Clean up from_str_float and use iterators

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Zabarauskas 2014-11-02 21:39:55 +11:00
parent 251fdc877c
commit 84f4b58eeb

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@ -14,15 +14,14 @@
use char;
use char::Char;
use clone::Clone;
use from_str::from_str;
use iter::Iterator;
use num;
use num::{Zero, One, cast, Int, Bounded};
use num::{Int, Bounded};
use num::{Float, FPNaN, FPInfinite, ToPrimitive};
use option::{None, Option, Some};
use slice::{ImmutableSlice, MutableSlice, CloneableVector};
use str::{Str, StrSlice};
use str::StrSlice;
use string::String;
use vec::Vec;
@ -68,12 +67,6 @@ pub enum SignFormat {
// Special value strings as [u8] consts.
static INF_BUF: [u8, ..3] = [b'i', b'n', b'f'];
static POS_INF_BUF: [u8, ..4] = [b'+', b'i', b'n', b'f'];
static NEG_INF_BUF: [u8, ..4] = [b'-', b'i', b'n', b'f'];
static NAN_BUF: [u8, ..3] = [b'N', b'a', b'N'];
* Converts an integral number to its string representation as a byte vector.
* This is meant to be a common base implementation for all integral string
@ -102,10 +95,10 @@ static NAN_BUF: [u8, ..3] = [b'N', b'a', b'N'];
fn int_to_str_bytes_common<T: Int>(num: T, radix: uint, sign: SignFormat, f: |u8|) {
assert!(2 <= radix && radix <= 36);
let _0: T = Zero::zero();
let _0: T = num::zero();
let neg = num < _0;
let radix_gen: T = cast(radix).unwrap();
let radix_gen: T = num::cast(radix).unwrap();
let mut deccum = num;
// This is just for integral types, the largest of which is a u64. The
@ -202,8 +195,8 @@ pub fn float_to_str_bytes_common<T: Float>(
_ => ()
let _0: T = Zero::zero();
let _1: T = One::one();
let _0: T = num::zero();
let _1: T = num::one();
match num.classify() {
FPNaN => { return (b"NaN".to_vec(), true); }
@ -224,7 +217,7 @@ pub fn float_to_str_bytes_common<T: Float>(
let neg = num < _0 || (negative_zero && _1 / num == Float::neg_infinity());
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let radix_gen: T = cast(radix as int).unwrap();
let radix_gen: T = num::cast(radix as int).unwrap();
let (num, exp) = match exp_format {
ExpNone => (num, 0i32),
@ -233,12 +226,12 @@ pub fn float_to_str_bytes_common<T: Float>(
(num, 0i32)
} else {
let (exp, exp_base) = match exp_format {
ExpDec => (num.abs().log10().floor(), cast::<f64, T>(10.0f64).unwrap()),
ExpBin => (num.abs().log2().floor(), cast::<f64, T>(2.0f64).unwrap()),
ExpDec => (num.abs().log10().floor(), num::cast::<f64, T>(10.0f64).unwrap()),
ExpBin => (num.abs().log2().floor(), num::cast::<f64, T>(2.0f64).unwrap()),
ExpNone => unreachable!()
(num / exp_base.powf(exp), cast::<T, i32>(exp).unwrap())
(num / exp_base.powf(exp), num::cast::<T, i32>(exp).unwrap())
@ -490,163 +483,139 @@ pub fn from_str_float<T: Float>(
_ => ()
let _0: T = Zero::zero();
let _1: T = One::one();
let radix_gen: T = cast(radix as int).unwrap();
let buf = src.as_bytes();
let _0: T = num::zero();
let _1: T = num::one();
let radix_gen: T = num::cast(radix as int).unwrap();
let len = buf.len();
if len == 0 {
return None;
match src {
"inf" => return Some(Float::infinity()),
"-inf" => return Some(Float::neg_infinity()),
"NaN" => return Some(Float::nan()),
_ => {},
if special {
if buf == INF_BUF || buf == POS_INF_BUF {
return Some(Float::infinity());
} else if buf == NEG_INF_BUF {
return Some(Float::neg_infinity());
} else if buf == NAN_BUF {
return Some(Float::nan());
let (start, accum_positive) = match buf[0] as char {
'-' => (1u, false),
'+' => (1u, true),
_ => (0u, true)
let (is_positive, src) = match src.slice_shift_char() {
(None, _) => return None,
(Some('-'), "") => return None,
(Some('-'), src) => (false, src),
(Some(_), _) => (true, src),
// Initialize accumulator with signed zero for floating point parsing to
// work
let mut accum = if accum_positive { _0.clone() } else { -_1 * _0};
let mut last_accum = accum.clone(); // Necessary to detect overflow
let mut i = start;
let mut exp_found = false;
let mut accum = if is_positive { _0 } else { -_1 };
let mut last_accum = accum; // Necessary to detect overflow
let mut cs = src.chars().enumerate();
let mut exp = None::<(char, uint)>;
// Parse integer part of number
while i < len {
let c = buf[i] as char;
for (i, c) in cs {
match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp = Some((c, i + 1));
break; // start of exponent
'.' => {
break; // start of fractional part
c => match c.to_digit(radix) {
Some(digit) => {
// shift accum one digit left
accum = accum * radix_gen;
match char::to_digit(c, radix) {
Some(digit) => {
// shift accum one digit left
accum = accum * radix_gen.clone();
// add/subtract current digit depending on sign
if accum_positive {
accum = accum + cast(digit as int).unwrap();
} else {
accum = accum - cast(digit as int).unwrap();
// Detect overflow by comparing to last value, except
// if we've not seen any non-zero digits.
if last_accum != _0 {
if accum_positive && accum <= last_accum { return Some(Float::infinity()); }
if !accum_positive && accum >= last_accum { return Some(Float::neg_infinity()); }
// Detect overflow by reversing the shift-and-add process
if accum_positive &&
(last_accum != ((accum - cast(digit as int).unwrap())/radix_gen.clone())) {
return Some(Float::infinity());
// add/subtract current digit depending on sign
if is_positive {
accum = accum + num::cast(digit as int).unwrap();
} else {
accum = accum - num::cast(digit as int).unwrap();
if !accum_positive &&
(last_accum != ((accum + cast(digit as int).unwrap())/radix_gen.clone())) {
return Some(Float::neg_infinity());
// Detect overflow by comparing to last value, except
// if we've not seen any non-zero digits.
if last_accum != _0 {
if is_positive && accum <= last_accum { return Some(Float::infinity()); }
if !is_positive && accum >= last_accum { return Some(Float::neg_infinity()); }
// Detect overflow by reversing the shift-and-add process
if is_positive &&
(last_accum != ((accum - num::cast(digit as int).unwrap()) / radix_gen)) {
return Some(Float::infinity());
if !is_positive &&
(last_accum != ((accum + num::cast(digit as int).unwrap()) / radix_gen)) {
return Some(Float::neg_infinity());
last_accum = accum.clone();
None => match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp_found = true;
break; // start of exponent
'.' => {
i += 1u; // skip the '.'
break; // start of fractional part
_ => return None // invalid number
last_accum = accum;
None => {
return None; // invalid number
i += 1u;
// Parse fractional part of number
// Skip if already reached start of exponent
if !exp_found {
let mut power = _1.clone();
if exp.is_none() {
let mut power = _1;
for (i, c) in cs {
match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp = Some((c, i + 1));
break; // start of exponent
c => match c.to_digit(radix) {
Some(digit) => {
let digit: T = num::cast(digit).unwrap();
while i < len {
let c = buf[i] as char;
match char::to_digit(c, radix) {
Some(digit) => {
// Decrease power one order of magnitude
power = power / radix_gen;
let digit_t: T = cast(digit).unwrap();
// add/subtract current digit depending on sign
if accum_positive {
accum = accum + digit_t * power;
} else {
accum = accum - digit_t * power;
// Detect overflow by comparing to last value
if accum_positive && accum < last_accum { return Some(Float::infinity()); }
if !accum_positive && accum > last_accum { return Some(Float::neg_infinity()); }
last_accum = accum.clone();
None => match c {
'e' | 'E' | 'p' | 'P' => {
exp_found = true;
break; // start of exponent
_ => return None // invalid number
// Decrease power one order of magnitude
power = power / radix_gen;
// add/subtract current digit depending on sign
accum = if is_positive {
accum + digit * power
} else {
accum - digit * power
// Detect overflow by comparing to last value
if is_positive && accum < last_accum { return Some(Float::infinity()); }
if !is_positive && accum > last_accum { return Some(Float::neg_infinity()); }
last_accum = accum;
None => {
return None; // invalid number
i += 1u;
// Special case: buf not empty, but does not contain any digit in front
// of the exponent sign -> number is empty string
if i == start {
return None;
let mut multiplier = _1.clone();
if exp_found {
let c = buf[i] as char;
let base: T = match (c, exponent) {
// c is never _ so don't need to handle specially
('e', ExpDec) | ('E', ExpDec) => cast(10u).unwrap(),
('p', ExpBin) | ('P', ExpBin) => cast(2u).unwrap(),
_ => return None // char doesn't fit given exponent format
// parse remaining bytes as decimal integer,
// skipping the exponent char
let exp = from_str::<int>(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf[i+1..len]).as_slice());
match exp {
Some(exp_pow) => {
multiplier = if exp_pow < 0 {
let multiplier = match exp {
None => {
_1 // no exponent
Some((c, offset)) => {
let base: T = match (c, exponent) {
// c is never _ so don't need to handle specially
('e', ExpDec) | ('E', ExpDec) => num::cast(10u).unwrap(),
('p', ExpBin) | ('P', ExpBin) => num::cast(2u).unwrap(),
_ => return None, // char doesn't fit given exponent format
// parse remaining string as decimal integer
let exp = from_str::<int>(src[offset..]);
match exp {
Some(exp_pow) if exp_pow < 0 => {
_1 / num::pow(base, (-exp_pow.to_int().unwrap()) as uint)
} else {
Some(exp_pow) => {
num::pow(base, exp_pow.to_int().unwrap() as uint)
None => {
return None; // invalid exponent
None => return None // invalid exponent -> invalid number
Some(accum * multiplier)
@ -659,9 +628,9 @@ pub fn from_str_radix_int<T: Int>(src: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
let _1: T = num::one();
let is_signed = _0 > Bounded::min_value();
let (is_negative, src) = match src.slice_shift_char() {
(Some('-'), src) if is_signed => (true, src),
(Some(_), _) => (false, src),
let (is_positive, src) = match src.slice_shift_char() {
(Some('-'), src) if is_signed => (false, src),
(Some(_), _) => (true, src),
(None, _) => return None,
@ -671,7 +640,7 @@ pub fn from_str_radix_int<T: Int>(src: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
let radix = cast(radix);
let mut result = _0;
if is_negative {
if is_positive {
for x in xs {
let x = match x {
Some(x) => x,
@ -681,7 +650,7 @@ pub fn from_str_radix_int<T: Int>(src: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
Some(result) => result,
None => return None,
result = match result.checked_sub(&x) {
result = match result.checked_add(&x) {
Some(result) => result,
None => return None,
@ -696,7 +665,7 @@ pub fn from_str_radix_int<T: Int>(src: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
Some(result) => result,
None => return None,
result = match result.checked_add(&x) {
result = match result.checked_sub(&x) {
Some(result) => result,
None => return None,