Diagnose incorrect and private fields in record structs
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ pub type LabelSource = InFile<LabelPtr>;
pub type FieldPtr = AstPtr<ast::RecordExprField>;
pub type FieldSource = InFile<FieldPtr>;
pub type PatFieldPtr = AstPtr<ast::RecordPatField>;
pub type PatFieldSource = InFile<PatFieldPtr>;
/// An item body together with the mapping from syntax nodes to HIR expression
/// IDs. This is needed to go from e.g. a position in a file to the HIR
@ -90,8 +92,8 @@ pub struct BodySourceMap {
/// We don't create explicit nodes for record fields (`S { record_field: 92 }`).
/// Instead, we use id of expression (`92`) to identify the field.
field_map: FxHashMap<FieldSource, ExprId>,
field_map_back: FxHashMap<ExprId, FieldSource>,
pat_field_map_back: FxHashMap<PatId, PatFieldSource>,
expansions: FxHashMap<InFile<AstPtr<ast::MacroCall>>, HirFileId>,
@ -375,9 +377,8 @@ impl BodySourceMap {
pub fn node_field(&self, node: InFile<&ast::RecordExprField>) -> Option<ExprId> {
let src = node.map(AstPtr::new);
pub fn pat_field_syntax(&self, pat: PatId) -> PatFieldSource {
pub fn macro_expansion_expr(&self, node: InFile<&ast::MacroExpr>) -> Option<ExprId> {
@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ impl ExprCollector<'_> {
None => self.missing_expr(),
let src = self.expander.to_source(AstPtr::new(&field));
self.source_map.field_map.insert(src.clone(), expr);
self.source_map.field_map_back.insert(expr, src);
Some(RecordLitField { name, expr })
@ -1330,23 +1329,21 @@ impl ExprCollector<'_> {
ast::Pat::RecordPat(p) => {
let path =
p.path().and_then(|path| self.expander.parse_path(self.db, path)).map(Box::new);
let args = p
.expect("every struct should have a field list")
let record_pat_field_list =
&p.record_pat_field_list().expect("every struct should have a field list");
let args = record_pat_field_list
.filter_map(|f| {
let ast_pat = f.pat()?;
let pat = self.collect_pat(ast_pat, binding_list);
let name = f.field_name()?.as_name();
let src = self.expander.to_source(AstPtr::new(&f));
self.source_map.pat_field_map_back.insert(pat, src);
Some(RecordFieldPat { name, pat })
let ellipsis = p
.expect("every struct should have a field list")
let ellipsis = record_pat_field_list.rest_pat().is_some();
Pat::Record { path, args, ellipsis }
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ pub(crate) type InferResult<T> = Result<InferOk<T>, TypeError>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum InferenceDiagnostic {
NoSuchField {
expr: ExprId,
field: ExprOrPatId,
private: bool,
PrivateField {
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
self.write_variant_resolution(tgt_expr.into(), variant);
match def_id {
Some(_) if fields.is_empty() => {}
_ if fields.is_empty() => {}
Some(def) => {
let field_types = self.db.field_types(def);
let variant_data = def.variant_data(self.db.upcast());
@ -542,16 +542,16 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
) {
InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField {
expr: field.expr,
field: field.expr.into(),
private: true,
Some(FieldId { parent: def, local_id })
None => {
self.push_diagnostic(InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField {
expr: field.expr,
field: field.expr.into(),
private: false,
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
let field_ty = field_def.map_or(self.err_ty(), |it| {
field_types[it.local_id].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs)
field_types[it].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs)
// Field type might have some unknown types
@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
Expr::Underscore => rhs_ty.clone(),
_ => {
// `lhs` is a place expression, a unit struct, or an enum variant.
let lhs_ty = self.infer_expr(lhs, &Expectation::none());
let lhs_ty = self.infer_expr_inner(lhs, &Expectation::none());
// This is the only branch where this function may coerce any type.
// We are returning early to avoid the unifiability check below.
@ -92,24 +92,51 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
let substs =
ty.as_adt().map(|(_, s)| s.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|| Substitution::empty(Interner));
let field_tys = def.map(|it| self.db.field_types(it)).unwrap_or_default();
let (pre, post) = match ellipsis {
Some(idx) => subs.split_at(idx),
None => (subs, &[][..]),
let post_idx_offset = field_tys.iter().count().saturating_sub(post.len());
match def {
_ if subs.len() == 0 => {}
Some(def) => {
let field_types = self.db.field_types(def);
let variant_data = def.variant_data(self.db.upcast());
let visibilities = self.db.field_visibilities(def);
let pre_iter = pre.iter().enumerate();
let post_iter = (post_idx_offset..).zip(post.iter());
for (i, &subpat) in pre_iter.chain(post_iter) {
let expected_ty = var_data
.and_then(|d| d.field(&Name::new_tuple_field(i)))
.map_or(self.err_ty(), |field| {
field_tys[field].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs)
let expected_ty = self.normalize_associated_types_in(expected_ty);
T::infer(self, subpat, &expected_ty, default_bm);
let (pre, post) = match ellipsis {
Some(idx) => subs.split_at(idx),
None => (subs, &[][..]),
let post_idx_offset = field_types.iter().count().saturating_sub(post.len());
let pre_iter = pre.iter().enumerate();
let post_iter = (post_idx_offset..).zip(post.iter());
for (i, &subpat) in pre_iter.chain(post_iter) {
let field_def = {
match variant_data.field(&Name::new_tuple_field(i)) {
Some(local_id) => {
if !visibilities[local_id]
.is_visible_from(self.db.upcast(), self.resolver.module())
// FIXME(DIAGNOSE): private tuple field
None => None,
let expected_ty = field_def.map_or(self.err_ty(), |f| {
field_types[f].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs)
let expected_ty = self.normalize_associated_types_in(expected_ty);
T::infer(self, subpat, &expected_ty, default_bm);
None => {
let err_ty = self.err_ty();
for &inner in subs {
T::infer(self, inner, &err_ty, default_bm);
@ -122,7 +149,7 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
expected: &Ty,
default_bm: T::BindingMode,
id: T,
subs: impl Iterator<Item = (Name, T)>,
subs: impl Iterator<Item = (Name, T)> + ExactSizeIterator,
) -> Ty {
let (ty, def) = self.resolve_variant(path, false);
if let Some(variant) = def {
@ -134,17 +161,51 @@ impl InferenceContext<'_> {
let substs =
ty.as_adt().map(|(_, s)| s.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|| Substitution::empty(Interner));
let field_tys = def.map(|it| self.db.field_types(it)).unwrap_or_default();
let var_data = def.map(|it| it.variant_data(self.db.upcast()));
match def {
_ if subs.len() == 0 => {}
Some(def) => {
let field_types = self.db.field_types(def);
let variant_data = def.variant_data(self.db.upcast());
let visibilities = self.db.field_visibilities(def);
for (name, inner) in subs {
let expected_ty = var_data
.and_then(|it| it.field(&name))
.map_or(self.err_ty(), |f| field_tys[f].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs));
let expected_ty = self.normalize_associated_types_in(expected_ty);
for (name, inner) in subs {
let field_def = {
match variant_data.field(&name) {
Some(local_id) => {
if !visibilities[local_id]
.is_visible_from(self.db.upcast(), self.resolver.module())
self.push_diagnostic(InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField {
field: inner.into(),
private: true,
None => {
self.push_diagnostic(InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField {
field: inner.into(),
private: false,
T::infer(self, inner, &expected_ty, default_bm);
let expected_ty = field_def.map_or(self.err_ty(), |f| {
field_types[f].clone().substitute(Interner, &substs)
let expected_ty = self.normalize_associated_types_in(expected_ty);
T::infer(self, inner, &expected_ty, default_bm);
None => {
let err_ty = self.err_ty();
for (_, inner) in subs {
T::infer(self, inner, &err_ty, default_bm);
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ impl<V, T> ProjectionElem<V, T> {
TyKind::Adt(_, subst) => {
db.field_types(f.parent)[f.local_id].clone().substitute(Interner, subst)
_ => {
never!("Only adt has field");
ty => {
never!("Only adt has field, found {:?}", ty);
return TyKind::Error.intern(Interner);
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ pub struct MalformedDerive {
pub struct NoSuchField {
pub field: InFile<AstPtr<ast::RecordExprField>>,
pub field: InFile<Either<AstPtr<ast::RecordExprField>, AstPtr<ast::RecordPatField>>>,
pub private: bool,
@ -1503,11 +1503,19 @@ impl DefWithBody {
let infer = db.infer(self.into());
let source_map = Lazy::new(|| db.body_with_source_map(self.into()).1);
let expr_syntax = |expr| source_map.expr_syntax(expr).expect("unexpected synthetic");
let pat_syntax = |pat| source_map.pat_syntax(pat).expect("unexpected synthetic");
for d in &infer.diagnostics {
match d {
&hir_ty::InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField { expr, private } => {
let field = source_map.field_syntax(expr);
acc.push(NoSuchField { field, private }.into())
&hir_ty::InferenceDiagnostic::NoSuchField { field: expr, private } => {
let expr_or_pat = match expr {
ExprOrPatId::ExprId(expr) => {
ExprOrPatId::PatId(pat) => {
acc.push(NoSuchField { field: expr_or_pat, private }.into())
&hir_ty::InferenceDiagnostic::MismatchedArgCount { call_expr, expected, found } => {
@ -1523,10 +1531,7 @@ impl DefWithBody {
&hir_ty::InferenceDiagnostic::PrivateAssocItem { id, item } => {
let expr_or_pat = match id {
ExprOrPatId::ExprId(expr) => expr_syntax(expr).map(Either::Left),
ExprOrPatId::PatId(pat) => source_map
.expect("unexpected synthetic")
ExprOrPatId::PatId(pat) => pat_syntax(pat).map(Either::Right),
let item = item.into();
acc.push(PrivateAssocItem { expr_or_pat, item }.into())
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ fn main() {
struct Foo { }
fn main(f: Foo) {
match f { Foo { bar } => () }
// ^^^ error: no such field
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use either::Either;
use hir::{db::ExpandDatabase, HasSource, HirDisplay, Semantics};
use ide_db::{base_db::FileId, source_change::SourceChange, RootDatabase};
use syntax::{
@ -12,30 +13,39 @@ use crate::{fix, Assist, Diagnostic, DiagnosticCode, DiagnosticsContext};
// This diagnostic is triggered if created structure does not have field provided in record.
pub(crate) fn no_such_field(ctx: &DiagnosticsContext<'_>, d: &hir::NoSuchField) -> Diagnostic {
if d.private {
} else {
if d.private { "field is private" } else { "no such field" },
d.field.clone().map(|it| it.into()),
.with_fixes(fixes(ctx, d))
let node = d.field.clone().map(|it| it.either(Into::into, Into::into));
if d.private {
// FIXME: quickfix to add required visibility
"field is private",
} else {
"no such field",
.with_fixes(fixes(ctx, d))
fn fixes(ctx: &DiagnosticsContext<'_>, d: &hir::NoSuchField) -> Option<Vec<Assist>> {
if d.private {
// FIXME: quickfix to add required visibility
return None;
// FIXME: quickfix for pattern
match &d.field.value {
Either::Left(ptr) => {
let root = ctx.sema.db.parse_or_expand(d.field.file_id);
_ => None,
let root = ctx.sema.db.parse_or_expand(d.field.file_id);
fn missing_record_expr_field_fixes(
@ -126,13 +136,34 @@ mod tests {
struct S { foo: i32, bar: () }
impl S {
fn new() -> S {
fn new(
s@S {
//^ 💡 error: missing structure fields:
//| - bar
baz: baz2,
//^^^^^^^^^ error: no such field
//^^^ error: no such field
}: S
) -> S {
S {
//^ 💡 error: missing structure fields:
//| - bar
baz: baz2,
//^^^^^^^^^ error: no such field
//^^^ error: no such field
} = s;
S {
//^ 💡 error: missing structure fields:
//| - bar
foo: 92,
baz: 62,
//^^^^^^^ 💡 error: no such field
//^^^ error: no such field
@ -310,13 +341,28 @@ fn main() {
mod m {
pub struct Struct {
field: u32
field: u32,
field2: u32,
fn main() {
fn f(s@m::Struct {
field: f,
//^^^^^^^^ error: field is private
//^^^^^^ error: field is private
}: m::Struct) {
// assignee expression
m::Struct {
field: 0
field: 0,
//^^^^^^^^ error: field is private
//^^^^^^ error: field is private
} = s;
m::Struct {
field: 0,
//^^^^^^^^ error: field is private
//^^^^^^ error: field is private
Reference in New Issue
Block a user