A quick hack to get the bots green while I refactor this code.

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Rafael Ávila de Espíndola 2011-05-18 16:15:30 -04:00
parent 13d9f6a264
commit 843739ee98

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@ -1,4 +1,36 @@
declare fastcc i32 @rust_native_rust_1(i32, i32)
declare fastcc i32 @"\01rust_native_rust_local_copy"(i32, i32)
module asm "\09.globl rust_native_rust_local_copy"
module asm "\09.balign 4"
module asm "rust_native_rust_local_copy:"
module asm "\09.cfi_startproc"
module asm "\09pushl %ebp"
module asm "\09.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8"
module asm "\09.cfi_offset %ebp, -8"
module asm "\09pushl %edi"
module asm "\09.cfi_def_cfa_offset 12"
module asm "\09pushl %esi"
module asm "\09.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16"
module asm "\09pushl %ebx"
module asm "\09.cfi_def_cfa_offset 20"
module asm "\09movl %esp, %ebp # ebp = rust_sp"
module asm "\09.cfi_def_cfa_register %ebp"
module asm "\09movl %esp, 16(%edx)"
module asm "\09movl 12(%edx), %esp"
module asm "\09subl $4, %esp # esp -= args"
module asm "\09andl $~0xf, %esp # align esp down"
module asm "\09movl %edx, (%esp)"
module asm "\09movl %edx, %edi # save task from edx to edi"
module asm "\09call *%ecx # call *%ecx"
module asm "\09movl %edi, %edx # restore edi-saved task to edx"
module asm "\09movl 16(%edx), %esp"
module asm "\09popl %ebx"
module asm "\09popl %esi"
module asm "\09popl %edi"
module asm "\09popl %ebp"
module asm "\09ret"
module asm "\09.cfi_endproc"
declare i32 @upcall_exit(i32)
@ -6,6 +38,6 @@ define void @rust_new_exit_task_glue(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32) {
%5 = inttoptr i32 %0 to void (i32, i32, i32, i32)*
tail call fastcc void %5(i32 %1, i32 %2, i32 %3, i32 %4)
%6 = tail call fastcc i32 @rust_native_rust_1(i32 ptrtoint (i32 (i32)* @upcall_exit to i32), i32 %2)
%6 = tail call fastcc i32 @"\01rust_native_rust_local_copy"(i32 ptrtoint (i32 (i32)* @upcall_exit to i32), i32 %2)
ret void