rustc: Generalize several parts of infer in preparation for using them for region bounds as well
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,30 +16,24 @@ export fixup_vars;
export resolve_var;
export compare_tys;
type bound = option<ty::t>;
type bound<T:copy> = option<T>;
type bounds = {lb: bound, ub: bound};
type bounds<T:copy> = {lb: bound<T>, ub: bound<T>};
enum var_value {
enum var_value<T:copy> {
type region_bound = option<ty::region>;
type region_bounds = {lb: region_bound, ub: region_bound};
enum region_value {
type vals_and_bindings<T:copy> = {
vals: smallintmap<var_value<T>>,
mut bindings: [(uint, var_value<T>)]
enum infer_ctxt = @{
tcx: ty::ctxt,
vals: smallintmap<var_value>,
mut bindings: [(uint, var_value)],
region_vals: smallintmap<region_value>,
mut region_bindings: [(uint, region_value)]
vb: vals_and_bindings<ty::t>,
rb: vals_and_bindings<ty::region>,
type ures = result::result<(), ty::type_err>;
@ -47,22 +41,20 @@ type fres<T> = result::result<T,int>;
fn new_infer_ctxt(tcx: ty::ctxt) -> infer_ctxt {
infer_ctxt(@{tcx: tcx,
vals: smallintmap::mk(),
mut bindings: [],
region_vals: smallintmap::mk(),
mut region_bindings: []})
vb: {vals: smallintmap::mk(), mut bindings: []},
rb: {vals: smallintmap::mk(), mut bindings: []}})
fn mk_subty(cx: infer_ctxt, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
#debug[">> mk_subty(%s <: %s)", cx.ty_to_str(a), cx.ty_to_str(b)];
cx.commit {||
cx.commit(cx.vb) {||
cx.tys(a, b)
fn mk_eqty(cx: infer_ctxt, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
#debug["> mk_eqty(%s <: %s)", cx.ty_to_str(a), cx.ty_to_str(b)];
cx.commit {||
cx.commit(cx.vb) {||
mk_subty(cx, a, b).then {||
mk_subty(cx, b, a)
@ -72,7 +64,7 @@ fn mk_eqty(cx: infer_ctxt, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
fn compare_tys(tcx: ty::ctxt, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
let infcx = new_infer_ctxt(tcx);
#debug["> compare_tys(%s == %s)", infcx.ty_to_str(a), infcx.ty_to_str(b)];
infcx.commit {||
infcx.commit(infcx.vb) {||
mk_subty(infcx, a, b).then {||
mk_subty(infcx, b, a)
@ -122,54 +114,63 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
ty_to_str(self.tcx, t)
fn bound_to_str(b: bound) -> str {
fn ty_bound_to_str(b: bound<ty::t>) -> str {
alt b {
none { "none" }
some(t) { self.ty_to_str(t) }
fn bounds_to_str(v: bounds) -> str {
fn ty_bounds_to_str(v: bounds<ty::t>) -> str {
#fmt["{%s <: X <: %s}",
fn var_value_to_str(v: var_value) -> str {
fn ty_var_value_to_str(v: var_value<ty::t>) -> str {
alt v {
redirect(v) { #fmt["redirect(%u)", v] }
bounded(b) { self.bounds_to_str(b) }
bounded(b) { self.ty_bounds_to_str(b) }
fn set(vid: uint, +new_v: var_value) {
let old_v = self.vals.get(vid);
vec::push(self.bindings, (vid, old_v));
fn set<T:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<T>, vid: uint,
+new_v: var_value<T>) {
let old_v = vb.vals.get(vid);
vec::push(vb.bindings, (vid, old_v));
vb.vals.insert(vid, new_v);
fn set_ty(vid: uint, +new_v: var_value<ty::t>) {
let old_v = self.vb.vals.get(vid);
self.set(self.vb, vid, new_v);
#debug["Updating variable <T%u> from %s to %s",
self.vals.insert(vid, new_v);
fn rollback_to(len: uint) {
while self.bindings.len() != len {
let (vid, old_v) = vec::pop(self.bindings);
self.vals.insert(vid, old_v);
fn rollback_to<T:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<T>, len: uint) {
while vb.bindings.len() != len {
let (vid, old_v) = vec::pop(vb.bindings);
vb.vals.insert(vid, old_v);
fn commit<T:copy,E:copy>(f: fn() -> result<T,E>) -> result<T,E> {
assert self.bindings.len() == 0u;
let r = self.try(f);
fn commit<T:copy,E:copy,U:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<U>,
f: fn() -> result<T,E>) -> result<T,E> {
assert vb.bindings.len() == 0u;
let r = self.try(vb, f);
ret r;
fn try<T:copy,E:copy>(f: fn() -> result<T,E>) -> result<T,E> {
let l = self.bindings.len();
fn try<T:copy,E:copy,U:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<U>,
f: fn() -> result<T,E>) -> result<T,E> {
let l = vb.bindings.len();
#debug["try(l=%u)", l];
let r = f();
alt r {
@ -179,17 +180,19 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
ret r;
fn get(vid: uint) -> {root: uint, bounds:bounds} {
alt self.vals.find(vid) {
fn get<T:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<T>, vid: uint)
-> {root: uint, bounds:bounds<T>} {
alt vb.vals.find(vid) {
none {
let bnds = {lb: none, ub: none};
self.vals.insert(vid, bounded(bnds));
vb.vals.insert(vid, bounded(bnds));
{root: vid, bounds: bnds}
some(redirect(vid)) {
let {root, bounds} = self.get(vid);
let {root, bounds} = self.get(vb, vid);
if root != vid {
self.vals.insert(vid, redirect(root));
vb.vals.insert(vid, redirect(root));
{root: root, bounds: bounds}
@ -199,31 +202,21 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
// FIXME: See if we can't throw some polymorphism on this to make this
// less of a straight copy of the above.
fn get_region(rid: uint) -> {root: uint, bounds:region_bounds} {
alt self.region_vals.find(rid) {
none {
let bnds = {lb: none, ub: none};
self.region_vals.insert(rid, rv_bounded(bnds));
{root: rid, bounds: bnds}
some(rv_redirect(rid)) {
let {root, bounds} = self.get_region(rid);
if root != rid {
self.region_vals.insert(rid, rv_redirect(root));
{root: root, bounds: bounds}
some(rv_bounded(bounds)) {
{root: rid, bounds: bounds}
fn get_var(vid: uint) -> {root: uint, bounds:bounds<ty::t>} {
ret self.get(self.vb, vid);
fn get_region(rid: uint) -> {root: uint, bounds:bounds<ty::region>} {
ret self.get(self.rb, rid);
// Combines the two bounds. Returns a bounds r where ( <:
// a,b) and (a,b <: r.ub) (if such a bounds exists).
fn merge_bnds(a: bound, b: bound) -> result<bounds, ty::type_err> {
// TODO: Generalize this to region bounds too.
fn merge_bnds(a: bound<ty::t>, b: bound<ty::t>)
-> result<bounds<ty::t>, ty::type_err> {
alt (a, b) {
(none, none) {
ok({lb: none, ub: none})
@ -235,7 +228,7 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
ok({lb: b, ub: b})
(some(t_a), some(t_b)) {
let r1 = self.try {||
let r1 = self.try(self.vb) {||
self.tys(t_a, t_b).then {||
ok({lb: a, ub: b})
@ -257,7 +250,9 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
// <:
// <:
// If this cannot be achieved, the result is failure.
fn merge(v_id: uint, a: bounds, b: bounds) -> ures {
// TODO: Generalize to regions.
fn merge(v_id: uint, a: bounds<ty::t>, b: bounds<ty::t>) -> ures {
// Think of the two diamonds, we want to find the
// intersection. There are basically four possibilities (you
// can swap A/B in these pictures):
@ -275,8 +270,8 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
chain(self.merge_bnds(a.ub, b.ub)) {|ub|
chain(self.merge_bnds(, {|lb|
@ -285,17 +280,18 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
// the new bounds must themselves
// be relatable:
self.bnds(lb.ub, {||
self.set(v_id, bounded(bnds));
self.set(self.vb, v_id, bounded(bnds));
// TODO: Generalize to regions.
fn vars(a_id: uint, b_id: uint) -> ures {
// Need to make sub_id a subtype of sup_id.
let {root: a_id, bounds: a_bounds} = self.get(a_id);
let {root: b_id, bounds: b_bounds} = self.get(b_id);
let {root: a_id, bounds: a_bounds} = self.get(self.vb, a_id);
let {root: b_id, bounds: b_bounds} = self.get(self.vb, b_id);
#debug["vars(<T%u>=%s <: <T%u>=%s)",
a_id, self.bounds_to_str(a_bounds),
@ -321,15 +317,15 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
// but that's the route we choose to take.
self.merge(a_id, a_bounds, b_bounds).then {||
// For max perf, we should consider the rank here.
self.set(b_id, redirect(a_id));
self.set(self.vb, b_id, redirect(a_id));
fn varty(a_id: uint, b: ty::t) -> ures {
let {root: a_id, bounds: a_bounds} = self.get(a_id);
let {root: a_id, bounds: a_bounds} = self.get(self.vb, a_id);
#debug["varty(<T%u>=%s <: %s)",
a_id, self.bounds_to_str(a_bounds),
a_id, self.ty_bounds_to_str(a_bounds),
let b_bounds = {lb: none, ub: some(b)};
self.merge(a_id, a_bounds, b_bounds)
@ -337,10 +333,10 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn tyvar(a: ty::t, b_id: uint) -> ures {
let a_bounds = {lb: some(a), ub: none};
let {root: b_id, bounds: b_bounds} = self.get(b_id);
let {root: b_id, bounds: b_bounds} = self.get(self.vb, b_id);
#debug["tyvar(%s <: <T%u>=%s)",
b_id, self.bounds_to_str(b_bounds)];
b_id, self.ty_bounds_to_str(b_bounds)];
self.merge(b_id, a_bounds, b_bounds)
@ -530,10 +526,11 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
ret self.uok();
fn bnds(a: bound, b: bound) -> ures {
// TODO: Generalize this.
fn bnds(a: bound<ty::t>, b: bound<ty::t>) -> ures {
#debug("bnds(%s <: %s)",
alt (a, b) {
(none, none) |
@ -662,8 +659,10 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn resolve_var(vid: int) -> fres<ty::t> {
let {root:_, bounds} = self.get(vid as uint);
fn resolve_var<T:copy>(vb: vals_and_bindings<T>, bot_guard: fn(T)->bool,
vid: int) -> fres<T> {
let {root:_, bounds} = self.get(vb, vid as uint);
// Nonobvious: prefer the most specific type
// (i.e., the lower bound) to the more general
@ -672,16 +671,20 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
// perf. penalties, so it pays to know more.
alt bounds {
{ ub:_, lb:some(t) } if !type_is_bot(t) { self.rok(t) }
{ ub:some(t), lb:_ } { self.rok(t) }
{ ub:_, lb:some(t) } { self.rok(t) }
{ ub:_, lb:some(t) } if !bot_guard(t) { result::ok(t) }
{ ub:some(t), lb:_ } { result::ok(t) }
{ ub:_, lb:some(t) } { result::ok(t) }
{ ub:none, lb:none } { self.rerr(vid) }
fn resolve_ty_var(vid: int) -> fres<ty::t> {
ret self.resolve_var(self.vb, {|t| type_is_bot(t)}, vid);
fn resolve_ty(typ: ty::t) -> fres<ty::t> {
alt ty::get(typ).struct {
ty::ty_var(vid) { self.resolve_var(vid) }
ty::ty_var(vid) { self.resolve_ty_var(vid) }
ty::ty_rptr(ty::re_var(rid), base_ty) {
alt self.resolve_region(rid as int) {
result::err(terr) { result::err(terr) }
@ -699,7 +702,7 @@ impl resolve_methods for infer_ctxt {
vid: int) -> ty::t {
// Should really return a fixup_result instead of a t, but fold_ty
// doesn't allow returning anything but a t.
alt self.resolve_var(vid) {
alt self.resolve_ty_var(vid) {
result::err(vid) {
*unresolved = some(vid);
ret ty::mk_var(self.tcx, vid);
Reference in New Issue
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