docs: Make supplemental tutorials testable
This commit is contained in:
@ -505,6 +505,9 @@ do
make_dir $h/test/perf
make_dir $h/test/pretty
make_dir $h/test/doc-tutorial
make_dir $h/test/doc-tutorial-ffi
make_dir $h/test/doc-tutorial-macros
make_dir $h/test/doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr
make_dir $h/test/doc-ref
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ example, in this code, each of these three local variables contains a
point, but allocated in a different place:
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
let on_the_stack : point = {x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
let shared_box : @point = @{x: 5.0, y: 1.0};
let unique_box : ~point = ~{x: 7.0, y: 9.0};
@ -58,6 +59,8 @@ define a function that takes the points by pointer. We can use
borrowed pointers to do this:
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
# fn sqrt(f: float) -> float { 0f }
fn compute_distance(p1: &point, p2: &point) -> float {
let x_d = p1.x - p2.x;
let y_d = p1.y - p2.y;
@ -67,7 +70,12 @@ fn compute_distance(p1: &point, p2: &point) -> float {
Now we can call `compute_distance()` in various ways:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
# let on_the_stack : point = {x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
# let shared_box : @point = @{x: 5.0, y: 1.0};
# let unique_box : ~point = ~{x: 7.0, y: 9.0};
# fn compute_distance(p1: &point, p2: &point) -> float { 0f }
compute_distance(&on_the_stack, shared_box)
compute_distance(shared_box, unique_box)
@ -100,6 +108,7 @@ it again.
In the previous example, the value `on_the_stack` was defined like so:
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
let on_the_stack : point = {x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
@ -109,6 +118,7 @@ pointer. Sometimes however it is more convenient to move the &
operator into the definition of `on_the_stack`:
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
let on_the_stack2 : &point = &{x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
@ -116,6 +126,7 @@ Applying `&` to an rvalue (non-assignable location) is just a convenient
shorthand for creating a temporary and taking its address:
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
let tmp = {x: 3.0, y: 4.0};
let on_the_stack2 : &point = &tmp;
@ -144,7 +155,14 @@ let rect_unique = ~{origin: {x: 5, y: 6}, size: {w: 3, h: 4}};
In each case I can use the `&` operator to extact out individual
subcomponents. For example, I could write:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float};
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# type rectangle = {origin: point, size: size};
# let rect_stack = &{origin: {x: 1, y: 2}, size: {w: 3, h: 4}};
# let rect_shared = @{origin: {x: 3, y: 4}, size: {w: 3, h: 4}};
# let rect_unique = ~{origin: {x: 5, y: 6}, size: {w: 3, h: 4}};
# fn compute_distance(p1: &point, p2: &point) -> float { 0f }
compute_distance(&rect_stack.origin, &rect_shared.origin);
@ -238,14 +256,16 @@ mean that the unique box is stored in immutable memory. For example,
the following function is legal:
# fn some_condition() -> bool { true }
fn example3() -> int {
let mut x = ~{f: 3};
if some_condition {
if some_condition() {
let y = &x.f; // -+ L
ret *y; // |
return *y; // |
} // -+
x = ~{f: 4};
# return 0;
@ -261,7 +281,7 @@ _as soon as their owning reference is changed or goes out of
scope_. Therefore, a program like this is illegal (and would be
rejected by the compiler):
~~~ {.xfail-test}
fn example3() -> int {
let mut x = ~{f: 3};
let y = &x.f;
@ -308,7 +328,7 @@ frame_. So we could modify the previous example to introduce
additional unique pointers and records, and the compiler will still be
able to detect possible mutations:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
fn example3() -> int {
let mut x = ~{mut f: ~{g: 3}};
let y = &x.f.g;
@ -326,8 +346,8 @@ Things get tricker when the unique box is not uniquely owned by the
stack frame (or when the compiler doesn’t know who the owner
is). Consider a program like this:
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}}, ...) -> int {
~~~ {.xfail-test}
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}} ...) -> int {
let y = &x.f.g; // Error reported here.
@ -359,9 +379,10 @@ unique found in aliasable memory is to ensure that it is stored within
unique fields, as in the following example:
fn example5b(x: @{f: ~{g: int}}, ...) -> int {
fn example5b(x: @{f: ~{g: int}}) -> int {
let y = &x.f.g;
# return 0;
@ -373,13 +394,15 @@ If you do have a unique box in a mutable field, and you wish to borrow
it, one option is to use the swap operator to bring that unique box
onto your stack:
fn example5c(x: @{mut f: ~int}, ...) -> int {
~~~ {.xfail-test}
fn example5c(x: @{mut f: ~int}) -> int {
let mut v = ~0;
v <-> x.f; // Swap v and x.f
let y = &v;
x.f <- v; // Replace x.f
# return 0;
@ -412,8 +435,15 @@ function takes a borrowed pointer to a shape to avoid the need of
copying them.
# type point = {x: float, y: float}; // as before
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# enum shape {
# circle(point, float), // origin, radius
# rectangle(point, size) // upper-left, dimensions
# }
# const tau: float = 6.28f;
fn compute_area(shape: &shape) -> float {
alt *shape {
match *shape {
circle(_, radius) => 0.5 * tau * radius * radius,
rectangle(_, ref size) => size.w * size.h
@ -502,7 +532,7 @@ but as we’ll see this is more limited.
For example, we could write a subroutine like this:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
type point = {x: float, y: float};
fn get_x(p: &point) -> &float { &p.x }
@ -535,7 +565,7 @@ the compiler is satisfied with the function `get_x()`.
To drill in this point, let’s look at a variation on the example, this
time one which does not compile:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
type point = {x: float, y: float};
fn get_x_sh(p: @point) -> &float {
&p.x // Error reported here
@ -574,7 +604,14 @@ pointer. However, sometimes if a function takes many parameters, it is
useful to be able to group those parameters by lifetime. For example,
consider this function:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float}; // as before
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# enum shape {
# circle(point, float), // origin, radius
# rectangle(point, size) // upper-left, dimensions
# }
# fn compute_area(shape: &shape) -> float { 0f }
fn select<T>(shape: &shape, threshold: float,
a: &T, b: &T) -> &T {
if compute_area(shape) > threshold {a} else {b}
@ -588,7 +625,19 @@ lifetime of the returned value will be the intersection of the
lifetime of the three region parameters. This may be overloy
conservative, as in this example:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float}; // as before
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# enum shape {
# circle(point, float), // origin, radius
# rectangle(point, size) // upper-left, dimensions
# }
# fn compute_area(shape: &shape) -> float { 0f }
# fn select<T>(shape: &shape, threshold: float,
# a: &T, b: &T) -> &T {
# if compute_area(shape) > threshold {a} else {b}
# }
// -+ L
fn select_based_on_unit_circle<T>( // |-+ B
threshold: float, a: &T, b: &T) -> &T { // | |
@ -618,7 +667,14 @@ second lifetime parameter for the function; named lifetime parameters
do not need to be declared, you just use them. Here is how the new
`select()` might look:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float}; // as before
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# enum shape {
# circle(point, float), // origin, radius
# rectangle(point, size) // upper-left, dimensions
# }
# fn compute_area(shape: &shape) -> float { 0f }
fn select<T>(shape: &tmp/shape, threshold: float,
a: &T, b: &T) -> &T {
if compute_area(shape) > threshold {a} else {b}
@ -632,7 +688,14 @@ lifetime parameter.
You could also write `select()` using all named lifetime parameters,
which might look like:
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# type point = {x: float, y: float}; // as before
# type size = {w: float, h: float}; // as before
# enum shape {
# circle(point, float), // origin, radius
# rectangle(point, size) // upper-left, dimensions
# }
# fn compute_area(shape: &shape) -> float { 0f }
fn select<T>(shape: &tmp/shape, threshold: float,
a: &r/T, b: &r/T) -> &r/T {
if compute_area(shape) > threshold {a} else {b}
@ -658,7 +721,7 @@ a unique box found in an aliasable, mutable location, only now we’ve
replaced the `...` with some specific code:
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}}, ...) -> int {
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}} ...) -> int {
let y = &x.f.g; // Unsafe
*y + 1
@ -676,8 +739,9 @@ fn add_one(x: &int) -> int { *x + 1 }
We can now update `example5a()` to use `add_one()`:
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}}, ...) -> int {
~~~ {.xfail-test}
# fn add_one(x: &int) -> int { *x + 1 }
fn example5a(x: @{mut f: ~{g: int}} ...) -> int {
let y = &x.f.g;
add_one(y) // Error reported here
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ fn as_hex(data: ~[u8]) -> ~str {
fn sha1(data: ~str) -> ~str unsafe {
let bytes = str::to_bytes(data);
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::unsafe::to_ptr(bytes),
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::raw::to_ptr(bytes),
vec::len(bytes) as c_uint, ptr::null());
return as_hex(vec::unsafe::from_buf(hash, 20u));
return as_hex(vec::raw::from_buf(hash, 20u));
fn main(args: ~[~str]) {
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ The `sha1` function is the most obscure part of the program.
fn sha1(data: ~str) -> ~str {
unsafe {
let bytes = str::to_bytes(data);
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::unsafe::to_ptr(bytes),
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::raw::to_ptr(bytes),
vec::len(bytes), ptr::null());
return as_hex(vec::unsafe::from_buf(hash, 20u));
return as_hex(vec::raw::from_buf(hash, 20u));
@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ Let's look at our `sha1` function again.
# fn x(data: ~str) -> ~str {
# unsafe {
let bytes = str::to_bytes(data);
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::unsafe::to_ptr(bytes),
let hash = crypto::SHA1(vec::raw::to_ptr(bytes),
vec::len(bytes), ptr::null());
return as_hex(vec::unsafe::from_buf(hash, 20u));
return as_hex(vec::raw::from_buf(hash, 20u));
# }
# }
The `str::to_bytes` function is perfectly safe: it converts a string to
a `[u8]`. This byte array is then fed to `vec::unsafe::to_ptr`, which
a `[u8]`. This byte array is then fed to `vec::raw::to_ptr`, which
returns an unsafe pointer to its contents.
This pointer will become invalid as soon as the vector it points into
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ unsafe null pointer of the correct type (Rust generics are awesome
like that—they can take the right form depending on the type that they
are expected to return).
Finally, `vec::unsafe::from_buf` builds up a new `[u8]` from the
Finally, `vec::raw::from_buf` builds up a new `[u8]` from the
unsafe pointer that was returned by `SHA1`. SHA1 digests are always
twenty bytes long, so we can pass `20u` for the length of the new
@ -164,6 +164,21 @@ doc-tutorial-extract$(1):
$$(Q)rm -f $(1)/test/doc-tutorial/*.rs
$$(Q)$$(EXTRACT_TESTS) $$(S)doc/ $(1)/test/doc-tutorial
@$$(call E, extract: tutorial-ffi tests)
$$(Q)rm -f $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-ffi/*.rs
$$(Q)$$(EXTRACT_TESTS) $$(S)doc/ $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-ffi
@$$(call E, extract: tutorial-macros tests)
$$(Q)rm -f $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-macros/*.rs
$$(Q)$$(EXTRACT_TESTS) $$(S)doc/ $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-macros
@$$(call E, extract: tutorial-borrowed-ptr tests)
$$(Q)rm -f $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr/*.rs
$$(Q)$$(EXTRACT_TESTS) $$(S)doc/ $(1)/test/doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr
@$$(call E, extract: ref tests)
$$(Q)rm -f $(1)/test/doc-ref/*.rs
@ -211,6 +226,9 @@ check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3): \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-rustdoc \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-cargo \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-ffi \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-macros \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-core: \
@ -271,6 +289,15 @@ check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-cargo: \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial: \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-ffi: \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-macros: \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr: \
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-ref: \
@ -440,6 +467,24 @@ DOC_TUTORIAL_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3) := \
--build-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial/ \
--mode run-pass
DOC_TUTORIAL_FFI_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3) := \
$$(CTEST_COMMON_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--src-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-ffi/ \
--build-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-ffi/ \
--mode run-pass
DOC_TUTORIAL_MACROS_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3) := \
$$(CTEST_COMMON_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--src-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-macros/ \
--build-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-macros/ \
--mode run-pass
$$(CTEST_COMMON_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--src-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr/ \
--build-base $(3)/test/doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr/ \
--mode run-pass
DOC_REF_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3) := \
$$(CTEST_COMMON_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--src-base $(3)/test/doc-ref/ \
@ -542,6 +587,30 @@ check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-dummy: \
$$(DOC_TUTORIAL_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--logfile tmp/check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial.log
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-ffi-dummy: \
$$(TEST_SREQ$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3)) \
@$$(call E, run doc-tutorial-ffi: $$<)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_RUN_CTEST,$(1),$$<,$(3)) \
$$(DOC_TUTORIAL_FFI_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--logfile tmp/check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-ffi.log
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-macros-dummy: \
$$(TEST_SREQ$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3)) \
@$$(call E, run doc-tutorial-macros: $$<)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_RUN_CTEST,$(1),$$<,$(3)) \
$$(DOC_TUTORIAL_MACROS_ARGS$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)) \
--logfile tmp/check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-macros.log
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr-dummy: \
$$(TEST_SREQ$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3)) \
@$$(call E, run doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr: $$<)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_RUN_CTEST,$(1),$$<,$(3)) \
--logfile tmp/check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr.log
check-stage$(1)-T-$(2)-H-$(3)-doc-ref-dummy: \
$$(TEST_SREQ$(1)_T_$(2)_H_$(3)) \
@ -670,6 +739,15 @@ check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-cargo: \
check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-doc-tutorial: \
$$(foreach target,$$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-doc-tutorial-ffi: \
$$(foreach target,$$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-doc-tutorial-macros: \
$$(foreach target,$$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr: \
$$(foreach target,$$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
check-stage$(1)-H-$(2)-doc-ref: \
$$(foreach target,$$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
@ -778,6 +856,9 @@ check-stage$(1)-pretty-pretty: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-pretty-pret
check-stage$(1)-rustdoc: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-rustdoc
check-stage$(1)-cargo: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-cargo
check-stage$(1)-doc-tutorial: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-doc-tutorial
check-stage$(1)-doc-tutorial-ffi: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-doc-tutorial-ffi
check-stage$(1)-doc-tutorial-macros: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-doc-tutorial-macros
check-stage$(1)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-doc-tutorial-borrowed-ptr
check-stage$(1)-doc-ref: check-stage$(1)-H-$$(CFG_HOST_TRIPLE)-doc-ref
@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ while cur < len(lines):
if re.match("~~~", line):
block += re.sub("^# ", "", line)
# Lines beginning with '# ' are turned into valid code
line = re.sub("^# ", "", line)
# Allow elipses in code snippets
line = re.sub("\.\.\.", "/*...*/", line)
block += line
if not ignore:
if not"\bfn main\b", block):
block = "fn main() {\n" + block + "\n}\n"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user