Try harder to disambig blocks followed by various exprs in pprust. Closes

As it turns out, it's not just unops we need to worry about. Also tuples and
anything that requires parens.
This commit is contained in:
Brian Anderson 2011-08-18 17:33:12 -07:00
parent 4d03b7b1fb
commit 84fb821e40
2 changed files with 139 additions and 15 deletions

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import std::uint;
import std::option;
import parse::lexer;
import syntax::codemap::codemap;
import syntax::visit;
import ast;
import option::some;
import option::none;
@ -596,13 +597,13 @@ fn print_possibly_embedded_block(s: &ps, blk: &ast::blk, embedded: embed_type,
let last_stmt = option::none;
for st: @ast::stmt in blk.node.stmts {
maybe_protect_unop(s, last_stmt, stmt_(st));
maybe_protect_block(s, last_stmt, stmt_(st));
print_stmt(s, *st);
last_stmt = option::some(st);
alt blk.node.expr {
some(expr) {
maybe_protect_unop(s, last_stmt, expr_(expr));
maybe_protect_block(s, last_stmt, expr_(expr));
print_expr(s, expr);
maybe_print_trailing_comment(s, expr.span, some(blk.span.hi));
@ -615,11 +616,10 @@ fn print_possibly_embedded_block(s: &ps, blk: &ast::blk, embedded: embed_type,
tag expr_or_stmt { stmt_(@ast::stmt); expr_(@ast::expr); }
// The Rust syntax has an ambiguity when an if, alt, or block statement is
// followed by a unary op statement. In those cases we have to add an
// extra semi to make sure the unop is not parsed as a binop with the
// if/alt/block expression.
fn maybe_protect_unop(s: &ps, last: &option::t<@ast::stmt>,
next: &expr_or_stmt) {
// followed by a unary op or paren. In those cases we have to add an
// extra semi to make sure the output retains the same meaning.
fn maybe_protect_block(s: &ps, last: &option::t<@ast::stmt>,
next: &expr_or_stmt) {
let last_expr_is_block = alt last {
option::some(@{node: ast::stmt_expr(e, _), _}) {
alt e.node {
@ -632,20 +632,74 @@ fn print_possibly_embedded_block(s: &ps, blk: &ast::blk, embedded: embed_type,
_ { false }
let next_expr_is_unnop = alt next {
expr_(@{node: ast::expr_unary(_, _), _}) { true }
if !last_expr_is_block { ret; }
let next_expr_is_ambig = alt next {
expr_(e) { expr_is_ambig(e) }
stmt_(@{node: ast::stmt_expr(e, _), _}) {
alt e.node {
ast::expr_unary(_, _) { true }
_ { false }
_ { false }
if last_expr_is_block && next_expr_is_unnop {
if last_expr_is_block && next_expr_is_ambig {
word(s.s, ";");
fn expr_is_ambig(ex: @ast::expr) -> bool {
// We're going to walk the expression to the 'left' looking for
// various properties that might indicate ambiguity
type env = @mutable bool;
let visitor = visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_expr: visit_expr
with *visit::default_visitor()
let env = @mutable false;
visit_expr(ex, env, visitor);
ret *env;
fn visit_expr(ex: &@ast::expr, e: &env, v: &visit::vt<env>) {
assert *e == false;
if expr_is_ambig(ex) {
*e = true;
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_assign(x, _) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
ast::expr_assign_op(_, x, _) { visit_expr(x, e, v); }
ast::expr_move(x, _) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
ast::expr_field(x, _) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
ast::expr_index(x, _) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
ast::expr_binary(op, x, _) {
if need_parens(x, operator_prec(op)) {
*e = true;
v.visit_expr(x, e, v);
ast::expr_cast(x, _) {
if need_parens(x, parse::parser::as_prec) {
*e = true;
ast::expr_ternary(x, _, _) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
_ { }
fn expr_is_ambig(ex: @ast::expr) -> bool {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_unary(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_tup(_) { true }
_ { false }
@ -1307,7 +1361,7 @@ fn operator_prec(op: ast::binop) -> int {
fn print_maybe_parens(s: &ps, expr: &@ast::expr, outer_prec: int) {
fn need_parens(expr: &@ast::expr, outer_prec: int) -> bool {
let add_them;
alt expr.node {
ast::expr_binary(op, _, _) {
@ -1319,6 +1373,11 @@ fn print_maybe_parens(s: &ps, expr: &@ast::expr, outer_prec: int) {
_ { add_them = false; }
ret add_them;
fn print_maybe_parens(s: &ps, expr: &@ast::expr, outer_prec: int) {
let add_them = need_parens(expr, outer_prec);
if add_them { popen(s); }
print_expr(s, expr);
if add_them { pclose(s); }

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Tests that the pretty printer correctly disambiguates various scenarios
// involving block statements by ending them with a semi-colon
fn test1() {
let val = @0;
fn test2() -> int {
let val = @0;
fn test3() {
let regs = @{mutable eax: 0};
alt true {
true { }
(*regs).eax = 1;
fn test4() -> bool {
let regs = @true;
if true { };
*regs || false
fn test5() -> (int, int) {
(0, 1)
fn test6() -> bool {
(true || false) && true
fn test7() -> uint {
let regs = @0;
alt true { true { } };
(*regs < 2) as uint
fn test8() -> int {
let val = @0;
alt true { true { } };
*val < 1 ? 0 : 1
fn test9() {
let regs = @mutable 0;
alt true {
true { }
*regs += 1;
fn test10() -> int {
let regs = @mutable [0];
alt true {
true { }