rustc: Merge in type serialization and deserialization
Signed-off-by: Patrick Walton <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import lib.llvm.llvmext;
import lib.llvm.mk_object_file;
import lib.llvm.mk_section_iter;
import middle.fold;
import middle.ty;
import util.common;
import util.common.span;
import std._str;
import std._vec;
import std.fs;
import std.option;
import std.os;
@ -20,6 +23,174 @@ type env = @rec(
vec[str] library_search_paths
// Type decoding
// Compact string representation for ty.t values. API ty_str & parse_from_str.
// (The second has to be authed pure.) Extra parameters are for converting
// to/from def_ids in the string rep. Whatever format you choose should not
// contain pipe characters.
// Callback to translate defs to strs or back.
type str_def = fn(str) -> ast.def_id;
type pstate = rec(str rep, mutable uint pos, uint len);
fn peek(@pstate st) -> char {
if (st.pos < st.len) {ret st.rep.(st.pos) as char;}
else {ret ' ';}
impure fn next(@pstate st) -> char { // ?? somehow not recognized as impure
if (st.pos >= st.len) {fail;}
auto ch = st.rep.(st.pos);
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
ret ch as char;
fn parse_ty_str(str rep, str_def sd) -> @ty.t {
auto len = _str.byte_len(rep);
auto st = @rec(rep=rep, mutable pos=0u, len=len);
auto result = parse_ty(st, sd);
check(st.pos == len);
ret result;
impure fn parse_ty(@pstate st, str_def sd) -> @ty.t {
ret @rec(struct=parse_sty(st, sd),
impure fn parse_sty(@pstate st, str_def sd) -> ty.sty {
alt (next(st)) {
case ('n') {ret ty.ty_nil;}
case ('b') {ret ty.ty_bool;}
case ('i') {ret ty.ty_int;}
case ('u') {ret ty.ty_uint;}
case ('M') {
alt (next(st)) {
case ('b') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_u8);}
case ('w') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_u16);}
case ('l') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_u32);}
case ('d') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_u64);}
case ('B') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_i8);}
case ('W') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_i16);}
case ('L') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_i32);}
case ('D') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_i64);}
case ('f') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_f32);}
case ('F') {ret ty.ty_machine(common.ty_f64);}
case ('c') {ret ty.ty_char;}
case ('s') {ret ty.ty_str;}
case ('t') {
check(next(st) == '[');
auto def = "";
while (peek(st) != '|') {def += _str.from_char(next(st));}
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
let vec[@ty.t] params = vec();
while (peek(st) != ']') {
params = _vec.push[@ty.t](params, parse_ty(st, sd));
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
ret ty.ty_tag(sd(def), params);
case ('@') {ret ty.ty_box(parse_ty(st, sd));}
case ('V') {ret ty.ty_vec(parse_ty(st, sd));}
case ('P') {ret ty.ty_port(parse_ty(st, sd));}
case ('C') {ret ty.ty_chan(parse_ty(st, sd));}
case ('T') {
check(next(st) == '[');
let vec[@ty.t] params = vec();
while (peek(st) != ']') {
params = _vec.push[@ty.t](params, parse_ty(st, sd));
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
ret ty.ty_tup(params);
case ('R') {
check(next(st) == '[');
let vec[ty.field] fields = vec();
while (peek(st) != ']') {
auto name = "";
while (peek(st) != '=') {name += _str.from_char(next(st));}
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
fields = _vec.push[ty.field]
(fields, rec(ident=name, ty=parse_ty(st, sd)));
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
ret ty.ty_rec(fields);
case ('F') {
auto func = parse_ty_fn(st, sd);
ret ty.ty_fn(ast.proto_fn, func._0, func._1);
case ('W') {
auto func = parse_ty_fn(st, sd);
ret ty.ty_fn(ast.proto_iter, func._0, func._1);
case ('N') {
auto abi;
alt (next(st)) {
case ('r') {abi = ast.native_abi_rust;}
case ('c') {abi = ast.native_abi_cdecl;}
auto func = parse_ty_fn(st, sd);
ret ty.ty_native_fn(abi,func._0,func._1);
case ('O') {
check(next(st) == '[');
let vec[ty.method] methods = vec();
while (peek(st) != ']') {
auto proto;
alt (next(st)) {
case ('W') {proto = ast.proto_iter;}
case ('F') {proto = ast.proto_fn;}
auto name = "";
while (peek(st) != '[') {name += _str.from_char(next(st));}
auto func = parse_ty_fn(st, sd);
methods = _vec.push[ty.method]
(methods, rec(proto=proto,
ret ty.ty_obj(methods);
case ('X') {ret ty.ty_var(parse_int(st));}
case ('E') {ret ty.ty_native;}
impure fn parse_int(@pstate st) -> int {
auto n = 0;
while (true) {
auto cur = peek(st);
if (cur < '0' || cur > '9') {break;}
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
n *= 10;
n += (cur as int) - ('0' as int);
ret n;
impure fn parse_ty_fn(@pstate st, str_def sd) -> tup(vec[ty.arg], @ty.t) {
check(next(st) == '[');
let vec[ty.arg] inputs = vec();
while (peek(st) != ']') {
auto mode = ast.val;
if (peek(st) == '&') {
mode = ast.alias;
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
inputs = _vec.push[ty.arg]
(inputs, rec(mode=mode, ty=parse_ty(st, sd)));
st.pos = st.pos + 1u;
ret tup(inputs, parse_ty(st, sd));
// TODO: return something
fn load_crate(ast.ident ident, vec[str] library_search_paths) -> @() {
for (str library_search_path in library_search_paths) {
@ -1,12 +1,118 @@
import std._str;
import std._vec;
import std.option;
import front.ast;
import middle.trans;
import middle.ty;
import back.x86;
import util.common;
import lib.llvm.llvm;
import lib.llvm.llvm.ValueRef;
import lib.llvm.False;
// Type encoding
// Compact string representation for ty.t values. API ty_str & parse_from_str.
// (The second has to be authed pure.) Extra parameters are for converting
// to/from def_ids in the string rep. Whatever format you choose should not
// contain pipe characters.
// Callback to translate defs to strs or back.
type def_str = fn(ast.def_id) -> str;
fn ty_str(@ty.t t, def_str ds) -> str {
ret sty_str(t.struct, ds);
fn sty_str(ty.sty st, def_str ds) -> str {
alt (st) {
case (ty.ty_nil) {ret "n";}
case (ty.ty_bool) {ret "b";}
case (ty.ty_int) {ret "i";}
case (ty.ty_uint) {ret "u";}
case (ty.ty_machine(?mach)) {
alt (mach) {
case (common.ty_u8) {ret "Mb";}
case (common.ty_u16) {ret "Mw";}
case (common.ty_u32) {ret "Ml";}
case (common.ty_u64) {ret "Md";}
case (common.ty_i8) {ret "MB";}
case (common.ty_i16) {ret "MW";}
case (common.ty_i32) {ret "ML";}
case (common.ty_i64) {ret "MD";}
case (common.ty_f32) {ret "Mf";}
case (common.ty_f64) {ret "MF";}
case (ty.ty_char) {ret "c";}
case (ty.ty_str) {ret "s";}
case (ty.ty_tag(?def,?tys)) { // TODO restore def_id
auto acc = "t[" + ds(def) + "|";
for (@ty.t t in tys) {acc += ty_str(t, ds);}
ret acc + "]";
case (ty.ty_box(?t)) {ret "@" + ty_str(t, ds);}
case (ty.ty_vec(?t)) {ret "V" + ty_str(t, ds);}
case (ty.ty_port(?t)) {ret "P" + ty_str(t, ds);}
case (ty.ty_chan(?t)) {ret "C" + ty_str(t, ds);}
case (ty.ty_tup(?tys)) {
auto acc = "T[";
for (@ty.t t in tys) {acc += ty_str(t, ds);}
ret acc + "]";
case (ty.ty_rec(?fields)) {
auto acc = "R[";
for (ty.field field in fields) {
acc += field.ident + "=";
acc += ty_str(field.ty, ds);
ret acc + "]";
case (ty.ty_fn(?proto,?args,?out)) {
ret proto_str(proto) + ty_fn_str(args, out, ds);
case (ty.ty_native_fn(?abi,?args,?out)) {
auto abistr;
alt (abi) {
case (ast.native_abi_rust) {abistr = "r";}
case (ast.native_abi_cdecl) {abistr = "c";}
ret "N" + abistr + ty_fn_str(args, out, ds);
case (ty.ty_obj(?methods)) {
auto acc = "O[";
for (ty.method m in methods) {
acc += proto_str(m.proto);
acc += m.ident;
acc += ty_fn_str(m.inputs, m.output, ds);
ret acc + "]";
case (ty.ty_var(?id)) {ret "X" + common.istr(id);}
case (ty.ty_native) {ret "E";}
// TODO (maybe?) ty_param(ast.def_id), ty_type;
fn proto_str(ast.proto proto) -> str {
alt (proto) {
case (ast.proto_iter) {ret "W";}
case (ast.proto_fn) {ret "F";}
fn ty_fn_str(vec[ty.arg] args, @ty.t out, def_str ds) -> str {
auto acc = "[";
for (ty.arg arg in args) {
if (arg.mode == ast.alias) {acc += "&";}
acc += ty_str(arg.ty, ds);
ret acc + "]" + ty_str(out, ds);
// Returns a Plain Old LLVM String.
fn C_postr(str s) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm.LLVMConstString(_str.buf(s), _str.byte_len(s), False);
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