Add Ty::Apply

This commit is contained in:
Florian Diebold 2019-03-17 18:20:51 +01:00
parent bc7752e527
commit 7a8ba53542

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@ -20,11 +20,84 @@ pub(crate) use lower::{TypableDef, CallableDef, type_for_def, type_for_field, ca
pub(crate) use infer::{infer, InferenceResult, InferTy};
use display::{HirDisplay, HirFormatter};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum TypeName {
/// The primitive boolean type. Written as `bool`.
/// The primitive character type; holds a Unicode scalar value
/// (a non-surrogate code point). Written as `char`.
/// A primitive integer type. For example, `i32`.
/// A primitive floating-point type. For example, `f64`.
/// Structures, enumerations and unions.
/// The pointee of a string slice. Written as `str`.
/// The pointee of an array slice. Written as `[T]`.
/// An array with the given length. Written as `[T; n]`.
/// A raw pointer. Written as `*mut T` or `*const T`
/// A reference; a pointer with an associated lifetime. Written as
/// `&'a mut T` or `&'a T`.
/// The anonymous type of a function declaration/definition. Each
/// function has a unique type, which is output (for a function
/// named `foo` returning an `i32`) as `fn() -> i32 {foo}`.
/// This includes tuple struct / enum variant constructors as well.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar = foo; // bar: fn() -> i32 {foo}
/// ```
/// A pointer to a function. Written as `fn() -> i32`.
/// For example the type of `bar` here:
/// ```rust
/// fn foo() -> i32 { 1 }
/// let bar: fn() -> i32 = foo;
/// ```
/// The never type `!`.
/// A tuple type. For example, `(i32, bool)`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct ApplicationTy {
pub name: TypeName,
pub parameters: Substs,
/// A type. This is based on the `TyKind` enum in rustc (librustc/ty/
/// This should be cheap to clone.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Ty {
/// The primitive boolean type. Written as `bool`.
@ -139,6 +212,13 @@ impl Substs {
self.0 = v.into();
pub fn as_single(&self) -> &Ty {
if self.0.len() != 1 {
panic!("expected substs of len 1, got {:?}", self);
/// A function signature.
@ -176,12 +256,20 @@ impl FnSig {
impl Ty {
pub fn apply(name: TypeName, parameters: Substs) -> Ty {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters })
pub fn unit() -> Self {
Ty::apply(TypeName::Tuple, Substs::empty())
pub fn walk(&self, f: &mut impl FnMut(&Ty)) {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => {
for t in a_ty.parameters.iter() {
Ty::Slice(t) | Ty::Array(t) => t.walk(f),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => t.walk(f),
Ty::Ref(t, _) => t.walk(f),
@ -220,6 +308,9 @@ impl Ty {
fn walk_mut(&mut self, f: &mut impl FnMut(&mut Ty)) {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => {
Ty::Slice(t) | Ty::Array(t) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
Ty::Ref(t, _) => Arc::make_mut(t).walk_mut(f),
@ -258,6 +349,11 @@ impl Ty {
fn builtin_deref(&self) -> Option<Ty> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => match {
TypeName::Ref(..) => Some(Ty::clone(a_ty.parameters.as_single())),
TypeName::RawPtr(..) => Some(Ty::clone(a_ty.parameters.as_single())),
_ => None,
Ty::Ref(t, _) => Some(Ty::clone(t)),
Ty::RawPtr(t, _) => Some(Ty::clone(t)),
_ => None,
@ -270,6 +366,9 @@ impl Ty {
/// `Option<u32>` afterwards.)
pub fn apply_substs(self, substs: Substs) -> Ty {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, .. }) => {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { name, parameters: substs })
Ty::Adt { def_id, .. } => Ty::Adt { def_id, substs },
Ty::FnDef { def, .. } => Ty::FnDef { def, substs },
_ => self,
@ -296,6 +395,7 @@ impl Ty {
/// or function); so if `self` is `Option<u32>`, this returns the `u32`.
fn substs(&self) -> Option<Substs> {
match self {
Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { parameters, .. }) => Some(parameters.clone()),
Ty::Adt { substs, .. } | Ty::FnDef { substs, .. } => Some(substs.clone()),
_ => None,
@ -308,9 +408,85 @@ impl HirDisplay for &Ty {
impl HirDisplay for ApplicationTy {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter<impl HirDatabase>) -> fmt::Result {
match {
TypeName::Bool => write!(f, "bool")?,
TypeName::Char => write!(f, "char")?,
TypeName::Int(t) => write!(f, "{}", t)?,
TypeName::Float(t) => write!(f, "{}", t)?,
TypeName::Str => write!(f, "str")?,
TypeName::Slice | TypeName::Array => {
let t = self.parameters.as_single();
write!(f, "[{}]", t.display(f.db))?;
TypeName::RawPtr(m) => {
let t = self.parameters.as_single();
write!(f, "*{}{}", m.as_keyword_for_ptr(), t.display(f.db))?;
TypeName::Ref(m) => {
let t = self.parameters.as_single();
write!(f, "&{}{}", m.as_keyword_for_ref(), t.display(f.db))?;
TypeName::Never => write!(f, "!")?,
TypeName::Tuple => {
let ts = &self.parameters;
if ts.0.len() == 1 {
write!(f, "({},)", ts.0[0].display(f.db))?;
} else {
write!(f, "(")?;
f.write_joined(&*ts.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ")")?;
TypeName::FnPtr => {
let sig = FnSig::from_fn_ptr_substs(&self.parameters);
write!(f, "fn(")?;
f.write_joined(sig.params(), ", ")?;
write!(f, ") -> {}", sig.ret().display(f.db))?;
TypeName::FnDef(def) => {
let sig = f.db.callable_item_signature(def);
let name = match def {
CallableDef::Function(ff) =>,
CallableDef::Struct(s) =>,
CallableDef::EnumVariant(e) =>,
match def {
CallableDef::Function(_) => write!(f, "fn {}", name)?,
CallableDef::Struct(_) | CallableDef::EnumVariant(_) => write!(f, "{}", name)?,
if self.parameters.0.len() > 0 {
write!(f, "<")?;
f.write_joined(&*self.parameters.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ">")?;
write!(f, "(")?;
f.write_joined(sig.params(), ", ")?;
write!(f, ") -> {}", sig.ret().display(f.db))?;
TypeName::Adt(def_id) => {
let name = match def_id {
AdtDef::Struct(s) =>,
AdtDef::Enum(e) =>,
write!(f, "{}", name)?;
if self.parameters.0.len() > 0 {
write!(f, "<")?;
f.write_joined(&*self.parameters.0, ", ")?;
write!(f, ">")?;
impl HirDisplay for Ty {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter<impl HirDatabase>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Ty::Apply(a_ty) => a_ty.hir_fmt(f)?,
Ty::Bool => write!(f, "bool")?,
Ty::Char => write!(f, "char")?,
Ty::Int(t) => write!(f, "{}", t)?,