diff --git a/src/librustdoc/html/render.rs b/src/librustdoc/html/render.rs
index 2a97ac81ea9..692d230446c 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/html/render.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/html/render.rs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use externalfiles::ExternalHtml;
-use serialize::json::as_json;
+use serialize::json::{ToJson, Json, as_json};
use syntax::{abi, ast};
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
use rustc::middle::cstore::LOCAL_CRATE;
@@ -290,22 +290,40 @@ struct IndexItem {
path: String,
desc: String,
parent: Option,
+ parent_idx: Option,
search_type: Option,
+impl ToJson for IndexItem {
+ fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
+ assert_eq!(self.parent.is_some(), self.parent_idx.is_some());
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(6);
+ data.push((self.ty as usize).to_json());
+ data.push(self.name.to_json());
+ data.push(self.path.to_json());
+ data.push(self.desc.to_json());
+ data.push(self.parent_idx.to_json());
+ data.push(self.search_type.to_json());
+ Json::Array(data)
+ }
/// A type used for the search index.
struct Type {
name: Option,
-impl fmt::Display for Type {
- /// Formats type as {name: $name}.
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
- // Wrapping struct fmt should never call us when self.name is None,
- // but just to be safe we write `null` in that case.
+impl ToJson for Type {
+ fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
match self.name {
- Some(ref n) => write!(f, "{{\"name\":\"{}\"}}", n),
- None => write!(f, "null")
+ Some(ref name) => {
+ let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
+ data.insert("name".to_owned(), name.to_json());
+ Json::Object(data)
+ },
+ None => Json::Null
@@ -316,26 +334,17 @@ struct IndexItemFunctionType {
output: Option
-impl fmt::Display for IndexItemFunctionType {
- /// Formats a full fn type as a JSON {inputs: [Type], outputs: Type/null}.
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+impl ToJson for IndexItemFunctionType {
+ fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
// If we couldn't figure out a type, just write `null`.
- if self.inputs.iter().any(|ref i| i.name.is_none()) ||
- (self.output.is_some() && self.output.as_ref().unwrap().name.is_none()) {
- return write!(f, "null")
+ if self.inputs.iter().chain(self.output.iter()).any(|ref i| i.name.is_none()) {
+ Json::Null
+ } else {
+ let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
+ data.insert("inputs".to_owned(), self.inputs.to_json());
+ data.insert("output".to_owned(), self.output.to_json());
+ Json::Object(data)
- let inputs: Vec = self.inputs.iter().map(|ref t| {
- format!("{}", t)
- }).collect();
- try!(write!(f, "{{\"inputs\":[{}],\"output\":", inputs.join(",")));
- match self.output {
- Some(ref t) => try!(write!(f, "{}", t)),
- None => try!(write!(f, "null"))
- };
- Ok(try!(write!(f, "}}")))
@@ -537,104 +546,76 @@ pub fn run(mut krate: clean::Crate,
/// Build the search index from the collected metadata
fn build_index(krate: &clean::Crate, cache: &mut Cache) -> String {
let mut nodeid_to_pathid = HashMap::new();
- let mut pathid_to_nodeid = Vec::new();
- {
- let Cache { ref mut search_index,
- ref orphan_methods,
- ref mut paths, .. } = *cache;
+ let mut crate_items = Vec::with_capacity(cache.search_index.len());
+ let mut crate_paths = Vec::::new();
- // Attach all orphan methods to the type's definition if the type
- // has since been learned.
- for &(did, ref item) in orphan_methods {
- match paths.get(&did) {
- Some(&(ref fqp, _)) => {
- // Needed to determine `self` type.
- let parent_basename = Some(fqp[fqp.len() - 1].clone());
- search_index.push(IndexItem {
- ty: shortty(item),
- name: item.name.clone().unwrap(),
- path: fqp[..fqp.len() - 1].join("::"),
- desc: Escape(&shorter(item.doc_value())).to_string(),
- parent: Some(did),
- search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, parent_basename),
- });
- },
- None => {}
- }
- }
+ let Cache { ref mut search_index,
+ ref orphan_methods,
+ ref mut paths, .. } = *cache;
- // Reduce `NodeId` in paths into smaller sequential numbers,
- // and prune the paths that do not appear in the index.
- for item in search_index.iter() {
- match item.parent {
- Some(nodeid) => {
- if !nodeid_to_pathid.contains_key(&nodeid) {
- let pathid = pathid_to_nodeid.len();
- nodeid_to_pathid.insert(nodeid, pathid);
- pathid_to_nodeid.push(nodeid);
- }
- }
- None => {}
- }
+ // Attach all orphan methods to the type's definition if the type
+ // has since been learned.
+ for &(did, ref item) in orphan_methods {
+ match paths.get(&did) {
+ Some(&(ref fqp, _)) => {
+ // Needed to determine `self` type.
+ let parent_basename = Some(fqp[fqp.len() - 1].clone());
+ search_index.push(IndexItem {
+ ty: shortty(item),
+ name: item.name.clone().unwrap(),
+ path: fqp[..fqp.len() - 1].join("::"),
+ desc: Escape(&shorter(item.doc_value())).to_string(),
+ parent: Some(did),
+ parent_idx: None,
+ search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, parent_basename),
+ });
+ },
+ None => {}
- assert_eq!(nodeid_to_pathid.len(), pathid_to_nodeid.len());
+ // Reduce `NodeId` in paths into smaller sequential numbers,
+ // and prune the paths that do not appear in the index.
+ let mut lastpath = String::new();
+ let mut lastpathid = 0usize;
+ for item in search_index {
+ item.parent_idx = item.parent.map(|nodeid| {
+ if nodeid_to_pathid.contains_key(&nodeid) {
+ *nodeid_to_pathid.get(&nodeid).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ let pathid = lastpathid;
+ nodeid_to_pathid.insert(nodeid, pathid);
+ lastpathid += 1;
+ let &(ref fqp, short) = paths.get(&nodeid).unwrap();
+ crate_paths.push(((short as usize), fqp.last().unwrap().clone()).to_json());
+ pathid
+ }
+ });
+ // Omit the parent path if it is same to that of the prior item.
+ if lastpath == item.path {
+ item.path.clear();
+ } else {
+ lastpath = item.path.clone();
+ }
+ crate_items.push(item.to_json());
+ }
+ let crate_doc = krate.module.as_ref().map(|module| {
+ Escape(&shorter(module.doc_value())).to_string()
+ }).unwrap_or(String::new());
+ let mut crate_data = BTreeMap::new();
+ crate_data.insert("doc".to_owned(), Json::String(crate_doc));
+ crate_data.insert("items".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_items));
+ crate_data.insert("paths".to_owned(), Json::Array(crate_paths));
// Collect the index into a string
- let mut w = io::Cursor::new(Vec::new());
- let krate_doc = krate.module.as_ref().map(|module| {
- Escape(&shorter(module.doc_value())).to_string()
- }).unwrap_or("".to_owned());
- write!(&mut w, r#"searchIndex[{}] = {{doc: {}, "items":["#,
- as_json(&krate.name),
- as_json(&krate_doc)).unwrap();
- let mut lastpath = "".to_string();
- for (i, item) in cache.search_index.iter().enumerate() {
- // Omit the path if it is same to that of the prior item.
- let path;
- if lastpath == item.path {
- path = "";
- } else {
- lastpath = item.path.to_string();
- path = &item.path;
- };
- if i > 0 {
- write!(&mut w, ",").unwrap();
- }
- write!(&mut w, "[{},{},{},{}",
- item.ty as usize,
- as_json(&item.name), as_json(&path), as_json(&item.desc)).unwrap();
- match item.parent {
- Some(nodeid) => {
- let pathid = *nodeid_to_pathid.get(&nodeid).unwrap();
- write!(&mut w, ",{}", pathid).unwrap();
- }
- None => write!(&mut w, ",null").unwrap()
- }
- match item.search_type {
- Some(ref t) => write!(&mut w, ",{}", t).unwrap(),
- None => write!(&mut w, ",null").unwrap()
- }
- write!(&mut w, "]").unwrap();
- }
- write!(&mut w, r#"],"paths":["#).unwrap();
- for (i, &did) in pathid_to_nodeid.iter().enumerate() {
- let &(ref fqp, short) = cache.paths.get(&did).unwrap();
- if i > 0 {
- write!(&mut w, ",").unwrap();
- }
- write!(&mut w, r#"[{},"{}"]"#,
- short as usize, *fqp.last().unwrap()).unwrap();
- }
- write!(&mut w, "]}};").unwrap();
- String::from_utf8(w.into_inner()).unwrap()
+ format!("searchIndex[{}] = {};",
+ as_json(&krate.name),
+ Json::Object(crate_data))
fn write_shared(cx: &Context,
@@ -1073,6 +1054,7 @@ impl DocFolder for Cache {
path: path.join("::").to_string(),
desc: Escape(&shorter(item.doc_value())).to_string(),
parent: parent,
+ parent_idx: None,
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, parent_basename),