Switch run_program over to ifaces

This commit is contained in:
Marijn Haverbeke 2012-01-11 13:27:46 +01:00
parent 4f76db43e6
commit 807592e99f

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Module: run
Process spawning
import core::option;
import option::{some, none};
import str::sbuf;
import ctypes::{fd_t, pid_t};
@ -23,21 +23,11 @@ native mod rustrt {
/* Section: Types */
Resource: program_res
Iface: program
A resource that manages the destruction of a <program> object
program_res ensures that the destroy method is called on a
program object in order to close open file descriptors.
A value representing a child process
resource program_res(p: program) { p.destroy(); }
Obj: program
An object representing a child process
type program = obj {
iface program {
Method: get_id
@ -87,7 +77,7 @@ type program = obj {
Closes open handles
fn destroy();
/* Section: Operations */
@ -151,7 +141,7 @@ fn run_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> int {
Function: start_program
Spawns a process and returns a boxed <program_res>
Spawns a process and returns a program
The returned value is a boxed resource containing a <program> object that can
be used for sending and recieving data over the standard file descriptors.
@ -166,7 +156,7 @@ Returns:
A boxed resource of <program>
fn start_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> @program_res {
fn start_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> program {
let pipe_input = os::pipe();
let pipe_output = os::pipe();
let pipe_err = os::pipe();
@ -178,43 +168,54 @@ fn start_program(prog: str, args: [str]) -> @program_res {
obj new_program(pid: pid_t,
mutable in_fd: fd_t,
out_file: os::libc::FILE,
err_file: os::libc::FILE,
mutable finished: bool) {
fn get_id() -> pid_t { ret pid; }
fn input() -> io::writer {
ret io::new_writer(io::fd_buf_writer(in_fd, option::none));
fn output() -> io::reader {
ret io::new_reader(io::FILE_buf_reader(out_file, option::none));
fn err() -> io::reader {
ret io::new_reader(io::FILE_buf_reader(err_file, option::none));
fn close_input() {
let invalid_fd = -1i32;
if in_fd != invalid_fd {
in_fd = invalid_fd;
fn finish() -> int {
if finished { ret 0; }
finished = true;
ret waitpid(pid);
fn destroy() {
type prog_repr = {pid: pid_t,
mutable in_fd: fd_t,
out_file: os::libc::FILE,
err_file: os::libc::FILE,
mutable finished: bool};
fn close_repr_input(r: prog_repr) {
let invalid_fd = -1i32;
if r.in_fd != invalid_fd {
r.in_fd = invalid_fd;
ret @program_res(new_program(pid, pipe_input.out,
os::fd_FILE(pipe_err.in), false));
fn finish_repr(r: prog_repr) -> int {
if r.finished { ret 0; }
r.finished = true;
ret waitpid(r.pid);
fn destroy_repr(r: prog_repr) {
resource prog_res(r: prog_repr) { destroy_repr(r); }
impl of program for prog_res {
fn get_id() -> pid_t { ret self.pid; }
fn input() -> io::writer {
ret io::new_writer(io::fd_buf_writer(self.in_fd, none));
fn output() -> io::reader {
ret io::new_reader(io::FILE_buf_reader(self.out_file, none));
fn err() -> io::reader {
ret io::new_reader(io::FILE_buf_reader(self.err_file, none));
fn close_input() { close_repr_input(*self); }
fn finish() -> int { finish_repr(*self) }
fn destroy() { destroy_repr(*self); }
let repr = {pid: pid,
mutable in_fd: pipe_input.out,
out_file: os::fd_FILE(pipe_output.in),
err_file: os::fd_FILE(pipe_err.in),
mutable finished: false};
ret prog_res(repr) as program;
fn read_all(rd: io::reader) -> str {