343,9 @@ fn mk_test_desc_rec(cx: test_ctxt, test: test) -> @ast::expr {
span: span};
let fail_field: ast::field =
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm, ident: @"should_fail", expr: @fail_expr});
nospan({mutbl: ast::m_imm,
ident: @"should_fail"/~,
expr: @fail_expr});
let desc_rec_: ast::expr_ =
ast::expr_rec(~[name_field, fn_field, ignore_field, fail_field],
@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ fn mk_test_wrapper(cx: test_ctxt,
fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
let str_pt = path_node(~[@"str"]);
let str_pt = path_node(~[@"str"/~]);
let str_ty = @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: ast::ty_path(str_pt, cx.sess.next_node_id()),
span: dummy_sp()};
@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
let args_arg: ast::arg =
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_val),
ty: @args_ty,
ident: @"args",
ident: @"args"/~,
id: cx.sess.next_node_id()};
let ret_ty = {id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
let item_ = ast::item_fn(decl, ~[], body);
let item: ast::item =
{ident: @"main",
{ident: @"main"/~,
attrs: ~[],
id: cx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: item_,
@ -448,7 +451,7 @@ fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
fn mk_test_main_call(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::expr {
// Get the args passed to main so we can pass the to test_main
let args_path = path_node(~[@"args"]);
let args_path = path_node(~[@"args"/~]);
let args_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(args_path);
@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ fn mk_test_main_call(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::expr {
node: args_path_expr_, span: dummy_sp()};
// Call __test::test to generate the vector of test_descs
let test_path = path_node(~[@"tests"]);
let test_path = path_node(~[@"tests"/~]);
let test_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(test_path);
@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ fn mk_test_main_call(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::expr {
node: test_call_expr_, span: dummy_sp()};
// Call std::test::test_main
let test_main_path = path_node(mk_path(cx, ~[@"test", @"test_main"]));
let test_main_path = path_node(mk_path(cx, ~[@"test"/~, @"test_main"/~]));
let test_main_path_expr_: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(test_main_path);
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fn dump_crates(crate_cache: dvec<cache_entry>) {
#debug("span: %?", entry.span);
#debug("hash: %?", entry.hash);
let attrs = ~[
attr::mk_attr(attr::mk_list_item(@"link", *entry.metas))
attr::mk_attr(attr::mk_list_item(@"link"/~, *entry.metas))
for attr::find_linkage_attrs(attrs).each |attr| {
#debug("meta: %s", pprust::attr_to_str(attr));
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn warn_if_multiple_versions(diag: span_handler,
for matches.each |match| {
diag.span_note(match.span, "used here");
let attrs = ~[
attr::mk_attr(attr::mk_list_item(@"link", *match.metas))
attr::mk_attr(attr::mk_list_item(@"link"/~, *match.metas))
loader::note_linkage_attrs(diag, attrs);
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ fn metas_with(ident: ast::ident, key: ast::ident,
fn metas_with_ident(ident: ast::ident,
metas: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> ~[@ast::meta_item] {
metas_with(ident, @"name", metas)
metas_with(ident, @"name"/~, metas)
fn existing_match(e: env, metas: ~[@ast::meta_item], hash: str) ->
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ fn resolve_crate_deps(e: env, cdata: @~[u8]) -> cstore::cnum_map {
for decoder::get_crate_deps(cdata).each |dep| {
let extrn_cnum = dep.cnum;
let cname =;
let cmetas = metas_with(dep.vers, @"vers", ~[]);
let cmetas = metas_with(dep.vers, @"vers"/~, ~[]);
#debug("resolving dep crate %s ver: %s hash: %s",
*, *dep.vers, *dep.hash);
alt existing_match(e, metas_with_ident(cname, cmetas), *dep.hash) {
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ fn get_crate_vers(data: @~[u8]) -> @str/~ {
ret alt attr::last_meta_item_value_str_by_name(
attr::find_linkage_metas(attrs), "vers") {
some(ver) { ver }
none { @"0.0" }
none { @"0.0"/~ }
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ fn encode_info_for_items(ecx: @encode_ctxt, ebml_w: ebml::writer,
vec::push(*index, {val: crate_node_id, pos: ebml_w.writer.tell()});
encode_info_for_mod(ecx, ebml_w, crate.node.module,
crate_node_id, ~[], @"");
crate_node_id, ~[], @""/~);
visit::visit_crate(*crate, (), visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_expr: |_e, _cx, _v| { },
visit_item: |i, cx, v, copy ebml_w| {
@ -952,18 +952,18 @@ fn synthesize_crate_attrs(ecx: @encode_ctxt, crate: @crate) -> ~[attribute] {
assert (*ecx.link_meta.vers != "");
let name_item =
attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"name", *;
attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"name"/~, *;
let vers_item =
attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"vers", *ecx.link_meta.vers);
attr::mk_name_value_item_str(@"vers"/~, *ecx.link_meta.vers);
let other_items =
let tmp = attr::remove_meta_items_by_name(items, @"name");
attr::remove_meta_items_by_name(tmp, @"vers")
let tmp = attr::remove_meta_items_by_name(items, @"name"/~);
attr::remove_meta_items_by_name(tmp, @"vers"/~)
let meta_items = vec::append(~[name_item, vers_item], other_items);
let link_item = attr::mk_list_item(@"link", meta_items);
let link_item = attr::mk_list_item(@"link"/~, meta_items);
ret attr::mk_attr(link_item);
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ fn check_exhaustive(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, pats: ~[@pat]) {
alt ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_bool {
alt check ctor {
val(const_int(1i64)) { some(@"true") }
val(const_int(0i64)) { some(@"false") }
val(const_int(1i64)) { some(@"true"/~) }
val(const_int(0i64)) { some(@"false"/~) }
ty::ty_enum(id, _) {
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ fn check_item_old_vecs(cx: ty::ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
ast::ty_path(@{span: _, global: _, idents: ids,
rp: none, types: _}, _)
if ids == ~[@"str"] && (! uses_vstore.contains_key( {
if ids == ~[@"str"/~] && (! uses_vstore.contains_key( {
t.span, "deprecated str type");
@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ class ir_maps {
alt self.var_kinds[*var] {
vk_local(_, name) | vk_arg(_, name, _) {name}
vk_field(name) {@("self." + *name)}
vk_self {@"self"}
vk_implicit_ret {@"<implicit-ret>"}
vk_self {@"self"/~}
vk_implicit_ret {@"<implicit-ret>"/~}
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ impl methods for determine_rp_ctxt {
fn region_is_relevant(r: @ast::region) -> bool {
alt r.node {
ast::re_anon {self.anon_implies_rp}
ast::re_named(@"self") {true}
ast::re_named(@"self"/~) {true}
ast::re_named(_) {false}
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ fn resolve_import(e: env, n_id: node_id, name: ast::ident,
// import
alt e.imports.find(n_id) {
some(resolving(sp)) {
e.imports.insert(n_id, resolved(none, none, none, @~[], @"", sp));
e.imports.insert(n_id, resolved(none, none, none, @~[], @""/~, sp));
_ { }
@ -560,22 +560,22 @@ class PrimitiveTypeTable {
new(atom_table: @AtomTable) {
self.primitive_types = atom_hashmap();
self.intern(atom_table, @"bool", ty_bool);
self.intern(atom_table, @"char", ty_int(ty_char));
self.intern(atom_table, @"float", ty_float(ty_f));
self.intern(atom_table, @"f32", ty_float(ty_f32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"f64", ty_float(ty_f64));
self.intern(atom_table, @"int", ty_int(ty_i));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i8", ty_int(ty_i8));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i16", ty_int(ty_i16));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i32", ty_int(ty_i32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i64", ty_int(ty_i64));
self.intern(atom_table, @"str", ty_str);
self.intern(atom_table, @"uint", ty_uint(ty_u));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u8", ty_uint(ty_u8));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u16", ty_uint(ty_u16));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u32", ty_uint(ty_u32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u64", ty_uint(ty_u64));
self.intern(atom_table, @"bool"/~, ty_bool);
self.intern(atom_table, @"char"/~, ty_int(ty_char));
self.intern(atom_table, @"float"/~, ty_float(ty_f));
self.intern(atom_table, @"f32"/~, ty_float(ty_f32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"f64"/~, ty_float(ty_f64));
self.intern(atom_table, @"int"/~, ty_int(ty_i));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i8"/~, ty_int(ty_i8));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i16"/~, ty_int(ty_i16));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i32"/~, ty_int(ty_i32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"i64"/~, ty_int(ty_i64));
self.intern(atom_table, @"str"/~, ty_str);
self.intern(atom_table, @"uint"/~, ty_uint(ty_u));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u8"/~, ty_uint(ty_u8));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u16"/~, ty_uint(ty_u16));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u32"/~, ty_uint(ty_u32));
self.intern(atom_table, @"u64"/~, ty_uint(ty_u64));
fn intern(atom_table: @AtomTable, string: @str/~,
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ class Resolver {
self.type_ribs = @dvec();
self.xray_context = NoXray;
self.self_atom = (*self.atom_table).intern(@"self");
self.self_atom = (*self.atom_table).intern(@"self"/~);
self.primitive_type_table = @PrimitiveTypeTable(self.atom_table);
self.namespaces = ~[ ModuleNS, TypeNS, ValueNS, ImplNS ];
@ -4234,7 +4234,7 @@ class Resolver {
current_module = module;
BlockParentLink(module, node_id) {
current_module = module;
@ -486,8 +486,8 @@ fn declare_tydesc(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> @tydesc_info {
let llalign = llalign_of(ccx, llty);
//XXX this triggers duplicate LLVM symbols
let name = if false /*ccx.sess.opts.debuginfo*/ {
mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(ccx, t, @"tydesc")
} else { mangle_internal_name_by_seq(ccx, @"tydesc") };
mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(ccx, t, @"tydesc"/~)
} else { mangle_internal_name_by_seq(ccx, @"tydesc"/~) };
note_unique_llvm_symbol(ccx, name);
log(debug, #fmt("+++ declare_tydesc %s %s", ty_to_str(ccx.tcx, t), name));
let gvar = str::as_c_str(name, |buf| {
@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ fn incr_refcnt_of_boxed(cx: block, box_ptr: ValueRef) {
fn make_visit_glue(bcx: block, v: ValueRef, t: ty::t) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("make_visit_glue");
let mut bcx = bcx;
assert bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"ty_visitor");
let (iid, ty) = bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"ty_visitor");
assert bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"ty_visitor"/~);
let (iid, ty) = bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"ty_visitor"/~);
let v = PointerCast(bcx, v, T_ptr(type_of::type_of(bcx.ccx(), ty)));
bcx = reflect::emit_calls_to_trait_visit_ty(bcx, t, v, iid);
@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ fn monomorphic_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt, fn_id: ast::def_id,
must_cast: true};
ast_map::node_ctor(nm, _, ct, _, pt) { (pt, nm, ct.span) }
ast_map::node_dtor(_, dtor, _, pt) {(pt, @"drop", dtor.span)}
ast_map::node_dtor(_, dtor, _, pt) {(pt, @"drop"/~, dtor.span)}
ast_map::node_expr(*) { ccx.tcx.sess.bug("Can't monomorphize an expr") }
ast_map::node_export(*) {
ccx.tcx.sess.bug("Can't monomorphize an export")
@ -3825,7 +3825,7 @@ fn trans_log(log_ex: @ast::expr, lvl: @ast::expr,
} else {
let s = link::mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(
ccx, modpath, @"loglevel");
ccx, modpath, @"loglevel"/~);
let global = str::as_c_str(s, |buf| {
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, T_i32(), buf)
@ -4563,7 +4563,7 @@ fn trans_enum_variant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, enum_id: ast::node_id,
let fn_args = vec::map(variant.node.args, |varg|
{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_copy),
ty: varg.ty,
ident: @"arg",
ident: @"arg"/~,
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt_w_id(ccx, ~[], llfndecl,,
param_substs, none);
@ -5215,7 +5215,7 @@ fn trans_constant(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
let path = item_path(ccx, it);
for vec::each(variants) |variant| {
let p = vec::append(path, ~[path_name(,
let s = mangle_exported_name(ccx, p, ty::mk_int(ccx.tcx));
let disr_val = vi[i].disr_val;
note_unique_llvm_symbol(ccx, s);
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ fn trans_expr_fn(bcx: block,
let ccx = bcx.ccx(), bcx = bcx;
let fty = node_id_type(bcx, id);
let llfnty = type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, fty);
let sub_path = vec::append_one(bcx.fcx.path, path_name(@"anon"));
let sub_path = vec::append_one(bcx.fcx.path, path_name(@"anon"/~));
let s = mangle_internal_name_by_path(ccx, sub_path);
let llfn = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, s, llfnty);
@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ fn trans_foreign_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: ast_map::path, decl: ast::fn_decl,
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::build_rust_fn");
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id);
let ps = link::mangle_internal_name_by_path(
ccx, vec::append_one(path, ast_map::path_name(@"__rust_abi")));
ccx, vec::append_one(path, ast_map::path_name(@"__rust_abi"/~)));
let llty = type_of_fn_from_ty(ccx, t);
let llfndecl = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(ccx.llmod, ps, llty);
trans_fn(ccx, path, decl, body, llfndecl, no_self, none, id);
@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ fn trans_foreign_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: ast_map::path, decl: ast::fn_decl,
let shim_name = link::mangle_internal_name_by_path(
ccx, vec::append_one(path,
ret build_shim_fn_(ccx, shim_name, llrustfn, tys,
build_args, build_ret);
@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ fn emit_calls_to_trait_visit_ty(bcx: block, t: ty::t,
visitor_iid: def_id) -> block {
let final = sub_block(bcx, "final");
assert bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"tydesc");
let (_, tydesc_ty) = bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"tydesc");
assert bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"tydesc"/~);
let (_, tydesc_ty) = bcx.ccx().tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"tydesc"/~);
let tydesc_ty = type_of::type_of(bcx.ccx(), tydesc_ty);
let r = reflector({
visitor_val: visitor_val,
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ fn simplify_type(tcx: ty::ctxt, typ: ty::t) -> ty::t {
ty::ty_class(did, substs) {
let simpl_fields = (if is_some(ty::ty_dtor(tcx, did)) {
// remember the drop flag
~[{ident: @"drop", mt: {ty:
~[{ident: @"drop"/~, mt: {ty:
mutbl: ast::m_mutbl}}] }
else { ~[] }) +
@ -2661,7 +2661,7 @@ fn item_path(cx: ctxt, id: ast::def_id) -> ast_map::path {
vec::append_one(*path, ast_map::path_name(nm))
ast_map::node_dtor(_, _, _, path) {
vec::append_one(*path, ast_map::path_name(@"dtor"))
vec::append_one(*path, ast_map::path_name(@"dtor"/~))
@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt,
let p_ty = fcx.expr_ty(p);
let lkup = method::lookup(fcx, p, p,, alloc_id,
@"alloc", p_ty, ~[], false);
@"alloc"/~, p_ty, ~[], false);
alt lkup.method() {
some(entry) {
fcx.ccx.method_map.insert(alloc_id, entry);
@ -2282,10 +2282,10 @@ fn check_intrinsic_type(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::foreign_item) {
(1u, ~[], ty::mk_nil_ptr(tcx))
"visit_tydesc" {
assert ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"tydesc");
assert ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"ty_visitor");
let (_, tydesc_ty) = ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"tydesc");
let (_, visitor_trait) = ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"ty_visitor");
assert ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"tydesc"/~);
assert ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.contains_key(@"ty_visitor"/~);
let (_, tydesc_ty) = ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"tydesc"/~);
let (_, visitor_trait) = ccx.tcx.intrinsic_defs.get(@"ty_visitor"/~);
let td_ptr = ty::mk_ptr(ccx.tcx, {ty: tydesc_ty,
mutbl: ast::m_imm});
(0u, ~[arg(ast::by_val, td_ptr),
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fn local_rhs_span(l: @ast::local, def: span) -> span {
fn is_main_name(path: syntax::ast_map::path) -> bool {
// FIXME (#34): path should be a constrained type, so we know
// the call to last doesn't fail.
vec::last(path) == syntax::ast_map::path_name(@"main")
vec::last(path) == syntax::ast_map::path_name(@"main"/~)
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ fn pandoc_header_id(header: str) -> str {
let s = str::replace(s, "]", "");
let s = str::replace(s, "(", "");
let s = str::replace(s, ")", "");
let s = str::replace(s, "@", "");
let s = str::replace(s, "@", "/~"/~);
let s = str::replace(s, "~", "");
let s = str::replace(s, "/", "");
let s = str::replace(s, ":", "");
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ fn failfn() {
fn main() {
let x = @"hi";
let x = @"hi"/~;
log(error, x);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
fn main() {
let cheese = "roquefort";
let carrots = @"crunchy";
let carrots = @"crunchy"/~;
fn@(tasties: @str/~, macerate: fn(str)) {
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ fn main() {
let map = map::hashmap(hash, eq);
let mut arr = ~[];
for uint::range(0u, 10u) |i| {
arr += ~[@"key stuff"];
map.insert(arr, arr + ~[@"value stuff"]);
arr += ~[@"key stuff"/~];
map.insert(arr, arr + ~[@"value stuff"/~]);
map.insert(~[@"boom"], ~[]);
map.insert(~[@"boom"/~], ~[]);
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
fn main() {
assert (@1 < @3);
assert (@@"hello " > @@"hello");
assert (@@@"hello" != @@@"there");
assert (@@"hello "/~ > @@"hello"/~);
assert (@@@"hello"/~ != @@@"there"/~);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import std::map::str_hash;
import dvec;
fn main() {
let v = ~[mut @"hi"];
let v = ~[mut @"hi"/~];
let m: req::header_map = str_hash();
m.insert("METHOD", @dvec::from_vec(v));
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fn perform_hax<T>(x: @T) -> hax {
fn deadcode() {
fn main() {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ fn perform_hax<T>(x: @T) -> hax {
fn deadcode() {
fn main() {
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