Auto merge of - WaffleLapkin:badassexprs, r=Veykril

fix: Correctly check for parentheses redundancy in `remove_parentheses` assist

This is quite a bunch of code and some hacks, but I _think_ this time it's correct.

I've added a lot of tests, most of which fail with the assist impl from  :')
This commit is contained in:
bors 2022-12-20 18:11:54 +00:00
commit 927d56a67d
2 changed files with 443 additions and 100 deletions

@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ pub(crate) fn remove_parentheses(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) ->
let expr = parens.expr()?;
let parent = ast::Expr::cast(parens.syntax().parent()?);
let is_ok_to_remove = expr.precedence() >= parent.as_ref().and_then(ast::Expr::precedence);
if !is_ok_to_remove {
let parent = parens.syntax().parent()?;
if expr.needs_parens_in(parent) {
return None;
@ -58,6 +57,31 @@ mod tests {
check_assist(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { (2$0) + 2; }"#, r#"fn f() { 2 + 2; }"#);
fn remove_parens_closure() {
check_assist(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { &$0(|| 42) }"#, r#"fn f() { &|| 42 }"#);
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { $0(|| 42).f() }"#);
fn remove_parens_if_let_chains() {
r#"fn f() { if let true = $0(true && true) {} }"#,
fn remove_parens_associativity() {
r#"fn f() { $0(2 + 2) + 2; }"#,
r#"fn f() { 2 + 2 + 2; }"#,
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { 2 + $0(2 + 2); }"#);
fn remove_parens_precedence() {
@ -88,4 +112,110 @@ mod tests {
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { (2 +$0 2) }"#);
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() {$0 (2 + 2) }"#);
fn remove_parens_doesnt_apply_when_expr_would_be_turned_into_a_statement() {
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn x() -> u8 { $0({ 0 } + 1) }"#);
r#"fn x() -> u8 { $0(if true { 0 } else { 1 } + 1) }"#,
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn x() -> u8 { $0(loop {} + 1) }"#);
fn remove_parens_doesnt_apply_weird_syntax_and_adge_cases() {
// removing `()` would break code because {} would be counted as the loop/if body
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { for _ in $0(0..{3}) {} }"#);
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { for _ in $0(S {}) {} }"#);
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { if $0(S {} == 2) {} }"#);
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { if $0(return) {} }"#);
fn remove_parens_return_with_value_followed_by_block() {
r#"fn f() { if $0(return ()) {} }"#,
r#"fn f() { if return () {} }"#,
fn remove_exprs_let_else_restrictions() {
// `}` is not allowed before `else` here
r#"fn f() { let _ = $0(S{}) else { return }; }"#,
// logic operators can't directly appear in the let-else
r#"fn f() { let _ = $0(false || false) else { return }; }"#,
r#"fn f() { let _ = $0(true && true) else { return }; }"#,
fn remove_parens_weird_places() {
r#"fn f() { match () { _=>$0(()) } }"#,
r#"fn f() { match () { _=>() } }"#,
r#"fn x() -> u8 { { [$0({ 0 } + 1)] } }"#,
r#"fn x() -> u8 { { [{ 0 } + 1] } }"#,
fn remove_parens_return_dot_f() {
r#"fn f() { $0(return).f() }"#,
r#"fn f() { return.f() }"#,
fn remove_parens_prefix_then_return_something() {
r#"fn f() { &$0(return ()) }"#,
r#"fn f() { &return () }"#,
fn remove_parens_double_paren_stmt() {
r#"fn x() -> u8 { $0(({ 0 } + 1)) }"#,
r#"fn x() -> u8 { ({ 0 } + 1) }"#,
r#"fn x() -> u8 { (($0{ 0 } + 1)) }"#,
r#"fn x() -> u8 { ({ 0 } + 1) }"#,
fn remove_parens_im_tired_of_naming_tests() {
r#"fn f() { 2 + $0(return 2) }"#,
r#"fn f() { 2 + return 2 }"#,
check_assist_not_applicable(remove_parentheses, r#"fn f() { $0(return 2) + 2 }"#);

@ -1,115 +1,328 @@
//! Precedence representation.
use crate::ast::{self, BinExpr, Expr};
/// Precedence of an expression.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExprPrecedence {
// N.B.: Order is important
/// Precedence of a binary operator.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum BinOpPresedence {
// N.B.: Order is important
/// `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `|=`, `&=`
/// `||`
/// `&&`
/// `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `==` and `!=`
/// `|`
/// `^`
/// `&`
/// `<<` and `>>`
/// `+` and `-`
/// `*`, `/` and `%`
/// `as`
use crate::{
ast::{self, BinaryOp, Expr, HasArgList},
match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxNode,
impl Expr {
/// Returns precedence of this expression.
/// Usefull to preserve semantics in assists.
/// Returns `None` if this is a [`BinExpr`] and its [`op_kind`] returns `None`.
/// [`op_kind`]: BinExpr::op_kind
/// [`BinExpr`]: Expr::BinExpr
pub fn precedence(&self) -> Option<ExprPrecedence> {
// Copied from <>
// Implementation is based on
// -
// -
// - rustc source, including, but not limited to
// -
/// Returns `true` if `self` would need to be wrapped in parentheses given that its parent is `parent`.
pub fn needs_parens_in(&self, parent: SyntaxNode) -> bool {
match_ast! {
match parent {
ast::Expr(e) => self.needs_parens_in_expr(&e),
ast::Stmt(e) => self.needs_parens_in_stmt(Some(&e)),
ast::StmtList(_) => self.needs_parens_in_stmt(None),
ast::ArgList(_) => false,
ast::MatchArm(_) => false,
_ => false,
fn needs_parens_in_expr(&self, parent: &Expr) -> bool {
// Special-case block weirdness
if parent.child_is_followed_by_a_block() {
use Expr::*;
match self {
// Cases like `if return {}` (need parens or else `{}` is returned, instead of being `if`'s body)
ReturnExpr(e) if e.expr().is_none() => return true,
BreakExpr(e) if e.expr().is_none() => return true,
YieldExpr(e) if e.expr().is_none() => return true,
// Same but with `..{}`
RangeExpr(e) if matches!(e.end(), Some(BlockExpr(..))) => return true,
// Similarly with struct literals, e.g. `if S{} == 1 {}`
_ if self.contains_exterior_struct_lit() => return true,
_ => {}
// Special-case `return.f()`
if self.is_ret_like_with_no_value() && parent.is_postfix() {
return false;
if self.is_paren_like()
|| parent.is_paren_like()
|| self.is_prefix() && (parent.is_prefix() || !self.is_ordered_before(parent))
|| self.is_postfix() && (parent.is_postfix() || self.is_ordered_before(parent))
return false;
let (left, right, inv) = match self.is_ordered_before(parent) {
true => (self, parent, false),
false => (parent, self, true),
let (_, left_right_bp) = left.binding_power();
let (right_left_bp, _) = right.binding_power();
(left_right_bp < right_left_bp) ^ inv
fn needs_parens_in_stmt(&self, stmt: Option<&ast::Stmt>) -> bool {
use Expr::*;
let prec = match self {
ClosureExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Closure,
// Prevent false-positives in cases like `fn x() -> u8 { ({ 0 } + 1) }`,
// `{ { 0 } + 1 }` won't parse -- `{ 0 }` would be parsed as a self-contained stmt,
// leaving `+ 1` as a parse error.
let mut innermost = self.clone();
loop {
let next = match &innermost {
BinExpr(e) => e.lhs(),
CallExpr(e) => e.expr(),
CastExpr(e) => e.expr(),
IndexExpr(e) => e.base(),
_ => break,
ContinueExpr(_) | ReturnExpr(_) | YieldExpr(_) | BreakExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Jump,
if let Some(next) = next {
innermost = next;
if !innermost.requires_semi_to_be_stmt() {
return true;
} else {
RangeExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Range,
// Not every expression can be followed by `else` in the `let-else`
if let Some(ast::Stmt::LetStmt(e)) = stmt {
if e.let_else().is_some() {
match self {
if e.op_kind()
.map(|op| matches!(op, BinaryOp::LogicOp(_)))
.unwrap_or(false) =>
return true
_ if self.clone().trailing_brace().is_some() => return true,
_ => {}
BinExpr(bin_expr) => return bin_expr.precedence().map(ExprPrecedence::Bin),
CastExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Bin(BinOpPresedence::As),
BoxExpr(_) | RefExpr(_) | LetExpr(_) | PrefixExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Prefix,
/// Returns left and right so-called "binding powers" of this expression.
fn binding_power(&self) -> (u8, u8) {
use ast::{ArithOp::*, BinaryOp::*, Expr::*, LogicOp::*};
AwaitExpr(_) | CallExpr(_) | MethodCallExpr(_) | FieldExpr(_) | IndexExpr(_)
| TryExpr(_) | MacroExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Postfix,
let dps = match self {
// (0, 0) -- paren-like/nullary
// (0, N) -- prefix
// (N, 0) -- postfix
// (N, N) -- infix, requires parens
// (N, N+1) -- infix, left to right associative
// (N+1, N) -- infix, right to left associative
// N is odd
ContinueExpr(_) => (0, 0),
ClosureExpr(_) | ReturnExpr(_) | YieldExpr(_) | BreakExpr(_) => (0, 1),
RangeExpr(_) => (5, 5),
BinExpr(e) => {
// Return a dummy value if we don't know the op
let Some(op) = e.op_kind() else { return (0, 0) };
match op {
Assignment { .. } => (4, 3),
// Ranges are here in order :)
LogicOp(op) => match op {
Or => (7, 8),
And => (9, 10),
CmpOp(_) => (11, 11),
ArithOp(op) => match op {
BitOr => (13, 14),
BitXor => (15, 16),
BitAnd => (17, 18),
Shl | Shr => (19, 20),
Add | Sub => (21, 22),
Mul | Div | Rem => (23, 24),
CastExpr(_) => (25, 26),
BoxExpr(_) | RefExpr(_) | LetExpr(_) | PrefixExpr(_) => (0, 27),
AwaitExpr(_) | CallExpr(_) | MethodCallExpr(_) | IndexExpr(_) | TryExpr(_)
| MacroExpr(_) => (29, 0),
FieldExpr(_) => (31, 32),
ArrayExpr(_) | TupleExpr(_) | Literal(_) | PathExpr(_) | ParenExpr(_) | IfExpr(_)
| WhileExpr(_) | ForExpr(_) | LoopExpr(_) | MatchExpr(_) | BlockExpr(_)
| RecordExpr(_) | UnderscoreExpr(_) => ExprPrecedence::Paren,
| RecordExpr(_) | UnderscoreExpr(_) => (0, 0),
impl BinExpr {
/// Returns precedence of this binary expression.
/// Usefull to preserve semantics in assists.
/// Returns `None` if [`op_kind`] returns `None`.
/// [`op_kind`]: BinExpr::op_kind
pub fn precedence(&self) -> Option<BinOpPresedence> {
use ast::{ArithOp::*, BinaryOp::*, LogicOp::*};
let prec = match self.op_kind()? {
LogicOp(op) => match op {
And => BinOpPresedence::LAnd,
Or => BinOpPresedence::LOr,
ArithOp(op) => match op {
Add => BinOpPresedence::Add,
Mul => BinOpPresedence::Mul,
Sub => BinOpPresedence::Add,
Div => BinOpPresedence::Mul,
Rem => BinOpPresedence::Mul,
Shl => BinOpPresedence::Shift,
Shr => BinOpPresedence::Shift,
BitXor => BinOpPresedence::BitXor,
BitOr => BinOpPresedence::BitOr,
BitAnd => BinOpPresedence::BitAnd,
CmpOp(_) => BinOpPresedence::Cmp,
Assignment { .. } => BinOpPresedence::Assign,
fn is_paren_like(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.binding_power(), (0, 0))
fn is_prefix(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.binding_power(), (0, 1..))
fn is_postfix(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.binding_power(), (1.., 0))
/// Returns `true` if this expression can't be a standalone statement.
fn requires_semi_to_be_stmt(&self) -> bool {
use Expr::*;
IfExpr(..) | MatchExpr(..) | BlockExpr(..) | WhileExpr(..) | LoopExpr(..) | ForExpr(..)
/// If an expression ends with `}`, returns the innermost expression ending in this `}`.
fn trailing_brace(mut self) -> Option<Expr> {
use Expr::*;
loop {
let rhs = match self {
RefExpr(e) => e.expr(),
BinExpr(e) => e.rhs(),
BoxExpr(e) => e.expr(),
BreakExpr(e) => e.expr(),
LetExpr(e) => e.expr(),
RangeExpr(e) => e.end(),
ReturnExpr(e) => e.expr(),
PrefixExpr(e) => e.expr(),
YieldExpr(e) => e.expr(),
ClosureExpr(e) => e.body(),
BlockExpr(..) | ForExpr(..) | IfExpr(..) | LoopExpr(..) | MatchExpr(..)
| RecordExpr(..) | WhileExpr(..) => break Some(self),
_ => break None,
self = rhs?;
/// Expressions that syntactically contain an "exterior" struct literal i.e., not surrounded by any
/// parens or other delimiters, e.g., `X { y: 1 }`, `X { y: 1 }.method()`, `foo == X { y: 1 }` and
/// `X { y: 1 } == foo` all do, but `(X { y: 1 }) == foo` does not.
fn contains_exterior_struct_lit(&self) -> bool {
return contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(self).is_some();
fn contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(expr: &Expr) -> Option<()> {
use Expr::*;
match expr {
RecordExpr(..) => Some(()),
// X { y: 1 } + X { y: 2 }
BinExpr(e) => e
.or_else(|| e.rhs().as_ref().and_then(contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner)),
// `&X { y: 1 }`, `X { y: 1 }.y`, `X { y: 1 }.bar(...)`, etc
IndexExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.base()?),
AwaitExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.expr()?),
PrefixExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.expr()?),
CastExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.expr()?),
FieldExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.expr()?),
MethodCallExpr(e) => contains_exterior_struct_lit_inner(&e.receiver()?),
_ => None,
/// Returns true if self is one of `return`, `break`, `continue` or `yield` with **no associated value**.
fn is_ret_like_with_no_value(&self) -> bool {
use Expr::*;
match self {
ReturnExpr(e) => e.expr().is_none(),
BreakExpr(e) => e.expr().is_none(),
ContinueExpr(_) => true,
YieldExpr(e) => e.expr().is_none(),
_ => false,
fn is_ordered_before(&self, other: &Expr) -> bool {
use Expr::*;
return order(self) < order(other);
/// Returns text range that can be used to compare two expression for order (which goes first).
fn order(this: &Expr) -> rowan::TextSize {
// For non-paren-like operators: get the operator itself
let token = match this {
RangeExpr(e) => e.op_token(),
BinExpr(e) => e.op_token(),
CastExpr(e) => e.as_token(),
FieldExpr(e) => e.dot_token(),
AwaitExpr(e) => e.dot_token(),
BoxExpr(e) => e.box_token(),
BreakExpr(e) => e.break_token(),
CallExpr(e) => e.arg_list().and_then(|args| args.l_paren_token()),
ClosureExpr(e) => e.param_list().and_then(|params| params.l_paren_token()),
ContinueExpr(e) => e.continue_token(),
IndexExpr(e) => e.l_brack_token(),
MethodCallExpr(e) => e.dot_token(),
PrefixExpr(e) => e.op_token(),
RefExpr(e) => e.amp_token(),
ReturnExpr(e) => e.return_token(),
TryExpr(e) => e.question_mark_token(),
YieldExpr(e) => e.yield_token(),
LetExpr(e) => e.let_token(),
ArrayExpr(_) | TupleExpr(_) | Literal(_) | PathExpr(_) | ParenExpr(_)
| IfExpr(_) | WhileExpr(_) | ForExpr(_) | LoopExpr(_) | MatchExpr(_)
| BlockExpr(_) | RecordExpr(_) | UnderscoreExpr(_) | MacroExpr(_) => None,
};|t| t.text_range()).unwrap_or_else(|| this.syntax().text_range()).start()
fn child_is_followed_by_a_block(&self) -> bool {
use Expr::*;
match self {
ArrayExpr(_) | AwaitExpr(_) | BlockExpr(_) | CallExpr(_) | CastExpr(_)
| ClosureExpr(_) | FieldExpr(_) | IndexExpr(_) | Literal(_) | LoopExpr(_)
| MacroExpr(_) | MethodCallExpr(_) | ParenExpr(_) | PathExpr(_) | RecordExpr(_)
| TryExpr(_) | TupleExpr(_) | UnderscoreExpr(_) => false,
// For BinExpr and RangeExpr this is technically wrong -- the child can be on the left...
BinExpr(_) | RangeExpr(_) | BoxExpr(_) | BreakExpr(_) | ContinueExpr(_)
| PrefixExpr(_) | RefExpr(_) | ReturnExpr(_) | YieldExpr(_) | LetExpr(_) => self
.map(|e| e.child_is_followed_by_a_block())
ForExpr(_) | IfExpr(_) | MatchExpr(_) | WhileExpr(_) => true,