Linked failure touchups (#1868)
This commit is contained in:
@ -185,13 +185,12 @@ type task_opts = {
// when you try to reuse the builder to spawn a new task. We'll just
// sidestep that whole issue by making builders uncopyable and making
// the run function move them in.
class dummy { let x: (); new() { self.x = (); } drop { } }
// FIXME (#2585): Replace the 'consumed' bit with move mode on self
enum task_builder = {
opts: task_opts,
gen_body: fn@(+fn~()) -> fn~(),
can_not_copy: option<dummy>,
can_not_copy: option<util::noncopyable>,
mut consumed: bool,
@ -598,8 +597,8 @@ unsafe fn atomically<U>(f: fn() -> U) -> U {
* A new one of these is created each spawn_linked or spawn_supervised.
* (2) The "taskgroup" is a per-task control structure that tracks a task's
* spawn configuration. It contains a reference to its taskgroup_arc,
* (2) The "tcb" is a per-task control structure that tracks a task's spawn
* configuration. It contains a reference to its taskgroup_arc, a
* a reference to its node in the ancestor list (below), a flag for
* whether it's part of the 'main'/'root' taskgroup, and an optionally
* configured notification port. These are stored in TLS.
@ -641,8 +640,8 @@ unsafe fn atomically<U>(f: fn() -> U) -> U {
* ( E )- - - - - - - > | {E} {} |
* \___/ |_________|
* "taskgroup" "taskgroup_arc"
* "ancestor_list"
* "tcb" "taskgroup_arc"
* "ancestor_list"
@ -694,6 +693,7 @@ type taskgroup_arc = arc::exclusive<option<taskgroup_data>>;
type taskgroup_inner = &mut option<taskgroup_data>;
// A taskgroup is 'dead' when nothing can cause it to fail; only members can.
fn taskgroup_is_dead(tg: taskgroup_data) -> bool {
(&mut tg.members).is_empty()
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ fn taskgroup_is_dead(tg: taskgroup_data) -> bool {
// taskgroup which was spawned-unlinked. Tasks from intermediate generations
// have references to the middle of the list; when intermediate generations
// die, their node in the list will be collected at a descendant's spawn-time.
enum ancestor_list = option<arc::exclusive<{
type ancestor_node = {
// Since the ancestor list is recursive, we end up with references to
// exclusives within other exclusives. This is dangerous business (if
// circular references arise, deadlock and memory leaks are imminent).
@ -717,7 +717,19 @@ enum ancestor_list = option<arc::exclusive<{
mut parent_group: option<taskgroup_arc>,
// Recursive rest of the list.
mut ancestors: ancestor_list,
enum ancestor_list = option<arc::exclusive<ancestor_node>>;
// Accessors for taskgroup arcs and ancestor arcs that wrap the unsafety.
fn access_group<U>(x: taskgroup_arc, blk: fn(taskgroup_inner) -> U) -> U {
unsafe { x.with(|_c, tg| blk(tg)) }
fn access_ancestors<U>(x: arc::exclusive<ancestor_node>,
blk: fn(x: &mut ancestor_node) -> U) -> U {
unsafe { x.with(|_c, nobe| blk(nobe)) }
// Iterates over an ancestor list.
// (1) Runs forward_blk on each ancestral taskgroup in the list
@ -782,7 +794,7 @@ fn each_ancestor(list: &mut ancestor_list,
// the end of the list, which doesn't make sense to coalesce.
return do (*ancestors).map_default((none,false)) |ancestor_arc| {
// NB: Takes a lock! (this ancestor node)
do ancestor_arc.with |_c, nobe| {
do access_ancestors(ancestor_arc) |nobe| {
// Check monotonicity
assert last_generation > nobe.generation;
@ -847,7 +859,7 @@ fn each_ancestor(list: &mut ancestor_list,
// If this trips, more likely the problem is 'blk' failed inside.
assert tmp.is_some();
let tmp_arc = option::unwrap(tmp);
let result = do tmp_arc.with |_c, tg_opt| { blk(tg_opt) };
let result = do access_group(tmp_arc) |tg_opt| { blk(tg_opt) };
*parent_group <- some(tmp_arc);
@ -855,7 +867,7 @@ fn each_ancestor(list: &mut ancestor_list,
// One of these per task.
class taskgroup {
class tcb {
let me: *rust_task;
// List of tasks with whose fates this one's is intertwined.
let tasks: taskgroup_arc; // 'none' means the group has failed.
@ -878,12 +890,12 @@ class taskgroup {
if rustrt::rust_task_is_unwinding( {
self.notifier.iter(|x| { x.failed = true; });
// Take everybody down with us.
do self.tasks.with |_c, tg| {
do access_group(self.tasks) |tg| {
kill_taskgroup(tg,, self.is_main);
} else {
// Remove ourselves from the group(s).
do self.tasks.with |_c, tg| {
do access_group(self.tasks) |tg| {
leave_taskgroup(tg,, true);
@ -977,7 +989,7 @@ fn kill_taskgroup(state: taskgroup_inner, me: *rust_task, is_main: bool) {
// FIXME (#2912): Work around core-vs-coretest function duplication. Can't use
// a proper closure because the #[test]s won't understand. Have to fake it.
unsafe fn taskgroup_key() -> local_data_key<taskgroup> {
unsafe fn taskgroup_key() -> local_data_key<tcb> {
// Use a "code pointer" value that will never be a real code pointer.
unsafe::transmute((-2 as uint, 0u))
@ -998,13 +1010,12 @@ fn gen_child_taskgroup(linked: bool, supervised: bool)
mut descendants: new_taskset() }));
// Main task/group has no ancestors, no notifier, etc.
let group =
@taskgroup(spawner, tasks, ancestor_list(none), true, none);
@tcb(spawner, tasks, ancestor_list(none), true, none);
unsafe { local_set(spawner, taskgroup_key(), group); }
some(group) { group }
//for each_ancestor(&mut spawner_group.ancestors, none) |_a| { };
* Step 2. Process spawn options for child.
@ -1027,7 +1038,7 @@ fn gen_child_taskgroup(linked: bool, supervised: bool)
// it should be enabled only in debug builds.
let new_generation =
alt *old_ancestors {
some(arc) { do arc.with |_c,nobe| { nobe.generation+1 } }
some(arc) { access_ancestors(arc, |a| a.generation+1) }
none { 0 } // the actual value doesn't really matter.
assert new_generation < uint::max_value;
@ -1118,8 +1129,8 @@ fn spawn_raw(opts: task_opts, +f: fn~()) {
let notifier =|c| auto_notify(c));
if enlist_many(child, child_arc, &mut ancestors) {
let group = @taskgroup(child, child_arc, ancestors,
is_main, notifier);
let group = @tcb(child, child_arc, ancestors,
is_main, notifier);
unsafe { local_set(child, taskgroup_key(), group); }
// Run the child's body.
@ -1134,7 +1145,7 @@ fn spawn_raw(opts: task_opts, +f: fn~()) {
ancestors: &mut ancestor_list) -> bool {
// Join this taskgroup.
let mut result =
do child_arc.with |_c, child_tg| {
do access_group(child_arc) |child_tg| {
enlist_in_taskgroup(child_tg, child, true) // member
if result {
@ -1151,7 +1162,7 @@ fn spawn_raw(opts: task_opts, +f: fn~()) {
// If any ancestor group fails, need to exit this group too.
if !result {
do child_arc.with |_c, child_tg| {
do access_group(child_arc) |child_tg| {
leave_taskgroup(child_tg, child, true); // member
@ -1485,7 +1496,7 @@ fn test_spawn_unlinked_unsup_no_fail_down() { // grandchild sends on a port
do spawn_unlinked {
do spawn_unlinked {
// Give middle task a chance to fail-but-not-kill-us.
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
comm::send(ch, ()); // If killed first, grandparent hangs.
fail; // Shouldn't kill either (grand)parent or (grand)child.
@ -1500,7 +1511,7 @@ fn test_spawn_unlinked_unsup_no_fail_up() { // child unlinked fails
fn test_spawn_unlinked_sup_no_fail_up() { // child unlinked fails
do spawn_supervised { fail; }
// Give child a chance to fail-but-not-kill-us.
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_spawn_unlinked_sup_fail_down() {
@ -1569,7 +1580,7 @@ fn test_spawn_failure_propagate_grandchild() {
loop { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
@ -1581,7 +1592,7 @@ fn test_spawn_failure_propagate_secondborn() {
loop { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
@ -1593,7 +1604,7 @@ fn test_spawn_failure_propagate_nephew_or_niece() {
loop { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
@ -1605,7 +1616,7 @@ fn test_spawn_linked_sup_propagate_sibling() {
loop { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(128) { task::yield(); }
for iter::repeat(16) { task::yield(); }
@ -2006,7 +2017,9 @@ fn test_atomically_nested() {
fn test_child_doesnt_ref_parent() {
// If the child refcounts the parent task, this will stack overflow when
// climbing the task tree to dereference each ancestor. (See #1789)
const generations: uint = 128;
// (well, it would if the constant were 8000+ - I lowered it to be more
// valgrind-friendly. try this at home, instead..!)
const generations: uint = 16;
fn child_no(x: uint) -> fn~() {
return || {
if x < generations {
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