std: Convert to rustdoc
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
Module: bitv
export t;
export create;
export union;
@ -28,25 +22,19 @@ export eq_vec;
// an optimizing version of this module that produces a different obj
// for the case where nbits <= 32.
Type: t
The bitvector type.
#[doc = "The bitvector type"]
type t = @{storage: [mutable uint], nbits: uint};
const uint_bits: uint = 32u + (1u << 32u >> 27u);
Function: create
#[doc = "
Constructs a bitvector
Constructs a bitvector.
# Arguments
nbits - The number of bits in the bitvector
init - If true then the bits are initialized to 1, otherwise 0
* nbits - The number of bits in the bitvector
* init - If true then the bits are initialized to 1, otherwise 0
fn create(nbits: uint, init: bool) -> t {
let elt = if init { !0u } else { 0u };
let storage = vec::to_mut(vec::init_elt(nbits / uint_bits + 1u, elt));
@ -74,21 +62,12 @@ fn union(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool { let sub = lor; ret process(v0, v1, sub); }
fn land(w0: uint, w1: uint) -> uint { ret w0 & w1; }
Function: intersect
#[doc = "
Calculates the intersection of two bitvectors
Sets `v0` to the intersection of `v0` and `v1`
Both bitvectors must be the same length
True if `v0` was changed
Sets `v0` to the intersection of `v0` and `v1`. Both bitvectors must be the
same length. Returns 'true' if `v0` was changed.
fn intersect(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
let sub = land;
ret process(v0, v1, sub);
@ -96,26 +75,14 @@ fn intersect(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
fn right(_w0: uint, w1: uint) -> uint { ret w1; }
Function: assign
#[doc = "
Assigns the value of `v1` to `v0`
Both bitvectors must be the same length
True if `v0` was changed
Both bitvectors must be the same length. Returns `true` if `v0` was changed
fn assign(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool { let sub = right; ret process(v0, v1, sub); }
Function: clone
Makes a copy of a bitvector
#[doc = "Makes a copy of a bitvector"]
fn clone(v: t) -> t {
let storage = vec::to_mut(vec::init_elt(v.nbits / uint_bits + 1u, 0u));
let len = vec::len(;
@ -123,11 +90,7 @@ fn clone(v: t) -> t {
ret @{storage: storage, nbits: v.nbits};
Function: get
Retreive the value at index `i`
#[doc = "Retreive the value at index `i`"]
pure fn get(v: t, i: uint) -> bool {
assert (i < v.nbits);
let bits = uint_bits;
@ -139,19 +102,12 @@ pure fn get(v: t, i: uint) -> bool {
// FIXME: This doesn't account for the actual size of the vectors,
// so it could end up comparing garbage bits
Function: equal
#[doc = "
Compares two bitvectors
Both bitvectors must be the same length
True if both bitvectors contain identical elements
Both bitvectors must be the same length. Returns `true` if both bitvectors
contain identical elements.
fn equal(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
// FIXME: when we can break or return from inside an iterator loop,
// we can eliminate this painful while-loop
@ -165,51 +121,31 @@ fn equal(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
ret true;
Function: clear
Set all bits to 0
#[doc = "Set all bits to 0"]
fn clear(v: t) {
uint::range(0u, vec::len( {|i|[i] = 0u; };
Function: set_all
Set all bits to 1
#[doc = "Set all bits to 1"]
fn set_all(v: t) {
uint::range(0u, v.nbits) {|i| set(v, i, true); };
Function: invert
Invert all bits
#[doc = "Invert all bits"]
fn invert(v: t) {
uint::range(0u, vec::len( {|i|
||||[i] = ![i];
Function: difference
#[doc = "
Calculate the difference between two bitvectors
Sets each element of `v0` to the value of that element minus the element
of `v1` at the same index.
of `v1` at the same index. Both bitvectors must be the same length.
Both bitvectors must be the same length
True if `v0` was changed
Returns `true` if `v0` was changed.
fn difference(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
let b = intersect(v0, v1);
@ -217,15 +153,11 @@ fn difference(v0: t, v1: t) -> bool {
ret b;
Function: set
#[doc = "
Set the value of a bit at a given index
`i` must be less than the length of the bitvector
`i` must be less than the length of the bitvector.
fn set(v: t, i: uint, x: bool) {
assert (i < v.nbits);
let bits = uint_bits;
@ -236,22 +168,14 @@ fn set(v: t, i: uint, x: bool) {
Function: is_true
Returns true if all bits are 1
#[doc = "Returns true if all bits are 1"]
fn is_true(v: t) -> bool {
for i: uint in to_vec(v) { if i != 1u { ret false; } }
ret true;
Function: is_false
Returns true if all bits are 0
#[doc = "Returns true if all bits are 0"]
fn is_false(v: t) -> bool {
for i: uint in to_vec(v) { if i == 1u { ret false; } }
ret true;
@ -259,39 +183,35 @@ fn is_false(v: t) -> bool {
fn init_to_vec(v: t, i: uint) -> uint { ret if get(v, i) { 1u } else { 0u }; }
Function: to_vec
#[doc = "
Converts the bitvector to a vector of uint with the same length.
Converts the bitvector to a vector of uint with the same length. Each uint
in the resulting vector has either value 0u or 1u.
Each uint in the resulting vector has either value 0u or 1u.
fn to_vec(v: t) -> [uint] {
let sub = bind init_to_vec(v, _);
ret vec::init_fn::<uint>(v.nbits, sub);
Function: to_str
Converts the bitvector to a string. The resulting string has the same
length as the bitvector, and each character is either '0' or '1'.
#[doc = "
Converts the bitvector to a string.
The resulting string has the same length as the bitvector, and each character
is either '0' or '1'.
fn to_str(v: t) -> str {
let rs = "";
for i: uint in to_vec(v) { if i == 1u { rs += "1"; } else { rs += "0"; } }
ret rs;
Function: eq_vec
#[doc = "
Compare a bitvector to a vector of uint
Compare a bitvector to a vector of uint. The uint vector is expected to
only contain the values 0u and 1u.
Both the bitvector and vector must have the same length
The uint vector is expected to only contain the values 0u and 1u. Both the
bitvector and vector must have the same length
fn eq_vec(v0: t, v1: [uint]) -> bool {
assert (v0.nbits == vec::len::<uint>(v1));
let len = v0.nbits;
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
Module: c_vec
#[doc = "
Library to interface with chunks of memory allocated in C.
It is often desirable to safely interface with memory allocated from C,
@ -25,8 +23,7 @@ itself around, the c_vec could be garbage collected, and the memory within
could be destroyed. There are legitimate uses for the pointer elimination
form -- for instance, to pass memory back into C -- but great care must be
taken to ensure that a reference to the c_vec::t is still held if needed.
export t;
export create, create_with_dtor;
@ -34,14 +31,12 @@ export get, set;
export len;
export ptr;
Type: t
The type representing a native chunk of memory. Wrapped in a enum for
opacity; FIXME #818 when it is possible to have truly opaque types, this
should be revisited.
#[doc = "
The type representing a native chunk of memory
Wrapped in a enum for opacity; FIXME #818 when it is possible to have
truly opaque types, this should be revisited.
enum t<T> {
t({ base: *mutable T, len: uint, rsrc: @dtor_res})
@ -57,16 +52,14 @@ resource dtor_res(dtor: option<fn@()>) {
Section: Introduction forms
Function: create
#[doc = "
Create a c_vec::t from a native buffer with a given length.
# Arguments
base - A native pointer to a buffer
len - The number of elements in the buffer
* base - A native pointer to a buffer
* len - The number of elements in the buffer
unsafe fn create<T>(base: *mutable T, len: uint) -> t<T> {
ret t({base: base,
len: len,
@ -74,19 +67,17 @@ unsafe fn create<T>(base: *mutable T, len: uint) -> t<T> {
Function: create_with_dtor
#[doc = "
Create a c_vec::t from a native buffer, with a given length,
and a function to run upon destruction.
# Arguments
base - A native pointer to a buffer
len - The number of elements in the buffer
dtor - A function to run when the value is destructed, useful
for freeing the buffer, etc.
* base - A native pointer to a buffer
* len - The number of elements in the buffer
* dtor - A function to run when the value is destructed, useful
for freeing the buffer, etc.
unsafe fn create_with_dtor<T>(base: *mutable T, len: uint, dtor: fn@())
-> t<T> {
ret t({base: base,
@ -99,29 +90,21 @@ unsafe fn create_with_dtor<T>(base: *mutable T, len: uint, dtor: fn@())
Section: Operations
Function: get
#[doc = "
Retrieves an element at a given index
If `ofs` is greater or equal to the length of the vector
Fails if `ofs` is greater or equal to the length of the vector
fn get<T: copy>(t: t<T>, ofs: uint) -> T {
assert ofs < len(t);
ret unsafe { *ptr::mut_offset((*t).base, ofs) };
Function: set
#[doc = "
Sets the value of an element at a given index
If `ofs` is greater or equal to the length of the vector
Fails if `ofs` is greater or equal to the length of the vector
fn set<T: copy>(t: t<T>, ofs: uint, v: T) {
assert ofs < len(t);
unsafe { *ptr::mut_offset((*t).base, ofs) = v };
@ -131,20 +114,12 @@ fn set<T: copy>(t: t<T>, ofs: uint, v: T) {
Section: Elimination forms
Function: len
Returns the length of the vector
#[doc = "Returns the length of the vector"]
fn len<T>(t: t<T>) -> uint {
ret (*t).len;
Function: ptr
Returns a pointer to the first element of the vector
#[doc = "Returns a pointer to the first element of the vector"]
unsafe fn ptr<T>(t: t<T>) -> *mutable T {
ret (*t).base;
@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
* Unsafe debugging functions for inspecting values.
* Your RUST_LOG environment variable must contain "stdlib" for any debug
* logging.
#[doc = "Unsafe debugging functions for inspecting values."];
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod rustrt {
@ -1,40 +1,18 @@
#[doc = "A deque. Untested as of yet. Likely buggy"];
import option::{some, none};
Module: deque
A deque. Untested as of yet. Likely buggy.
Iface: t
iface t<T> {
// Method: size
fn size() -> uint;
// Method: add_front
fn add_front(T);
// Method: add_back
fn add_back(T);
// Method: pop_front
fn pop_front() -> T;
// Method: pop_back
fn pop_back() -> T;
// Method: peek_front
fn peek_front() -> T;
// Method: peek_back
fn peek_back() -> T;
// Method: get
fn get(int) -> T;
Section: Functions
Function: create
// FIXME eventually, a proper datatype plus an exported impl would be
// preferrable
fn create<T: copy>() -> t<T> {
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
// -*- rust -*-
Module: four
#[doc = "
The fourrternary Belnap relevance logic FOUR represented as ADT
This allows reasoning with four logic values (true, false, none, both).
@ -10,7 +8,7 @@ This allows reasoning with four logic values (true, false, none, both).
Implementation: Truth values are represented using a single u8 and
all operations are done using bit operations which is fast
on current cpus.
import tri;
@ -19,152 +17,93 @@ export not, and, or, xor, implies, implies_materially;
export eq, ne, is_true, is_false;
export from_str, to_str, all_values, to_trit, to_bit;
Type: t
#[doc = "
The type of fourrternary logic values
It may be thought of as tuple `(y, x)` of two bools
type t = u8;
const b0: u8 = 1u8;
const b1: u8 = 2u8;
const b01: u8 = 3u8;
Constant: none
Logic value `(0, 0)` for bottom (neither true or false)
#[doc = "Logic value `(0, 0)` for bottom (neither true or false)"]
const none: t = 0u8;
Constant: true
Logic value `(0, 1)` for truth
#[doc = "Logic value `(0, 1)` for truth"]
const true: t = 1u8;
Constant: false
Logic value `(1, 0)` for falsehood
#[doc = "Logic value `(1, 0)` for falsehood"]
const false: t = 2u8;
Constant: both
Logic value `(1, 1)` for top (both true and false)
#[doc = "Logic value `(1, 1)` for top (both true and false)"]
const both: t = 3u8;
/* Function: not
#[doc = "
`'(v.y, v.x)`
Returns `'(v.y, v.x)`
pure fn not(v: t) -> t { ((v << 1u8) | (v >> 1u8)) & b01 }
/* Function: and
#[doc = "
`(a.x | b.x, a.y & b.y)`
Returns `(a.x | b.x, a.y & b.y)`
pure fn and(a: t, b: t) -> t { ((a & b) & b0) | ((a | b) & b1) }
/* Function: or
#[doc = "
`(a.x & b.x, a.y | b.y)`
Returns `(a.x & b.x, a.y | b.y)`
pure fn or(a: t, b: t) -> t { ((a | b) & b0) | ((a & b) & b1) }
/* Function: xor
#[doc = "
Classic exclusive or
`or(and(a, not(b)), and(not(a), b))`
Returns `or(and(a, not(b)), and(not(a), b))`
pure fn xor(a: t, b: t) -> t { or(and(a, not(b)), and(not(a), b)) }
Function: implies
#[doc = "
Strong implication (from `a` strongly follows `b`)
`( x1 & y2, !x1 | x2)`
Returns `( x1 & y2, !x1 | x2)`
pure fn implies(a: t, b: t) -> t { ((a << 1u8) & b & b1) | (((!a) | b) & b0) }
Function: implies_materially
#[doc = "
Classic (material) implication in the logic
(from `a` materially follows `b`)
`or(not(a), b)`
Returns `or(not(a), b)`
pure fn implies_materially(a: t, b: t) -> t { or(not(a), b) }
Predicate: eq
true if truth values `a` and `b` are indistinguishable in the logic
#[doc = "
Returns true if truth values `a` and `b` are indistinguishable in the logic
pure fn eq(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a == b }
Predicate: ne
true if truth values `a` and `b` are distinguishable in the logic
#[doc = "
Returns true if truth values `a` and `b` are distinguishable in the logic
pure fn ne(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a != b }
Predicate: is_true
true if `v` represents truth in the logic (is `true` or `both`)
#[doc = "
Returns true if `v` represents truth in the logic (is `true` or `both`)
pure fn is_true(v: t) -> bool { (v & b0) != 0u8 }
Predicate: is_false
true if `v` represents falsehood in the logic (is `false` or `none`)
#[doc = "
Returns true if `v` represents falsehood in the logic (is `false` or `none`)
pure fn is_false(v: t) -> bool { (v & b0) == 0u8 }
Function: from_str
Parse logic value from `s`
#[doc = "Parse logic value from `s`"]
pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
alt check s {
"none" { none }
@ -174,11 +113,7 @@ pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
Function: to_str
Convert `v` into a string
#[doc = "Convert `v` into a string"]
pure fn to_str(v: t) -> str {
// FIXME replace with consts as soon as that works
alt check v {
@ -189,12 +124,10 @@ pure fn to_str(v: t) -> str {
Function: all_values
Iterates over all truth values by passing them to `blk`
in an unspecified order
#[doc = "
Iterates over all truth values by passing them to `blk` in an unspecified
fn all_values(blk: fn(v: t)) {
@ -202,22 +135,15 @@ fn all_values(blk: fn(v: t)) {
Function: to_bit
An u8 whose first bit is set if `if_true(v)` holds
#[doc = "
Returns an `u8` whose first bit is set if `if_true(v)` holds
fn to_bit(v: t) -> u8 { v & b0 }
Function: to_tri
A trit of `v` (`both` and `none` are both coalesced into `trit::unknown`)
#[doc = "
Returns a trit of `v` (`both` and `none` are both coalesced into
fn to_trit(v: t) -> tri::t { v & (v ^ not(v)) }
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
Module: fun_treemap
#[doc = "
A functional key,value store that works on anything.
This works using a binary search tree. In the first version, it's a
@ -9,8 +7,7 @@ red-black tree or something else.
This is copied and modified from treemap right now. It's missing a lot
of features.
import option::{some, none};
import option = option;
@ -21,35 +18,17 @@ export insert;
export find;
export traverse;
/* Section: Types */
Type: treemap
type treemap<K, V> = @tree_node<K, V>;
Tag: tree_node
enum tree_node<K, V> {
node(@K, @V, @tree_node<K, V>, @tree_node<K, V>)
/* Section: Operations */
Function: init
Create a treemap
#[doc = "Create a treemap"]
fn init<K, V>() -> treemap<K, V> { @empty }
Function: insert
Insert a value into the map
#[doc = "Insert a value into the map"]
fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K, v: V) -> treemap<K, V> {
@alt m {
@empty { node(@k, @v, @empty, @empty) }
@ -63,11 +42,7 @@ fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K, v: V) -> treemap<K, V> {
Function: find
Find a value based on the key
#[doc = "Find a value based on the key"]
fn find<K, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
alt *m {
empty { none }
@ -79,11 +54,7 @@ fn find<K, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
Function: traverse
Visit all pairs in the map in order.
#[doc = "Visit all pairs in the map in order."]
fn traverse<K, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, f: fn(K, V)) {
alt *m {
empty { }
@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
Module: getopts
#[doc = "
Simple getopt alternative.
Simple getopt alternative. Construct a vector of options, either by using
reqopt, optopt, and optflag or by building them from components yourself, and
pass them to getopts, along with a vector of actual arguments (not including
argv[0]). You'll either get a failure code back, or a match. You'll have to
verify whether the amount of 'free' arguments in the match is what you
expect. Use opt_* accessors to get argument values out of the match object.
Construct a vector of options, either by using reqopt, optopt, and optflag or
by building them from components yourself, and pass them to getopts, along
with a vector of actual arguments (not including argv[0]). You'll either get a
failure code back, or a match. You'll have to verify whether the amount of
'free' arguments in the match is what you expect. Use opt_* accessors to get
argument values out of the match object.
Single-character options are expected to appear on the command line with a
single preceeding dash; multiple-character options are expected to be
proceeded by two dashes. Options that expect an argument accept their argument
following either a space or an equals sign.
# Example
The following example shows simple command line parsing for an application
that requires an input file to be specified, accepts an optional output file
name following -o, and accepts both -h and --help as optional flags.
> fn main(args: [str]) {
> let opts = [
> optopt("o"),
> optflag("h"),
> optflag("help")
> ];
> let match = alt getopts(vec::shift(args), opts) {
> ok(m) { m }
> err(f) { fail fail_str(f) }
> };
> if opt_present(match, "h") || opt_present(match, "help") {
> print_usage();
> ret;
> }
> let output = opt_maybe_str(match, "o");
> let input = if !vec::is_empty( {
> } else {
> print_usage();
> ret;
> }
> do_work(input, output);
> }
fn main(args: [str]) {
let opts = [
let match = alt getopts(vec::shift(args), opts) {
ok(m) { m }
err(f) { fail fail_str(f) }
if opt_present(match, \"h\") || opt_present(match, \"help\") {
let output = opt_maybe_str(match, \"o\");
let input = if !vec::is_empty( {
} else {
do_work(input, output);
import core::result;
import core::result::{err, ok};
@ -71,11 +71,7 @@ enum hasarg { yes, no, maybe, }
enum occur { req, optional, multi, }
Type: opt
A description of a possible option
#[doc = "A description of a possible option"]
type opt = {name: name, hasarg: hasarg, occur: occur};
fn mkname(nm: str) -> name {
@ -84,60 +80,40 @@ fn mkname(nm: str) -> name {
} else { long(nm) };
Function: reqopt
Create an option that is required and takes an argument
#[doc = "Create an option that is required and takes an argument"]
fn reqopt(name: str) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: req};
Function: optopt
Create an option that is optional and takes an argument
#[doc = "Create an option that is optional and takes an argument"]
fn optopt(name: str) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: optional};
Function: optflag
Create an option that is optional and does not take an argument
#[doc = "Create an option that is optional and does not take an argument"]
fn optflag(name: str) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: no, occur: optional};
Function: optflagopt
Create an option that is optional and takes an optional argument
#[doc = "Create an option that is optional and takes an optional argument"]
fn optflagopt(name: str) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: maybe, occur: optional};
Function: optmulti
#[doc = "
Create an option that is optional, takes an argument, and may occur
multiple times
fn optmulti(name: str) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: multi};
enum optval { val(str), given, }
Type: match
#[doc = "
The result of checking command line arguments. Contains a vector
of matches and a vector of free strings.
type match = {opts: [opt], vals: [mutable [optval]], free: [str]};
fn is_arg(arg: str) -> bool {
@ -152,12 +128,10 @@ fn find_opt(opts: [opt], nm: name) -> option<uint> {
vec::position(opts, { |opt| == nm })
Type: fail_
#[doc = "
The type returned when the command line does not conform to the
expected format. Pass this value to <fail_str> to get an error message.
enum fail_ {
@ -166,11 +140,7 @@ enum fail_ {
Function: fail_str
Convert a <fail_> enum into an error string
#[doc = "Convert a `fail_` enum into an error string"]
fn fail_str(f: fail_) -> str {
ret alt f {
argument_missing(nm) { "Argument to option '" + nm + "' missing." }
@ -185,30 +155,19 @@ fn fail_str(f: fail_) -> str {
Type: result
#[doc = "
The result of parsing a command line with a set of options
(result::t<match, fail_>)
ok(match) - Returned from getopts on success
err(fail_) - Returned from getopts on failure
type result = result::t<match, fail_>;
Function: getopts
#[doc = "
Parse command line arguments according to the provided options
ok(match) - On success. Use functions such as <opt_present>
<opt_str>, etc. to interrogate results.
err(fail_) - On failure. Use <fail_str> to get an error message.
On success returns `ok(opt)`. Use functions such as `opt_present` `opt_str`,
etc. to interrogate results. Returns `err(fail_)` on failure. Use <fail_str>
to get an error message.
fn getopts(args: [str], opts: [opt]) -> result unsafe {
let n_opts = vec::len::<opt>(opts);
fn f(_x: uint) -> [optval] { ret []; }
@ -311,35 +270,25 @@ fn opt_vals(m: match, nm: str) -> [optval] {
fn opt_val(m: match, nm: str) -> optval { ret opt_vals(m, nm)[0]; }
Function: opt_present
Returns true if an option was matched
#[doc = "Returns true if an option was matched"]
fn opt_present(m: match, nm: str) -> bool {
ret vec::len::<optval>(opt_vals(m, nm)) > 0u;
Function: opt_str
#[doc = "
Returns the string argument supplied to a matching option
- If the option was not matched
- If the match did not take an argument
Fails if the option was not matched or if the match did not take an argument
fn opt_str(m: match, nm: str) -> str {
ret alt opt_val(m, nm) { val(s) { s } _ { fail } };
Function: opt_str
#[doc = "
Returns a vector of the arguments provided to all matches of the given option.
Used when an option accepts multiple values.
fn opt_strs(m: match, nm: str) -> [str] {
let acc: [str] = [];
for v: optval in opt_vals(m, nm) {
@ -348,11 +297,9 @@ fn opt_strs(m: match, nm: str) -> [str] {
ret acc;
Function: opt_str
#[doc = "
Returns the string argument supplied to a matching option or none
fn opt_maybe_str(m: match, nm: str) -> option<str> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { ret none::<str>; }
@ -360,15 +307,13 @@ fn opt_maybe_str(m: match, nm: str) -> option<str> {
Function: opt_default
#[doc = "
Returns the matching string, a default, or none
Returns none if the option was not present, `def` if the option was
present but no argument was provided, and the argument if the option was
present and an argument was provided.
fn opt_default(m: match, nm: str, def: str) -> option<str> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { ret none::<str>; }
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// Rust JSON serialization library
// Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
#[doc = "json serialization"];
import result::{ok, err};
import io;
import io::{reader_util, writer_util};
@ -22,23 +24,13 @@ export list;
export dict;
export null;
Tag: json
Represents a json value.
#[doc = "Represents a json value"]
enum json {
/* Variant: num */
/* Variant: string */
/* Variant: boolean */
/* Variant: list */
/* Variant: dict */
/* Variant: null */
@ -48,11 +40,7 @@ type error = {
msg: str,
Function: to_writer
Serializes a json value into a io::writer.
#[doc = "Serializes a json value into a io::writer"]
fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
alt j {
num(n) { wr.write_str(float::to_str(n, 6u)); }
@ -114,11 +102,7 @@ fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json) {
Function: to_str
Serializes a json value into a string.
#[doc = "Serializes a json value into a string"]
fn to_str(j: json) -> str {
io::with_str_writer { |wr| to_writer(wr, j) }
@ -469,12 +453,7 @@ impl parser for parser {
Function: from_reader
Deserializes a json value from an io::reader.
#[doc = "Deserializes a json value from an io::reader"]
fn from_reader(rdr: io::reader) -> result::t<json, error> {
let parser = {
rdr: rdr,
@ -486,20 +465,12 @@ fn from_reader(rdr: io::reader) -> result::t<json, error> {
Function: from_str
Deserializes a json value from a string.
#[doc = "Deserializes a json value from a string"]
fn from_str(s: str) -> result::t<json, error> {
io::with_str_reader(s, from_reader)
Function: eq
Test if two json values are equal.
#[doc = "Test if two json values are equal"]
fn eq(value0: json, value1: json) -> bool {
alt (value0, value1) {
(num(f0), num(f1)) { f0 == f1 }
@ -1,66 +1,45 @@
Module: list
A standard linked list
#[doc = "A standard linked list"];
import core::option;
import option::*;
import option::{some, none};
/* Section: Types */
Tag: list
enum list<T> {
/* Variant: cons */
cons(T, @list<T>),
/* Variant: nil */
/*Section: Operations */
Function: from_vec
Create a list from a vector
#[doc = "Create a list from a vector"]
fn from_vec<T: copy>(v: [const T]) -> list<T> {
*vec::foldr(v, @nil::<T>, { |h, t| @cons(h, t) })
Function: foldl
#[doc = "
Left fold
Applies `f` to `u` and the first element in the list, then applies
`f` to the result of the previous call and the second element,
and so on, returning the accumulated result.
Applies `f` to `u` and the first element in the list, then applies `f` to the
result of the previous call and the second element, and so on, returning the
accumulated result.
# Arguments
ls - The list to fold
z - The initial value
f - The function to apply
* ls - The list to fold
* z - The initial value
* f - The function to apply
fn foldl<T: copy, U>(ls: list<U>, z: T, f: fn(T, U) -> T) -> T {
let accum: T = z;
iter(ls) {|elt| accum = f(accum, elt);}
Function: find
#[doc = "
Search for an element that matches a given predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v`, starting from the first.
When function `f` returns true then an option containing the element
is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
fn find<T: copy, U: copy>(ls: list<T>, f: fn(T) -> option<U>)
-> option<U> {
let ls = ls;
@ -75,11 +54,7 @@ fn find<T: copy, U: copy>(ls: list<T>, f: fn(T) -> option<U>)
ret none;
Function: has
Returns true if a list contains an element with the given value
#[doc = "Returns true if a list contains an element with the given value"]
fn has<T: copy>(ls: list<T>, elt: T) -> bool {
let ls = ls;
while true {
@ -91,11 +66,7 @@ fn has<T: copy>(ls: list<T>, elt: T) -> bool {
ret false;
Function: is_empty
Returns true if the list is empty.
#[doc = "Returns true if the list is empty"]
pure fn is_empty<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> bool {
alt ls {
nil { true }
@ -103,31 +74,19 @@ pure fn is_empty<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> bool {
Function: is_not_empty
Returns true if the list is not empty.
#[doc = "Returns true if the list is not empty"]
pure fn is_not_empty<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> bool {
ret !is_empty(ls);
Function: len
Returns the length of a list
#[doc = "Returns the length of a list"]
fn len<T>(ls: list<T>) -> uint {
let count = 0u;
iter(ls) {|_e| count += 1u;}
Function: tail
Returns all but the first element of a list
#[doc = "Returns all but the first element of a list"]
pure fn tail<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> list<T> {
alt ls {
cons(_, tl) { ret *tl; }
@ -135,20 +94,12 @@ pure fn tail<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> list<T> {
Function: head
Returns the first element of a list
#[doc = "Returns the first element of a list"]
pure fn head<T: copy>(ls: list<T>) -> T {
alt check ls { cons(hd, _) { hd } }
Function: append
Appends one list to another
#[doc = "Appends one list to another"]
pure fn append<T: copy>(l: list<T>, m: list<T>) -> list<T> {
alt l {
nil { ret m; }
@ -156,11 +107,7 @@ pure fn append<T: copy>(l: list<T>, m: list<T>) -> list<T> {
Function: iter
Iterate over a list
#[doc = "Iterate over a list"]
fn iter<T>(l: list<T>, f: fn(T)) {
alt l {
cons(hd, tl) {
@ -1,107 +1,65 @@
Module: map
A map type
#[doc = "A map type"];
import chained::hashmap;
export hashmap, hashfn, eqfn, set, map, chained, mk_hashmap, new_str_hash;
export new_bytes_hash, new_int_hash, new_uint_hash, set_add;
/* Section: Types */
#[doc = "
A function that returns a hash of a value
Type: hashfn
A function that returns a hash of a value.
The hash should concentrate entropy in the
lower bits.
The hash should concentrate entropy in the lower bits.
type hashfn<K> = fn@(K) -> uint;
Type: eqfn
type eqfn<K> = fn@(K, K) -> bool;
Type: set
A convenience type to treat a hashmap as a set
#[doc = "A convenience type to treat a hashmap as a set"]
type set<K> = hashmap<K, ()>;
type hashmap<K, V> = chained::t<K, V>;
IFace: map
iface map<K: copy, V: copy> {
Method: size
Return the number of elements in the map
#[doc = "Return the number of elements in the map"]
fn size() -> uint;
Method: insert
Add a value to the map. If the map already contains a value for
the specified key then the original value is replaced.
#[doc = "
Add a value to the map.
If the map already contains a value for the specified key then the
original value is replaced.
True if the key did not already exist in the map
Returns true if the key did not already exist in the map
fn insert(K, V) -> bool;
Method: contains_key
Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified key
#[doc = "Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified key"]
fn contains_key(K) -> bool;
Method: get
Get the value for the specified key
If the key does not exist in the map
#[doc = "
Get the value for the specified key. Fails if the key does not exist in
the map.
fn get(K) -> V;
Method: find
Get the value for the specified key. If the key does not exist
in the map then returns none.
#[doc = "
Get the value for the specified key. If the key does not exist in
the map then returns none.
fn find(K) -> option<V>;
Method: remove
#[doc = "
Remove and return a value from the map. If the key does not exist
in the map then returns none.
fn remove(K) -> option<V>;
Method: items
Iterate over all the key/value pairs in the map
#[doc = "Iterate over all the key/value pairs in the map"]
fn items(fn(K, V));
Method: keys
Iterate over all the keys in the map
#[doc = "Iterate over all the keys in the map"]
fn keys(fn(K));
Iterate over all the values in the map
#[doc = "Iterate over all the values in the map"]
fn values(fn(V));
@ -345,51 +303,33 @@ fn mk_hashmap<K: copy, V: copy>(hasher: hashfn<K>, eqer: eqfn<K>)
chained::mk(hasher, eqer)
Function: new_str_hash
Construct a hashmap for string keys
#[doc = "Construct a hashmap for string keys"]
fn new_str_hash<V: copy>() -> hashmap<str, V> {
ret mk_hashmap(str::hash, str::eq);
Function: new_bytes_hash
Construct a hashmap for byte string keys
#[doc = "Construct a hashmap for byte string keys"]
fn new_bytes_hash<V: copy>() -> hashmap<[u8], V> {
ret mk_hashmap(vec::u8::hash, vec::u8::eq);
Function: new_int_hash
Construct a hashmap for int keys
#[doc = "Construct a hashmap for int keys"]
fn new_int_hash<V: copy>() -> hashmap<int, V> {
fn hash_int(&&x: int) -> uint { int::hash(x) }
fn eq_int(&&a: int, &&b: int) -> bool { ret a == b; }
ret mk_hashmap(hash_int, eq_int);
Function: new_uint_hash
Construct a hashmap for uint keys
#[doc = "Construct a hashmap for uint keys"]
fn new_uint_hash<V: copy>() -> hashmap<uint, V> {
fn hash_uint(&&x: uint) -> uint { uint::hash(x) }
fn eq_uint(&&a: uint, &&b: uint) -> bool { ret a == b; }
ret mk_hashmap(hash_uint, eq_uint);
Function: set_add
#[doc = "
Convenience function for adding keys to a hashmap with nil type keys
fn set_add<K>(set: set<K>, key: K) -> bool { ret set.insert(key, ()); }
@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
Module: net
import vec;
import uint;
/* Section: Types */
Tag: ip_addr
An IP address
#[doc = "An IP address"]
enum ip_addr {
Variant: ipv4
@ -21,13 +11,7 @@ enum ip_addr {
ipv4(u8, u8, u8, u8),
/* Section: Operations */
Function: format_addr
Convert an <ip_addr> to a str
#[doc = "Convert an `ip_addr` to a str"]
fn format_addr(ip: ip_addr) -> str {
alt ip {
ipv4(a, b, c, d) {
@ -37,17 +21,13 @@ fn format_addr(ip: ip_addr) -> str {
Function: parse_addr
#[doc = "
Convert a str to `ip_addr`
Convert a str to <ip_addr>
Converts a string of the format `x.x.x.x` into an ip_addr enum.
Converts a string of the format "x.x.x.x" into an ip_addr enum.
String must be a valid IPv4 address
Fails if the string is not a valid IPv4 address
fn parse_addr(ip: str) -> ip_addr {
let parts = vec::map(str::split_char(ip, '.'), {|s|
alt uint::from_str(s) {
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
Module: rand
Random number generation
#[doc = "Random number generation"]
enum rctx {}
@ -13,52 +9,24 @@ native mod rustrt {
fn rand_free(c: *rctx);
/* Section: Types */
Obj: rng
A random number generator
#[doc = "A random number generator"]
iface rng {
Method: next
Return the next random integer
#[doc = "Return the next random integer"]
fn next() -> u32;
Method: next_float
Return the next random float
#[doc = "Return the next random float"]
fn next_float() -> float;
Method: gen_str
Return a random string composed of A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
#[doc = "Return a random string composed of A-Z, a-z, 0-9."]
fn gen_str(len: uint) -> str;
Method: gen_bytes
Return a random byte string.
#[doc = "Return a random byte string."]
fn gen_bytes(len: uint) -> [u8];
resource rand_res(c: *rctx) { rustrt::rand_free(c); }
/* Section: Operations */
Function: mk_rng
Create a random number generator
#[doc = "Create a random number generator"]
fn mk_rng() -> rng {
impl of rng for @rand_res {
fn next() -> u32 { ret rustrt::rand_next(**self); }
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
Module: run
Process spawning
#[doc ="Process spawning"];
import option::{some, none};
import str::sbuf;
import ctypes::{fd_t, pid_t, void};
@ -21,87 +17,51 @@ native mod rustrt {
-> pid_t;
/* Section: Types */
Iface: program
A value representing a child process
#[doc ="A value representing a child process"]
iface program {
Method: get_id
Returns the process id of the program
#[doc ="Returns the process id of the program"]
fn get_id() -> pid_t;
Method: input
Returns an io::writer that can be used to write to stdin
#[doc ="Returns an io::writer that can be used to write to stdin"]
fn input() -> io::writer;
Method: output
Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stdout
#[doc ="Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stdout"]
fn output() -> io::reader;
Method: err
Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stderr
#[doc ="Returns an io::reader that can be used to read from stderr"]
fn err() -> io::reader;
Method: close_input
Closes the handle to the child processes standard input
#[doc = "Closes the handle to the child processes standard input"]
fn close_input();
Method: finish
#[doc = "
Waits for the child process to terminate. Closes the handle
to stdin if necessary.
fn finish() -> int;
Method: destroy
Closes open handles
#[doc ="Closes open handles"]
fn destroy();
/* Section: Operations */
Function: spawn_process
#[doc = "
Run a program, providing stdin, stdout and stderr handles
# Arguments
prog - The path to an executable
args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
env - optional env-modification for child
dir - optional dir to run child in (default current dir)
in_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std input
out_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std output
err_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std error
* prog - The path to an executable
* args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* env - optional env-modification for child
* dir - optional dir to run child in (default current dir)
* in_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std input
* out_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std output
* err_fd - A file descriptor for the child to use as std error
# Return value
The process id of the spawned process
fn spawn_process(prog: str, args: [str],
env: option<[(str,str)]>,
dir: option<str>,
@ -188,43 +148,39 @@ fn with_dirp<T>(d: option<str>,
Function: run_program
#[doc ="
Spawns a process and waits for it to terminate
# Arguments
prog - The path to an executable
args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* prog - The path to an executable
* args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
# Return value
The process id
fn run_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> int {
ret waitpid(spawn_process(prog, args, none, none,
0i32, 0i32, 0i32));
Function: start_program
#[doc ="
Spawns a process and returns a program
The returned value is a boxed resource containing a <program> object that can
be used for sending and recieving data over the standard file descriptors.
The resource will ensure that file descriptors are closed properly.
# Arguments
prog - The path to an executable
args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* prog - The path to an executable
* args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
# Return value
A boxed resource of <program>
fn start_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> program {
let pipe_input = os::pipe();
let pipe_output = os::pipe();
@ -291,22 +247,20 @@ fn read_all(rd: io::reader) -> str {
ret buf;
Function: program_output
#[doc ="
Spawns a process, waits for it to exit, and returns the exit code, and
contents of stdout and stderr.
# Arguments
prog - The path to an executable
args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* prog - The path to an executable
* args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
# Return value
A record, {status: int, out: str, err: str} containing the exit code,
the contents of stdout and the contents of stderr.
fn program_output(prog: str, args: [str]) ->
{status: int, out: str, err: str} {
let pr = start_program(prog, args);
@ -316,11 +270,7 @@ fn program_output(prog: str, args: [str]) ->
ret {status: pr.finish(), out: out, err: err};
Function: waitpid
Waits for a process to exit and returns the exit code
#[doc ="Waits for a process to exit and returns the exit code"]
fn waitpid(pid: pid_t) -> int {
ret waitpid_os(pid);
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
Module: serialization
Support code for serialization.
#[doc = "Support code for serialization."];
import list::list;
import ebml::writer;
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
Module: sha1
#[doc ="
An implementation of the SHA-1 cryptographic hash.
First create a <sha1> object using the <mk_sha1> constructor, then
feed it input using the <input> or <input_str> methods, which may be
First create a `sha1` object using the `mk_sha1` constructor, then
feed it input using the `input` or `input_str` methods, which may be
called any number of times.
After the entire input has been fed to the hash read the result using
the <result> or <result_str> methods.
the `result` or `result_str` methods.
The <sha1> object may be reused to create multiple hashes by calling
the <reset> method.
The `sha1` object may be reused to create multiple hashes by calling
the `reset` method.
* A SHA-1 implementation derived from Paul E. Jones's reference
@ -22,50 +20,26 @@ the <reset> method.
export sha1;
export mk_sha1;
/* Section: Types */
Iface: sha1
The SHA-1 interface
#[doc = "The SHA-1 interface"]
iface sha1 {
Method: input
Provide message input as bytes
#[doc = "Provide message input as bytes"]
fn input([u8]);
Method: input_str
Provide message input as string
#[doc = "Provide message input as string"]
fn input_str(str);
Method: result
#[doc = "
Read the digest as a vector of 20 bytes. After calling this no further
input may be provided until reset is called.
fn result() -> [u8];
Method: result_str
#[doc = "
Read the digest as a hex string. After calling this no further
input may be provided until reset is called.
fn result_str() -> str;
Method: reset
Reset the SHA-1 state for reuse
#[doc = "Reset the SHA-1 state for reuse"]
fn reset();
/* Section: Operations */
// Some unexported constants
const digest_buf_len: uint = 5u;
const msg_block_len: uint = 64u;
@ -76,11 +50,7 @@ const k2: u32 = 0x8F1BBCDCu32;
const k3: u32 = 0xCA62C1D6u32;
Function: mk_sha1
Construct a <sha1> object
#[doc = "Construct a `sha` object"]
fn mk_sha1() -> sha1 {
type sha1state =
{h: [mutable u32],
@ -1,59 +1,44 @@
Module: smallintmap
#[doc = "
A simple map based on a vector for small integer keys. Space requirements
are O(highest integer key).
import core::option;
import core::option::{some, none};
// FIXME: Should not be @; there's a bug somewhere in rustc that requires this
// to be.
Type: smallintmap
type smallintmap<T> = @{mutable v: [mutable option<T>]};
Function: mk
Create a smallintmap
#[doc = "Create a smallintmap"]
fn mk<T>() -> smallintmap<T> {
let v: [mutable option<T>] = [mutable];
ret @{mutable v: v};
Function: insert
#[doc = "
Add a value to the map. If the map already contains a value for
the specified key then the original value is replaced.
fn insert<T: copy>(m: smallintmap<T>, key: uint, val: T) {
vec::grow_set::<option<T>>(m.v, key, none::<T>, some::<T>(val));
Function: find
#[doc = "
Get the value for the specified key. If the key does not exist
in the map then returns none
fn find<T: copy>(m: smallintmap<T>, key: uint) -> option<T> {
if key < vec::len::<option<T>>(m.v) { ret m.v[key]; }
ret none::<T>;
Method: get
#[doc = "
Get the value for the specified key
# Failure
If the key does not exist in the map
fn get<T: copy>(m: smallintmap<T>, key: uint) -> T {
alt find(m, key) {
none { #error("smallintmap::get(): key not present"); fail; }
@ -61,11 +46,9 @@ fn get<T: copy>(m: smallintmap<T>, key: uint) -> T {
Method: contains_key
#[doc = "
Returns true if the map contains a value for the specified key
fn contains_key<T: copy>(m: smallintmap<T>, key: uint) -> bool {
ret !option::is_none(find::<T>(m, key));
@ -80,11 +63,7 @@ fn max_key<T>(m: smallintmap<T>) -> uint {
ret vec::len::<option<T>>(m.v);
Impl: map
Implements the map::map interface for smallintmap
#[doc = "Implements the map::map interface for smallintmap"]
impl <V: copy> of map::map<uint, V> for smallintmap<V> {
fn size() -> uint {
let sz = 0u;
@ -136,11 +115,7 @@ impl <V: copy> of map::map<uint, V> for smallintmap<V> {
Funtion: as_map
Cast the given smallintmap to a map::map
#[doc = "Cast the given smallintmap to a map::map"]
fn as_map<V>(s: smallintmap<V>) -> map::map<uint, V> {
s as map::map::<uint, V>
@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
Module: sort
Sorting methods
#[doc = "Sorting methods"];
import vec::len;
export merge_sort;
export quick_sort;
export quick_sort3;
/* Type: le */
type le<T> = fn(T, T) -> bool;
Function: merge_sort
#[doc = "
Merge sort. Returns a new vector containing the sorted list.
Has worst case O(n log n) performance, best case O(n), but
is not space efficient. This is a stable sort.
fn merge_sort<T: copy>(le: le<T>, v: [const T]) -> [T] {
type slice = (uint, uint);
@ -88,14 +81,12 @@ fn qsort<T: copy>(compare_func: le<T>, arr: [mutable T], left: uint,
Function: quick_sort
#[doc = "
Quicksort. Sorts a mutable vector in place.
Has worst case O(n^2) performance, average case O(n log n).
This is an unstable sort.
fn quick_sort<T: copy>(compare_func: le<T>, arr: [mutable T]) {
if len::<T>(arr) == 0u { ret; }
qsort::<T>(compare_func, arr, 0u, len::<T>(arr) - 1u);
@ -150,18 +141,16 @@ fn qsort3<T: copy>(compare_func_lt: le<T>, compare_func_eq: le<T>,
// FIXME: This should take lt and eq types
Function: quick_sort3
#[doc = "
Fancy quicksort. Sorts a mutable vector in place.
Based on algorithm presented by Sedgewick and Bentley
Based on algorithm presented by [Sedgewick and Bentley]
According to these slides this is the algorithm of choice for
'randomly ordered keys, abstract compare' & 'small number of key values'.
This is an unstable sort.
fn quick_sort3<T: copy>(compare_func_lt: le<T>, compare_func_eq: le<T>,
arr: [mutable T]) {
if len::<T>(arr) == 0u { ret; }
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#[license = "MIT"];
#[crate_type = "lib"];
#[doc = "The Rust standard library"];
export fs, io, net, run, uv;
export c_vec, four, tri, util;
export bitv, deque, fun_treemap, list, map, smallintmap, sort, treemap, ufind;
@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
Module: tempfile
Temporary files and directories
#[doc = "Temporary files and directories"];
import core::option;
import fs;
import option::{none, some};
import rand;
Function: mkdtemp
fn mkdtemp(prefix: str, suffix: str) -> option<str> {
let r = rand::mk_rng();
let i = 0u;
@ -1,67 +1,37 @@
Module: term
Simple ANSI color library
#[doc = "Simple ANSI color library"];
import core::option;
// TODO: Windows support.
/* Const: color_black */
const color_black: u8 = 0u8;
/* Const: color_red */
const color_red: u8 = 1u8;
/* Const: color_green */
const color_green: u8 = 2u8;
/* Const: color_yellow */
const color_yellow: u8 = 3u8;
/* Const: color_blue */
const color_blue: u8 = 4u8;
/* Const: color_magenta */
const color_magenta: u8 = 5u8;
/* Const: color_cyan */
const color_cyan: u8 = 6u8;
/* Const: color_light_gray */
const color_light_gray: u8 = 7u8;
/* Const: color_light_grey */
const color_light_grey: u8 = 7u8;
/* Const: color_dark_gray */
const color_dark_gray: u8 = 8u8;
/* Const: color_dark_grey */
const color_dark_grey: u8 = 8u8;
/* Const: color_bright_red */
const color_bright_red: u8 = 9u8;
/* Const: color_bright_green */
const color_bright_green: u8 = 10u8;
/* Const: color_bright_yellow */
const color_bright_yellow: u8 = 11u8;
/* Const: color_bright_blue */
const color_bright_blue: u8 = 12u8;
/* Const: color_bright_magenta */
const color_bright_magenta: u8 = 13u8;
/* Const: color_bright_cyan */
const color_bright_cyan: u8 = 14u8;
/* Const: color_bright_white */
const color_bright_white: u8 = 15u8;
fn esc(writer: io::writer) { writer.write([0x1bu8, '[' as u8]); }
Function: reset
Reset the foreground and background colors to default
#[doc = "Reset the foreground and background colors to default"]
fn reset(writer: io::writer) {
writer.write(['0' as u8, 'm' as u8]);
Function: color_supported
Returns true if the terminal supports color
#[doc = "Returns true if the terminal supports color"]
fn color_supported() -> bool {
let supported_terms = ["xterm-color", "xterm",
"screen-bce", "xterm-256color"];
@ -84,20 +54,12 @@ fn set_color(writer: io::writer, first_char: u8, color: u8) {
writer.write([first_char, ('0' as u8) + color, 'm' as u8]);
Function: fg
Set the foreground color
#[doc = "Set the foreground color"]
fn fg(writer: io::writer, color: u8) {
ret set_color(writer, '3' as u8, color);
Function: fg
Set the background color
#[doc = "Set the background color"]
fn bg(writer: io::writer, color: u8) {
ret set_color(writer, '4' as u8, color);
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// Support code for rustc's built in test runner generator. Currently,
// none of this is meant for users. It is intended to support the
// simplest interface possible for representing and running tests
@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
Module: time
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod rustrt {
fn get_time(&sec: u32, &usec: u32);
fn precise_time_ns(&ns: u64);
Type: timeval
A record specifying a time value in seconds and microseconds.
#[doc = "A record specifying a time value in seconds and microseconds."]
type timeval = {sec: u32, usec: u32};
Function: get_time
#[doc = "
Returns the current time as a `timeval` containing the seconds and
microseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
fn get_time() -> timeval {
let sec = 0u32;
let usec = 0u32;
@ -28,20 +18,16 @@ fn get_time() -> timeval {
ret {sec: sec, usec: usec};
Function: precise_time_ns
#[doc = "
Returns the current value of a high-resolution performance counter
in nanoseconds since an unspecified epoch.
fn precise_time_ns() -> u64 { let ns = 0u64; rustrt::precise_time_ns(ns); ns }
Function: precise_time_s
#[doc = "
Returns the current value of a high-resolution performance counter
in seconds since an unspecified epoch.
fn precise_time_s() -> float {
ret (precise_time_ns() as float) / 1000000000.;
@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
Module: treemap
#[doc = "
A key,value store that works on anything.
This works using a binary search tree. In the first version, it's a
very naive algorithm, but it will probably be updated to be a
red-black tree or something else.
import core::option::{some, none};
import option = core::option;
@ -18,32 +15,14 @@ export insert;
export find;
export traverse;
/* Section: Types */
Type: treemap
type treemap<K, V> = @mutable tree_node<K, V>;
Tag: tree_node
enum tree_node<K, V> { empty, node(@K, @V, treemap<K, V>, treemap<K, V>) }
/* Section: Operations */
Function: init
Create a treemap
#[doc = "Create a treemap"]
fn init<K, V>() -> treemap<K, V> { @mutable empty }
Function: insert
Insert a value into the map
#[doc = "Insert a value into the map"]
fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K, v: V) {
alt m {
@empty { *m = node(@k, @v, @mutable empty, @mutable empty); }
@ -62,11 +41,7 @@ fn insert<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K, v: V) {
Function: find
Find a value based on the key
#[doc = "Find a value based on the key"]
fn find<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
alt *m {
empty { none }
@ -81,11 +56,7 @@ fn find<K: copy, V: copy>(m: treemap<K, V>, k: K) -> option<V> {
Function: traverse
Visit all pairs in the map in order.
#[doc = "Visit all pairs in the map in order."]
fn traverse<K, V>(m: treemap<K, V>, f: fn(K, V)) {
alt *m {
empty { }
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
// -*- rust -*-
Module: tri
#[doc = "
ADT for the ternary Kleene logic K3
This allows reasoning with three logic values (true, false, unknown).
@ -10,132 +8,85 @@ This allows reasoning with three logic values (true, false, unknown).
Implementation: Truth values are represented using a single u8 and
all operations are done using bit operations which is fast
on current cpus.
export t, true, false, unknown;
export not, and, or, xor, implies, eq, ne, is_true, is_false;
export from_str, to_str, all_values, to_bit;
Type: t
The type of ternary logic values
#[doc = "The type of ternary logic values"]
type t = u8;
const b0: u8 = 1u8;
const b1: u8 = 2u8;
const b01: u8 = 3u8;
Constant: unknown
Logic value for unknown (maybe true xor maybe false)
#[doc = "Logic value for unknown (maybe true xor maybe false)"]
const unknown: t = 0u8;
Constant: true
Logic value for truth
#[doc = "Logic value for truth"]
const true: t = 1u8;
Constant: false
Logic value for falsehood
#[doc = "Logic value for falsehood"]
const false: t = 2u8;
/* Function: not
#[doc = "Negation/Inverse"]
pure fn not(v: t) -> t { ((v << 1u8) | (v >> 1u8)) & b01 }
/* Function: and
#[doc = "Conjunction"]
pure fn and(a: t, b: t) -> t { ((a | b) & b1) | ((a & b) & b0) }
/* Function: or
#[doc = "Disjunction"]
pure fn or(a: t, b: t) -> t { ((a & b) & b1) | ((a | b) & b0) }
Function: xor
Exclusive or
#[doc = "Exclusive or"]
pure fn xor(a: t, b: t) -> t {
let anb = a & b;
let aob = a & not(b);
ret ((anb & b1) | (anb << 1u8) | (aob >> 1u8) | (aob & b0)) & b01;
Function: implies
Classic implication, i.e. from `a` follows `b`
#[doc = "Classic implication, i.e. from `a` follows `b`"]
pure fn implies(a: t, b: t) -> t {
ret ((a & b1) >> 1u8) | (b & b0) | ((a << 1u8) & b & b1);
Predicate: eq
#[doc = "
# Return value
true if truth values `a` and `b` are indistinguishable in the logic
pure fn eq(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a == b }
Predicate: ne
#[doc = "
# Return value
true if truth values `a` and `b` are distinguishable in the logic
pure fn ne(a: t, b: t) -> bool { a != b }
Predicate: is_true
#[doc = "
# Return value
true if `v` represents truth in the logic
pure fn is_true(v: t) -> bool { v == tri::true }
Predicate: is_false
#[doc = "
# Return value
true if `v` represents false in the logic
pure fn is_false(v: t) -> bool { v == tri::false }
Predicate: is_unknown
#[doc = "
# Return value
true if `v` represents the unknown state in the logic
pure fn is_unknown(v: t) -> bool { v == unknown }
Function: from_str
Parse logic value from `s`
#[doc = "Parse logic value from `s`"]
pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
alt check s {
"unknown" { unknown }
@ -144,11 +95,7 @@ pure fn from_str(s: str) -> t {
Function: to_str
Convert `v` into a string
#[doc = "Convert `v` into a string"]
pure fn to_str(v: t) -> str {
// FIXME replace with consts as soon as that works
alt check v {
@ -158,25 +105,21 @@ pure fn to_str(v: t) -> str {
Function: all_values
#[doc = "
Iterates over all truth values by passing them to `blk`
in an unspecified order
fn all_values(blk: fn(v: t)) {
Function: to_bit
#[doc = "
# Return value
An u8 whose first bit is set if `if_true(v)` holds
fn to_bit(v: t) -> u8 { v & b0 }
@ -1,26 +1,11 @@
Module: util
Function: id
The identity function
#[doc = "The identity function"]
pure fn id<T: copy>(x: T) -> T { x }
/* FIXME (issue #141): See test/run-pass/ Uncomment
* the constraint once fixed. */
Function: rational
A rational number
#[doc = "A rational number"]
type rational = {num: int, den: int}; // : int::positive(*.den);
Function: rational_leq
pure fn rational_leq(x: rational, y: rational) -> bool {
// NB: Uses the fact that rationals have positive denominators WLOG:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user