Basic lowering hir_def::exrp::Pat -> typed HIR.
Pattern arena is broken
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
//! through the body using inference results: mismatched arg counts, missing
//! fields, etc.
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{cell::RefCell, sync::Arc};
use hir_def::{expr::Statement, path::path, resolver::HasResolver, AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId};
use hir_expand::name;
@ -26,7 +26,13 @@ pub(crate) use hir_def::{
LocalFieldId, VariantId,
use super::ReplaceFilterMapNextWithFindMap;
use super::{
usefulness::{expand_pattern, PatternArena},
pub(super) struct ExprValidator<'a, 'b: 'a> {
owner: DefWithBodyId,
@ -380,7 +386,16 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
// eprintln!("ExprValidator::validate_match2({:?})", _match_expr_ty.kind(&Interner));
let pattern_arena = usefulness::PatternArena::clone_from(&body.pats);
let pattern_arena = RefCell::new(PatternArena::new());
let m_arms: Vec<_> = arms
.map(|arm| usefulness::MatchArm {
pat: self.lower_pattern(arm.pat, &mut pattern_arena.borrow_mut(), db, &body),
has_guard: arm.guard.is_some(),
let cx = usefulness::MatchCheckCtx {
module: self.owner.module(db.upcast()),
@ -389,12 +404,6 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
pattern_arena: &pattern_arena,
let m_arms: Vec<_> = arms
.map(|arm| usefulness::MatchArm { pat: arm.pat, has_guard: arm.guard.is_some() })
let report = usefulness::compute_match_usefulness(&cx, &m_arms);
// TODO Report unreacheble arms
@ -427,6 +436,18 @@ impl<'a, 'b> ExprValidator<'a, 'b> {
fn lower_pattern(
pat: PatId,
pattern_arena: &mut PatternArena,
db: &dyn HirDatabase,
body: &Body,
) -> pattern::PatId {
let mut patcx = pattern::PatCtxt::new(db, &self.infer, body);
let pattern = patcx.lower_pattern(pat);
fn validate_results_in_tail_expr(&mut self, body_id: ExprId, id: ExprId, db: &dyn HirDatabase) {
// the mismatch will be on the whole block currently
let mismatch = match self.infer.type_mismatch_for_expr(body_id) {
@ -2,8 +2,199 @@
#![allow(unused)] // todo remove
mod deconstruct_pat;
// TODO: find a better place for this?
mod pat_util;
pub mod usefulness;
use hir_def::{body::Body, EnumVariantId, LocalFieldId, VariantId};
use la_arena::Idx;
use crate::{db::HirDatabase, AdtId, InferenceResult, Interner, Substitution, Ty, TyKind};
use self::{deconstruct_pat::ToDo, pat_util::EnumerateAndAdjustIterator};
pub type PatId = Idx<Pat>;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum PatternError {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FieldPat {
pub field: LocalFieldId,
pub pattern: Pat,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Pat {
pub ty: Ty,
pub kind: Box<PatKind>,
impl Pat {
pub(crate) fn wildcard_from_ty(ty: &Ty) -> Self {
Pat { ty: ty.clone(), kind: Box::new(PatKind::Wild) }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum PatKind {
/// `x`, `ref x`, `x @ P`, etc.
Binding {
subpattern: Option<Pat>,
// todo: ToDo,
/// `Foo(...)` or `Foo{...}` or `Foo`, where `Foo` is a variant name from an ADT with
/// multiple variants.
Variant {
substs: Substitution,
enum_variant: EnumVariantId,
subpatterns: Vec<FieldPat>,
/// `(...)`, `Foo(...)`, `Foo{...}`, or `Foo`, where `Foo` is a variant name from an ADT with
/// a single variant.
Leaf {
subpatterns: Vec<FieldPat>,
/// `box P`, `&P`, `&mut P`, etc.
Deref {
subpattern: Pat,
/// An or-pattern, e.g. `p | q`.
/// Invariant: `pats.len() >= 2`.
Or {
pats: Vec<Pat>,
pub(crate) struct PatCtxt<'a> {
db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
infer: &'a InferenceResult,
body: &'a Body,
pub(crate) errors: Vec<PatternError>,
impl<'a> PatCtxt<'a> {
pub(crate) fn new(db: &'a dyn HirDatabase, infer: &'a InferenceResult, body: &'a Body) -> Self {
Self { db, infer, body, errors: Vec::new() }
pub(crate) fn lower_pattern(&mut self, pat: hir_def::expr::PatId) -> Pat {
// TODO: pattern adjustments (implicit dereference)
// More info
let unadjusted_pat = self.lower_pattern_unadjusted(pat);
fn lower_pattern_unadjusted(&mut self, pat: hir_def::expr::PatId) -> Pat {
let ty = &self.infer[pat];
let kind = match self.body[pat] {
hir_def::expr::Pat::Wild => PatKind::Wild,
hir_def::expr::Pat::Tuple { ref args, ellipsis } => {
let arity = match *ty.kind(&Interner) {
TyKind::Tuple(arity, _) => arity,
_ => panic!("unexpected type for tuple pattern: {:?}", ty),
let subpatterns = self.lower_tuple_subpats(args, arity, ellipsis);
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns }
hir_def::expr::Pat::TupleStruct { ref args, ellipsis, .. } => {
let variant_data = match self.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat) {
Some(variant_id) => variant_id.variant_data(self.db.upcast()),
None => panic!("tuple struct pattern not applied to an ADT {:?}", ty),
let subpatterns =
self.lower_tuple_subpats(args, variant_data.fields().len(), ellipsis);
self.lower_variant_or_leaf(pat, ty, subpatterns)
hir_def::expr::Pat::Record { ref args, .. } => {
let variant_data = match self.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat) {
Some(variant_id) => variant_id.variant_data(self.db.upcast()),
None => panic!("record pattern not applied to an ADT {:?}", ty),
let subpatterns = args
.map(|field| FieldPat {
// XXX(iDawer): field lookup is inefficient
field: variant_data.field(&|| todo!()),
pattern: self.lower_pattern(field.pat),
self.lower_variant_or_leaf(pat, ty, subpatterns)
hir_def::expr::Pat::Or(ref pats) => PatKind::Or { pats: self.lower_patterns(pats) },
_ => {
Pat { ty: ty.clone(), kind: Box::new(kind) }
fn lower_tuple_subpats(
&mut self,
pats: &[hir_def::expr::PatId],
expected_len: usize,
ellipsis: Option<usize>,
) -> Vec<FieldPat> {
.enumerate_and_adjust(expected_len, ellipsis)
.map(|(i, &subpattern)| FieldPat {
field: LocalFieldId::from_raw((i as u32).into()),
pattern: self.lower_pattern(subpattern),
fn lower_patterns(&mut self, pats: &[hir_def::expr::PatId]) -> Vec<Pat> {
pats.iter().map(|&p| self.lower_pattern(p)).collect()
fn lower_variant_or_leaf(
&mut self,
pat: hir_def::expr::PatId,
ty: &Ty,
subpatterns: Vec<FieldPat>,
) -> PatKind {
let kind = match self.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat) {
Some(variant_id) => {
if let VariantId::EnumVariantId(enum_variant) = variant_id {
let substs = match ty.kind(&Interner) {
TyKind::Adt(_, substs) | TyKind::FnDef(_, substs) => substs.clone(),
TyKind::Error => {
return PatKind::Wild;
_ => panic!("inappropriate type for def: {:?}", ty),
PatKind::Variant { substs, enum_variant, subpatterns }
} else {
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns }
None => {
// TODO: do we need PatKind::AscribeUserType ?
mod tests {
use crate::diagnostics::tests::check_diagnostics;
@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ use std::{
use hir_def::{
expr::{Expr, Literal, Pat, PatId, RecordFieldPat},
expr::{Expr, Literal, RecordFieldPat},
AttrDefId, EnumVariantId, HasModule, VariantId,
AttrDefId, EnumVariantId, HasModule, LocalFieldId, VariantId,
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use crate::{AdtId, Interner, Scalar, Ty, TyExt, TyKind};
use super::usefulness::{MatchCheckCtx, PatCtxt};
use super::{
usefulness::{MatchCheckCtx, PatCtxt},
FieldPat, Pat, PatId, PatKind,
use self::Constructor::*;
@ -271,29 +271,18 @@ impl Constructor {
/// Determines the constructor that the given pattern can be specialized to.
pub(super) fn from_pat(cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>, pat: PatId) -> Self {
let ty = cx.type_of(pat);
match &cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat] {
Pat::Bind { .. } | Pat::Wild => Wildcard,
Pat::Tuple { .. } | Pat::Ref { .. } | Pat::Box { .. } => Single,
Pat::Record { .. } | Pat::Path(_) | Pat::TupleStruct { .. } => {
// TODO: path to const
let variant_id =
cx.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat).unwrap_or_else(|| todo!());
match variant_id {
VariantId::EnumVariantId(id) => Variant(id),
VariantId::StructId(_) | VariantId::UnionId(_) => Single,
&Pat::Lit(expr_id) => match cx.body[expr_id] {
Expr::Literal(Literal::Bool(val)) => IntRange(IntRange::from_bool(val)),
_ => todo!(),
match cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat].kind.as_ref() {
PatKind::Binding { .. } | PatKind::Wild => Wildcard,
PatKind::Leaf { .. } | PatKind::Deref { .. } => Single,
&PatKind::Variant { enum_variant, .. } => Variant(enum_variant),
Pat::Or(..) => panic!("bug: Or-pattern should have been expanded earlier on."),
Pat::Missing => todo!("Fail gracefully when there is an error in a pattern"),
// &Pat::Lit(expr_id) => match cx.body[expr_id] {
// Expr::Literal(Literal::Bool(val)) => IntRange(IntRange::from_bool(val)),
// _ => todo!(),
// },
PatKind::Or { .. } => panic!("bug: Or-pattern should have been expanded earlier on."),
pat => todo!("Constructor::from_pat {:?}", pat),
// Pat::Range { start, end } => {}
// Pat::Slice { prefix, slice, suffix } => {}
// Pat::ConstBlock(_) => {}
@ -620,15 +609,15 @@ impl Fields {
cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>,
tys: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a Ty>,
) -> Self {
let wilds = tys.into_iter().map(|ty| (Pat::Wild, ty));
let pats =|(pat, ty)| cx.alloc_pat(pat, ty)).collect();
let wilds = tys.into_iter().map(Pat::wildcard_from_ty);
let pats =|pat| cx.alloc_pat(pat)).collect();
pub(crate) fn wildcards(pcx: PatCtxt<'_>, constructor: &Constructor) -> Self {
let ty = pcx.ty;
let cx =;
let wildcard_from_ty = |ty| cx.alloc_pat(Pat::Wild, ty);
let wildcard_from_ty = |ty| cx.alloc_pat(Pat::wildcard_from_ty(ty));
let ret = match constructor {
Single | Variant(_) => match ty.kind(&Interner) {
@ -696,64 +685,60 @@ impl Fields {
/// returns `Some(false)`
pub(super) fn apply(self, pcx: PatCtxt<'_>, ctor: &Constructor) -> Pat {
let subpatterns_and_indices = self.patterns_and_indices();
let mut subpatterns = subpatterns_and_indices.iter().map(|&(_, p)| p);
// TODO witnesses are not yet used
const TODO: Pat = Pat::Wild;
let mut subpatterns =
subpatterns_and_indices.iter().map(|&(_, p)|[p].clone());
// FIXME(iDawer) witnesses are not yet used
const UNIMPLEMENTED: PatKind = PatKind::Wild;
match ctor {
let pat = match ctor {
Single | Variant(_) => match pcx.ty.kind(&Interner) {
TyKind::Adt(..) | TyKind::Tuple(..) => {
// We want the real indices here.
// TODO indices and ellipsis interaction, tests
let subpatterns = subpatterns_and_indices.iter().map(|&(_, pat)| pat).collect();
let subpatterns = subpatterns_and_indices
.map(|&(field, pat)| FieldPat {
if let Some((adt, substs)) = pcx.ty.as_adt() {
let item = ItemInNs::Types(adt.into());
let path = find_path(, item,
.map(|mpath| Path::from_known_path(mpath, Vec::new()).into());
match adt {
hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(id) => TODO,
hir_def::AdtId::StructId(id) => {
let variant_data = &;
let args = subpatterns_and_indices
.map(|(&(_, pat), (_, field_data))| RecordFieldPat {
Pat::Record { path, args, ellipsis: false }
hir_def::AdtId::UnionId(_) => Pat::Wild,
if let hir_def::AdtId::EnumId(_) = adt {
let enum_variant = match ctor {
&Variant(id) => id,
_ => unreachable!(),
PatKind::Variant { substs: substs.clone(), enum_variant, subpatterns }
} else {
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns }
} else {
Pat::Tuple { args: subpatterns, ellipsis: None }
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns }
// Note: given the expansion of `&str` patterns done in `expand_pattern`, we should
// be careful to reconstruct the correct constant pattern here. However a string
// literal pattern will never be reported as a non-exhaustiveness witness, so we
// can ignore this issue.
TyKind::Ref(..) => {
Pat::Ref { pat:, mutability: Mutability::Shared }
TyKind::Ref(..) => PatKind::Deref { subpattern: },
TyKind::Slice(..) | TyKind::Array(..) => {
panic!("bug: bad slice pattern {:?} {:?}", ctor, pcx.ty)
_ => Pat::Wild,
_ => PatKind::Wild,
Constructor::Slice(slice) => TODO,
Str(_) => TODO,
FloatRange(..) => TODO,
Constructor::IntRange(_) => TODO,
NonExhaustive => Pat::Wild,
Wildcard => Pat::Wild,
Constructor::Slice(slice) => UNIMPLEMENTED,
FloatRange(..) => UNIMPLEMENTED,
Constructor::IntRange(_) => UNIMPLEMENTED,
NonExhaustive => PatKind::Wild,
Wildcard => return Pat::wildcard_from_ty(pcx.ty),
Opaque => panic!("bug: we should not try to apply an opaque constructor"),
Missing => {
panic!("bug: trying to apply the `Missing` constructor; this should have been done in `apply_constructors`")
Pat { ty: pcx.ty.clone(), kind: Box::new(pat) }
/// Returns the number of patterns. This is the same as the arity of the constructor used to
@ -765,9 +750,14 @@ impl Fields {
/// Returns the list of patterns along with the corresponding field indices.
fn patterns_and_indices(&self) -> SmallVec<[(usize, PatId); 2]> {
fn patterns_and_indices(&self) -> SmallVec<[(LocalFieldId, PatId); 2]> {
match self {
Fields::Vec(pats) => pats.iter().copied().enumerate().collect(),
Fields::Vec(pats) => pats
.map(|(i, p)| (LocalFieldId::from_raw((i as u32).into()), p))
@ -779,8 +769,13 @@ impl Fields {
/// Overrides some of the fields with the provided patterns. Exactly like
/// `replace_fields_indexed`, except that it takes `FieldPat`s as input.
fn replace_with_fieldpats(&self, new_pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = PatId>) -> Self {
fn replace_with_fieldpats(
new_pats: impl IntoIterator<Item = (LocalFieldId, PatId)>,
) -> Self {
new_pats.into_iter().map(|(field, pat)| (u32::from(field.into_raw()) as usize, pat)),
/// Overrides some of the fields with the provided patterns. This is used when a pattern
@ -814,10 +809,7 @@ impl Fields {
let tys: SmallVec<[Ty; 2]> = match self {
Fields::Vec(pats) => pats.iter().copied().map(|pat| cx.type_of(pat)).collect(),
.map(move |(pat, ty)| cx.alloc_pat(pat, &ty))
pats.into_iter().zip(tys.into_iter()).map(move |(pat, ty)| cx.alloc_pat(pat)).collect()
match self {
@ -845,42 +837,24 @@ impl Fields {
pat: PatId,
cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>,
) -> Self {
match &cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat] {
Pat::Ref { pat: subpattern, .. } | Pat::Box { inner: subpattern } => {
// TODO: these alocations are so unfortunate (+1 for switching to references)
match cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[pat].kind.as_ref() {
PatKind::Deref { subpattern } => {
assert_eq!(self.len(), 1);
let subpattern = cx.pattern_arena.borrow_mut().alloc(subpattern.clone());
Pat::Tuple { args, ellipsis } | Pat::TupleStruct { args, ellipsis, .. } => {
// FIXME(iDawer) handle ellipsis.
// XXX(iDawer): in rustc, this is handled by HIR->TypedHIR lowering
// rustc_mir_build::thir::pattern::PatCtxt::lower_tuple_subpats(..)
Pat::Record { args, ellipsis, .. } => {
let variant_id =
cx.infer.variant_resolution_for_pat(pat).unwrap_or_else(|| todo!());
let variant_data = variant_id.variant_data(cx.db.upcast());
let new_pats = args.iter().map(|field_pat| {
// TODO: field lookup is inefficient
let raw =
variant_data.field(&|| todo!()).into_raw();
let idx = u32::from(raw) as usize;
(idx, field_pat.pat)
PatKind::Leaf { subpatterns } | PatKind::Variant { subpatterns, .. } => {
let subpatterns = subpatterns.iter().map(|field_pat| {
Pat::Slice { .. } => {
| Pat::Wild
| Pat::Or(_)
| Pat::Range { .. }
| Pat::Path(_)
| Pat::Lit(_)
| Pat::Bind { .. }
| Pat::ConstBlock(_) => self.clone(),
PatKind::Wild | PatKind::Binding { .. } | PatKind::Or { .. } => self.clone(),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
use std::iter::{Enumerate, ExactSizeIterator};
pub struct EnumerateAndAdjust<I> {
enumerate: Enumerate<I>,
gap_pos: usize,
gap_len: usize,
impl<I> Iterator for EnumerateAndAdjust<I>
I: Iterator,
type Item = (usize, <I as Iterator>::Item);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, <I as Iterator>::Item)> {
.map(|(i, elem)| (if i < self.gap_pos { i } else { i + self.gap_len }, elem))
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
pub trait EnumerateAndAdjustIterator {
fn enumerate_and_adjust(
expected_len: usize,
gap_pos: Option<usize>,
) -> EnumerateAndAdjust<Self>
Self: Sized;
impl<T: ExactSizeIterator> EnumerateAndAdjustIterator for T {
fn enumerate_and_adjust(
expected_len: usize,
gap_pos: Option<usize>,
) -> EnumerateAndAdjust<Self>
Self: Sized,
let actual_len = self.len();
EnumerateAndAdjust {
enumerate: self.enumerate(),
gap_pos: gap_pos.unwrap_or(expected_len),
gap_len: expected_len - actual_len,
@ -3,11 +3,7 @@
use std::{cell::RefCell, iter::FromIterator, ops::Index, sync::Arc};
use hir_def::{
expr::{ExprId, Pat, PatId},
HasModule, ModuleId,
use hir_def::{body::Body, expr::ExprId, HasModule, ModuleId};
use la_arena::Arena;
use once_cell::unsync::OnceCell;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
@ -15,7 +11,10 @@ use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use crate::{db::HirDatabase, InferenceResult, Ty};
use super::deconstruct_pat::{Constructor, Fields, SplitWildcard};
use super::{
deconstruct_pat::{Constructor, Fields, SplitWildcard},
Pat, PatId, PatKind,
use self::{
helper::{Captures, PatIdExt},
@ -55,14 +54,13 @@ impl<'a> MatchCheckCtx<'a> {
pub(super) fn alloc_pat(&self, pat: Pat, ty: &Ty) -> PatId {
self.pattern_arena.borrow_mut().alloc(pat, ty)
pub(super) fn alloc_pat(&self, pat: Pat) -> PatId {
/// Get type of a pattern. Handles expanded patterns.
pub(super) fn type_of(&self, pat: PatId) -> Ty {
let type_of_expanded_pat = self.pattern_arena.borrow().type_of_epat.get(&pat).cloned();
type_of_expanded_pat.unwrap_or_else(|| self.infer[pat].clone())
@ -76,30 +74,40 @@ pub(super) struct PatCtxt<'a> {
pub(super) is_top_level: bool,
impl PatIdExt for PatId {
fn is_wildcard(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> bool {
matches!(cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[self], Pat::Bind { subpat: None, .. } | Pat::Wild)
pub(crate) fn expand_pattern(pat: Pat) -> Pat {
// TODO: LiteralExpander, it is about string literal patterns
impl Pat {
fn is_wildcard(&self) -> bool {
matches!(*self.kind, PatKind::Binding { subpattern: None, .. } | PatKind::Wild)
impl PatIdExt for PatId {
fn is_or_pat(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> bool {
matches!(cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[self], Pat::Or(..))
matches!(*cx.pattern_arena.borrow()[self].kind, PatKind::Or { .. })
/// Recursively expand this pattern into its subpatterns. Only useful for or-patterns.
fn expand_or_pat(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> Vec<Self> {
fn expand(pat: PatId, vec: &mut Vec<PatId>, pat_arena: &PatternArena) {
if let Pat::Or(pats) = &pat_arena[pat] {
for &pat in pats {
expand(pat, vec, pat_arena);
fn expand(pat: PatId, vec: &mut Vec<PatId>, mut pat_arena: &mut PatternArena) {
if let PatKind::Or { pats } = pat_arena[pat].kind.as_ref() {
// for pat in pats {
// // TODO(iDawer): Ugh, I want to go back to references (PatId -> &Pat)
// let pat = pat_arena.alloc(pat.clone());
// expand(pat, vec, pat_arena);
// }
} else {
let pat_arena = cx.pattern_arena.borrow();
let mut pat_arena = cx.pattern_arena.borrow_mut();
let mut pats = Vec::new();
expand(self, &mut pats, &pat_arena);
expand(self, &mut pats, &mut pat_arena);
@ -866,7 +874,8 @@ pub(crate) fn compute_match_usefulness(
let wild_pattern = cx.pattern_arena.borrow_mut().alloc(Pat::Wild, &cx.infer[cx.match_expr]);
let wild_pattern =
let v = PatStack::from_pattern(wild_pattern);
let usefulness = is_useful(cx, &matrix, &v, ConstructWitness, false, true);
let non_exhaustiveness_witnesses = match usefulness {
@ -876,31 +885,7 @@ pub(crate) fn compute_match_usefulness(
UsefulnessReport { arm_usefulness, non_exhaustiveness_witnesses }
pub(crate) struct PatternArena {
arena: Arena<Pat>,
/// Types of expanded patterns.
type_of_epat: FxHashMap<PatId, Ty>,
impl PatternArena {
pub(crate) fn clone_from(pats: &Arena<Pat>) -> RefCell<Self> {
PatternArena { arena: pats.clone(), type_of_epat: Default::default() }.into()
fn alloc(&mut self, pat: Pat, ty: &Ty) -> PatId {
let id = self.arena.alloc(pat);
self.type_of_epat.insert(id, ty.clone());
impl Index<PatId> for PatternArena {
type Output = Pat;
fn index(&self, pat: PatId) -> &Pat {
pub(crate) type PatternArena = Arena<Pat>;
mod helper {
use hir_def::expr::{Pat, PatId};
@ -908,7 +893,7 @@ mod helper {
use super::MatchCheckCtx;
pub(super) trait PatIdExt: Sized {
fn is_wildcard(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> bool;
// fn is_wildcard(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> bool;
fn is_or_pat(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> bool;
fn expand_or_pat(self, cx: &MatchCheckCtx<'_>) -> Vec<Self>;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user