Use precise width when rewriting else if

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Seiichi Uchida 2017-05-13 21:07:36 +09:00
parent d0a094eefb
commit 819a13030f

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@ -986,12 +986,7 @@ impl<'a> Rewrite for ControlFlow<'a> {
if let Some(else_block) = self.else_block {
// Since this is an else block, we should not indent for the assignment preceding
// the original if, so set shape.offset to shape.indent.alignment.
let shape = Shape {
offset: shape.indent.alignment,
let shape = Shape::indented(shape.indent, context.config);
let mut last_in_chain = false;
let rewrite = match else_block.node {
// If the else expression is another if-else expression, prevent it