rustpkg: Use pkg IDs, remove old code for now that required packages to declare IDs explicitly

This is preliminary work on bringing rustpkg up to conformance with 
and related issues.

This change makes rustpkg infer a package ID from its containing directory,
instead of requiring name and vers attributes in the code. Many aspects of it
are incomplete; I've only tested one package (see README.txt) and one command,
"build". So far it only works for local packages.

I also removed code for several of the package commands other than "build",
replacing them with stubs that fail, since they used package IDs in ways that
didn't jibe well with the new scheme. I will re-implement the commands one
at a time.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Chevalier 2013-04-11 17:43:02 -07:00
parent e0f72e2298
commit 8158dd7e9a
3 changed files with 522 additions and 967 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Right now (2013-04-11), only one package works, the branch of rust-sdl at:
and only one command works, "build".

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -9,26 +9,125 @@
// except according to those terms.
use core::*;
use core::cmp::Ord;
use core::hash::Streaming;
use core::hashmap::HashMap;
use rustc::driver::{driver, session};
use rustc::metadata::filesearch;
use std::getopts::groups::getopts;
use std::semver;
use std::{json, term, sort, getopts};
use std::{json, term, getopts};
use syntax::ast_util::*;
use syntax::codemap::{dummy_sp, spanned};
use syntax::codemap::{dummy_sp};
use syntax::ext::base::{mk_ctxt, ext_ctxt};
use syntax::ext::build;
use syntax::{ast, attr, codemap, diagnostic, fold};
use rustc::back::link::output_type_exe;
pub struct Package {
id: ~str,
vers: semver::Version,
pub type ExitCode = int; // For now
/// A version is either an exact revision,
/// or a semantic version
pub enum Version {
impl Ord for Version {
fn lt(&self, other: &Version) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&ExactRevision(f1), &ExactRevision(f2)) => f1 < f2,
(&SemVersion(v1), &SemVersion(v2)) => v1 < v2,
_ => false // incomparable, really
fn le(&self, other: &Version) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&ExactRevision(f1), &ExactRevision(f2)) => f1 <= f2,
(&SemVersion(v1), &SemVersion(v2)) => v1 <= v2,
_ => false // incomparable, really
fn ge(&self, other: &Version) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&ExactRevision(f1), &ExactRevision(f2)) => f1 > f2,
(&SemVersion(v1), &SemVersion(v2)) => v1 > v2,
_ => false // incomparable, really
fn gt(&self, other: &Version) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(&ExactRevision(f1), &ExactRevision(f2)) => f1 >= f2,
(&SemVersion(v1), &SemVersion(v2)) => v1 >= v2,
_ => false // incomparable, really
impl ToStr for Version {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
match *self {
ExactRevision(n) => n.to_str(),
SemVersion(v) => v.to_str()
/// Placeholder
fn default_version() -> Version { ExactRevision(0.1) }
// Path-fragment identifier of a package such as
// ''; path must be a relative
// path with >=1 component.
pub struct PkgId {
path: Path,
version: Version
pub impl PkgId {
fn new(s: &str) -> PkgId {
use bad_pkg_id::cond;
let p = Path(s);
if p.is_absolute {
return cond.raise((p, ~"absolute pkgid"));
if p.components.len() < 1 {
return cond.raise((p, ~"0-length pkgid"));
PkgId {
path: p,
version: default_version()
fn hash(&self) -> ~str {
fmt!("%s-%s-%s", self.path.to_str(),
hash(self.path.to_str() + self.version.to_str()),
impl ToStr for PkgId {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
// should probably use the filestem and not the whole path
fmt!("%s-v%s", self.path.to_str(), self.version.to_str())
pub struct Pkg {
id: PkgId,
bins: ~[~str],
libs: ~[~str],
impl ToStr for Pkg {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
pub fn root() -> Path {
match filesearch::get_rustpkg_root() {
result::Ok(path) => path,
@ -309,294 +408,22 @@ pub fn wait_for_lock(path: &Path) {
fn _add_pkg(packages: ~[json::Json], pkg: &Package) -> ~[json::Json] {
for packages.each |&package| {
match &package {
&json::Object(ref map) => {
let mut has_id = false;
match map.get(&~"id") {
&json::String(ref str) => {
if == *str {
has_id = true;
_ => {}
match map.get(&~"vers") {
&json::String(ref str) => {
if has_id && pkg.vers.to_str() == *str {
return copy packages;
_ => {}
_ => {}
let mut map = ~HashMap::new();
map.insert(~"id", json::String(;
map.insert(~"vers", json::String(pkg.vers.to_str()));
map.insert(~"bins", json::List(do |&bin| {
map.insert(~"libs", json::List(do |&lib| {
vec::append(packages, ~[json::Object(map)])
fn _rm_pkg(packages: ~[json::Json], pkg: &Package) -> ~[json::Json] {
do packages.filter_mapped |&package| {
match &package {
&json::Object(ref map) => {
let mut has_id = false;
match map.get(&~"id") {
&json::String(str) => {
if == str {
has_id = true;
_ => {}
match map.get(&~"vers") {
&json::String(ref str) => {
if has_id && pkg.vers.to_str() == *str {
} else {
Some(copy package)
_ => { Some(copy package) }
_ => { Some(copy package) }
pub fn load_pkgs() -> result::Result<~[json::Json], ~str> {
let root = root();
let db = root.push(~"db.json");
let db_lock = root.push(~"db.json.lck");
let packages = if os::path_exists(&db) {
match io::read_whole_file_str(&db) {
result::Ok(str) => {
match json::from_str(str) {
result::Ok(json) => {
match json {
json::List(list) => list,
_ => {
return result::Err(
~"package db's json is not a list");
result::Err(err) => {
return result::Err(
fmt!("failed to parse package db: %s",
result::Err(err) => {
return result::Err(fmt!("failed to read package db: %s",
} else { ~[] };
fail!(~"load_pkg not implemented");
pub fn get_pkg(id: ~str,
vers: Option<~str>) -> result::Result<Package, ~str> {
let name = match parse_name(id) {
result::Ok(name) => name,
result::Err(err) => return result::Err(err)
let packages = match load_pkgs() {
result::Ok(packages) => packages,
result::Err(err) => return result::Err(err)
let mut sel = None;
let mut possibs = ~[];
let mut err = None;
for packages.each |&package| {
match package {
json::Object(map) => {
let pid = match map.get(&~"id") {
&json::String(str) => str,
_ => loop
let pname = match parse_name(pid) {
result::Ok(pname) => pname,
result::Err(perr) => {
err = Some(perr);
let pvers = match map.get(&~"vers") {
&json::String(str) => str,
_ => loop
if pid == id || pname == name {
let bins = match map.get(&~"bins") {
&json::List(ref list) => {
do |&bin| {
match bin {
json::String(str) => str,
_ => ~""
_ => ~[]
let libs = match map.get(&~"libs") {
&json::List(ref list) => {
do |&lib| {
match lib {
json::String(str) => str,
_ => ~""
_ => ~[]
let package = Package {
id: pid,
vers: match parse_vers(pvers) {
result::Ok(vers) => vers,
result::Err(verr) => {
err = Some(verr);
bins: bins,
libs: libs
if !vers.is_none() && vers.get() == pvers {
sel = Some(package);
else {
_ => {}
if !err.is_none() {
return result::Err(err.get());
if !sel.is_none() {
return result::Ok(sel.get());
if !vers.is_none() || possibs.len() < 1 {
return result::Err(~"package not found");
let possibs = sort::merge_sort(possibs, |v1, v2| {
v1.vers <= v2.vers
result::Ok(copy *possibs.last())
pub fn get_pkg(_id: ~str,
_vers: Option<~str>) -> result::Result<Pkg, ~str> {
fail!(~"get_pkg not implemented");
pub fn add_pkg(pkg: &Package) -> bool {
let root = root();
let db = root.push(~"db.json");
let db_lock = root.push(~"db.json.lck");
let packages = match load_pkgs() {
result::Ok(packages) => packages,
result::Err(err) => {
return false;
match io::mk_file_writer(&db, ~[io::Create]) {
result::Ok(writer) => {
_add_pkg(packages, pkg))));
result::Err(err) => {
error(fmt!("failed to dump package db: %s", err));
return false;
pub fn remove_pkg(pkg: &Package) -> bool {
let root = root();
let db = root.push(~"db.json");
let db_lock = root.push(~"db.json.lck");
let packages = match load_pkgs() {
result::Ok(packages) => packages,
result::Err(err) => {
return false;
match io::mk_file_writer(&db, ~[io::Create]) {
result::Ok(writer) => {
_rm_pkg(packages, pkg))));
result::Err(err) => {
error(fmt!("failed to dump package db: %s", err));
return false;
pub fn add_pkg(pkg: &Pkg) -> bool {
note(fmt!("Would be adding package, but add_pkg is not yet implemented %s",
// FIXME (#4432): Use workcache to only compile when needed
pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<Path>,
in_file: &Path,
out_dir: &Path,
@ -605,22 +432,41 @@ pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<Path>,
opt: bool,
test: bool) -> bool {
assert in_file.components.len() > 1;
assert!(in_file.components.len() > 1);
let input = driver::file_input(copy *in_file);
let short_name = in_file.pop().filename().get();
debug!("compile_input: %s", in_file.to_str());
// tjc: by default, use the package ID name as the link name
// not sure if we should support anything else
let short_name = in_file.filestem().expect("Can't compile a directory!");
debug!("short_name = %s", short_name.to_str());
// Right now we're always assuming that we're building a library.
// What we should do is parse the crate and infer whether it's a library
// from the absence or presence of a main fn
let out_file = out_dir.push(os::dll_filename(short_name));
let building_library = true;
debug!("compiling %s into %s",
let binary = os::args()[0];
let matches = getopts(flags, driver::optgroups()).get();
debug!("flags: %s", str::connect(flags, ~" "));
debug!("cfgs: %s", str::connect(cfgs, ~" "));
// Again, we assume we're building a library
let matches = getopts(~[~"-Z", ~"time-passes"]
+ if building_library { ~[~"--lib"] } else { ~[] }
+ flags
+ cfgs.flat_map(|&c| { ~[~"--cfg", c] }),
let options = @session::options {
crate_type: session::unknown_crate,
crate_type: if building_library { session::lib_crate }
else { session::bin_crate },
optimize: if opt { session::Aggressive } else { session::No },
test: test,
maybe_sysroot: sysroot,
addl_lib_search_paths: ~[copy *out_dir],
.. *driver::build_session_options(binary, &matches, diagnostic::emit)
let mut crate_cfg = options.cfg;
@ -631,94 +477,42 @@ pub fn compile_input(sysroot: Option<Path>,
let options = @session::options {
cfg: vec::append(options.cfg, crate_cfg),
// output_type should be conditional
output_type: output_type_exe, // Use this to get a library? That's weird
.. *options
let sess = driver::build_session(options, diagnostic::emit);
debug!("calling compile_crate_from_input, out_dir = %s,
building_library = %?", out_dir.to_str(), sess.building_library);
compile_crate_from_input(input, Some(*out_dir), sess, None, binary);
// Should use workcache to avoid recompiling when not necessary
// Should also rename this to something better
// If crate_opt is present, then finish compilation. If it's None, then
// call compile_upto and return the crate
pub fn compile_crate_from_input(input: driver::input, build_dir_opt: Option<Path>,
sess: session::Session, crate_opt: Option<@ast::crate>,
binary: ~str) -> @ast::crate {
debug!("Calling build_output_filenames with %?", build_dir_opt);
let outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input, &build_dir_opt, &None, sess);
debug!("Outputs are %? and output type = %?", outputs, sess.opts.output_type);
let cfg = driver::build_configuration(sess, binary, input);
let mut outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input, &None, &None,
let (crate, _) = driver::compile_upto(sess, cfg, input, driver::cu_parse,
let mut name = None;
let mut vers = None;
let mut crate_type = None;
fn load_link_attr(mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> (Option<~str>,
Option<~str>) {
let mut name = None;
let mut vers = None;
for mis.each |a| {
match a.node {
ast::meta_name_value(v, spanned {node: ast::lit_str(s),
span: _}) => {
match *v {
~"name" => name = Some(*s),
~"vers" => vers = Some(*s),
_ => { }
_ => {}
(name, vers)
for crate.node.attrs.each |a| {
match a.node.value.node {
ast::meta_name_value(v, spanned {node: ast::lit_str(s),
span: _}) => {
match *v {
~"crate_type" => crate_type = Some(*s),
_ => {}
ast::meta_list(v, mis) => {
match *v {
~"link" => {
let (n, v) = load_link_attr(mis);
name = n;
vers = v;
_ => {}
_ => {}
let is_bin = match crate_type {
Some(crate_type) => {
match crate_type {
~"bin" => true,
~"lib" => false,
_ => {
warn(~"unknown crate_type, falling back to lib");
match crate_opt {
Some(c) => {
debug!("Calling compile_rest, outputs = %?", outputs);
driver::compile_rest(sess, cfg, driver::cu_everything, Some(outputs), Some(c));
None => {
warn(~"missing crate_type attr, assuming lib");
debug!("Calling compile_upto, outputs = %?", outputs);
let (crate, _) = driver::compile_upto(sess, cfg, input, driver::cu_parse,
outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input,
&Some(copy *out_dir),
driver::compile_rest(sess, cfg, driver::cu_everything,
@ -731,13 +525,20 @@ pub fn exe_suffix() -> ~str { ~".exe" }
pub fn exe_suffix() -> ~str { ~"" }
// Called by build_crates
// FIXME (#4432): Use workcache to only compile when needed
pub fn compile_crate(sysroot: Option<Path>, crate: &Path, dir: &Path,
flags: ~[~str], cfgs: ~[~str], opt: bool,
test: bool) -> bool {
debug!("compile_crate: crate=%s, dir=%s", crate.to_str(), dir.to_str());
debug!("compile_crate: flags =...");
for flags.each |&fl| {
debug!("+++ %s", fl);
compile_input(sysroot, crate, dir, flags, cfgs, opt, test)
pub fn link_exe(_src: &Path, _dest: &Path) -> bool {
/* FIXME (#1768): Investigate how to do this on win32