
This commit is contained in:
bjorn3 2018-08-15 15:23:28 +02:00
parent 7f2a8f8a66
commit 7d3f2ba49f
2 changed files with 14 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -13,27 +13,30 @@ else
extract_data() {
pushd target/out/
ar x $1 data.o &&
chmod +rw data.o &&
mv data.o $2
RUSTC="rustc -Zcodegen-backend=$(pwd)/target/debug/librustc_codegen_cranelift.$dylib_ext -L crate=."
RUSTC="rustc -Zcodegen-backend=$(pwd)/target/debug/librustc_codegen_cranelift.$dylib_ext -L crate=target/out --out-dir target/out"
pushd target/libcore
rm -r target/out
SHOULD_CODEGEN=1 $RUSTC ../../examples/ --crate-name mini_core --crate-type lib &&
SHOULD_CODEGEN=1 $RUSTC examples/ --crate-name mini_core --crate-type lib &&
extract_data libmini_core.rlib mini_core.o &&
$RUSTC ../../examples/ --crate-type lib &&
$RUSTC examples/ --crate-type lib &&
SHOULD_RUN=1 $RUSTC ../../examples/ --crate-type bin &&
SHOULD_RUN=1 $RUSTC examples/ --crate-type bin &&
$RUSTC ../../examples/ --crate-type bin &&
$RUSTC examples/ --crate-type bin &&
extract_data mini_core_hello_world mini_core_hello_world.o &&
gcc mini_core.o mini_core_hello_world.o -o mini_core_hello_world &&
./mini_core_hello_world &&
gcc target/out/mini_core.o target/out/mini_core_hello_world.o -o target/out/mini_core_hello_world || exit 1
$RUSTC target/libcore/src/libcore/ --color=always --crate-type lib -Cincremental=target/incremental 2>&1 | (head -n 20; echo "===="; tail -n 1000)
cat target/libcore/log.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep -v "rval unsize move" | grep -v "rval len"
$RUSTC src/libcore/ --color=always --crate-type lib -Cincremental=incremental 2>&1 | (head -n 20; echo "===="; tail -n 1000)
cat log.txt | sort | uniq -c | grep -v "rval unsize move" | grep -v "rval len"

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@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ impl CodegenBackend for CraneliftCodegenBackend {
context: Context::new(),
let mut log = ::std::fs::File::create("log.txt").unwrap();
let mut log = ::std::fs::File::create("target/out/log.txt").unwrap();
let before = ::std::time::Instant::now();
let mono_items =