Refactor out some repetetive code in trans_alt
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,63 +84,61 @@ fn bind_for_pat(&@ast::pat p, &match_branch br, ValueRef val) {
fn enter_default(&match m, uint col, ValueRef val) -> match {
type enter_pat = fn(&@ast::pat) -> option::t[(@ast::pat)[]];
fn enter_match(&match m, uint col, ValueRef val, &enter_pat e) -> match {
auto result = ~[];
for (match_branch br in m) {
if (matches_always(br.pats.(col))) {
auto pats = ivec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col) +
ivec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, ivec::len(br.pats));
auto new_br = @rec(pats=pats with *br);
result += ~[new_br];
bind_for_pat(br.pats.(col), new_br, val);
alt (e(br.pats.(col))) {
some(?sub) {
auto pats = ivec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col) +
sub + ivec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, ivec::len(br.pats));
auto new_br = @rec(pats=pats with *br);
result += ~[new_br];
bind_for_pat(br.pats.(col), new_br, val);
none {}
ret result;
fn enter_default(&match m, uint col, ValueRef val) -> match {
fn e(&@ast::pat p) -> option::t[(@ast::pat)[]] {
ret if (matches_always(p)) { some(~[]) }
else { none };
ret enter_match(m, col, val, e);
fn enter_opt(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &match m, &opt opt,
uint col, uint tag_size, ValueRef val) -> match {
auto result = ~[];
auto dummy = @rec(id=0, node=ast::pat_wild, span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
for (match_branch br in m) {
auto pats = ivec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col);
auto include = true;
alt (br.pats.(col).node) {
ast::pat_tag(?ctor, _) {
include = opt_eq(variant_opt(ccx, br.pats.(col).id), opt);
fn e(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &@ast::pat dummy, &opt opt, uint size,
&@ast::pat p) -> option::t[(@ast::pat)[]] {
alt (p.node) {
ast::pat_tag(?ctor, ?subpats) {
ret if (opt_eq(variant_opt(ccx,, opt)) { some(subpats) }
else { none };
ast::pat_lit(?l) {
include = opt_eq(lit(l), opt);
ret if (opt_eq(lit(l), opt)) { some(~[]) }
else { none };
_ {}
if (include) {
alt (br.pats.(col).node) {
ast::pat_tag(_, ?subpats) {
assert ivec::len(subpats) == tag_size;
pats += subpats;
_ {
pats += ivec::init_elt(dummy, tag_size);
pats += ivec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, ivec::len(br.pats));
auto new_br = @rec(pats=pats with *br);
result += ~[new_br];
bind_for_pat(br.pats.(col), new_br, val);
_ { ret some(ivec::init_elt(dummy, size)); }
ret result;
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(ccx, dummy, opt, tag_size, _));
fn enter_rec(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &match m, uint col, &ast::ident[] fields,
fn enter_rec(&match m, uint col, &ast::ident[] fields,
ValueRef val) -> match {
auto result = ~[];
auto dummy = @rec(id=0, node=ast::pat_wild, span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
for (match_branch br in m) {
auto pats = ivec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col);
alt (br.pats.(col).node) {
fn e(&@ast::pat dummy, &ast::ident[] fields, &@ast::pat p)
-> option::t[(@ast::pat)[]] {
alt (p.node) {
ast::pat_rec(?fpats, _) {
auto pats = ~[];
for (ast::ident fname in fields) {
auto pat = dummy;
for (ast::field_pat fpat in fpats) {
@ -151,34 +149,23 @@ fn enter_rec(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &match m, uint col, &ast::ident[] fields,
pats += ~[pat];
ret some(pats);
_ {
pats += ivec::init_elt(dummy, ivec::len(fields));
_ { ret some(ivec::init_elt(dummy, ivec::len(fields))); }
pats += ivec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, ivec::len(br.pats));
auto new_br = @rec(pats=pats with *br);
result += ~[new_br];
bind_for_pat(br.pats.(col), new_br, val);
ret result;
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, fields, _));
fn enter_box(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &match m, uint col, ValueRef val) -> match {
auto result = ~[];
fn enter_box(&match m, uint col, ValueRef val) -> match {
auto dummy = @rec(id=0, node=ast::pat_wild, span=rec(lo=0u, hi=0u));
for (match_branch br in m) {
auto pats = ivec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col);
alt (br.pats.(col).node) {
ast::pat_box(?sub) { pats += ~[sub]; }
_ { pats += ~[dummy]; }
fn e(&@ast::pat dummy, &@ast::pat p) -> option::t[(@ast::pat)[]] {
alt (p.node) {
ast::pat_box(?sub) { ret some(~[sub]); }
_ { ret some(~[dummy]); }
pats += ivec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, ivec::len(br.pats));
auto new_br = @rec(pats=pats with *br);
result += ~[new_br];
bind_for_pat(br.pats.(col), new_br, val);
ret result;
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, _));
fn get_options(&@crate_ctxt ccx, &match m, uint col) -> opt[] {
@ -301,7 +288,7 @@ fn compile_submatch(@block_ctxt bcx, &match m, ValueRef[] vals, &mk_fail f,
rec_vals += ~[r.val];
bcx = r.bcx;
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_rec(ccx, m, col, rec_fields, val),
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_rec(m, col, rec_fields, val),
rec_vals + vals_left, f, exits);
@ -311,7 +298,7 @@ fn compile_submatch(@block_ctxt bcx, &match m, ValueRef[] vals, &mk_fail f,
auto box =;
auto unboxed =
(box, ~[C_int(0), C_int(back::abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_box(ccx, m, col, val),
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_box(m, col, val),
~[unboxed] + vals_left, f, exits);
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