Merge pull request #189 from nrc/match

match expressions
This commit is contained in:
Nick Cameron 2015-08-20 08:20:43 +12:00
commit 95b6aa0dc8
18 changed files with 521 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ impl FindUncommented for str {
if b != c {
needle_iter = pat.chars();
None => return Some(i - pat.len())
None => return Some(i - pat.len()),
if possible_comment && (b == '/' || b == '*') {
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ impl FindUncommented for str {
// Handle case where the pattern is a suffix of the search string
match {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(self.len() - pat.len())
None => Some(self.len() - pat.len()),

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext};
use lists::{write_list, itemize_list, ListFormatting, SeparatorTactic, ListTactic};
use string::{StringFormat, rewrite_string};
use StructLitStyle;
use utils::{span_after, make_indent, extra_offset};
use utils::{span_after, make_indent, extra_offset, first_line_width, last_line_width};
use visitor::FmtVisitor;
use config::BlockIndentStyle;
use comment::{FindUncommented, rewrite_comment};
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::Expr {
ast::Lit_::LitStr(ref is, _) => {
rewrite_string_lit(context, &is, l.span, width, offset)
_ => context.codemap.span_to_snippet(self.span).ok()
_ => context.codemap.span_to_snippet(self.span).ok(),
ast::Expr_::ExprCall(ref callee, ref args) => {
@ -99,16 +99,34 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::Expr {
ast::Expr_::ExprMatch(ref cond, ref arms, _) => {
rewrite_match(context, cond, arms, width, offset)
ast::Expr_::ExprPath(ref qself, ref path) => {
rewrite_path(context, qself.as_ref(), path, width, offset)
_ => context.codemap.span_to_snippet(self.span).ok()
// FIXME #184 Note that this formatting is broken due to a bad span
// from the parser.
// `continue`
ast::Expr_::ExprAgain(ref opt_ident) => {
let id_str = match *opt_ident {
Some(ident) => format!(" {}", ident),
None => String::new(),
Some(format!("continue{}", id_str))
_ => context.codemap.span_to_snippet(self.span).ok(),
impl Rewrite for ast::Block {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, width: usize, offset: usize) -> Option<String> {
let user_str = context.codemap.span_to_snippet(self.span).unwrap();
if user_str == "{}" && width >= 2 {
return Some(user_str);
let mut visitor = FmtVisitor::from_codemap(context.codemap, context.config);
visitor.block_indent = context.block_indent;
@ -147,7 +165,7 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::Block {
// TODO(#18): implement pattern formatting
// FIXME(#18): implement pattern formatting
impl Rewrite for ast::Pat {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, _: usize, _: usize) -> Option<String> {
@ -191,7 +209,7 @@ impl<'a> Loop<'a> {
keyword: "while ",
matcher: match pat {
Some(..) => "let ",
None => ""
None => "",
connector: " =",
@ -229,7 +247,7 @@ impl<'a> Rewrite for Loop<'a> {
None => String::new()
None => String::new(),
// FIXME: this drops any comment between "loop" and the block.
@ -242,7 +260,7 @@ impl<'a> Rewrite for Loop<'a> {
fn rewrite_label(label: Option<ast::Ident>) -> String {
match label {
Some(ident) => format!("{}: ", ident),
None => "".to_owned()
None => "".to_owned(),
@ -254,9 +272,8 @@ fn rewrite_range(context: &RewriteContext,
offset: usize)
-> Option<String> {
let left_string = match left {
// 2 = ..
Some(expr) => try_opt!(expr.rewrite(context, width - 2, offset)),
None => String::new()
None => String::new(),
let right_string = match right {
@ -265,7 +282,7 @@ fn rewrite_range(context: &RewriteContext,
let max_width = (width - 2).checked_sub(left_string.len()).unwrap_or(0);
try_opt!(expr.rewrite(context, max_width, offset + 2 + left_string.len()))
None => String::new()
None => String::new(),
Some(format!("{}..{}", left_string, right_string))
@ -303,6 +320,251 @@ fn rewrite_if_else(context: &RewriteContext,
fn rewrite_match(context: &RewriteContext,
cond: &ast::Expr,
arms: &[ast::Arm],
width: usize,
offset: usize)
-> Option<String> {
if arms.len() == 0 {
return None;
// `match `cond` {`
let cond_str = try_opt!(cond.rewrite(context, width - 8, offset + 6));
let mut result = format!("match {} {{", cond_str);
let block_indent = context.block_indent;
let nested_context = context.nested_context();
let arm_indent_str = make_indent(nested_context.block_indent);
let open_brace_pos = span_after(mk_sp(cond.span.hi, arm_start_pos(&arms[0])),
for (i, arm) in arms.iter().enumerate() {
// Make sure we get the stuff between arms.
let missed_str = if i == 0 {
context.codemap.span_to_snippet(mk_sp(open_brace_pos + BytePos(1),
} else {
let missed_str = match missed_str.find_uncommented(",") {
Some(n) => &missed_str[n+1..],
None => &missed_str[..],
// first = first non-whitespace byte index.
let first = missed_str.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace()).unwrap_or(missed_str.len());
if missed_str[..first].chars().filter(|c| c == &'\n').count() >= 2 {
// There were multiple line breaks which got trimmed to nothing
// that means there should be some vertical white space. Lets
// replace that with just one blank line.
let missed_str = missed_str.trim();
if missed_str.len() > 0 {
let arm_str = arm.rewrite(&nested_context,
context.config.max_width -
if let Some(ref arm_str) = arm_str {
} else {
// We couldn't format the arm, just reproduce the source.
let snippet = context.codemap.span_to_snippet(mk_sp(arm_start_pos(arm),
// We'll miss any comments etc. between the last arm and the end of the
// match expression, but meh.
fn arm_start_pos(arm: &ast::Arm) -> BytePos {
let &ast::Arm { ref attrs, ref pats, .. } = arm;
if attrs.len() > 0 {
return attrs[0].span.lo
fn arm_end_pos(arm: &ast::Arm) -> BytePos {
// Match arms.
impl Rewrite for ast::Arm {
fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, width: usize, offset: usize) -> Option<String> {
let &ast::Arm { ref attrs, ref pats, ref guard, ref body } = self;
let indent_str = make_indent(offset);
// FIXME this is all a bit grotty, would be nice to abstract out the
// treatment of attributes.
let attr_str = if attrs.len() > 0 {
// We only use this visitor for the attributes, should we use it for
// more?
let mut attr_visitor = FmtVisitor::from_codemap(context.codemap, context.config);
attr_visitor.block_indent = context.block_indent;
attr_visitor.last_pos = attrs[0].span.lo;
if attr_visitor.visit_attrs(attrs) {
// Attributes included a skip instruction.
let snippet = context.codemap.span_to_snippet(mk_sp(attrs[0].span.lo,
return Some(snippet);
} else {
// Patterns
let pat_strs = try_opt!(pats.iter().map(|p| p.rewrite(context,
// 5 = ` => {`
width - 5,
offset + context.config.tab_spaces))
let mut total_width = pat_strs.iter().fold(0, |a, p| a + p.len());
// Add ` | `.len().
total_width += (pat_strs.len() - 1) * 3;
let mut vertical = total_width > width - 5 || pat_strs.iter().any(|p| p.contains('\n'));
if !vertical {
// If the patterns were previously stacked, keep them stacked.
// FIXME should be an option.
let pat_span = mk_sp(pats[0].span.lo, pats[pats.len() - 1].span.hi);
let pat_str = context.codemap.span_to_snippet(pat_span).unwrap();
vertical = pat_str.find('\n').is_some();
let pats_width = if vertical {
pat_strs[pat_strs.len() - 1].len()
} else {
let mut pats_str = String::new();
for p in pat_strs {
if pats_str.len() > 0 {
if vertical {
pats_str.push_str(" |\n");
} else {
pats_str.push_str(" | ");
let guard_str = try_opt!(rewrite_guard(context, guard, width, offset, pats_width));
let pats_str = format!("{}{}", pats_str, guard_str);
// Where the next text can start.
let mut line_start = last_line_width(&pats_str);
if pats_str.find('\n').is_none() {
line_start += offset;
let comma = if let ast::ExprBlock(_) = body.node {
} else {
let nested_indent = context.block_indent + context.config.tab_spaces;
// Let's try and get the arm body on the same line as the condition.
// 4 = ` => `.len()
if context.config.max_width > line_start + comma.len() + 4 {
let budget = context.config.max_width - line_start - comma.len() - 4;
if let Some(ref body_str) = body.rewrite(context,
nested_indent) {
if first_line_width(body_str) <= budget {
return Some(format!("{}{} => {}{}",
// We have to push the body to the next line.
if comma.len() == 0 {
// We're trying to fit a block in, but it still failed, give up.
return None;
let body_str = try_opt!(body.rewrite(context,
width - context.config.tab_spaces,
Some(format!("{}{} =>\n{}{},",
make_indent(offset + context.config.tab_spaces),
// The `if ...` guard on a match arm.
fn rewrite_guard(context: &RewriteContext,
guard: &Option<ptr::P<ast::Expr>>,
width: usize,
offset: usize,
// The amount of space used up on this line for the pattern in
// the arm (excludes offset).
pattern_width: usize)
-> Option<String> {
if let &Some(ref guard) = guard {
// First try to fit the guard string on the same line as the pattern.
// 4 = ` if `, 5 = ` => {`
let overhead = pattern_width + 4 + 5;
if overhead < width {
let cond_str = guard.rewrite(context,
width - overhead,
offset + pattern_width + 4);
if let Some(cond_str) = cond_str {
return Some(format!(" if {}", cond_str));
// Not enough space to put the guard after the pattern, try a newline.
let overhead = context.config.tab_spaces + 4 + 5;
if overhead < width {
let cond_str = guard.rewrite(context,
width - overhead,
offset + context.config.tab_spaces);
if let Some(cond_str) = cond_str {
return Some(format!("\n{}if {}",
make_indent(offset + context.config.tab_spaces),
} else {
fn rewrite_pat_expr(context: &RewriteContext,
pat: Option<&ast::Pat>,
expr: &ast::Expr,
@ -319,7 +581,7 @@ fn rewrite_pat_expr(context: &RewriteContext,
format!("{}{}{}", matcher, pat_string, connector)
None => String::new()
None => String::new(),
// Consider only the last line of the pat string.
@ -389,7 +651,7 @@ fn rewrite_call(context: &RewriteContext,
-> Option<String> {
debug!("rewrite_call, width: {}, offset: {}", width, offset);
// TODO using byte lens instead of char lens (and probably all over the place too)
// FIXME using byte lens instead of char lens (and probably all over the place too)
// 2 is for parens
let max_callee_width = try_opt!(width.checked_sub(2));
let callee_str = try_opt!(callee.rewrite(context, max_callee_width, offset));
@ -446,7 +708,7 @@ fn rewrite_paren(context: &RewriteContext,
-> Option<String> {
debug!("rewrite_paren, width: {}, offset: {}", width, offset);
// 1 is for opening paren, 2 is for opening+closing, we want to keep the closing
// paren on the same line as the subexpr
// paren on the same line as the subexpr.
let subexpr_str = subexpr.rewrite(context, width-2, offset+1);
debug!("rewrite_paren, subexpr_str: `{:?}`", subexpr_str);|s| format!("({})", s))
@ -616,20 +878,6 @@ fn rewrite_binary_op(context: &RewriteContext,
let operator_str = context.codemap.span_to_snippet(op.span).unwrap();
// 1 = space between lhs expr and operator
let max_width = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(operator_str.len() + offset + 1));
let mut result = try_opt!(lhs.rewrite(context, max_width, offset));
result.push(' ');
// 1 = space between operator and rhs
let used_width = result.len() + 1;
let remaining_width = match result.rfind('\n') {
Some(idx) => (offset + width + idx).checked_sub(used_width).unwrap_or(0),
None => width.checked_sub(used_width).unwrap_or(0)
// Get "full width" rhs and see if it fits on the current line. This
// usually works fairly well since it tends to place operands of
// operations with high precendence close together.
@ -637,15 +885,45 @@ fn rewrite_binary_op(context: &RewriteContext,
// Second condition is needed in case of line break not caused by a
// shortage of space, but by end-of-line comments, for example.
if rhs_result.len() > remaining_width || rhs_result.contains('\n') {
} else {
result.push(' ');
// Note that this is non-conservative, but its just to see if it's even
// worth trying to put everything on one line.
if rhs_result.len() + 2 + operator_str.len() < width && !rhs_result.contains('\n') {
// 1 = space between lhs expr and operator
if let Some(mut result) = lhs.rewrite(context,
width - 1 - operator_str.len(),
offset) {
result.push(' ');
result.push(' ');
let remaining_width = width.checked_sub(last_line_width(&result)).unwrap_or(0);
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
if let Some(rhs_result) = rhs.rewrite(context,
offset + result.len()) {
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
// We have to use multiple lines.
// Re-evaluate the lhs because we have more space now:
let budget = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(offset + 1 + operator_str.len()));
Some(format!("{} {}\n{}{}",
try_opt!(lhs.rewrite(context, budget, offset)),
fn rewrite_unary_op(context: &RewriteContext,
@ -659,7 +937,7 @@ fn rewrite_unary_op(context: &RewriteContext,
ast::UnOp::UnUniq => "box ",
ast::UnOp::UnDeref => "*",
ast::UnOp::UnNot => "!",
ast::UnOp::UnNeg => "-"
ast::UnOp::UnNeg => "-",
let subexpr = try_opt!(expr.rewrite(context, width - operator_str.len(), offset));

View File

@ -58,18 +58,18 @@ fn write_file(text: &StringBuffer,
where T: Write
match config.newline_style {
NewlineStyle::Unix => write!(writer, "{}", text),
NewlineStyle::Windows => {
for (c, _) in text.chars() {
match c {
'\n' => try!(write!(writer, "\r\n")),
'\r' => continue,
c => try!(write!(writer, "{}", c)),
NewlineStyle::Unix => write!(writer, "{}", text),
NewlineStyle::Windows => {
for (c, _) in text.chars() {
match c {
'\n' => try!(write!(writer, "\r\n")),
'\r' => continue,
c => try!(write!(writer, "{}", c)),
match mode {

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ use rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext};
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
// TODO (some day) remove unused imports, expand globs, compress many single imports into a list import
// TODO (some day) remove unused imports, expand globs, compress many single
// imports into a list import.
impl Rewrite for ast::ViewPath {
// Returns an empty string when the ViewPath is empty (like foo::bar::{})
@ -39,10 +40,10 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::ViewPath {
let path_str = try_opt!(path.rewrite(context, width - ident_str.len() - 4, offset));
Some(if path.segments.last().unwrap().identifier == ident {
} else {
format!("{} as {}", path_str, ident_str)
} else {
format!("{} as {}", path_str, ident_str)
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ pub fn rewrite_use_list(width: usize,
match path_list.len() {
0 => return None,
1 => return Some(rewrite_single_use_list(path_str, path_list[0])),
_ => ()
_ => (),
// 2 = ::
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ fn move_self_to_front(items: &mut Vec<ListItem>) -> bool {
Some(pos) => {
items[0] = items.remove(pos);
None => false
None => false,

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ impl ReportTactic {
match *self {
ReportTactic::Always => true,
ReportTactic::Unnumbered => true,
ReportTactic::Never => false
ReportTactic::Never => false,
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ impl BadIssueSeeker {
match self.state {
Seeking::Issue { todo_idx, fixme_idx } => {
self.state = self.inspect_issue(c, todo_idx, fixme_idx);
Seeking::Number { issue, part } => {
let result = self.inspect_number(c, issue, part);
@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ impl BadIssueSeeker {
} else {
part = NumberPart::Pound;
NumberPart::Pound => {
if c == '#' {
part = NumberPart::Number;
NumberPart::Number => {
if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
part = NumberPart::CloseParen;
} else {
return IssueClassification::Bad(issue);
NumberPart::CloseParen => {}

View File

@ -411,10 +411,8 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
let indent = self.block_indent
+ vis.len()
+ 1; // Open paren
let indent = self.block_indent + vis.len() + +
1; // Open paren
let comma_cost = if self.config.enum_trailing_comma {
@ -449,7 +447,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
ast::VariantKind::StructVariantKind(ref struct_def) => {
// TODO Should limit the width, as we have a trailing comma
@ -491,7 +489,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
let is_tuple = match struct_def.fields[0].node.kind {
ast::StructFieldKind::NamedField(..) => false,
ast::StructFieldKind::UnnamedField(..) => true
ast::StructFieldKind::UnnamedField(..) => true,
let (opener, terminator) = if is_tuple {
@ -506,7 +504,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
offset + header_str.len(),
None => opener.to_owned()
None => opener.to_owned(),
@ -632,7 +630,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
let vis = match field.node.kind {
ast::StructFieldKind::NamedField(_, vis) |
ast::StructFieldKind::UnnamedField(vis) => format_visibility(vis)
ast::StructFieldKind::UnnamedField(vis) => format_visibility(vis),
let typ = pprust::ty_to_string(&field.node.ty);
@ -645,7 +643,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
match name {
Some(name) => format!("{}{}{}: {}", attr_str, vis, name, typ),
None => format!("{}{}{}", attr_str, vis, typ)
None => format!("{}{}{}", attr_str, vis, typ),
@ -799,8 +797,7 @@ fn rewrite_explicit_self(explicit_self: &ast::ExplicitSelf, args: &[ast::Arg]) -
// this hacky solution caused by absence of `Mutability` in `SelfValue`.
let mut_str = {
if let ast::Pat_::PatIdent(ast::BindingMode::BindByValue(mutability), _, _)
= args[0].pat.node {
if let ast::Pat_::PatIdent(ast::BindingMode::BindByValue(mutability), _, _) = args[0].pat.node {
} else {
panic!("there is a bug or change in structure of AST, aborting.");
@ -809,7 +806,7 @@ fn rewrite_explicit_self(explicit_self: &ast::ExplicitSelf, args: &[ast::Arg]) -
Some(format!("{}self", mut_str))
_ => None
_ => None,

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
// TODO we're going to allocate a whole bunch of temp Strings, is it worth
// keeping some scratch mem for this and running our own StrPool?
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ impl FromStr for WriteMode {
"replace" => Ok(WriteMode::Replace),
"display" => Ok(WriteMode::Display),
"overwrite" => Ok(WriteMode::Overwrite),
_ => Err(())
_ => Err(()),
@ -227,6 +228,8 @@ fn fmt_ast(krate: &ast::Crate, codemap: &CodeMap, config: &Config) -> FileMap {
// Formatting done on a char by char or line by line basis.
// TODO warn on bad license
// TODO other stuff for parity with make tidy
// FIXME skipping due to `continue`, #184.
fn fmt_lines(file_map: &mut FileMap, config: &Config) -> FormatReport {
let mut truncate_todo = Vec::new();
let mut report = FormatReport { file_error_map: HashMap::new() };

View File

@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ pub fn write_list<'b>(items: &[ListItem], formatting: &ListFormatting<'b>) -> St
let comment = item.post_comment.as_ref().unwrap();
// Use block-style only for the last item or multiline comments.
let block_style = !formatting.ends_with_newline && last ||
comment.trim().contains('\n') || comment.trim().len() > width;
comment.trim().contains('\n') ||
comment.trim().len() > width;
let formatted_comment = rewrite_comment(comment, block_style, width, offset);
@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ fn comment_len(comment: &Option<String>) -> usize {
} else {
&None => 0
&None => 0,

View File

@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ fn module_file(id: ast::Ident,
match parser::Parser::default_submod_path(id, &dir_path, codemap).result {
Ok(parser::ModulePathSuccess { path, .. }) => path,
Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't find module {}", id)
Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't find module {}", id),

View File

@ -30,3 +30,13 @@ pub struct RewriteContext<'a> {
pub config: &'a Config,
pub block_indent: usize,
impl<'a> RewriteContext<'a> {
pub fn nested_context(&self) -> RewriteContext<'a> {
RewriteContext {
codemap: self.codemap,
config: self.config,
block_indent: self.block_indent + self.config.tab_spaces,

View File

@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ impl<'a> fmt::Display for SegmentParam<'a> {
// We'd really rather not do this, but there doesn't seem to be an alternative
// at this point.
// FIXME: fails with spans containing comments with the characters < or :
// FIXME #184 skip due to continue.
fn get_path_separator(codemap: &CodeMap,
path_start: BytePos,
segment_start: BytePos)
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ fn get_path_separator(codemap: &CodeMap,
for c in snippet.chars().rev() {
if c == ':' {
return "::"
return "::";
} else if c.is_whitespace() || c == '<' {
} else {
@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ fn rewrite_segment(segment: &ast::PathSegment,
ast::PathParameters::ParenthesizedParameters(ref data) => {
let output = match data.output {
Some(ref ty) => format!(" -> {}", pprust::ty_to_string(&*ty)),
None => String::new()
None => String::new(),
let list_lo = span_after(codemap::mk_sp(*span_lo, span_hi), "(", context.codemap);
@ -267,7 +269,7 @@ fn rewrite_segment(segment: &ast::PathSegment,
format!("({}){}", write_list(&items.collect::<Vec<_>>(), &fmt), output)
_ => String::new()
_ => String::new(),
Some(format!("{}{}", segment.identifier, params))
@ -278,57 +280,57 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::WherePredicate {
// TODO dead spans?
// TODO assumes we'll always fit on one line...
Some(match self {
&ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ast::WhereBoundPredicate{ref bound_lifetimes,
&ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ast::WhereBoundPredicate{ref bound_lifetimes,
ref bounded_ty,
ref bounds,
..}) => {
if bound_lifetimes.len() > 0 {
let lifetime_str = bound_lifetimes.iter().map(|lt| {
if bound_lifetimes.len() > 0 {
let lifetime_str = bound_lifetimes.iter().map(|lt| {
lt.rewrite(context, width, offset).unwrap()
}).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ");
let type_str = pprust::ty_to_string(bounded_ty);
let type_str = pprust::ty_to_string(bounded_ty);
// 8 = "for<> : ".len()
let used_width = lifetime_str.len() + type_str.len() + 8;
let bounds_str = bounds.iter().map(|ty_bound| {
let used_width = lifetime_str.len() + type_str.len() + 8;
let bounds_str = bounds.iter().map(|ty_bound| {
width - used_width,
offset + used_width)
}).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" + ");
format!("for<{}> {}: {}", lifetime_str, type_str, bounds_str)
} else {
let type_str = pprust::ty_to_string(bounded_ty);
format!("for<{}> {}: {}", lifetime_str, type_str, bounds_str)
} else {
let type_str = pprust::ty_to_string(bounded_ty);
// 2 = ": ".len()
let used_width = type_str.len() + 2;
let bounds_str = bounds.iter().map(|ty_bound| {
let used_width = type_str.len() + 2;
let bounds_str = bounds.iter().map(|ty_bound| {
width - used_width,
offset + used_width)
}).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" + ");
format!("{}: {}", type_str, bounds_str)
format!("{}: {}", type_str, bounds_str)
&ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ast::WhereRegionPredicate{ref lifetime,
&ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ast::WhereRegionPredicate{ref lifetime,
ref bounds,
..}) => {
format!("{}: {}",
format!("{}: {}",
.collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" + "))
&ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ast::WhereEqPredicate{ref path, ref ty, ..}) => {
let ty_str = pprust::ty_to_string(ty);
&ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ast::WhereEqPredicate{ref path, ref ty, ..}) => {
let ty_str = pprust::ty_to_string(ty);
// 3 = " = ".len()
let used_width = 3 + ty_str.len();
let path_str = try_opt!(path.rewrite(context,
let used_width = 3 + ty_str.len();
let path_str = try_opt!(path.rewrite(context,
width - used_width,
offset + used_width));
format!("{} = {}", path_str, ty_str)
format!("{} = {}", path_str, ty_str)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub fn extra_offset(text: &str, offset: usize) -> usize {
match text.rfind('\n') {
// 1 for newline character
Some(idx) => text.len() - idx - 1 - offset,
None => text.len()
None => text.len(),
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ pub fn make_indent(width: usize) -> String {
pub fn format_visibility(vis: Visibility) -> &'static str {
match vis {
Visibility::Public => "pub ",
Visibility::Inherited => ""
Visibility::Inherited => "",
@ -78,10 +78,29 @@ pub fn format_visibility(vis: Visibility) -> &'static str {
pub fn format_mutability(mutability: ast::Mutability) -> &'static str {
match mutability {
ast::Mutability::MutMutable => "mut ",
ast::Mutability::MutImmutable => ""
ast::Mutability::MutImmutable => "",
// The width of the first line in s.
pub fn first_line_width(s: &str) -> usize {
match s.find('\n') {
Some(n) => n,
None => s.len(),
// The width of the last line in s.
pub fn last_line_width(s: &str) -> usize {
match s.rfind('\n') {
Some(n) => s.len() - n - 1,
None => s.len(),
fn is_skip(meta_item: &MetaItem) -> bool {
match meta_item.node {
MetaItem_::MetaWord(ref s) => *s == SKIP_ANNOTATION,
@ -95,6 +114,7 @@ pub fn contains_skip(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool {
// Find the end of a TyParam
pub fn end_typaram(typaram: &ast::TyParam) -> BytePos {
typaram.bounds.last().map(|bound| match *bound {
ast::RegionTyParamBound(ref lt) => lt.span,

View File

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> {
let prev_span = codemap::mk_sp(self.last_pos, span.lo);
let span_end = match self.snippet(prev_span).rfind('\n') {
Some(offset) => self.last_pos + BytePos(offset as u32),
None => span.lo
None => span.lo,
self.last_pos = span.hi;

View File

@ -91,3 +91,16 @@ fn baz() {
// Regular unsafe block
// Test some empty blocks.
fn qux() {
// FIXME this one could be done better.
{ /* a block with a comment */ }
// A block with a comment.

View File

@ -21,5 +21,8 @@ let x = loop { do_forever(); };
while let Some(i) = x.find('s')
// FIXME #184
// continue;
// continue 'foo;

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ fn foo() -> bool {
let referenced = &5;
let very_long_variable_name = (a + first + simple + test);
let very_long_variable_name = (a + first + simple + test + AAAAAAAAAAAAA + BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB +
b + c);
let very_long_variable_name = (a + first + simple + test + AAAAAAAAAAAAA +
//FIXME this exceeds width limit. Needs assignments reformatting
let is_internalxxxx = self.codemap.span_to_filename(s) == self.codemap.span_to_filename(m.inner);
@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ fn foo() -> bool {
(bbbbbb - function_call(x, *very_long_pointer, y)) + 1000;
some_ridiculously_loooooooooooooooooooooong_function(10000 * 30000000000 +
40000 / 1002200000000 - 50000 * sqrt(-1),
40000 / 1002200000000 -
50000 * sqrt(-1),
(((((((((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +
a + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +
a +
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +
for _ in 0..10 {
for _ in 0..10 {}
@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ fn foo() -> bool {
if let Some(x) = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}
if let (some_very_large,
tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuple) = 1 + 2 + 3 {
@ -56,8 +55,7 @@ fn foo() -> bool {
if let (some_very_large,
tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuple) = 1111 +
2222 {
2222 {}
if let (some_very_large, tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuple) =
1 + 2 + 3 {
@ -121,3 +119,17 @@ fn baz() {
// Regular unsafe block
// Test some empty blocks.
fn qux() {
// FIXME this one could be done better.
{ /* a block with a comment */
// A block with a comment.

View File

@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ fn main() {
'a: while loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong_variable_name + another_value >
some_other_value {
some_other_value {}
while aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa > bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb {
@ -26,5 +25,8 @@ fn main() {
while let Some(i) = x.find('s') {
// FIXME #184
// continue;
// continue 'foo;

tests/target/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Match expressions.
fn foo() {
// A match expression.
match x {
// Some comment.
a => foo(),
b if 0 < 42 => foo(),
c => { // Another comment.
// Comment.
// Perhaps this should introduce braces?
Foo(ref bar) =>
Pattern1 | Pattern2 | Pattern3 => false,
Paternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Paternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn => {
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn => meh,
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if looooooooooooooooooong_guard => meh,
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong_guard =>
// Test that earlier patterns can take the guard space
(aaaa, bbbbb, ccccccc, aaaaa, bbbbbbbb, cccccc, aaaa, bbbbbbbb, cccccc, dddddd) |
Patternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn if loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong_guard => {}
_ => {}
ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketedParameters(ref data) if data.lifetimes.len() > 0 ||
data.types.len() > 0 ||
data.bindings.len() > 0 => {
let whatever = match something {
Some(_) => 42,
// Comment on an attribute.
// Comment after an attribute.
None => 0,
Blurb => { }