diff --git a/src/consts.rs b/src/consts.rs
index 239f72e8774..df669007b1e 100644
--- a/src/consts.rs
+++ b/src/consts.rs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use std::cmp::PartialOrd;
 use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Greater, Less, Equal};
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::ops::Deref;
-use self::ConstantVariant::*;
+use self::Constant::*;
 use self::FloatWidth::*;
 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
@@ -27,42 +27,9 @@ impl From<FloatTy> for FloatWidth {
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
-pub struct Constant {
-    pub constant: ConstantVariant,
-    pub needed_resolution: bool
-impl Constant {
-    pub fn new(variant: ConstantVariant) -> Constant {
-        Constant { constant: variant, needed_resolution: false }
-    }
-    pub fn new_resolved(variant: ConstantVariant) -> Constant {
-        Constant { constant: variant, needed_resolution: true }
-    }
-    // convert this constant to a f64, if possible
-    pub fn as_float(&self) -> Option<f64> {
-        match &self.constant {
-            &ConstantByte(b) => Some(b as f64),
-            &ConstantFloat(ref s, _) => s.parse().ok(),
-            &ConstantInt(i, ty) => Some(if is_negative(ty) {
-                -(i as f64) } else { i as f64 }),
-            _ => None
-        }
-    }
-impl PartialOrd for Constant {
-    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Constant) -> Option<Ordering> {
-        self.constant.partial_cmp(&other.constant)
-    }
 /// a Lit_-like enum to fold constant `Expr`s into
 #[derive(Eq, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum ConstantVariant {
+pub enum Constant {
     /// a String "abc"
     ConstantStr(String, StrStyle),
     /// a Binary String b"abc"
@@ -80,12 +47,12 @@ pub enum ConstantVariant {
     /// an array of constants
     /// also an array, but with only one constant, repeated N times
-    ConstantRepeat(Box<ConstantVariant>, usize),
+    ConstantRepeat(Box<Constant>, usize),
     /// a tuple of constants
-impl ConstantVariant {
+impl Constant {
     /// convert to u64 if possible
     /// # panics
@@ -98,10 +65,21 @@ impl ConstantVariant {
             panic!("Could not convert a {:?} to u64");
+    /// convert this constant to a f64, if possible
+   pub fn as_float(&self) -> Option<f64> {
+       match *self {
+           ConstantByte(b) => Some(b as f64),
+           ConstantFloat(ref s, _) => s.parse().ok(),
+           ConstantInt(i, ty) => Some(if is_negative(ty) {
+               -(i as f64) } else { i as f64 }),
+           _ => None
+       }
+   }
-impl PartialEq for ConstantVariant {
-    fn eq(&self, other: &ConstantVariant) -> bool {
+impl PartialEq for Constant {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Constant) -> bool {
         match (self, other) {
             (&ConstantStr(ref ls, ref lsty), &ConstantStr(ref rs, ref rsty)) =>
                 ls == rs && lsty == rsty,
@@ -130,8 +108,8 @@ impl PartialEq for ConstantVariant {
-impl PartialOrd for ConstantVariant {
-    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &ConstantVariant) -> Option<Ordering> {
+impl PartialOrd for Constant {
+    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Constant) -> Option<Ordering> {
         match (self, other) {
             (&ConstantStr(ref ls, ref lsty), &ConstantStr(ref rs, ref rsty)) =>
                 if lsty != rsty { None } else { Some(ls.cmp(rs)) },
@@ -168,173 +146,67 @@ impl PartialOrd for ConstantVariant {
-/// simple constant folding: Insert an expression, get a constant or none.
-pub fn constant(cx: &Context, e: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
-    match &e.node {
-        &ExprParen(ref inner) => constant(cx, inner),
-        &ExprPath(_, _) => fetch_path(cx, e),
-        &ExprBlock(ref block) => constant_block(cx, block),
-        &ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, ref otherwise) =>
-            constant_if(cx, &*cond, &*then, &*otherwise),
-        &ExprLit(ref lit) => Some(lit_to_constant(&lit.node)),
-        &ExprVec(ref vec) => constant_vec(cx, &vec[..]),
-        &ExprTup(ref tup) => constant_tup(cx, &tup[..]),
-        &ExprRepeat(ref value, ref number) =>
-            constant_binop_apply(cx, value, number,|v, n|
-                Some(ConstantRepeat(Box::new(v), n.as_u64() as usize))),
-        &ExprUnary(op, ref operand) => constant(cx, operand).and_then(
-            |o| match op {
-                UnNot => constant_not(o),
-                UnNeg => constant_negate(o),
-                UnUniq | UnDeref => Some(o),
-            }),
-        &ExprBinary(op, ref left, ref right) =>
-            constant_binop(cx, op, left, right),
-        //TODO: add other expressions
-        _ => None,
-    }
 fn lit_to_constant(lit: &Lit_) -> Constant {
     match lit {
-        &LitStr(ref is, style) =>
-            Constant::new(ConstantStr(is.to_string(), style)),
-        &LitBinary(ref blob) => Constant::new(ConstantBinary(blob.clone())),
-        &LitByte(b) => Constant::new(ConstantByte(b)),
-        &LitChar(c) => Constant::new(ConstantChar(c)),
-        &LitInt(value, ty) => Constant::new(ConstantInt(value, ty)),
-        &LitFloat(ref is, ty) => {
-            Constant::new(ConstantFloat(is.to_string(), ty.into()))
-        },
-        &LitFloatUnsuffixed(ref is) => {
-            Constant::new(ConstantFloat(is.to_string(), FwAny))
-        },
-        &LitBool(b) => Constant::new(ConstantBool(b)),
+        &LitStr(ref is, style) => ConstantStr(is.to_string(), style),
+        &LitBinary(ref blob) => ConstantBinary(blob.clone()),
+        &LitByte(b) => ConstantByte(b),
+        &LitChar(c) => ConstantChar(c),
+        &LitInt(value, ty) => ConstantInt(value, ty),
+        &LitFloat(ref is, ty) => ConstantFloat(is.to_string(), ty.into()),
+        &LitFloatUnsuffixed(ref is) => ConstantFloat(is.to_string(), FwAny),
+        &LitBool(b) => ConstantBool(b),
-/// create `Some(ConstantVec(..))` of all constants, unless there is any
-/// non-constant part
-fn constant_vec<E: Deref<Target=Expr> + Sized>(cx: &Context, vec: &[E]) -> Option<Constant> {
-    let mut parts = Vec::new();
-    let mut resolved = false;
-    for opt_part in vec {
-        match constant(cx, opt_part) {
-            Some(p) => {
-                resolved |= p.needed_resolution;
-                parts.push(p)
-            },
-            None => { return None; },
-        }
-    }
-    Some(Constant {
-        constant: ConstantVec(parts),
-        needed_resolution: resolved
-    })
-fn constant_tup<E: Deref<Target=Expr> + Sized>(cx: &Context, tup: &[E]) -> Option<Constant> {
-    let mut parts = Vec::new();
-    let mut resolved = false;
-    for opt_part in tup {
-        match constant(cx, opt_part) {
-            Some(p) => {
-                resolved |= p.needed_resolution;
-                parts.push(p)
-            },
-            None => { return None; },
-        }
-    }
-    Some(Constant {
-        constant: ConstantTuple(parts),
-        needed_resolution: resolved
-    })
-/// lookup a possibly constant expression from a ExprPath
-fn fetch_path(cx: &Context, e: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
-    if let Some(&PathResolution { base_def: DefConst(id), ..}) =
-            cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&e.id) {
-        lookup_const_by_id(cx.tcx, id, None).and_then(
-            |l| constant(cx, l).map(|c| Constant::new_resolved(c.constant)))
-    } else { None }
-/// A block can only yield a constant if it only has one constant expression
-fn constant_block(cx: &Context, block: &Block) -> Option<Constant> {
-    if block.stmts.is_empty() {
-        block.expr.as_ref().and_then(|b| constant(cx, &*b))
-    } else { None }
-fn constant_if(cx: &Context, cond: &Expr, then: &Block, otherwise:
-        &Option<P<Expr>>) -> Option<Constant> {
-    if let Some(Constant{ constant: ConstantBool(b), needed_resolution: res }) =
-            constant(cx, cond) {
-        if b {
-            constant_block(cx, then)
-        } else {
-            otherwise.as_ref().and_then(|expr| constant(cx, &*expr))
-        }.map(|part|
-            Constant {
-                constant: part.constant,
-                needed_resolution: res || part.needed_resolution,
-            })
-    } else { None }
 fn constant_not(o: Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
-    Some(Constant {
-        needed_resolution: o.needed_resolution,
-        constant: match o.constant {
-            ConstantBool(b) => ConstantBool(!b),
-            ConstantInt(value, ty) => {
-                let (nvalue, nty) = match ty {
-                    SignedIntLit(ity, Plus) => {
-                        if value == ::std::u64::MAX { return None; }
-                        (value + 1, SignedIntLit(ity, Minus))
-                    },
-                    SignedIntLit(ity, Minus) => {
-                        if value == 0 {
-                            (1, SignedIntLit(ity, Minus))
-                        } else {
-                            (value - 1, SignedIntLit(ity, Plus))
-                        }
+    Some(match o {
+        ConstantBool(b) => ConstantBool(!b),
+        ConstantInt(value, ty) => {
+            let (nvalue, nty) = match ty {
+                SignedIntLit(ity, Plus) => {
+                    if value == ::std::u64::MAX { return None; }
+                    (value + 1, SignedIntLit(ity, Minus))
+                },
+                SignedIntLit(ity, Minus) => {
+                    if value == 0 {
+                        (1, SignedIntLit(ity, Minus))
+                    } else {
+                        (value - 1, SignedIntLit(ity, Plus))
-                    UnsignedIntLit(ity) => {
-                        let mask = match ity {
-                            UintTy::TyU8 => ::std::u8::MAX as u64,
-                            UintTy::TyU16 => ::std::u16::MAX as u64,
-                            UintTy::TyU32 => ::std::u32::MAX as u64,
-                            UintTy::TyU64 => ::std::u64::MAX,
-                            UintTy::TyUs => { return None; }  // refuse to guess
-                        };
-                        (!value & mask, UnsignedIntLit(ity))
-                    }
-                    UnsuffixedIntLit(_) => { return None; }  // refuse to guess
-                };
-                ConstantInt(nvalue, nty)
-            },
-            _ => { return None; }
-        }
+                }
+                UnsignedIntLit(ity) => {
+                    let mask = match ity {
+                        UintTy::TyU8 => ::std::u8::MAX as u64,
+                        UintTy::TyU16 => ::std::u16::MAX as u64,
+                        UintTy::TyU32 => ::std::u32::MAX as u64,
+                        UintTy::TyU64 => ::std::u64::MAX,
+                        UintTy::TyUs => { return None; }  // refuse to guess
+                    };
+                    (!value & mask, UnsignedIntLit(ity))
+                }
+                UnsuffixedIntLit(_) => { return None; }  // refuse to guess
+            };
+            ConstantInt(nvalue, nty)
+        },
+        _ => { return None; }
 fn constant_negate(o: Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
-    Some(Constant{
-        needed_resolution: o.needed_resolution,
-        constant: match o.constant {
-            ConstantInt(value, ty) =>
-                ConstantInt(value, match ty {
-                    SignedIntLit(ity, sign) =>
-                        SignedIntLit(ity, neg_sign(sign)),
-                    UnsuffixedIntLit(sign) => UnsuffixedIntLit(neg_sign(sign)),
-                    _ => { return None; },
-                }),
-            ConstantFloat(is, ty) =>
-                ConstantFloat(neg_float_str(is), ty),
-            _ => { return None; },
-        }
+    Some(match o {
+        ConstantInt(value, ty) =>
+            ConstantInt(value, match ty {
+                SignedIntLit(ity, sign) =>
+                    SignedIntLit(ity, neg_sign(sign)),
+                UnsuffixedIntLit(sign) => UnsuffixedIntLit(neg_sign(sign)),
+                _ => { return None; },
+            }),
+        ConstantFloat(is, ty) =>
+            ConstantFloat(neg_float_str(is), ty),
+        _ => { return None; },
@@ -386,92 +258,8 @@ fn unify_int_type(l: LitIntType, r: LitIntType, s: Sign) -> Option<LitIntType> {
-fn constant_binop(cx: &Context, op: BinOp, left: &Expr, right: &Expr)
-        -> Option<Constant> {
-    match op.node {
-        BiAdd => constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right, |l, r|
-            match (l, r) {
-                (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) =>
-                    l8.checked_add(r8).map(ConstantByte),
-                (ConstantInt(l64, lty), ConstantInt(r64, rty)) => {
-                    let (ln, rn) = (is_negative(lty), is_negative(rty));
-                    if ln == rn {
-                        unify_int_type(lty, rty, if ln { Minus } else { Plus })
-                            .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
-                                |v| ConstantInt(v, ty)))
-                    } else {
-                        if ln {
-                            add_neg_int(r64, rty, l64, lty)
-                        } else {
-                            add_neg_int(l64, lty, r64, rty)
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                // TODO: float (would need bignum library?)
-                _ => None
-            }),
-        BiSub => constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right, |l, r|
-            match (l, r) {
-                (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) => if r8 > l8 {
-                    None } else { Some(ConstantByte(l8 - r8)) },
-                (ConstantInt(l64, lty), ConstantInt(r64, rty)) => {
-                    let (ln, rn) = (is_negative(lty), is_negative(rty));
-                    match (ln, rn) {
-                        (false, false) => sub_int(l64, lty, r64, rty, r64 > l64),
-                        (true, true) => sub_int(l64, lty, r64, rty, l64 > r64),
-                        (true, false) => unify_int_type(lty, rty, Minus)
-                            .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
-                                |v| ConstantInt(v, ty))),
-                        (false, true) => unify_int_type(lty, rty, Plus)
-                            .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
-                                |v| ConstantInt(v, ty))),
-                    }
-                },
-                _ => None,
-            }),
-        //BiMul,
-        //BiDiv,
-        //BiRem,
-        BiAnd => constant_short_circuit(cx, left, right, false),
-        BiOr => constant_short_circuit(cx, left, right, true),
-        BiBitXor => constant_bitop(cx, left, right, |x, y| x ^ y),
-        BiBitAnd => constant_bitop(cx, left, right, |x, y| x & y),
-        BiBitOr => constant_bitop(cx, left, right, |x, y| (x | y)),
-        BiShl => constant_bitop(cx, left, right, |x, y| x << y),
-        BiShr => constant_bitop(cx, left, right, |x, y| x >> y),
-        BiEq => constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right,
-            |l, r| Some(ConstantBool(l == r))),
-        BiNe => constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right,
-            |l, r| Some(ConstantBool(l != r))),
-        BiLt => constant_cmp(cx, left, right, Less, true),
-        BiLe => constant_cmp(cx, left, right, Greater, false),
-        BiGe => constant_cmp(cx, left, right, Less, false),
-        BiGt => constant_cmp(cx, left, right, Greater, true),
-        _ => None
-    }
-fn constant_bitop<F>(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, f: F)
-        -> Option<Constant> where F: Fn(u64, u64) -> u64 {
-    constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right, |l, r| match (l, r) {
-        (ConstantBool(l), ConstantBool(r)) =>
-            Some(ConstantBool(f(l as u64, r as u64) != 0)),
-        (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) =>
-            Some(ConstantByte(f(l8 as u64, r8 as u64) as u8)),
-        (ConstantInt(l, lty), ConstantInt(r, rty)) =>
-            unify_int_type(lty, rty, Plus).map(|ty| ConstantInt(f(l, r), ty)),
-        _ => None
-    })
-fn constant_cmp(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, ordering: Ordering,
-        b: bool) -> Option<Constant> {
-    constant_binop_apply(cx, left, right, |l, r| l.partial_cmp(&r).map(|o|
-        ConstantBool(b == (o == ordering))))
 fn add_neg_int(pos: u64, pty: LitIntType, neg: u64, nty: LitIntType) ->
-        Option<ConstantVariant> {
+        Option<Constant> {
     if neg > pos {
         unify_int_type(nty, pty, Minus).map(|ty| ConstantInt(neg - pos, ty))
     } else {
@@ -480,42 +268,221 @@ fn add_neg_int(pos: u64, pty: LitIntType, neg: u64, nty: LitIntType) ->
 fn sub_int(l: u64, lty: LitIntType, r: u64, rty: LitIntType, neg: bool) ->
-        Option<ConstantVariant> {
+        Option<Constant> {
      unify_int_type(lty, rty, if neg { Minus } else { Plus }).and_then(
         |ty| l.checked_sub(r).map(|v| ConstantInt(v, ty)))
-fn constant_binop_apply<F>(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, op: F)
-        -> Option<Constant>
-where F: Fn(ConstantVariant, ConstantVariant) -> Option<ConstantVariant> {
-    if let (Some(Constant { constant: lc, needed_resolution: ln }),
-            Some(Constant { constant: rc, needed_resolution: rn })) =
-            (constant(cx, left), constant(cx, right)) {
-        op(lc, rc).map(|c|
-            Constant {
-                needed_resolution: ln || rn,
-                constant: c,
-            })
-    } else { None }
+pub fn constant(lcx: &Context, e: &Expr) -> Option<(Constant, bool)> {
+    let mut cx = ConstEvalContext { lcx: Some(lcx), needed_resolution: false };
+    cx.expr(e).map(|cst| (cst, cx.needed_resolution))
-fn constant_short_circuit(cx: &Context, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, b: bool) ->
-        Option<Constant> {
-    constant(cx, left).and_then(|left|
-        if let &ConstantBool(lbool) = &left.constant {
-            if lbool == b {
-                Some(left)
+pub fn constant_simple(e: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
+    let mut cx = ConstEvalContext { lcx: None, needed_resolution: false };
+    cx.expr(e)
+struct ConstEvalContext<'c, 'cc: 'c> {
+    lcx: Option<&'c Context<'c, 'cc>>,
+    needed_resolution: bool
+impl<'c, 'cc> ConstEvalContext<'c, 'cc> {
+    /// simple constant folding: Insert an expression, get a constant or none.
+    fn expr(&mut self, e: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
+        match &e.node {
+            &ExprParen(ref inner) => self.expr(inner),
+            &ExprPath(_, _) => self.fetch_path(e),
+            &ExprBlock(ref block) => self.block(block),
+            &ExprIf(ref cond, ref then, ref otherwise) =>
+                self.ifthenelse(&*cond, &*then, &*otherwise),
+            &ExprLit(ref lit) => Some(lit_to_constant(&lit.node)),
+            &ExprVec(ref vec) => self.vec(&vec[..]),
+            &ExprTup(ref tup) => self.tup(&tup[..]),
+            &ExprRepeat(ref value, ref number) =>
+                self.binop_apply(value, number,|v, n|
+                    Some(ConstantRepeat(Box::new(v), n.as_u64() as usize))),
+            &ExprUnary(op, ref operand) => self.expr(operand).and_then(
+                |o| match op {
+                    UnNot => constant_not(o),
+                    UnNeg => constant_negate(o),
+                    UnUniq | UnDeref => Some(o),
+                }),
+            &ExprBinary(op, ref left, ref right) =>
+                self.binop(op, left, right),
+            //TODO: add other expressions
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// create `Some(ConstantVec(..))` of all constants, unless there is any
+    /// non-constant part
+    fn vec<E: Deref<Target=Expr> + Sized>(&mut self, vec: &[E]) -> Option<Constant> {
+        let mut parts = Vec::new();
+        for opt_part in vec {
+            match self.expr(opt_part) {
+                Some(p) => {
+                    parts.push(p)
+                },
+                None => { return None; },
+            }
+        }
+        Some(ConstantVec(parts))
+    }
+    fn tup<E: Deref<Target=Expr> + Sized>(&mut self, tup: &[E]) -> Option<Constant> {
+        let mut parts = Vec::new();
+        for opt_part in tup {
+            match self.expr(opt_part) {
+                Some(p) => {
+                    parts.push(p)
+                },
+                None => { return None; },
+            }
+        }
+        Some(ConstantTuple(parts),)
+    }
+    /// lookup a possibly constant expression from a ExprPath
+    fn fetch_path(&mut self, e: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
+        if let Some(lcx) = self.lcx {
+            if let Some(&PathResolution { base_def: DefConst(id), ..}) =
+                lcx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&e.id) {
+                if let Some(const_expr) = lookup_const_by_id(lcx.tcx, id, None) {
+                    let ret = self.expr(const_expr);
+                    if ret.is_some() {
+                        self.needed_resolution = true;
+                    }
+                    return ret;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
+    /// A block can only yield a constant if it only has one constant expression
+    fn block(&mut self, block: &Block) -> Option<Constant> {
+        if block.stmts.is_empty() {
+            block.expr.as_ref().and_then(|b| self.expr(&*b))
+        } else { None }
+    }
+    fn ifthenelse(&mut self, cond: &Expr, then: &Block, otherwise: &Option<P<Expr>>)
+                  -> Option<Constant> {
+        if let Some(ConstantBool(b)) = self.expr(cond) {
+            if b {
+                self.block(then)
             } else {
-                constant(cx, right).and_then(|right|
-                    if let ConstantBool(_) = right.constant {
-                        Some(Constant {
-                            constant: right.constant,
-                            needed_resolution: left.needed_resolution ||
-                                               right.needed_resolution,
-                        })
-                    } else { None }
-                )
+                otherwise.as_ref().and_then(|expr| self.expr(&*expr))
         } else { None }
-    )
+    }
+    fn binop(&mut self, op: BinOp, left: &Expr, right: &Expr) -> Option<Constant> {
+        match op.node {
+            BiAdd => self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r|
+                match (l, r) {
+                    (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) =>
+                        l8.checked_add(r8).map(ConstantByte),
+                    (ConstantInt(l64, lty), ConstantInt(r64, rty)) => {
+                        let (ln, rn) = (is_negative(lty), is_negative(rty));
+                        if ln == rn {
+                            unify_int_type(lty, rty, if ln { Minus } else { Plus })
+                                .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
+                                    |v| ConstantInt(v, ty)))
+                        } else {
+                            if ln {
+                                add_neg_int(r64, rty, l64, lty)
+                            } else {
+                                add_neg_int(l64, lty, r64, rty)
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    // TODO: float (would need bignum library?)
+                    _ => None
+                }),
+            BiSub => self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r|
+                match (l, r) {
+                    (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) => if r8 > l8 {
+                        None } else { Some(ConstantByte(l8 - r8)) },
+                    (ConstantInt(l64, lty), ConstantInt(r64, rty)) => {
+                        let (ln, rn) = (is_negative(lty), is_negative(rty));
+                        match (ln, rn) {
+                            (false, false) => sub_int(l64, lty, r64, rty, r64 > l64),
+                            (true, true) => sub_int(l64, lty, r64, rty, l64 > r64),
+                            (true, false) => unify_int_type(lty, rty, Minus)
+                                .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
+                                    |v| ConstantInt(v, ty))),
+                            (false, true) => unify_int_type(lty, rty, Plus)
+                                .and_then(|ty| l64.checked_add(r64).map(
+                                    |v| ConstantInt(v, ty))),
+                        }
+                    },
+                    _ => None,
+                }),
+            //BiMul,
+            //BiDiv,
+            //BiRem,
+            BiAnd => self.short_circuit(left, right, false),
+            BiOr => self.short_circuit(left, right, true),
+            BiBitXor => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x ^ y),
+            BiBitAnd => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x & y),
+            BiBitOr => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| (x | y)),
+            BiShl => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x << y),
+            BiShr => self.bitop(left, right, |x, y| x >> y),
+            BiEq => self.binop_apply(left, right,
+                |l, r| Some(ConstantBool(l == r))),
+            BiNe => self.binop_apply(left, right,
+                |l, r| Some(ConstantBool(l != r))),
+            BiLt => self.cmp(left, right, Less, true),
+            BiLe => self.cmp(left, right, Greater, false),
+            BiGe => self.cmp(left, right, Less, false),
+            BiGt => self.cmp(left, right, Greater, true),
+            _ => None
+        }
+    }
+    fn bitop<F>(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, f: F)
+            -> Option<Constant> where F: Fn(u64, u64) -> u64 {
+        self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| match (l, r) {
+            (ConstantBool(l), ConstantBool(r)) =>
+                Some(ConstantBool(f(l as u64, r as u64) != 0)),
+            (ConstantByte(l8), ConstantByte(r8)) =>
+                Some(ConstantByte(f(l8 as u64, r8 as u64) as u8)),
+            (ConstantInt(l, lty), ConstantInt(r, rty)) =>
+                unify_int_type(lty, rty, Plus).map(|ty| ConstantInt(f(l, r), ty)),
+            _ => None
+        })
+    }
+    fn cmp(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, ordering: Ordering, b: bool) -> Option<Constant> {
+        self.binop_apply(left, right, |l, r| l.partial_cmp(&r).map(|o|
+            ConstantBool(b == (o == ordering))))
+    }
+    fn binop_apply<F>(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, op: F) -> Option<Constant>
+    where F: Fn(Constant, Constant) -> Option<Constant> {
+        if let (Some(lc), Some(rc)) = (self.expr(left), self.expr(right)) {
+            op(lc, rc)
+        } else { None }
+    }
+    fn short_circuit(&mut self, left: &Expr, right: &Expr, b: bool) -> Option<Constant> {
+        self.expr(left).and_then(|left|
+            if let &ConstantBool(lbool) = &left {
+                if lbool == b {
+                    Some(left)
+                } else {
+                    self.expr(right).and_then(|right|
+                        if let ConstantBool(_) = right {
+                            Some(right)
+                        } else { None }
+                    )
+                }
+            } else { None }
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/src/identity_op.rs b/src/identity_op.rs
index 9f415e5decb..cd7d6351c80 100644
--- a/src/identity_op.rs
+++ b/src/identity_op.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use syntax::ast::*;
 use syntax::codemap::Span;
 use consts::{constant, is_negative};
-use consts::ConstantVariant::ConstantInt;
+use consts::Constant::ConstantInt;
 use utils::{span_lint, snippet};
 declare_lint! { pub IDENTITY_OP, Warn,
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ impl LintPass for IdentityOp {
 fn check(cx: &Context, e: &Expr, m: i8, span: Span, arg: Span) {
-    if let Some(c) = constant(cx, e) {
-        if c.needed_resolution { return; } // skip linting w/ lookup for now
-        if let ConstantInt(v, ty) = c.constant {
+    if let Some((c, needed_resolution)) = constant(cx, e) {
+        if needed_resolution { return; } // skip linting w/ lookup for now
+        if let ConstantInt(v, ty) = c {
             if match m {
                 0 => v == 0,
                 -1 => is_negative(ty) && v == 1,
diff --git a/src/misc.rs b/src/misc.rs
index 33c34eb9b84..aca849931bb 100644
--- a/src/misc.rs
+++ b/src/misc.rs
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ impl LintPass for FloatCmp {
             let op = cmp.node;
             if (op == BiEq || op == BiNe) && (is_float(cx, left) || is_float(cx, right)) {
                 if constant(cx, left).or_else(|| constant(cx, right)).map_or(
-                        false, |c| c.as_float().map_or(false, |f| f == 0.0)) {
+                        false, |c| c.0.as_float().map_or(false, |f| f == 0.0)) {
                 span_lint(cx, FLOAT_CMP, expr.span, &format!(
diff --git a/tests/consts.rs b/tests/consts.rs
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3b05dd67ad5..bcc5aa4c30a
--- a/tests/consts.rs
+++ b/tests/consts.rs
@@ -5,21 +5,13 @@ extern crate clippy;
 extern crate syntax;
 extern crate rustc;
-use clippy::consts::{constant, ConstantVariant};
-use clippy::consts::ConstantVariant::*;
 use syntax::ast::*;
 use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
 use syntax::ptr::P;
 use syntax::codemap::{Spanned, COMMAND_LINE_SP};
-use std::mem;
-use rustc::lint::Context;
-fn ctx() -> &'static Context<'static, 'static> {
-    unsafe {
-        let x : *const Context<'static, 'static> = std::ptr::null();
-        mem::transmute(x)
-    }
+use clippy::consts::{constant_simple, Constant};
+use clippy::consts::Constant::*;
 fn spanned<T>(t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
     Spanned{ node: t, span: COMMAND_LINE_SP }
@@ -41,13 +33,13 @@ fn binop(op: BinOp_, l: Expr, r: Expr) -> Expr {
     expr(ExprBinary(spanned(op), P(l), P(r)))
-fn check(expect: ConstantVariant, expr: &Expr) {
-    assert_eq!(Some(expect), constant(ctx(), expr).map(|x| x.constant))
+fn check(expect: Constant, expr: &Expr) {
+    assert_eq!(Some(expect), constant_simple(expr))
-const TRUE : ConstantVariant = ConstantBool(true);
-const FALSE : ConstantVariant = ConstantBool(false);
-const ZERO : ConstantVariant = ConstantInt(0, UnsuffixedIntLit(Plus));
+const TRUE : Constant = ConstantBool(true);
+const FALSE : Constant = ConstantBool(false);
+const ZERO : Constant = ConstantInt(0, UnsuffixedIntLit(Plus));
 fn test_lit() {