Convert vec::{split, splitn, rsplit, rsplitn} to external iterators.

This commit is contained in:
Huon Wilson 2013-07-03 14:54:11 +10:00
parent f19fb2459f
commit 944d904ad4

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@ -173,105 +173,70 @@ pub fn build_sized_opt<A>(size: Option<uint>,
build_sized(size.get_or_default(4), builder)
// Accessors
/// Copies
/// Split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate `f`.
pub fn split<T:Copy>(v: &[T], f: &fn(t: &T) -> bool) -> ~[~[T]] {
let ln = v.len();
if (ln == 0u) { return ~[] }
let mut start = 0u;
let mut result = ~[];
while start < ln {
match v.slice(start, ln).iter().position_(|t| f(t)) {
None => break,
Some(i) => {
result.push(v.slice(start, start + i).to_owned());
start += i + 1u;
result.push(v.slice(start, ln).to_owned());
/// An iterator over the slices of a vector separated by elements that
/// match a predicate function.
pub struct VecSplitIterator<'self, T> {
priv v: &'self [T],
priv n: uint,
priv pred: &'self fn(t: &T) -> bool,
priv finished: bool
* Split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate `f` up
* to `n` times.
pub fn splitn<T:Copy>(v: &[T], n: uint, f: &fn(t: &T) -> bool) -> ~[~[T]] {
let ln = v.len();
if (ln == 0u) { return ~[] }
impl<'self, T> Iterator<&'self [T]> for VecSplitIterator<'self, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self [T]> {
if self.finished { return None; }
let mut start = 0u;
let mut count = n;
let mut result = ~[];
while start < ln && count > 0u {
match v.slice(start, ln).iter().position_(|t| f(t)) {
None => break,
Some(i) => {
result.push(v.slice(start, start + i).to_owned());
// Make sure to skip the separator.
start += i + 1u;
count -= 1u;
if self.n == 0 {
self.finished = true;
return Some(self.v);
match self.v.iter().position_(|x| (self.pred)(x)) {
None => {
self.finished = true;
Some(idx) => {
let ret = Some(self.v.slice(0, idx));
self.v = self.v.slice(idx + 1, self.v.len());
self.n -= 1;
result.push(v.slice(start, ln).to_owned());
* Reverse split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate
* `f`.
pub fn rsplit<T:Copy>(v: &[T], f: &fn(t: &T) -> bool) -> ~[~[T]] {
let ln = v.len();
if (ln == 0) { return ~[] }
let mut end = ln;
let mut result = ~[];
while end > 0 {
match v.slice(0, end).rposition(|t| f(t)) {
None => break,
Some(i) => {
result.push(v.slice(i + 1, end).to_owned());
end = i;
result.push(v.slice(0u, end).to_owned());
/// An iterator over the slices of a vector separated by elements that
/// match a predicate function, from back to front.
pub struct VecRSplitIterator<'self, T> {
priv v: &'self [T],
priv n: uint,
priv pred: &'self fn(t: &T) -> bool,
priv finished: bool
* Reverse split the vector `v` by applying each element against the predicate
* `f` up to `n times.
pub fn rsplitn<T:Copy>(v: &[T], n: uint, f: &fn(t: &T) -> bool) -> ~[~[T]] {
let ln = v.len();
if (ln == 0u) { return ~[] }
impl<'self, T> Iterator<&'self [T]> for VecRSplitIterator<'self, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self [T]> {
if self.finished { return None; }
let mut end = ln;
let mut count = n;
let mut result = ~[];
while end > 0u && count > 0u {
match v.slice(0, end).rposition(|t| f(t)) {
None => break,
Some(i) => {
result.push(v.slice(i + 1u, end).to_owned());
// Make sure to skip the separator.
end = i;
count -= 1u;
if self.n == 0 {
self.finished = true;
return Some(self.v);
match self.v.rposition(|x| (self.pred)(x)) {
None => {
self.finished = true;
Some(idx) => {
let ret = Some(self.v.slice(idx + 1, self.v.len()));
self.v = self.v.slice(0, idx);
self.n -= 1;
result.push(v.slice(0u, end).to_owned());
// Appending
@ -758,6 +723,11 @@ pub trait ImmutableVector<'self, T> {
fn slice(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'self [T];
fn iter(self) -> VecIterator<'self, T>;
fn rev_iter(self) -> VecRevIterator<'self, T>;
fn split_iter(self, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecSplitIterator<'self, T>;
fn splitn_iter(self, n: uint, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecSplitIterator<'self, T>;
fn rsplit_iter(self, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecRSplitIterator<'self, T>;
fn rsplitn_iter(self, n: uint, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecRSplitIterator<'self, T>;
fn head(&self) -> &'self T;
fn head_opt(&self) -> Option<&'self T>;
fn tail(&self) -> &'self [T];
@ -808,6 +778,45 @@ impl<'self,T> ImmutableVector<'self, T> for &'self [T] {
/// Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are
/// separated by elements that match `pred`.
fn split_iter(self, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecSplitIterator<'self, T> {
self.splitn_iter(uint::max_value, pred)
/// Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are
/// separated by elements that match `pred`, limited to splitting
/// at most `n` times.
fn splitn_iter(self, n: uint, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecSplitIterator<'self, T> {
VecSplitIterator {
v: self,
n: n,
pred: pred,
finished: false
/// Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are
/// separated by elements that match `pred`. This starts at the
/// end of the vector and works backwards.
fn rsplit_iter(self, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecRSplitIterator<'self, T> {
self.rsplitn_iter(uint::max_value, pred)
/// Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are
/// separated by elements that match `pred` limited to splitting
/// at most `n` times. This starts at the end of the vector and
/// works backwards.
fn rsplitn_iter(self, n: uint, pred: &'self fn(&T) -> bool) -> VecRSplitIterator<'self, T> {
VecRSplitIterator {
v: self,
n: n,
pred: pred,
finished: false
/// Returns the first element of a vector, failing if the vector is empty.
fn head(&self) -> &'self T {
@ -2614,50 +2623,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_split() {
fn f(x: &int) -> bool { *x == 3 }
assert_eq!(split([], f), ~[]);
assert_eq!(split([1, 2], f), ~[~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(split([3, 1, 2], f), ~[~[], ~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(split([1, 2, 3], f), ~[~[1, 2], ~[]]);
assert_eq!(split([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], f), ~[~[1, 2], ~[4], ~[5]]);
fn test_splitn() {
fn f(x: &int) -> bool { *x == 3 }
assert_eq!(splitn([], 1u, f), ~[]);
assert_eq!(splitn([1, 2], 1u, f), ~[~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(splitn([3, 1, 2], 1u, f), ~[~[], ~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(splitn([1, 2, 3], 1u, f), ~[~[1, 2], ~[]]);
assert!(splitn([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], 1u, f) ==
~[~[1, 2], ~[4, 3, 5]]);
fn test_rsplit() {
fn f(x: &int) -> bool { *x == 3 }
assert_eq!(rsplit([], f), ~[]);
assert_eq!(rsplit([1, 2], f), ~[~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(rsplit([1, 2, 3], f), ~[~[1, 2], ~[]]);
assert!(rsplit([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], f) ==
~[~[1, 2], ~[4], ~[5]]);
fn test_rsplitn() {
fn f(x: &int) -> bool { *x == 3 }
assert_eq!(rsplitn([], 1u, f), ~[]);
assert_eq!(rsplitn([1, 2], 1u, f), ~[~[1, 2]]);
assert_eq!(rsplitn([1, 2, 3], 1u, f), ~[~[1, 2], ~[]]);
assert_eq!(rsplitn([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], 1u, f), ~[~[1, 2, 3, 4], ~[5]]);
fn test_partition() {
assert_eq!((~[]).partition(|x: &int| *x < 3), (~[], ~[]));
@ -2823,142 +2788,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_split_fail_ret_true() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do split(v) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_split_fail_ret_false() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do split(v) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_splitn_fail_ret_true() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do splitn(v, 100) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_splitn_fail_ret_false() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do split(v) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_rsplit_fail_ret_true() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do rsplit(v) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_rsplit_fail_ret_false() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do rsplit(v) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_rsplitn_fail_ret_true() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do rsplitn(v, 100) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
fn test_rsplitn_fail_ret_false() {
let v = [(~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0), (~0, @0)];
let mut i = 0;
do rsplitn(v, 100) |_elt| {
if i == 2 {
i += 1;
@ -3140,6 +2969,72 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(xs.consume_rev_iter().fold(0, |a: uint, b: uint| 10*a + b), 54321);
fn test_split_iterator() {
let xs = &[1i,2,3,4,5];
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[1], &[3], &[5]]);
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|x| *x == 1).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[], &[2,3,4,5]]);
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[1,2,3,4], &[]]);
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|x| *x == 10).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|_| true).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[], &[], &[], &[], &[], &[]]);
let xs: &[int] = &[];
assert_eq!(xs.split_iter(|x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(), ~[&[]]);
fn test_splitn_iterator() {
let xs = &[1i,2,3,4,5];
assert_eq!(xs.splitn_iter(0, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
assert_eq!(xs.splitn_iter(1, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[1], &[3,4,5]]);
assert_eq!(xs.splitn_iter(3, |_| true).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[], &[], &[], &[4,5]]);
let xs: &[int] = &[];
assert_eq!(xs.splitn_iter(1, |x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(), ~[&[]]);
fn test_rsplit_iterator() {
let xs = &[1i,2,3,4,5];
assert_eq!(xs.rsplit_iter(|x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[5], &[3], &[1]]);
assert_eq!(xs.rsplit_iter(|x| *x == 1).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[2,3,4,5], &[]]);
assert_eq!(xs.rsplit_iter(|x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[], &[1,2,3,4]]);
assert_eq!(xs.rsplit_iter(|x| *x == 10).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
let xs: &[int] = &[];
assert_eq!(xs.rsplit_iter(|x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(), ~[&[]]);
fn test_rsplitn_iterator() {
let xs = &[1,2,3,4,5];
assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn_iter(0, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn_iter(1, |x| *x % 2 == 0).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[5], &[1,2,3]]);
assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn_iter(3, |_| true).collect::<~[&[int]]>(),
~[&[], &[], &[], &[1,2]]);
let xs: &[int] = &[];
assert_eq!(xs.rsplitn_iter(1, |x| *x == 5).collect::<~[&[int]]>(), ~[&[]]);
fn test_move_from() {
let mut a = [1,2,3,4,5];