auto merge of #6826 : cmr/rust/terminfo, r=thestinger
This will let *everyone* (non-windows, at least) who can see colors see the glorious colors rustc produces.
This commit is contained in:
@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ pub mod flate;
mod unicode;
pub mod terminfo;
// Compiler support modules
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
@ -15,9 +15,13 @@
use core::prelude::*;
use core::io;
use core::option;
use core::os;
use terminfo::*;
use terminfo::searcher::open;
use terminfo::parser::compiled::parse;
use terminfo::parm::{expand, Number};
// FIXME (#2807): Windows support.
pub static color_black: u8 = 0u8;
@ -39,43 +43,90 @@ pub static color_bright_magenta: u8 = 13u8;
pub static color_bright_cyan: u8 = 14u8;
pub static color_bright_white: u8 = 15u8;
pub fn esc(writer: @io::Writer) { writer.write([0x1bu8, '[' as u8]); }
/// Reset the foreground and background colors to default
pub fn reset(writer: @io::Writer) {
writer.write(['0' as u8, 'm' as u8]);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))]
pub struct Terminal {
color_supported: bool,
priv out: @io::Writer,
priv ti: ~TermInfo
/// Returns true if the terminal supports color
pub fn color_supported() -> bool {
let supported_terms = ~[~"xterm-color", ~"xterm",
~"screen-bce", ~"xterm-256color"];
return match os::getenv("TERM") {
option::Some(ref env) => {
for supported_terms.each |term| {
if *term == *env { return true; }
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub struct Terminal {
color_supported: bool,
priv out: @io::Writer,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))]
pub impl Terminal {
pub fn new(out: @io::Writer) -> Result<Terminal, ~str> {
let term = os::getenv("TERM");
if term.is_none() {
return Err(~"TERM environment variable undefined");
let entry = open(term.unwrap());
if entry.is_err() {
return Err(entry.get_err());
let ti = parse(entry.get(), false);
if ti.is_err() {
return Err(entry.get_err());
let mut inf = ti.get();
let cs = *inf.numbers.find_or_insert(~"colors", 0) >= 16
&& inf.strings.find(&~"setaf").is_some()
&& inf.strings.find_equiv(&("setab")).is_some();
return Ok(Terminal {out: out, ti: inf, color_supported: cs});
fn fg(&self, color: u8) {
if self.color_supported {
let s = expand(*self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("setaf")).unwrap(),
[Number(color as int)], [], []);
if s.is_ok() {
} else {
option::None => false
fn bg(&self, color: u8) {
if self.color_supported {
let s = expand(*self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("setab")).unwrap(),
[Number(color as int)], [], []);
if s.is_ok() {
} else {
fn reset(&self) {
if self.color_supported {
let s = expand(*self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("op")).unwrap(), [], [], []);
if s.is_ok() {
} else {
pub fn set_color(writer: @io::Writer, first_char: u8, color: u8) {
assert!((color < 16u8));
let mut color = color;
if color >= 8u8 { writer.write(['1' as u8, ';' as u8]); color -= 8u8; }
writer.write([first_char, ('0' as u8) + color, 'm' as u8]);
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub impl Terminal {
pub fn new(out: @io::Writer) -> Result<Terminal, ~str> {
return Ok(Terminal {out: out, color_supported: false});
/// Set the foreground color
pub fn fg(writer: @io::Writer, color: u8) {
return set_color(writer, '3' as u8, color);
fn fg(&self, color: u8) {
/// Set the background color
pub fn bg(writer: @io::Writer, color: u8) {
return set_color(writer, '4' as u8, color);
fn bg(&self, color: u8) {
fn reset(&self) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Parameterized string expansion
use core::prelude::*;
use core::{char, int, vec};
enum States {
/// Types of parameters a capability can use
pub enum Param {
Expand a parameterized capability
# Arguments
* `cap` - string to expand
* `params` - vector of params for %p1 etc
* `sta` - vector of params corresponding to static variables
* `dyn` - vector of params corresponding to stativ variables
To be compatible with ncurses, `sta` and `dyn` should be the same between calls to `expand` for
multiple capabilities for the same terminal.
pub fn expand(cap: &[u8], params: &mut [Param], sta: &mut [Param], dyn: &mut [Param])
-> Result<~[u8], ~str> {
assert!(cap.len() != 0, "expanding an empty capability makes no sense");
assert!(params.len() <= 9, "only 9 parameters are supported by capability strings");
assert!(sta.len() <= 26, "only 26 static vars are able to be used by capability strings");
assert!(dyn.len() <= 26, "only 26 dynamic vars are able to be used by capability strings");
let mut state = Nothing;
let mut i = 0;
// expanded cap will only rarely be smaller than the cap itself
let mut output = vec::with_capacity(cap.len());
let mut cur;
let mut stack: ~[Param] = ~[];
let mut intstate = ~[];
while i < cap.len() {
cur = cap[i] as char;
let mut old_state = state;
match state {
Nothing => {
if cur == '%' {
state = Percent;
} else {
Percent => {
match cur {
'%' => { output.push(cap[i]); state = Nothing },
'c' => match stack.pop() {
Char(c) => output.push(c as u8),
_ => return Err(~"a non-char was used with %c")
's' => match stack.pop() {
String(s) => output.push_all(s.to_bytes()),
_ => return Err(~"a non-str was used with %s")
'd' => match stack.pop() {
Number(x) => output.push_all(x.to_str().to_bytes()),
_ => return Err(~"a non-number was used with %d")
'p' => state = PushParam,
'P' => state = SetVar,
'g' => state = GetVar,
'\'' => state = CharConstant,
'{' => state = IntConstant,
'l' => match stack.pop() {
String(s) => stack.push(Number(s.len() as int)),
_ => return Err(~"a non-str was used with %l")
'+' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x + y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with +")
'-' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x - y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with -")
'*' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x * y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with *")
'/' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x / y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with /")
'm' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x % y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with %")
'&' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x & y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with &")
'|' => match (stack.pop(), stack.pop()) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => stack.push(Number(x | y)),
(_, _) => return Err(~"non-numbers on stack with |")
'A' => return Err(~"logical operations unimplemented"),
'O' => return Err(~"logical operations unimplemented"),
'!' => return Err(~"logical operations unimplemented"),
'~' => match stack.pop() {
Number(x) => stack.push(Number(!x)),
_ => return Err(~"non-number on stack with %~")
'i' => match (copy params[0], copy params[1]) {
(Number(x), Number(y)) => {
params[0] = Number(x + 1);
params[1] = Number(y + 1);
(_, _) => return Err(~"first two params not numbers with %i")
'?' => state = return Err(fmt!("if expressions unimplemented (%?)", cap)),
_ => return Err(fmt!("unrecognized format option %c", cur))
PushParam => {
// params are 1-indexed
stack.push(copy params[char::to_digit(cur, 10).expect("bad param number") - 1]);
SetVar => {
if cur >= 'A' && cur <= 'Z' {
let idx = (cur as u8) - ('A' as u8);
sta[idx] = stack.pop();
} else if cur >= 'a' && cur <= 'z' {
let idx = (cur as u8) - ('a' as u8);
dyn[idx] = stack.pop();
} else {
return Err(~"bad variable name in %P");
GetVar => {
if cur >= 'A' && cur <= 'Z' {
let idx = (cur as u8) - ('A' as u8);
stack.push(copy sta[idx]);
} else if cur >= 'a' && cur <= 'z' {
let idx = (cur as u8) - ('a' as u8);
stack.push(copy dyn[idx]);
} else {
return Err(~"bad variable name in %g");
CharConstant => {
state = CharClose;
CharClose => {
assert!(cur == '\'', "malformed character constant");
IntConstant => {
if cur == '}' {
stack.push(Number(int::parse_bytes(intstate, 10).expect("bad int constant")));
state = Nothing;
intstate.push(cur as u8);
old_state = Nothing;
_ => return Err(~"unimplemented state")
if state == old_state {
state = Nothing;
i += 1;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_basic_setabf() {
let s = bytes!("\\E[48;5;%p1%dm");
assert_eq!(expand(s, [Number(1)], [], []).unwrap(), bytes!("\\E[48;5;1m").to_owned());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
/// ncurses-compatible compiled terminfo format parsing (term(5))
use core::prelude::*;
use core::{vec, int, str};
use core::io::Reader;
use core::hashmap::HashMap;
use super::super::TermInfo;
// These are the orders ncurses uses in its compiled format (as of 5.9). Not sure if portable.
pub static boolfnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static["auto_left_margin", "auto_right_margin",
"no_esc_ctlc", "ceol_standout_glitch", "eat_newline_glitch", "erase_overstrike", "generic_type",
"hard_copy", "has_meta_key", "has_status_line", "insert_null_glitch", "memory_above",
"memory_below", "move_insert_mode", "move_standout_mode", "over_strike", "status_line_esc_ok",
"dest_tabs_magic_smso", "tilde_glitch", "transparent_underline", "xon_xoff", "needs_xon_xoff",
"prtr_silent", "hard_cursor", "non_rev_rmcup", "no_pad_char", "non_dest_scroll_region",
"can_change", "back_color_erase", "hue_lightness_saturation", "col_addr_glitch",
"cr_cancels_micro_mode", "has_print_wheel", "row_addr_glitch", "semi_auto_right_margin",
"cpi_changes_res", "lpi_changes_res", "backspaces_with_bs", "crt_no_scrolling",
"no_correctly_working_cr", "gnu_has_meta_key", "linefeed_is_newline", "has_hardware_tabs",
pub static boolnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static["bw", "am", "xsb", "xhp", "xenl", "eo",
"gn", "hc", "km", "hs", "in", "db", "da", "mir", "msgr", "os", "eslok", "xt", "hz", "ul", "xon",
"nxon", "mc5i", "chts", "nrrmc", "npc", "ndscr", "ccc", "bce", "hls", "xhpa", "crxm", "daisy",
"xvpa", "sam", "cpix", "lpix", "OTbs", "OTns", "OTnc", "OTMT", "OTNL", "OTpt", "OTxr"];
pub static numfnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static[ "columns", "init_tabs", "lines",
"lines_of_memory", "magic_cookie_glitch", "padding_baud_rate", "virtual_terminal",
"width_status_line", "num_labels", "label_height", "label_width", "max_attributes",
"maximum_windows", "max_colors", "max_pairs", "no_color_video", "buffer_capacity",
"dot_vert_spacing", "dot_horz_spacing", "max_micro_address", "max_micro_jump", "micro_col_size",
"micro_line_size", "number_of_pins", "output_res_char", "output_res_line",
"output_res_horz_inch", "output_res_vert_inch", "print_rate", "wide_char_size", "buttons",
"bit_image_entwining", "bit_image_type", "magic_cookie_glitch_ul", "carriage_return_delay",
"new_line_delay", "backspace_delay", "horizontal_tab_delay", "number_of_function_keys"];
pub static numnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static[ "cols", "it", "lines", "lm", "xmc", "pb",
"vt", "wsl", "nlab", "lh", "lw", "ma", "wnum", "colors", "pairs", "ncv", "bufsz", "spinv",
"spinh", "maddr", "mjump", "mcs", "mls", "npins", "orc", "orl", "orhi", "orvi", "cps", "widcs",
"btns", "bitwin", "bitype", "UTug", "OTdC", "OTdN", "OTdB", "OTdT", "OTkn"];
pub static stringfnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static[ "back_tab", "bell", "carriage_return",
"change_scroll_region", "clear_all_tabs", "clear_screen", "clr_eol", "clr_eos",
"column_address", "command_character", "cursor_address", "cursor_down", "cursor_home",
"cursor_invisible", "cursor_left", "cursor_mem_address", "cursor_normal", "cursor_right",
"cursor_to_ll", "cursor_up", "cursor_visible", "delete_character", "delete_line",
"dis_status_line", "down_half_line", "enter_alt_charset_mode", "enter_blink_mode",
"enter_bold_mode", "enter_ca_mode", "enter_delete_mode", "enter_dim_mode", "enter_insert_mode",
"enter_secure_mode", "enter_protected_mode", "enter_reverse_mode", "enter_standout_mode",
"enter_underline_mode", "erase_chars", "exit_alt_charset_mode", "exit_attribute_mode",
"exit_ca_mode", "exit_delete_mode", "exit_insert_mode", "exit_standout_mode",
"exit_underline_mode", "flash_screen", "form_feed", "from_status_line", "init_1string",
"init_2string", "init_3string", "init_file", "insert_character", "insert_line",
"insert_padding", "key_backspace", "key_catab", "key_clear", "key_ctab", "key_dc", "key_dl",
"key_down", "key_eic", "key_eol", "key_eos", "key_f0", "key_f1", "key_f10", "key_f2", "key_f3",
"key_f4", "key_f5", "key_f6", "key_f7", "key_f8", "key_f9", "key_home", "key_ic", "key_il",
"key_left", "key_ll", "key_npage", "key_ppage", "key_right", "key_sf", "key_sr", "key_stab",
"key_up", "keypad_local", "keypad_xmit", "lab_f0", "lab_f1", "lab_f10", "lab_f2", "lab_f3",
"lab_f4", "lab_f5", "lab_f6", "lab_f7", "lab_f8", "lab_f9", "meta_off", "meta_on", "newline",
"pad_char", "parm_dch", "parm_delete_line", "parm_down_cursor", "parm_ich", "parm_index",
"parm_insert_line", "parm_left_cursor", "parm_right_cursor", "parm_rindex", "parm_up_cursor",
"pkey_key", "pkey_local", "pkey_xmit", "print_screen", "prtr_off", "prtr_on", "repeat_char",
"reset_1string", "reset_2string", "reset_3string", "reset_file", "restore_cursor",
"row_address", "save_cursor", "scroll_forward", "scroll_reverse", "set_attributes", "set_tab",
"set_window", "tab", "to_status_line", "underline_char", "up_half_line", "init_prog", "key_a1",
"key_a3", "key_b2", "key_c1", "key_c3", "prtr_non", "char_padding", "acs_chars", "plab_norm",
"key_btab", "enter_xon_mode", "exit_xon_mode", "enter_am_mode", "exit_am_mode", "xon_character",
"xoff_character", "ena_acs", "label_on", "label_off", "key_beg", "key_cancel", "key_close",
"key_command", "key_copy", "key_create", "key_end", "key_enter", "key_exit", "key_find",
"key_help", "key_mark", "key_message", "key_move", "key_next", "key_open", "key_options",
"key_previous", "key_print", "key_redo", "key_reference", "key_refresh", "key_replace",
"key_restart", "key_resume", "key_save", "key_suspend", "key_undo", "key_sbeg", "key_scancel",
"key_scommand", "key_scopy", "key_screate", "key_sdc", "key_sdl", "key_select", "key_send",
"key_seol", "key_sexit", "key_sfind", "key_shelp", "key_shome", "key_sic", "key_sleft",
"key_smessage", "key_smove", "key_snext", "key_soptions", "key_sprevious", "key_sprint",
"key_sredo", "key_sreplace", "key_sright", "key_srsume", "key_ssave", "key_ssuspend",
"key_sundo", "req_for_input", "key_f11", "key_f12", "key_f13", "key_f14", "key_f15", "key_f16",
"key_f17", "key_f18", "key_f19", "key_f20", "key_f21", "key_f22", "key_f23", "key_f24",
"key_f25", "key_f26", "key_f27", "key_f28", "key_f29", "key_f30", "key_f31", "key_f32",
"key_f33", "key_f34", "key_f35", "key_f36", "key_f37", "key_f38", "key_f39", "key_f40",
"key_f41", "key_f42", "key_f43", "key_f44", "key_f45", "key_f46", "key_f47", "key_f48",
"key_f49", "key_f50", "key_f51", "key_f52", "key_f53", "key_f54", "key_f55", "key_f56",
"key_f57", "key_f58", "key_f59", "key_f60", "key_f61", "key_f62", "key_f63", "clr_bol",
"clear_margins", "set_left_margin", "set_right_margin", "label_format", "set_clock",
"display_clock", "remove_clock", "create_window", "goto_window", "hangup", "dial_phone",
"quick_dial", "tone", "pulse", "flash_hook", "fixed_pause", "wait_tone", "user0", "user1",
"user2", "user3", "user4", "user5", "user6", "user7", "user8", "user9", "orig_pair",
"orig_colors", "initialize_color", "initialize_pair", "set_color_pair", "set_foreground",
"set_background", "change_char_pitch", "change_line_pitch", "change_res_horz",
"change_res_vert", "define_char", "enter_doublewide_mode", "enter_draft_quality",
"enter_italics_mode", "enter_leftward_mode", "enter_micro_mode", "enter_near_letter_quality",
"enter_normal_quality", "enter_shadow_mode", "enter_subscript_mode", "enter_superscript_mode",
"enter_upward_mode", "exit_doublewide_mode", "exit_italics_mode", "exit_leftward_mode",
"exit_micro_mode", "exit_shadow_mode", "exit_subscript_mode", "exit_superscript_mode",
"exit_upward_mode", "micro_column_address", "micro_down", "micro_left", "micro_right",
"micro_row_address", "micro_up", "order_of_pins", "parm_down_micro", "parm_left_micro",
"parm_right_micro", "parm_up_micro", "select_char_set", "set_bottom_margin",
"set_bottom_margin_parm", "set_left_margin_parm", "set_right_margin_parm", "set_top_margin",
"set_top_margin_parm", "start_bit_image", "start_char_set_def", "stop_bit_image",
"stop_char_set_def", "subscript_characters", "superscript_characters", "these_cause_cr",
"zero_motion", "char_set_names", "key_mouse", "mouse_info", "req_mouse_pos", "get_mouse",
"set_a_foreground", "set_a_background", "pkey_plab", "device_type", "code_set_init",
"set0_des_seq", "set1_des_seq", "set2_des_seq", "set3_des_seq", "set_lr_margin",
"set_tb_margin", "bit_image_repeat", "bit_image_newline", "bit_image_carriage_return",
"color_names", "define_bit_image_region", "end_bit_image_region", "set_color_band",
"set_page_length", "display_pc_char", "enter_pc_charset_mode", "exit_pc_charset_mode",
"enter_scancode_mode", "exit_scancode_mode", "pc_term_options", "scancode_escape",
"alt_scancode_esc", "enter_horizontal_hl_mode", "enter_left_hl_mode", "enter_low_hl_mode",
"enter_right_hl_mode", "enter_top_hl_mode", "enter_vertical_hl_mode", "set_a_attributes",
"set_pglen_inch", "termcap_init2", "termcap_reset", "linefeed_if_not_lf", "backspace_if_not_bs",
"other_non_function_keys", "arrow_key_map", "acs_ulcorner", "acs_llcorner", "acs_urcorner",
"acs_lrcorner", "acs_ltee", "acs_rtee", "acs_btee", "acs_ttee", "acs_hline", "acs_vline",
"acs_plus", "memory_lock", "memory_unlock", "box_chars_1"];
pub static stringnames: &'static[&'static str] = &'static[ "cbt", "_", "cr", "csr", "tbc", "clear",
"_", "_", "hpa", "cmdch", "cup", "cud1", "home", "civis", "cub1", "mrcup", "cnorm", "cuf1",
"ll", "cuu1", "cvvis", "dch1", "dl1", "dsl", "hd", "smacs", "blink", "bold", "smcup", "smdc",
"dim", "smir", "invis", "prot", "rev", "smso", "smul", "ech", "rmacs", "sgr0", "rmcup", "rmdc",
"rmir", "rmso", "rmul", "flash", "ff", "fsl", "is1", "is2", "is3", "if", "ich1", "il1", "ip",
"kbs", "ktbc", "kclr", "kctab", "_", "_", "kcud1", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",
"_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "khome", "_", "_", "kcub1", "_", "knp", "kpp", "kcuf1", "_", "_",
"khts", "_", "rmkx", "smkx", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "rmm", "_",
"_", "pad", "dch", "dl", "cud", "ich", "indn", "il", "cub", "cuf", "rin", "cuu", "pfkey",
"pfloc", "pfx", "mc0", "mc4", "_", "rep", "rs1", "rs2", "rs3", "rf", "rc", "vpa", "sc", "ind",
"ri", "sgr", "_", "wind", "_", "tsl", "uc", "hu", "iprog", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "mc5p",
"rmp", "acsc", "pln", "kcbt", "smxon", "rmxon", "smam", "rmam", "xonc", "xoffc", "_", "smln",
"rmln", "_", "kcan", "kclo", "kcmd", "kcpy", "kcrt", "_", "kent", "kext", "kfnd", "khlp",
"kmrk", "kmsg", "kmov", "knxt", "kopn", "kopt", "kprv", "kprt", "krdo", "kref", "krfr", "krpl",
"krst", "kres", "ksav", "kspd", "kund", "kBEG", "kCAN", "kCMD", "kCPY", "kCRT", "_", "_",
"kslt", "kEND", "kEOL", "kEXT", "kFND", "kHLP", "kHOM", "_", "kLFT", "kMSG", "kMOV", "kNXT",
"kOPT", "kPRV", "kPRT", "kRDO", "kRPL", "kRIT", "kRES", "kSAV", "kSPD", "kUND", "rfi", "_", "_",
"_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",
"_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",
"_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_",
"dclk", "rmclk", "cwin", "wingo", "_", "dial", "qdial", "_", "_", "hook", "pause", "wait", "_",
"_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "op", "oc", "initc", "initp", "scp", "setf",
"setb", "cpi", "lpi", "chr", "cvr", "defc", "swidm", "sdrfq", "sitm", "slm", "smicm", "snlq",
"snrmq", "sshm", "ssubm", "ssupm", "sum", "rwidm", "ritm", "rlm", "rmicm", "rshm", "rsubm",
"rsupm", "rum", "mhpa", "mcud1", "mcub1", "mcuf1", "mvpa", "mcuu1", "porder", "mcud", "mcub",
"mcuf", "mcuu", "scs", "smgb", "smgbp", "smglp", "smgrp", "smgt", "smgtp", "sbim", "scsd",
"rbim", "rcsd", "subcs", "supcs", "docr", "zerom", "csnm", "kmous", "minfo", "reqmp", "getm",
"setaf", "setab", "pfxl", "devt", "csin", "s0ds", "s1ds", "s2ds", "s3ds", "smglr", "smgtb",
"birep", "binel", "bicr", "colornm", "defbi", "endbi", "setcolor", "slines", "dispc", "smpch",
"rmpch", "smsc", "rmsc", "pctrm", "scesc", "scesa", "ehhlm", "elhlm", "elohlm", "erhlm",
"ethlm", "evhlm", "sgr1", "slength", "OTi2", "OTrs", "OTnl", "OTbs", "OTko", "OTma", "OTG2",
"OTG3", "OTG1", "OTG4", "OTGR", "OTGL", "OTGU", "OTGD", "OTGH", "OTGV", "OTGC", "meml", "memu",
/// Parse a compiled terminfo entry, using long capability names if `longnames` is true
pub fn parse(file: @Reader, longnames: bool) -> Result<~TermInfo, ~str> {
let bnames, snames, nnames;
if longnames {
bnames = boolfnames;
snames = stringfnames;
nnames = numfnames;
} else {
bnames = boolnames;
snames = stringnames;
nnames = numnames;
// Check magic number
let magic = file.read_le_u16();
if (magic != 0x011A) {
return Err(fmt!("invalid magic number: expected %x but found %x", 0x011A, magic as uint));
let names_bytes = file.read_le_i16() as int;
let bools_bytes = file.read_le_i16() as int;
let numbers_count = file.read_le_i16() as int;
let string_offsets_count = file.read_le_i16() as int;
let string_table_bytes = file.read_le_i16() as int;
assert!(names_bytes > 0);
debug!("names_bytes = %?", names_bytes);
debug!("bools_bytes = %?", bools_bytes);
debug!("numbers_count = %?", numbers_count);
debug!("string_offsets_count = %?", string_offsets_count);
debug!("string_table_bytes = %?", string_table_bytes);
if (bools_bytes as uint) > boolnames.len() {
error!("expected bools_bytes to be less than %? but found %?", boolnames.len(),
return Err(~"incompatible file: more booleans than expected");
if (numbers_count as uint) > numnames.len() {
error!("expected numbers_count to be less than %? but found %?", numnames.len(),
return Err(~"incompatible file: more numbers than expected");
if (string_offsets_count as uint) > stringnames.len() {
error!("expected string_offsets_count to be less than %? but found %?", stringnames.len(),
return Err(~"incompatible file: more string offsets than expected");
let mut term_names: ~[~str] = vec::with_capacity(2);
let names_str = str::from_bytes(file.read_bytes(names_bytes as uint - 1)); // don't read NUL
for names_str.each_split_char('|') |s| {
file.read_byte(); // consume NUL
debug!("term names: %?", term_names);
let mut bools_map = HashMap::new();
if bools_bytes != 0 {
for int::range(0, bools_bytes) |i| {
let b = file.read_byte();
if b < 0 {
error!("EOF reading bools after %? entries", i);
return Err(~"error: expected more bools but hit EOF");
} else if b == 1 {
debug!("%s set", bnames[i]);
bools_map.insert(bnames[i].to_owned(), true);
debug!("bools: %?", bools_map);
if (bools_bytes + names_bytes) % 2 == 1 {
debug!("adjusting for padding between bools and numbers");
file.read_byte(); // compensate for padding
let mut numbers_map = HashMap::new();
if numbers_count != 0 {
for int::range(0, numbers_count) |i| {
let n = file.read_le_u16();
if n != 0xFFFF {
debug!("%s#%?", nnames[i], n);
numbers_map.insert(nnames[i].to_owned(), n);
debug!("numbers: %?", numbers_map);
let mut string_map = HashMap::new();
if string_offsets_count != 0 {
let mut string_offsets = vec::with_capacity(10);
for int::range(0, string_offsets_count) |_i| {
debug!("offsets: %?", string_offsets);
let string_table = file.read_bytes(string_table_bytes as uint);
if string_table.len() != string_table_bytes as uint {
error!("EOF reading string table after %? bytes, wanted %?", string_table.len(),
return Err(~"error: hit EOF before end of string table");
for string_offsets.eachi |i, v| {
let offset = *v;
if offset == 0xFFFF { // non-entry
let name = if snames[i] == "_" {
} else {
if offset == 0xFFFE {
// undocumented: FFFE indicates cap@, which means the capability is not present
// unsure if the handling for this is correct
string_map.insert(name.to_owned(), ~[]);
// Find the offset of the NUL we want to go to
let nulpos = vec::position_between(string_table, offset as uint,
string_table_bytes as uint, |&b| b == 0);
match nulpos {
Some(x) => {
string_table.slice(offset as uint, x).to_owned())
None => {
return Err(~"invalid file: missing NUL in string_table");
// And that's all there is to it
Ok(~TermInfo {names: term_names, bools: bools_map, numbers: numbers_map, strings: string_map })
mod test {
use super::*;
use p = core::path::Path;
fn test_veclens() {
assert_eq!(boolfnames.len(), boolnames.len());
assert_eq!(numfnames.len(), numnames.len());
assert_eq!(stringfnames.len(), stringnames.len());
#[ignore(reason = "no ncurses on buildbots, needs a bundled terminfo file to test against")]
fn test_parse() {
// FIXME #6870: Distribute a compiled file in src/tests and test there
// parse(io::file_reader(&p("/usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-256color")).unwrap(), false);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
/// Implement ncurses-compatible database discovery
/// Does not support hashed database, only filesystem!
use core::prelude::*;
use core::{os, str};
use core::os::getenv;
use core::io::{file_reader, Reader};
use path = core::path::Path;
/// Return path to database entry for `term`
pub fn get_dbpath_for_term(term: &str) -> Option<~path> {
if term.len() == 0 {
return None;
let homedir = os::homedir();
let mut dirs_to_search = ~[];
let first_char = term.substr(0, 1);
// Find search directory
match getenv("TERMINFO") {
Some(dir) => dirs_to_search.push(path(dir)),
None => {
if homedir.is_some() {
dirs_to_search.push(homedir.unwrap().push(".terminfo")); // ncurses compatability
match getenv("TERMINFO_DIRS") {
Some(dirs) => for str::each_split_char(dirs, ':') |i| {
if i == "" {
} else {
// Found nothing, use the default path
None => dirs_to_search.push(path("/usr/share/terminfo"))
// Look for the terminal in all of the search directories
for dirs_to_search.each |p| {
let newp = ~p.push_many(&[first_char.to_owned(), term.to_owned()]);
if os::path_exists(p) && os::path_exists(newp) {
return Some(newp);
/// Return open file for `term`
pub fn open(term: &str) -> Result<@Reader, ~str> {
match get_dbpath_for_term(term) {
Some(x) => file_reader(x),
None => Err(fmt!("could not find terminfo entry for %s", term))
#[ignore(reason = "buildbots don't have ncurses installed and I can't mock everything I need")]
fn test_get_dbpath_for_term() {
// woefully inadequate test coverage
use std::os::{setenv, unsetenv};
fn x(t: &str) -> ~str { get_dbpath_for_term(t).expect("no terminfo entry found").to_str() };
assert!(x("screen") == ~"/usr/share/terminfo/s/screen");
assert!(get_dbpath_for_term("") == None);
setenv("TERMINFO_DIRS", ":");
assert!(x("screen") == ~"/usr/share/terminfo/s/screen");
#[ignore(reason = "see test_get_dbpath_for_term")]
fn test_open() {
let t = open("nonexistent terminal that hopefully does not exist");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::hashmap::HashMap;
/// A parsed terminfo entry.
pub struct TermInfo {
/// Names for the terminal
names: ~[~str],
/// Map of capability name to boolean value
bools: HashMap<~str, bool>,
/// Map of capability name to numeric value
numbers: HashMap<~str, u16>,
/// Map of capability name to raw (unexpanded) string
strings: HashMap<~str, ~[u8]>
pub mod searcher;
pub mod parser {
pub mod compiled;
pub mod parm;
@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ struct ConsoleTestState {
// A simple console test runner
pub fn run_tests_console(opts: &TestOpts,
tests: ~[TestDescAndFn]) -> bool {
fn callback(event: &TestEvent, st: &mut ConsoleTestState) {
debug!("callback(event=%?)", event);
match copy *event {
@ -347,12 +346,18 @@ pub fn run_tests_console(opts: &TestOpts,
word: &str,
color: u8,
use_color: bool) {
if use_color && term::color_supported() {
term::fg(out, color);
if use_color && term::color_supported() {
let t = term::Terminal::new(out);
match t {
Ok(term) => {
if use_color && term.color_supported {
if use_color && term.color_supported {
Err(_) => out.write_str(word)
@ -162,43 +162,31 @@ pub fn need_dir(s: &Path) {
pub fn note(msg: ~str) {
let out = io::stdout();
if term::color_supported() {
term::fg(out, term::color_green);
out.write_str("note: ");
} else {
out.write_line(~"note: " + msg);
fn pretty_message<'a>(msg: &'a str, prefix: &'a str, color: u8, out: @io::Writer) {
let term = term::Terminal::new(out);
match term {
Ok(ref t) => {
_ => {
pub fn warn(msg: ~str) {
let out = io::stdout();
if term::color_supported() {
term::fg(out, term::color_yellow);
out.write_str("warning: ");
} else {
out.write_line(~"warning: " + msg);
pub fn note(msg: &str) {
pretty_message(msg, "note: ", term::color_green, io::stdout())
pub fn error(msg: ~str) {
let out = io::stdout();
pub fn warn(msg: &str) {
pretty_message(msg, "warning: ", term::color_yellow, io::stdout())
if term::color_supported() {
term::fg(out, term::color_red);
out.write_str("error: ");
} else {
out.write_line(~"error: " + msg);
pub fn error(msg: &str) {
pretty_message(msg, "error: ", term::color_red, io::stdout())
// FIXME (#4432): Use workcache to only compile when needed
@ -191,19 +191,27 @@ fn diagnosticcolor(lvl: level) -> u8 {
fn print_diagnostic(topic: &str, lvl: level, msg: &str) {
let use_color = term::color_supported() &&
io::stderr().get_type() == io::Screen;
let t = term::Terminal::new(io::stderr());
let stderr = io::stderr();
if !topic.is_empty() {
io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s ", topic));
stderr.write_str(fmt!("%s ", topic));
if use_color {
term::fg(io::stderr(), diagnosticcolor(lvl));
match t {
Ok(term) => {
if stderr.get_type() == io::Screen {
stderr.write_str(fmt!("%s: ", diagnosticstr(lvl)));
stderr.write_str(fmt!("%s\n", msg));
} else {
stderr.write_str(fmt!("%s: %s\n", diagnosticstr(lvl), msg));
_ => stderr.write_str(fmt!("%s: %s\n", diagnosticstr(lvl), msg))
io::stderr().write_str(fmt!("%s:", diagnosticstr(lvl)));
if use_color {
io::stderr().write_str(fmt!(" %s\n", msg));
pub fn collect(messages: @mut ~[~str])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user