Switch to bitmask-based undef mask.

This commit is contained in:
Scott Olson 2016-04-06 03:45:06 -06:00
parent bdba4641cc
commit 8a0aa9291a
3 changed files with 122 additions and 256 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use syntax::attr;
use syntax::codemap::{self, DUMMY_SP};
use error::{EvalError, EvalResult};
use memory::{self, FieldRepr, Memory, Pointer, Repr};
use memory::{FieldRepr, Memory, Pointer, Repr};
use primval::{self, PrimVal};
const TRACE_EXECUTION: bool = false;
@ -150,31 +150,32 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'arena> Interpreter<'a, 'tcx, 'arena> {
fn run(&mut self) -> EvalResult<()> {
use std::fmt::Debug;
fn print_trace<T: Debug>(t: &T, suffix: &'static str, indent: usize) {
if !TRACE_EXECUTION { return; }
for _ in 0..indent { print!(" "); }
println!("{:?}{}", t, suffix);
fn log<F>(&self, extra_indent: usize, f: F) where F: FnOnce() {
let indent = self.stack.len() - 1 + extra_indent;
if !TRACE_EXECUTION { return; }
for _ in 0..indent { print!(" "); }
fn run(&mut self) -> EvalResult<()> {
'outer: while !self.stack.is_empty() {
let mut current_block = self.frame().next_block;
loop {
print_trace(&current_block, ":", self.stack.len());
self.log(0, || print!("{:?}", current_block));
let current_mir = self.mir().clone(); // Cloning a reference.
let block_data = current_mir.basic_block_data(current_block);
for stmt in &block_data.statements {
print_trace(stmt, "", self.stack.len() + 1);
self.log(1, || print!("{:?}", stmt));
let mir::StatementKind::Assign(ref lvalue, ref rvalue) = stmt.kind;
let result = self.eval_assignment(lvalue, rvalue);
try!(self.maybe_report(stmt.span, result));
let terminator = block_data.terminator();
print_trace(&terminator.kind, "", self.stack.len() + 1);
self.log(1, || print!("{:?}", terminator.kind));
let result = self.eval_terminator(terminator);
match try!(self.maybe_report(terminator.span, result)) {
@ -1154,15 +1155,6 @@ pub fn get_impl_method<'tcx>(
pub fn interpret_start_points<'tcx>(tcx: &TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_map: &MirMap<'tcx>) {
/// Print the given allocation and all allocations it depends on.
fn print_allocation_tree(memory: &Memory, alloc_id: memory::AllocId) {
let alloc = memory.get(alloc_id).unwrap();
println!(" {:?}: {:?}", alloc_id, alloc);
for &target_alloc in alloc.relocations.values() {
print_allocation_tree(memory, target_alloc);
for (&id, mir) in &mir_map.map {
for attr in tcx.map.attrs(id) {
use syntax::attr::AttrMetaMethods;
@ -1188,8 +1180,7 @@ pub fn interpret_start_points<'tcx>(tcx: &TyCtxt<'tcx>, mir_map: &MirMap<'tcx>)
if let Some(ret) = return_ptr {
print_allocation_tree(&miri.memory, ret.alloc_id);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::collections::Bound::{Included, Excluded};
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::{iter, mem, ptr};
use error::{EvalError, EvalResult};
use primval::PrimVal;
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@ pub struct AllocId(u64);
pub struct Allocation {
pub bytes: Box<[u8]>,
pub relocations: BTreeMap<usize, AllocId>,
pub undef_mask: Option<Vec<usize>>,
pub undef_mask: UndefMask,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ impl Memory {
let alloc = Allocation {
bytes: vec![0; size].into_boxed_slice(),
relocations: BTreeMap::new(),
undef_mask: None,
undef_mask: UndefMask::new(),
self.alloc_map.insert(self.next_id, alloc);
self.next_id += 1;
@ -129,6 +128,48 @@ impl Memory {
/// Print an allocation and all allocations it points to, recursively.
pub fn dump(&self, id: AllocId) {
let mut allocs_seen = HashSet::new();
let mut allocs_to_print = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(id) = allocs_to_print.pop_front() {
let alloc = self.get(id).unwrap();
let prefix = format!("Alloc {:<5} ", format!("{}:", id.0));
print!("{}", prefix);
let mut relocations = vec![];
for i in 0..alloc.bytes.len() {
if let Some(&target_id) = alloc.relocations.get(&i) {
if !allocs_seen.contains(&target_id.0) {
relocations.push((i, target_id.0));
if alloc.undef_mask.is_range_defined(i, i+1) {
print!("{:02x} ", alloc.bytes[i]);
} else {
print!("__ ");
if !relocations.is_empty() {
print!("{:1$}", "", prefix.len()); // Print spaces.
let mut pos = 0;
let relocation_width = (self.pointer_size - 1) * 3;
for (i, target_id) in relocations {
print!("{:1$}", "", (i - pos) * 3);
print!("{0:─^1$}", format!("({})", target_id), relocation_width);
pos = i + self.pointer_size;
// Byte accessors
@ -305,8 +346,8 @@ impl Memory {
// Mark parts of the outermost relocations as undefined if they partially fall outside the
// given range.
if first < start { alloc.mark_definedness(first, start, false); }
if last > end { alloc.mark_definedness(end, last, false); }
if first < start { alloc.undef_mask.set_range(first, start, false); }
if last > end { alloc.undef_mask.set_range(end, last, false); }
// Forget all the relocations.
for k in keys { alloc.relocations.remove(&k); }
@ -340,7 +381,7 @@ impl Memory {
fn check_defined(&self, ptr: Pointer, size: usize) -> EvalResult<()> {
let alloc = try!(self.get(ptr.alloc_id));
if !alloc.is_range_defined(ptr.offset, ptr.offset + size) {
if !alloc.undef_mask.is_range_defined(ptr.offset, ptr.offset + size) {
return Err(EvalError::ReadUndefBytes);
@ -350,7 +391,7 @@ impl Memory {
-> EvalResult<()>
let mut alloc = try!(self.get_mut(ptr.alloc_id));
alloc.mark_definedness(ptr.offset, ptr.offset + size, new_state);
alloc.undef_mask.set_range(ptr.offset, ptr.offset + size, new_state);
@ -359,238 +400,72 @@ impl Memory {
// Undefined byte tracking
impl Allocation {
/// Check whether the range `start..end` (end-exclusive) in this allocation is entirely
/// defined.
type Block = u64;
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 64;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UndefMask {
blocks: Vec<Block>,
len: usize,
impl UndefMask {
fn new() -> Self {
UndefMask {
blocks: vec![],
len: 0,
/// Check whether the range `start..end` (end-exclusive) is entirely defined.
fn is_range_defined(&self, start: usize, end: usize) -> bool {
debug_assert!(start <= end);
debug_assert!(end <= self.bytes.len());
// An empty range is always fully defined.
if start == end {
return true;
if end > self.len { return false; }
for i in start..end {
if !self.get(i) { return false; }
match self.undef_mask {
Some(ref undef_mask) => {
// If `start` lands directly on a boundary, it belongs to the range after the
// boundary, hence the increment in the `Ok` arm.
let i = match undef_mask.binary_search(&start) { Ok(j) => j + 1, Err(j) => j };
fn set_range(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize, new_state: bool) {
let len = self.len;
if end > len { self.grow(end - len, new_state); }
self.set_range_inbounds(start, end, new_state);
// The range is fully defined if and only if both:
// 1. The start value falls into a defined range (with even parity).
// 2. The end value is in the same range as the start value.
i % 2 == 0 && undef_mask.get(i).map(|&x| end <= x).unwrap_or(true)
None => false,
fn set_range_inbounds(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize, new_state: bool) {
for i in start..end { self.set(i, new_state); }
fn get(&self, i: usize) -> bool {
let (block, bit) = bit_index(i);
(self.blocks[block] & 1 << bit) != 0
fn set(&mut self, i: usize, new_state: bool) {
let (block, bit) = bit_index(i);
if new_state {
self.blocks[block] |= 1 << bit;
} else {
self.blocks[block] &= !(1 << bit);
/// Mark the range `start..end` (end-exclusive) as defined or undefined, depending on
/// `new_state`.
fn mark_definedness(&mut self, start: usize, end: usize, new_state: bool) {
debug_assert!(start <= end);
debug_assert!(end <= self.bytes.len());
// There is no need to track undef masks for zero-sized allocations.
let len = self.bytes.len();
if len == 0 {
// Returns whether the new state matches the state of a given undef mask index. The way
// undef masks are represented, boundaries at even indices are undefined and those at odd
// indices are defined.
let index_matches_new_state = |i| i % 2 == new_state as usize;
// Lookup the undef mask index where the given endpoint `i` is or should be inserted.
let lookup_endpoint = |undef_mask: &[usize], i: usize| -> (usize, bool) {
let (index, should_insert);
match undef_mask.binary_search(&i) {
// Region endpoint is on an undef mask boundary.
Ok(j) => {
// This endpoint's index must be incremented if the boundary's state matches
// the region's new state so that the boundary is:
// 1. Excluded from deletion when handling the inclusive left-hand endpoint.
// 2. Included for deletion when handling the exclusive right-hand endpoint.
index = j + index_matches_new_state(j) as usize;
// Don't insert a new mask boundary; simply reuse or delete the matched one.
should_insert = false;
// Region endpoint is not on a mask boundary.
Err(j) => {
// This is the index after the nearest mask boundary which has the same state.
index = j;
// Insert a new boundary if this endpoint's state doesn't match the state of
// this position.
should_insert = index_matches_new_state(j);
(index, should_insert)
match self.undef_mask {
// There is an existing undef mask, with arbitrary existing boundaries.
Some(ref mut undef_mask) => {
// Determine where the new range's endpoints fall within the current undef mask.
let (start_index, insert_start) = lookup_endpoint(undef_mask, start);
let (end_index, insert_end) = lookup_endpoint(undef_mask, end);
// Delete all the undef mask boundaries overwritten by the new range.
// Insert any new boundaries deemed necessary with two exceptions:
// 1. Never insert an endpoint equal to the allocation length; it's implicit.
// 2. Never insert a start boundary equal to the end boundary.
if insert_end && end != len {
undef_mask.insert(start_index, end);
if insert_start && start != end {
undef_mask.insert(start_index, start);
// There is no existing undef mask. This is taken as meaning the entire allocation is
// currently undefined. If the new state is false, meaning undefined, do nothing.
None => if new_state {
let mut mask = if start == 0 {
// 0..end is defined.
} else {
// 0..0 is defined, 0..start is undefined, start..end is defined.
vec![0, start]
// Don't insert the end boundary if it's equal to the allocation length; that
// boundary is implicit.
if end != len {
self.undef_mask = Some(mask);
fn grow(&mut self, amount: usize, new_state: bool) {
let unused_trailing_bits = self.blocks.len() * BLOCK_SIZE - self.len;
if amount > unused_trailing_bits {
let additional_blocks = amount / BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
let start = self.len;
self.len += amount;
self.set_range_inbounds(start, start + amount, new_state);
mod test {
use memory::Allocation;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
// fn uniform_block(state: bool) -> Block {
// if state { !0 } else { 0 }
// }
fn alloc_with_mask(len: usize, undef_mask: Option<Vec<usize>>) -> Allocation {
Allocation {
bytes: vec![0; len].into_boxed_slice(),
relocations: BTreeMap::new(),
undef_mask: undef_mask,
fn large_undef_mask() {
let mut alloc = alloc_with_mask(20, Some(vec![4, 8, 12, 16]));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 0));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 3));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 4));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(1, 3));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(1, 4));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(4, 4));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(0, 5));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(1, 5));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(4, 5));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(4, 8));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(8, 12));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(12, 16));
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(16, 20));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(15, 20));
assert!(!alloc.is_range_defined(0, 20));
alloc.mark_definedness(8, 11, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 11, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(8, 11, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(8, 12, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(8, 12, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(9, 11, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(9, 11, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(9, 10, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16]));
alloc.mark_definedness(8, 12, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4, 8, 12, 16]));
fn empty_undef_mask() {
let mut alloc = alloc_with_mask(0, None);
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 0));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 0, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, None);
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 0));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 0, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, None);
assert!(alloc.is_range_defined(0, 0));
fn small_undef_mask() {
let mut alloc = alloc_with_mask(8, None);
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 4, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, None);
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 4, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4]));
alloc.mark_definedness(4, 8, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4]));
alloc.mark_definedness(4, 8, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![]));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 8, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![]));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 8, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![0]));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 8, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![]));
alloc.mark_definedness(4, 8, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4]));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 8, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![0]));
alloc.mark_definedness(2, 5, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![0, 2, 5]));
alloc.mark_definedness(4, 6, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![0, 2, 4]));
alloc.mark_definedness(0, 3, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![4]));
alloc.mark_definedness(2, 6, true);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![6]));
alloc.mark_definedness(3, 7, false);
assert_eq!(alloc.undef_mask, Some(vec![3]));
fn bit_index(bits: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
(bits / BLOCK_SIZE, bits % BLOCK_SIZE)

View File

@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
#![allow(dead_code, unused_attributes)]
fn tuple() -> (i64,) {
fn tuple() -> (i16,) {
fn tuple_2() -> (i64, i64) {
fn tuple_2() -> (i16, i16) {
(1, 2)
fn tuple_5() -> (i64, i64, i64, i64, i64) {
fn tuple_5() -> (i16, i16, i16, i16, i16) {
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)